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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

friendlyShoulder45 October 25th, 2015

I can so relate to you.. Touched my heart.. Love you for both your writings..

PoliteOcean October 25th, 2015


Thank you for your kind words. This particular poem I wrote after I lost my "first" Love~

ve99 October 25th, 2015

everyday i woke up knowing I'm nothing

walking down the streets losing everything,

fighting my thoughts i thought were my friends but are foe's

worst of it is the feeling i get when i do the same chores,

I dreamed it to be fine, some where out there to shine,

will my words be ever audible

cause inside im so lost and feeble,

here i go losing again ,

feeling all over the pain,

not my dreams, not my scream

its not really what I've got,

nothing of them were bright enough plots,

All i asked was a chance to prove wrong ,

no more words to say this is my final song

Annie November 8th, 2015

@ve99, Your words are more than merely audible, they're clear and strong and beautiful.


pinkPal6446 October 26th, 2015

you made me do it

i had to leave

all i wanted was your love

and you destroyed me

the day you left i went numb

now im broken still

why make me hurt

all i did was give you my heart

you wont ever see my words

i wouldn't hurt you like that

you brought hope then took it away

bang bang bang is all i need

but i know you wont

i just hope she loves you right

since my love wasnt enough

Annie November 8th, 2015

Dear pinkpal, your poem is eloquent in portraying the intense pain of breaking up. Thank you for sharing it with us.


AngelinBlack5166 October 26th, 2015

Have you ever felt as if you had walked in a long path,
A path that only led to much misfortune and hurt?
That no matter how much you tried countlessly to be,
Happiness was always a tough place to search?

The things you've seen and the things you've felt,
Somehow always fell into a million shards.
Though those things once ment something,
They made no progress, from other histories fell apart.

Sometimes the feeling of bad luck,
It seems like a very common code.
Everyone claims of their sorrows to share,
Until the switch of their other everyday mode.

Its only so rare that I can see some good,
Come from these unfortunately clumsy nerves.
But once it finally breaks down to a final stopping point,
There is only so much that could be done to stop this hurt.

Every device I come into contact with stops charging,
Every toy I approach quickly drains its battery.
Every single moment I have that shares a good story,
Is only then lost away in the pit of pointless memories.

I am only able to remember the things of poor and sad,
Which is what inspires me to change my direction most of the time.
But as time begins to pass more and more,
It doesn't seem to Change; I cannot leave the bad behind.

Everywhere I go I steer something else in the wrong direction,
No matter how much I've tried to heal it through.
A lot of the things I used to have once,
Are completely useless, and only hardly worth it too.

Maybe one day I can finally retrieve one of something,
That can surely handle me and my messy luck,
But with the fortune of mine like this I cannot describe,
I am forced into this bad, miserable muck.

I only wait for that next cold-hearted someone to approach me just to say,
"Well jee, doesn't life suck."

October 27th, 2015


Beauty, is every bit of your flawed face and unruly hair,
With hints of shortcomings here and there.
Tattered edges, And soulful pledges-
That you will not conform to the shallow words of society
And their unrealistic definitions of Beauty.
Because beauty my dear , is also the very courage to face your fears.
The ethereal knowledge of empathy, compassion and a kind soulful tact.Things the world most dearly lacks.
So, thats beauty dictated out for you, For you ARE beauty and you are TRUE.

braveSugar7964 October 27th, 2015

That's lovely, thanks!

October 27th, 2015

You're welcome @bravesugar7964 :)

fairmindedBalloon6827 October 28th, 2015

Fantastic! Really enjoyed this. It's so easy in this media soaked world to focus on certain aspects of the physical. Depth and character aren't celebrated enough.

October 28th, 2015

very true indeed @fairmindedballoon6827 and thank you for appreciating it :)

October 27th, 2015

The tides.

Push and pull.

Back and forth.

You pull me up,

while you slowly sink,

Now I pull you up,

and somehow it repeats.

Will there be light at the end of the tunnel?


I thought love was enough

to heal broken wounds.

But it seems time is more powerful

or maybe time and love coincide,

and that it is in the patience of waiting

for you

that you and i

will truly heal.

October 27th, 2015

Whirlpools, Yin and Yang, Positive and Negative.

Nothing could be more fitting with our love

Than the parallels I've been fascinated all my life.

We switch currents, we switch sides,

Sometimes you're black and I am white.

I'm convinced, love is a science,

I'm learning that love is more than just what it appears to be.

I'm learning how commitment should be.

and it bothers misguided we are,

in a game that was meant for unbroken people.

Lostinwonderland1212 October 27th, 2015

She told me to look up at the stars on a clear winter night

She told me people are beautiful and in every darkness, there is light

She held me close when I cried and wiped away my tears

She told me not to believe the named given by my peers

She taught me to look at the world how she saw it

Not a mere group of rude people living on a non-magical planet

There is beauty in everything, and everything we do

Everything has a reason, even if we have no clue

She taught me how to love and how to smile through hardest times

And all those things she taught me still occasionally come to mind

But it's harder to believe them since she never taught me

People leave


Lostinwonderland1212 October 27th, 2015


fairmindedBalloon6827 October 28th, 2015

Beautiful and real.

PoliteOcean October 27th, 2015


Birthday wishes, birthday fun

how much fun turning "?-1"

You thought you had it,

my age that is,

well you didn't

because thats "my" biz~

Birthday wishes, Birthday fun,

not sure its fun turning "?-1"

I still won't share it

you still won't see,

my Birthday age

thats up to me~

to share with you

for me to disclose

age is just a number

I guess, I suppose?

Birthday wishes, Birthday fun,

how much fun turning ?-"1"

No balloons, No cake, no party for me,

So I let it go, I let it be~

Birthday wishes, birthday fun,

so much fun turning "?-1"

but its ok, I guess? I'll see?

