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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

DrowningInBlizzard July 27th, 2015

Some of my poetry: [address redacted]

Annie July 28th, 2015

Dear @drowninginblizzard, I hope you will post some of your work here. I removed the address above because 7 Cups of Tea, not being a social-networking site, does not permit posting of personal off-site addresses. But it would be great if you'd share your poetry here. heart

QuietlyDreaming July 28th, 2015

A culmination of feelings.

(To be read as a rap)

I can hardly fight the demons. I can hardly block them out.

It's hard to drown out all their screaming, To get back up when I'm knocked down.

I never understood when people spoke of voices in their heads,

Now I think I know truly of what those broken people meant.

I don't feel the lips of others, telling me to crush a heart.

But I shiver at my inner thoughts that fight to tear my soul apart.

And I can hardly fight the demons. I can hardly block them out.

It's hard to drown out all their screaming, To get back up when I'm knocked down.

I want to be a model citizen and practice what I preach,

Night and day I type away to put my feeble heart at peace.

But my mind is heavy with the weight of my hypocrisy,

I'm a disgrace to my theology, a prodigal, not a prodigy.

And I can hardly fight the demons. I can hardly block them out.

It's hard to drown out all their screaming, To get back up when I'm knocked down.

I make it my business to call out others all the time

And hide away every visible trace of fault in my life

I'm not perfect but I like to think I'm better

Deleting browser history, covering my scarlet letters.

And I can hardly fight the demons. I can hardly block them out.

It's hard to drown out all their screaming, To get back up when I'm knocked down.

Every time I let them win, I feel a momentary thrill,

But end up feeling like trash because I know it's not His will.

I'm so lonely and broken, shackled with words unspoken

It's my fault. I cut off all my air and left myself chokin'.

I look back at my life and all I see is regret,

I'm neck high in debt, and I'm starting to sweat.

How pathetic can I get? Don't need a doctor, just a vet.

Because this animal's cannibal and I swear that I'm killing me.

I'm not trying to die. I'm just living a lie,

and the weight of all my sins is drawing tears from my eyes.

I'm too scared to find what's on the end of a rope,

because I walk a fine line between disaster and hope.

I've been a wicked little creature, not deserving of grace,

so ashamed of my ungrateful ways that I hide my face.

I hide my name, and I stake my claim.

In a twisted way I'm proud of my sick little game.

I can put myself down, on my knees, on the ground,

let you coddle me and pick me up and gimme a crown.

I'm no more than a clown,

and you look at me now, and you wonder

what sad little being you've found.

*drops the mic*


coffeeandadvice July 28th, 2015


QuietlyDreaming July 28th, 2015


QuietlyDreaming July 28th, 2015

There were supposed to be spaces... also, sorry I forgot to put a Trigger warning on it. Very sorry. :C

Annie July 29th, 2015

@QuietlyDreaming, Yes, I agree completely, This Is Awesome.

The power breaks forth from every line. So much heart and passion is in these words. heart

(By the way, I tried to add the spaces where you might want them. I'm sorry if I did not get it right. Please let me know if you want changes.)

Risen2498 July 28th, 2015

A thousand times I told myself I shouldn't trust others.

Avoiding the pain at all cost, creating a wall full of pain
and fear to keep me afloat.

I wonder if fantasy could had
been better than reality because I didn't believe in it.

I constantly reminded myself I shouldn't give so much to avoid the hurt.

I have been bruised, broken down and it makes me lose
faith to get close to others.

At times I wish circumstances
would have an on/off switch so I can overcome things
easier, but it's only wishful thinking.

Something may start
with a blaze, but end in the coldest tundra.

If my fist could
break down a wall then I would do it.

I want to be happy, but the past I experienced makes it
hard for me.

My soul and heart feel exposed, while my
wound opens and leaves a deep scar I may have forever.

I want to get closer, but it may mean feeling fragile and
vulnerable for things to happen again.

I may learn a lesson
but is it worth it to through the same pain again?

Being appreciated it's like a blessing, but it's a curse when
one is not being appreciated.

Forgiving them may be easier,
but forgetting will be harder.

It would be perfect if we are
appreciated all the time, but we are not on a perfect world.

It's hard to escape those negative feelings, when the only
doors available are pain and hurt at the moment.

I may know what I give, but are others able to see it?

I can only pray they do.

My heart is filled with colors, if only I could display all of them at once.

My existence is worth much more than anything negative I may go through.

Being reborn as a stronger person after my constant battles throughout my life.

I can.

