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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Mephobia October 16th, 2015

@Tish1982 That sweetness does reflect in your words Tish :)

Mephobia October 16th, 2015

I won't tell you

Every time I take
one step closer to you,
you push me away.
I have to think
before speaking to you now.

That's not how I know you.
So, No.
I won't answer you
Not now.
Not Here.

Sit before me,
I will tie you to my couch,
so you cant run and hide,
you can't brush me off,
you can't scream your mind,
you can't polish with a lie,
you cant frustratedly ambush me
Now look me in the eyes
and ask me any question.
I will answer you.
Not like this,
not when you are behind
the facade of technology.

You hurt me a lot.
I don't know where you are in your life.
I don't know where I stand.
You would say,
I was frustrated,
but why because I was scared?

Yes I am happier when you are around.
But you did two things which you shouldn't have, you left me to find my own happiness
and you let me get used to you not being around.
And I won't answer.
I won't tell you,
Not Now
Not here

November 8th, 2015

@Mephobia Yes. Yes. Yes.

Mephobia November 8th, 2015

@weepingartist surprise

November 8th, 2015

@Mephobia i just had to write the first thing that came to mind after reading it. it resonates with me a's such a beautiful poem. it's making me cry reading it again

Mephobia November 8th, 2015

@weepingartist Hey thank you :)

TBH it didn't originate as a poem, it was a real reply I had to type out for someone (who was hurt and throwing hurt around) in real life. It really hurt to write this too. I dont know if I should be happy that it resonates with you

March 24th, 2017

@Mephobia i never got to reply because I never understood the way the thread works in 7cups. They never bring me to the tag itself, and sometimes I get online months later from the original response times.

I was at a terrible point in my life when this resonated with me. It must've been horrible for you too...I hope things are well now. -hugs-

MrSoftey1991 October 16th, 2015

A solitary tear rolls down my skin,

I had hoped that they would not begin,

I'm usually a master at hiding my pain,

But unfortunately it's become to strong again,

I try ever so hard not to be weak,

Yet a man stronger than I would surely speak,

All the pain, sadness and anger I feel,

Makes each day seem so surreal,

I remember I laughed and even smiled too,

But was it for real ? I have no clue,

Ive become a prisoner of my own mind,

No longer feeling like part of mankind,

I know it's stress that causes my frown,

Depression makes me hide within the tears of a clown,

I know it's my illness surely you see,

But it's been so long Ive lost grasp of what's me,

Who I was seems like a distant dream,

Who I am makes me want to scream,

I live in a nightmare; no chance of waking,

My sanity is what my illness is taking,

Worry not about me for I shall survive,

I will fight on to live even though I am not alive,

I will break free from my bonds and my shackles,

I will fight on and eventually win this battle,

Although right now my life may seem bleak,

I'll find a way to break my losing streak,

I can beat this thing in the end,

And then my heart and soul I can mend.

AshRebel86 October 16th, 2015

It throbs

It breaks

It bleeds through


It crawls

It spreads

It makes one feel dread

It aches and it burns

And it's like the world doesn't turn

I'm breaking


But still I stand

And still I stay

I make it through to another day

For the longer the cold dark lasts

The brighter the light shines

And the further the night stretches it's clammy fingers across our vast skies

The more beautiful the sunrise

And the brighter the sun shines

braveSugar7964 October 16th, 2015

heartLovely, thank you..

twntyonereasonstosmile October 17th, 2015

I want to hate you.
Oh I want to hate you so bad.
But I can't hate you at all…All I have for you is love.
So maybe I should hate myself for loving you, even when I know you aren't mine to keep.

PoliteOcean October 17th, 2015

I dream of love, a love so fine,

of hearts of souls that intertwine~

I dream of love a love so sweet

a love that sweeps me off my feet~

I dream of love, one so unique,

the kind of love that can't be beat~

I dream of love between you and me,

I have you now and you have me~

So off we go, just you and I

No longer a dream,

Your now my guy~

Just you and me, and me and you,

together at last, together so true~

imaginitiveballon October 18th, 2015

A patron drinking 3 beers and a coffee at the pub I am

Hiding Loneliness which wishes to burst at times like a broken dam

Longing for a Hug

Each and every chug

Wanting to shout out loud Hey I need a hug just hold me for a bit

Sure would be nice of Hi again wasnt just it

When i first started coming in Hi how are you each and every smile

Now a regular and feeling taken for granted once in a while

Only 3 servers remain that are personable and nice

Others that I have commended seem to have become a little cold as ice

Sometimes I still feel like im now taken for granted

Suprisinlgly surpressing myself where I havent ranted

Yes I know thier dollar and tips are the bottom line

But it sure would be nice to feel a little special again in time

Its funny when you pay the bill they ask whats on your agenda for today

Why couldnt you ask me that during the 3 hours I stay

At times I wish I wouldnt have such a soft heart

But thats who I am in my lifes part

What is a man suppose to do

If loneliness is the only thing he knows through and through

blueNectarine3036 October 18th, 2015

i wish you knew what it feels like to be here in this moment
to breathe you in and lay down beside you as our hearts meld into one
and fade into sleep
i wish i had the words