I'll let it go, I'll let it be~

Birthday wishes, birthday fun,

so much fun turning "?-1"

Today's my day, a day so free

So I say Happy Birthday,


HighNotesAngel2222 October 28th, 2015

I am but a small voice

In a small, small world

I am but a little bird

Trying to be heard

I am but a length of yarn

Waiting for the loom

I am but a rosebud

Striving to bloom

I am but a lock of hair

In a beautiful curl

I am but a young soul

Just a little girl

I am but a small voice

But someday I will be heard

I am but a chick now

But someday I'll soar like a bird

Annie December 18th, 2015


I love these metaphors. And the theme! (And I think you have a wonderful voice as a poet, and not a small voice at that!)

October 28th, 2015

Shhh i'm screaming

i'm screaming,

but no one hears.

i'm crying,

but no one notices.

i'm dying,

but no one is grieving.

I complain,

but no one cares

i smile,

but inside i'm screaming

i laugh,

but inside i'm crying,

i live,

but inside i'm dying

I applaud,

but inside i'm complaining

i always think that if someone loved me, they would notice

good boys don't get noticed

good boys die a million, quiet, long death

Annie December 18th, 2015


Jeff, this poem knocks my socks off. Grabbed me at the first line and wouldn't let go. The antithesis, the sheer wail of emotion. Wow

sepulchralRefuge October 28th, 2015

I hate feeling exposed.

I hate the

Insecurity that coincides with

the way you have opened yourself

For everyone to see.

The way you cant decide


To feel or who to be,

Cant remember if you


Anything that matters at all.

It leaves you wondering, Am


Just a fool to feel like this?,

And Should I just

let myself

waste away?,

Leaving you wishing that you

Didnt have to


Up, wishing that you werent


And then doing the whole process


Annie December 18th, 2015


This is amazing. I love the structural composition that allows the meta-message. Wonderful!

sepulchralRefuge December 21st, 2015


Thank you!! It's a style that Ellen Hopkins often uses in her poetry books. She's a spectacular author by the way, I would recommend checking her out. Her characters are all very real in my opinion

Annie January 3rd, 2016


Very cool. I'll keep a lookout for her work.

pureatheart25 January 31st, 2016


wow thats how I feel I feel like that all the time your a scholar

batman4485 February 27th, 2016

@sepulchralRefuge I love this, spot on tyvm for sharing

fairmindedBalloon6827 October 28th, 2015

We give so we can take
Our love a bottomless pit
Fall in
I'm here
Hungry for you
Together at last
Devouring energy
Stealing time
Making new worlds
Just to destroy them
Take my hand so I can pull you close
Turn on you when you need me most
---- your ---- up
A smile that says "You really get me"
Twin flames
Together forever
An eternity cycling in and out of existence
Past pain binds us
Damned to forever recreate it
Mine, yours, theirs
What's it matter?
It's always emptiness in the end
Alone in the dark of nothingness
I'll have you by my side

expletive deleted by forum mentor Annie
sepulchralRefuge October 28th, 2015



braveSugar7964 October 28th, 2015

Yes, love it! yes

Annie December 29th, 2015


Wow. This poem crackles with intensity!

I agree that "Past pain binds us." (Wonderfully expressed -- I love the alliteration and monosyllables that provide a stark staccato punch.)

And I know that we can be damned to recreate pain. But I also firmly believe that we can escape the cycle, cease creating more wounds. We can find comfort again,I think. Even joy.

Faybee October 28th, 2015

And suddenly he left me. But that was okay. Because I am known to be the girl who can win the heart of another, But cannot keep it safe in her arms. I am known to be the girl who tries so hard to earn the love of another, And when it is won, I am known to --- up. I am complimented on my looks, But when asked about my love life, I would frown with heartbreak and grief, Because I am just another single, broken-hearted girl, Who tries so hard to be loved In order to love herself.
And maybe earning his love will change me, And maybe loosing his love will break me, But either way, I am just another girl who is strong; Broken; And unwanted.

Faybee October 29th, 2015

Meghlyn25 October 29th, 2015

I've given up

Lost it all

Can't believe

Ive made it

this far.


I'll travel.


I'll never survive


Annie December 18th, 2015

Dear @Meghlyn25,

This poem really touched me. The last line is especially moving.

(And please don't give up. You have a voice. You have things to say that matter.)


Blagfar October 29th, 2015

Just take my bleeding soul

Its all on me

My small heart black as coal

Taken for free

Scars for payment

Tears in my eyes

My pain, this Arrangement

Fear my Demise

Annie December 18th, 2015


I found this powerful. And the use of rhyme is very interesting, unobtrusive.

And the metaphors, they might have seemed old but you've given them a new-ness that surprises me.

October 29th, 2015


Sounds like Laugh

And this is not the good kind of laugh anymore

but rather the hysterical kind.

I'm losing the point.

It doesn't heal. It doesnt help.

Nothing helps...

when you don't love yourself.

Nobody can reach you

when you don't love yourself.

Walls are built from within,

and only a few dedicated souls can get in -- barely.

But I bet they're bruised, battered, and slowly getting broken.

Just to reach you.

My love for you, I swore, was eternal.

I swore.

To grow up,

I swore to be better.

You promised the same, only to falter.

Where are you now?

Where will I lose you?

Why are you going back to the fort that consumed you?

Why choose death over life?

Why choose emptiness, despair, delirium over warmth and joy?

Is it easier?

That's it????

That's your only reason????



....then maybe I'm just not worth it for you.

Annie December 18th, 2015


Strong stuff. You've nailed important points about love, self-love, purpose. Bravo.