Annie July 29th, 2015

@Risen2498, Thank you for sharing this! Amazingly raw and vulnerable. And a yearning that is marvelously explored. Wow. heart

Risen2498 July 30th, 2015

Thanks I really appreciate it, your words means a lot to me

MidniteAngel July 28th, 2015

Looking through my past journal entries and came across this from 2 months ago:

All my life I watched it
And believed it as normal
4 years ago I lost all my friends
Backstabbed, called names, hated
3 years ago I was depressed
I cut, bled, hid and ignored it
2 years ago I told a friend
She laughed, joked and messed around with it
1 year ago I admitted it
I cried, self-harmed and died inside
7 months ago I became suicidal again
6 months ago I swore to get better again
5 months ago I began counselling
4 months ago I began starving again
3 months ago I began planning again
2 months ago I tried purging
1 month ago I began experimenting again
2 weeks ago it came crashing down again
1 week ago I used the badge again
5 days ago I broke down again
3 days ago I lost hope again
Yesterday I took out the blades again
Today I almost cried again
Today I used the badge again
Today I ignored my voices again
Today I told someone again
And today she ruined me again
Tired of being a counsellor
And never receiving the same support
Tired of letting people say things
And letting it go
Tired of being the mature one
And accepting when things go wrong
Because I deserve an apology
An explanation
Just like everyone
Im done saying sorry
When I dont feel sorry
Im done holding my tongue
When others cannot do the same
Im done being screwed over
I'm done with your games

Annie July 29th, 2015

@MidniteAngel, there is a magnificent strength and fortitude in these lines. The use of numerals to begin many lines is wonderful -- it magnifies what the poet has been through, has dealt with, has suffered . . . .

MidniteAngel July 30th, 2015

Thank you @Annie, I didn't really use the numbers for any structure - just to keep track of events. But you're right, it does add character doesn't it?

Annie August 1st, 2015

Yes, I felt it added a lot. The specificity emphasized how much the poet had experienced and tried. An amazing litany!


IamLeonarda July 28th, 2015

HER NAME WAS DARKNESS (original poem)

her name was darkness

she hid behind her fake smile

trying to fit in this huge world

she was full of sadness.

her life was miserable

she tried to take her problems away

by flying away from this huge world

her pain was still not visible.

her dad soon noticed how devastated she was

he hugged her tightly and let her know

she is his only love in this huge world

her pain was now gone and she opened up her walls.

lonelydeviantsoul July 28th, 2015

Thanks for sharing. This was great. :)

IamLeonarda July 29th, 2015

Thank you so much! :)

PhantomOfTheBangtan July 28th, 2015

I never knew how lonely I really was,

Until I found myself looking at my phone,

Waiting for a notification,

So please reply to my texts.

I never knew what I was missing,

Until I felt dispair in my heart,

Watching others hold hands,

So please hold mine.

Am I being too greedy?

Am I being too selfish?

I can't eat or sleep without knowing,

So please tell me.

Countless nights I spent awake,

Telling myself the same thing over and over again,

Even when I know I'm not fine,

So please understand me.

I'm not okay,

I'm not alright,

I can't live like this any longer,

So please don't do this to me.

The clock has struck 12,

Today I'll be visiting you,

I'll be there earlier this time,

So please wait for me.

I won't forget to come before it gets dark,

I won't forget to wear your favourite cologne,

I won't forget your chrysanthemums,

So please come back to me.

When I'm counting the stars in the sky one by one,

I look beside me,

I look for you only to be met with an empty space,

So please come back to me.

When it gets cold at night and I can't sleep,

I look beside me,

I look for you only to be greeted by an empty space,

So please come back to me.

When I see you in my dreams,

I look beside me,

I look for you only to be greeted by empty space.

So please come back to me.

When I wake up in the morning,

I look beside me,

I look for you only to be greeted by an empty space,

So please come back to me.

Through all the times I've prayed to god,

I look beside me,

I look for you only to be greeted by an empty space,

Please come back to me.

My heart hearts too much,

I'm a dreadful mess l in the middle of the cold night,

A lonely nobody who misses you too much to live anymore,

So please come back to me.

Annie July 29th, 2015

@PhantomOfTheBangtan, This poem is technically and thematically beautiful. The interesting structure (description followed by a plea to come back at the end) of the stanzas is sustained throughout, with a different twist in each stanza. Marvelous!

NewRomantic677 August 2nd, 2015

I love this poem

SereneValor1 July 29th, 2015

BLINDED AND BINDED BY: ME Eyes Wide Open, But Forever Blind, Legs To Keep Going, But Feeling Trapped In A Bind, A Mouth To Keep Talking, But Nothing Actually Said, Ears To Keep Listening, But The Sounds Sound Dead, Hands For Holding, But Holding Nothing But Air, A Body Given, But Only A Broken Soul Kept There, Though You Have It All, All The Resources You Need, Availing To Use Them, Is The Choice That You Heed, For If You Believe The Choice Is Not Yours, Then Even With The All The Riches, Your Path Will be Filled With Closed Doors.

lonelydeviantsoul July 29th, 2015

I like this! Very well written. Thanks for sharing.