politeBlueberry2084 October 18th, 2015

I wish I had just told you

How deep your words had cut

To turn around and slap you

For calling me a slut

I wish I could be strong

And finally speak my mind

Because you've always been so wrong

And I've always been too kind

You abuse the fact I'm shy

I may have loved you before

But you call me when you're high

Just to call me a fcking whore

So I wish I had just told you

That you belonged in hell

No matter how much my heart still holds you

I know I have to say farewell.

Mephobia October 18th, 2015

Her flaws so perfect,

like they were just made for her

to laugh through.

Bursting at it's seams,

trying to hold her in.

calmEast4981 October 18th, 2015

He is not of perfection

He is not of wealth

He is not of beauty

He is of his own creation

He is of dignity

He is of quality

He is of nature

He may not be perfect

He may not be of wealth

He is not of beauty

But he is of my heart

For loving me

Only but how he knows best

That's all I ever can ask for

Is his best

PoliteOcean October 19th, 2015

Some people call me crazy,

they say I'm just a mess,

But they don't understand me,

don't know about my stress~

Some say I'm falling deeper,

deeper in the under-tow,

but its some who just don't get it,

its the ones that just don't know~

Don't know about my struggles,

the ones I'm going through,

The ones that drag me deeper,

where I don't know what to do.~

Have you ever felt those struggles

the ones that take the mind?

The ones that rip apart your soul,

the ones that tie and bind?~

Bind you tightly up inside,

alone with all your tears,

increasing all your doubts and worry,

releasing all your fears~

If you've never been here before,

don't call me crazy until you know!

Know what I go through inside,

or know what I don't show!~

Just accept what I've become

and say a prayer for me,

a prayer that who I used to be,

comes back and sets me free~

Free from all this bondage,

the bondage of my mind,

the one that's binded up so tight,

that's left the old me behind~

I sit here all alone in faith,

and wait for my time to come,

I wait here patiently on that time,

for my mind to come undone~

Undone from what its bottled up,

and kept alone inside,

with my thoughts, my fears,my strength, my tears

the place they went to hide~

Some people call me crazy,

they say I'm just a mess

But don't you count me out just yet,

My Comebacks are the Best!!

fairmindedBalloon6827 October 20th, 2015

Ignored my one rule
Got high on my own supply
Oxytocin OD

Tricky limerence
Created false memories
Crammed under my ribs

Rolling nausea
Lacking substance to vomit
No love just sickness

Freak show amazement
The disappearing hand trick
Ruined upholstery

Did you feel special?
Feeding my ego
Replacements are easy

Whiskey dick excuse
Confusion but never mine
Just entertainment

Bourbons spill deep truth
Boy genius master of games
All an illusion

fairmindedBalloon6827 October 22nd, 2015

My heart is my own
As it's always been

I've taken back all the songs
They were never about you anyway
Places we went are mine, not ours
You're not invited
Us became two and now only me

I no longer close my eyes and feel you
The urge to text you hello is gone
Your name is missing from my phone and my lips
No desire to hang out
I don't wonder what you're doing or who you're

Removed your pictures from my wall
All those words have been erased
Your voice I can't recall
Deleted every connection and reminder of you

You don't exist, who I thought you were never did
When I pass you in the street
My eyes won't catch yours
Don't think I'm trying to ignore you
It's just that I have no idea who you are

We are as we started, total strangers
Let's not change that

braveSugar7964 October 22nd, 2015

Brilliant, thank you! heart

fairmindedBalloon6827 October 22nd, 2015

😊 I appreciate the kind feed back!

CourageDearHeart October 22nd, 2015

Meeting your gaze

I am reminded that

Sometimes the most breathtaking

Visions are also those

That make sadness

Bubble up from my chest

Because I can easily

See in your eyes

That you will




Annie November 7th, 2015

Dear @courageDearHeart,

This touched me.

Many of us have been there, the moment we realize the other does not or cannot love us the way we want to be loved.