KnighTerrAin July 29th, 2015

Without love this connection is just evil Without someone to hold me I'll let the antipsychotics behold me, or I'll let psychosis mold me. I'm losing myself here. And for what. I can't come back if there's nothing there to be back for. Nothing to distract for. It's all just hate in a compact form. Till its too late and the stress is the fact norm. Distressed and tract torn tacked since I was born. So what if I never make it out of the bladed thorns. Just left to bleed and denounce all. Just left to leave and make pact to sworn denial and bitter pass mourns. Sure there's too much here. Too much with me to see me as anything but defeated deceit. Can't have luck without pieces to speak. Can't compare the fair if there's nothing to see. Blind myself with drugs and let the evil be. Cover up and be warm under the bleeding beat, beat to the finish by grieving sleet. You heard

KnighTerrAin July 29th, 2015

From the snakes mouth everything you know of me. When you heard my voice you could barely speak. I know you felt it. It wasn't me who dealt it. Sure I've sat back and not dealt with it. Things have piled up and people smelt it. But in this crucible I call I life how could I make it without someone who could help me tell to it. All I'm asking is you believe in the fairytale and be melted with it. Melt with me. Let that feeling be felt with me. Let the reeling reel you in and be knelt with it. Kneel with me. Look up to the sky and feel with me. Look out to the stars and let the sky peel with me. Appeal to me. Be real to me. I'll give it right back just let your heart feel with me let your past steal with me

Elinxs27 July 29th, 2015

Wow so good, this sounds like it could be a poetry out loud type of thing.

August 1st, 2015

oh my god yes.

lonelydeviantsoul July 29th, 2015

Out of the Blue - by G

I don't know what I would do
If I were face to face with you.
In front of me to see.
Why can't I see what I believe?
I believe you were a dream.
Something so perfect just cannot be.
For if it is, I always knew,
Before we met, I always loved you.
Sitting alone at a table for two.
Candle lit dinner, I'm waiting for you.
I know in my heart you really exist.
I blow out the candles as I make a wish.
I wish the same thing I wish every night.
When I go to bed I leave on a light.
One day I'll wake up and my dream come true;
You'll be in my arms, just out of the blue.
We dream that we're older when we are young.
Now that I'm older I dream of my one.
She's perfect & pure, sweet and beautiful too.
She'll tell you she loves you just out of the blue.
I'll be here, waiting for you,
To come home, to me, out of the blue.
IamLeonarda July 29th, 2015

that was beautiful, good job :)

lonelydeviantsoul July 29th, 2015

Thank you @IamLeonarda :)

majesticSapphire July 29th, 2015

I adore this one, it's amazing. Keep up the good work:).

lonelydeviantsoul July 29th, 2015

Thank you very much @majesticSapphire :)

NewRomantic677 August 1st, 2015

I love this. So. Much.

smallsadgirl97 July 29th, 2015

Late Night Ramblings

You made me fall in love with you,

With your sweet words and kindness.

You lulled to sleep the guardians of my heart.

You brought down my walls

With empty promises of forever,

Knowing you werent ready to keep them.

And once I was finally in love,

Once I trusted you with my heart,

You shattered it.

And sure, I understand. 

You explained with such pretty words

The reasonable explanation for breaking me.

But that certainly doesnt make it hurt any less.

So now Im left all alone with my broken heart;

And my memories. 

Funny how we said that wed last forever,

And now all Im left with are memories and

a sweatshirt thats losing its smell of you.

Annie July 29th, 2015

Dear @smallsadgirl97, This describes an age-old sorrow in a fresh way. I like it a lot. heart

Elinxs27 July 29th, 2015

Something I felt compelled to write on a late night...

They cut through the rivers,

And drown in desperation,

Suffocating words,

Like can't and segregation.

The trees fall soundly,

But only in thought,

For no one was there,

To say fighters fought.

Your look of disgust,

Is what brought me here,

I close my eyes and wish,

That you'd all disappear.

No one will listen,

So nobody goes,

Put me in a box,

And don't let me grow.

One moment I'm fine,

And then the pin drops,

I'm still waiting for,

These noises to stop.

BraveSpirit August 1st, 2015

@Elinxs27, I really like this!!

Elinxs27 August 1st, 2015

Aww thank you so much!! :) aw maybe I'll post another one soon 😊

QuietPastelRain July 30th, 2015

I am not stardust
Even though they say I am
I lose poetry all in my mind
And I'm constantly turning my head to find them
I'd burn my house to the ground if it wasn't illegal
To cleanse myself of these horrible memories you gave me
That keep me up at night
Because I am not empty
I feel something
I am a void with mist
Not completely empty
But not stardust either
Being raised as a child took its toll on me in my teenage years and now I'm an adult
I'm scared and I'm not mature enough to handle myself
My music sounds like angry buzzing bees
My songs aren't of any quality
It's funny how I can be so much like a brick wall when I'm ordered to do something
But I'm surprisingly easy to destroy emotionally
Even the toughest things can break
It's all a matter of time now
If you looked in my mind it probably wouldn't make you cry
Probably angry enough to leave if you know me
Probably enough to shrug me off if you don't

BraveSpirit August 1st, 2015

@OceanMermaid, This is beautiful. LOVE the opening line!

QuietPastelRain August 1st, 2015

Thank you!