NTLNTM October 22nd, 2015

If I had done things differently

Where would we stand

Do you think that you would still have been here

And I

That I would have been standing next to you

Do you think

That maybe we were just brought together to

Burn together - like ashes in quick sand

Annie November 7th, 2015


There is a quiet intensity here. The question resonates.

Well done.


vasanthk October 23rd, 2015

Little the things !

The Creation of care,

The worsen of fair.

The jump of air,

The lose of breathe.

The sight of beauty,

The mighty pity.

The start of life,

The end of riddle.

The pain of love,

The broken heart.

The queen is he,

The king is she.

The souls are born,

The duty lies.

The child is sworn,

The kingdom's built.

The age is old,

The man I die.

The tree it grows,

An immortal hope.

Here i write,

With a deep insight !

Mephobia October 24th, 2015

@vasanthk good one smiley

vasanthk October 24th, 2015

@Mephobia Thank you :)

SilentSerenityy October 23rd, 2015

It's an emotion we want to feel,

Yet, it's the most feared.

An emotion as deep as an ocean,

An emotion so pure and real.

Yet, we're too scared to feel.

One of the few emotions,

That presides itself as a phobia,

In those who've felt the other side,

Of love.

Mephobia October 23rd, 2015

@SilentSerenityy simply deep :)

jetsetjulie October 24th, 2015

"Happy Birthday (Dirge of Youth)"

Candle-baited wishes faded
when they outgrew boxes,
because way in the midst of your chest
you wanted to be wrapped by arms
for longer than the forced smiles
ignited by a camera's annual flash.

Those forgeries are cataloged,
tucked into dusty boxes
labeled by year,
and they'll say,
"Look, age 8 to 10, you had bouncy castles.
Those aren't cheap,"
like numbers meant love,
but you'll stay quiet because
you knew
the party was always for show and
never for you.

A lit "1" and a"7"
marked when you wished
to die young,
but you've blown the flames
with the same hope
for seven years since,

and the fires taunt your attempts
as they danced on blackened wicks
before they left as smoke.

You shouldn't play with fire,
but Roman candles colored
your resolve,
and you didn't see
they were time bombs
until the shrapnel pierced you
as reminders
for when they disappear
in the haze.

The yearly crowd dwindles and
sings the dirge of your youth
in rushed rhythms
as you look around
the darkened room.

The connections you once held
so closely,
they were imagined all along.

Annie November 8th, 2015

@jetsetjulie, This poem explodes with energy and images. Stunning.

So many great lines. I love this passage:

"because way in the midst of your chest you wanted to be wrapped by arms for longer than the forced smiles ignited by a camera's annual flash."

Deep down true.



jetsetjulie November 9th, 2015

@Annie Thanks! I always try to write honestly. :)

Alsupaz3220 October 24th, 2015

I like being sober but my killer is time
As the day frays away into night
Just to pass the day away must I commit a crime?
The cross I see above my bed isn't there
Flood into my head, unjustifiable fright
My happiness dissipates into smoke-infused air
Come and play, terrors of the night

Annie November 8th, 2015


Good work.

I love the phrase "as the day frays away into night."


Olliebollie October 24th, 2015

I'm not a poet and English is not my first language. In fact, my poems are rather terrible. But nothing describes feelings quite as well as bad poetry.



she said "but how come you pull up your shirt's sleeves now

when before it all had to be buttoned down?

but now i'm not 13

and i can show my arms because they are strong

because they had to carry the weight of the world

for so many years

and because while everyone becomes a man after being a boy

i just had to be a man since i was born to survive

but men don't cry and men don't feel

so now i am still a child but my arms are old

strong enough to embrace my chest firmly and protect what's inside

and while they still have to work on not breaking my bones while doing that

and while the shattered pieces of my ribs cut through my arms and they bleed

they get stronger

and with just a bit more hair than there should be but still not enough

and with the adult veins that show through child's skin

and those small hands and slim fingers

that make me able to be just so gentle towards myself

thanks to them i am alive

just strong enough to protect myself from others

and just tender enough to protect myself from me

now i am proud of every day those arms gave me keeping the world from falling off my shoulders

so let people see them

braveSugar7964 October 24th, 2015

Beautiful, Ollie. Not at all 'bad"! I hope you share some more of your writing here. Thank you.

friendlyShoulder45 October 25th, 2015

@Olliebollie that was so meaningful Ollie.. Keep it up.. I loved it.. :)

PoliteOcean October 25th, 2015


I have the gifts you gave me

I have your photograph,

I have the words you spoke to me

My memory plays them back.~

I know you have moved on

I know you won't be back,

but still I play our favorite song

and touch your photograph.~

Theres nothing left to dream about

but these few souveniers,

I wrapped them up in tissues

That are dampened with my tears~