A place for Vase and Berry
Hi @bestVase7265 This is a place where we can chat with each other. Thank you so much for supporting me, Vase. I'm very grateful and I'm happy to continue our previous conversion here. 😊
page 10?! and i havent beeen replying to you properly for ages. i'm sorry.
i was doing so well with hair pulling, and i gave in today. 4 lashes from my right eye and 1 from my left. i feel so bad.
i dunno why but i feel really sleepy and very sick today. it's so hard to study. and looks like i am also back in that really depressed hole again since yesterday afternoon.
the feeling sick got better after lunch. and i studied a bit. then my mother came and explained the rest of the history russian revolution chapter, it's so long and honestly boring and i dont understand it. but fine, i was listening, it was going fine... until she had to bring up my hair pulling.
apparently my right eyebrow looks too thin, so she asked me "have you been pulling again?" i tried to be like "why? just let it be!" so she let it go for a bit. then after reading one more paragraph she came back to it. "what's your problem with telling the truth? i won't punish you, tell me." so i said "yes". she just forced me to admit to it.
but it's not the truth, i haven't been pulling. i have been doing well with it. but today afternoon it got out of control and i tried pulling for a very tiny bit. and only one thin hair came out before i stopped, so no significant pulling. only problem, me trying to pull rubbed some of my makeup off and i didnt fix it before she saw. i haven't really been pulling much.
but yeah, i told her i have been because i know if i told the truth, she would accuse me of lying. sometimes you need to lie in order to be believed. and then she told me that by doing this, i am damaging my eyes. how is pulling out your eyebrows damaging your eyes? thank goodness she doesn't know i pull my lashes too, she would be real mad if she knew that.
and then she hugged me and told me that i really need to stop doing this. she says she's here for me if i'm ever feeling sad or something and that i can go to her. just how i shouldn't do it all of a sudden when she's busy cooking, but instead go there, say "maa, i want to say something." and then say that i'm sad or i feel bad. she also said that she wants me to say "maa" the way i used to as a child, a long sweet "maaaa". ('maa' is bengali for mother in case you're confused. i call my mother 'maa' and always refer to her as 'maa' but on cups i just say mother instead of mum/mom because that's how i was taught to speak in school and it's a habit now.)
anyway so i just asked her my real question "what are you going to do if i tell you?" and she said "depends on the situation."
but i know what she's gonna do. she'll do anything but help me. she would neer really listen, she would ask me "why" i feel something, and all other sorts of unhelpful things. plus, how could i go to her if she's the one who's making me miserable? how could i go to her after she just yelled at me? why would i go to her when i've learnt to hate her and not trust her? how would i explain why i feel sad? i have no reason to be sad!
and the truth is, i'm not even really sad. sadness goes away after some time. this feeling i feel doesnt. i just feel... down. all the time. well, almost all the time. how could i go to her all the time and say i'm 'sad'? how would she ever understand me? she will never understand me. there are so many things she doesnt know about me and i'll never let her know. so how could she possibly understand? she cant, she never will.
how could i go to her at 1 am if i feel bad? i cant! that's what cups is for. people here understand. they are helpful, they don't hurt me like my mother does.
anyway, after she spent a lot of time trying to tell me not to do it and stuff, she started teacher again. but now she just brought so many thoughts into my mind and i started feeling awful that i couldn't pay attention. again and little later after she was done teaching, she hugged me and said i can always come ask for one, but listen to her instructions amd stop pulling.
you know what? they way she's talking about this makes me want to pull even more. i'll try and stop myself till the photo. but how did i stop myself after that. also, now that my eyebrows have really come to her attention, i feel like she will be looking out for any pulling. what if i end up doing it and cant hide it well? what would i tell her?
by the way, every time before this that she brought up my eyebrows, she just told me that i need to stop, and that'd be it. the rest of the part never came. hearing her talk like this, i knew something's off. since she left her phone on my table, i checked her watch history to realise that she watched a video on self harm. according to that video, pulling out one's hair is self harm. and the video also talked about how parents should handle it when they discover their kids doing it and a lot of other stuff...
but really, is hair pulling, in my case, self harm? i never intend to hurt myself when i do it. i do it because it feels good, at least it did when i started, so i still expect it to feel good, but it's really just become a bad habit at this point. one that's really hard to break since the way my hair looks is something that encourages me to pull, so does the itchy sensation i sometimes get. this is supposed to be something called trichotillomania, right?
i can't believe i'm venting here like this the night before an exam i really havent studied much for. but i felt awful and needed to vent. i'm sorry. it's 8:42 pm. i should go study. let's hope i can go to bed before 2 am tonight.
Ok, so starting out with the positive for me again. I was able to do lots of laundry for a family who lost everything in their home in the last week. The clothes were heavy with water and smelled horribly. It was nice to make them somewhat clean again. It is hard when you are surrounded by so much despair to do nothing. So I am trying to do one kind thing a day.
It is okay that you pulled the hair and it is okay that your mom noticed. Focus on the fact that you had been doing well. It is just one day and tomorrow you can start again with not pulling. It takes a bit to get out of the habit of self harm, at least it did for me. I had to really focus on praising myself for how long I hadn't done it rather than focusing on the fact that I had fallen again. Yes, hair pulling is most definitely self harm. It feels good because your brain is wrongly telling you that you deserve pain. It is part of the cycle of depression. My self harm was only running my fingernails against my skin hard, but usually not hard enough to leave marks. It was still self harm. But it is best to think about daily victories rather than worrying about it too long into the future.
It is good for your mom to know because she is at least trying to care in her own way. She doesn't want you to be hurting. Yes, you won't be damaging your eyes even if you do it. It wasn't the smartest remark, but I think that she struggles to figure out what to say when she knows you are in pain. I think that she really doesn't know exactly what she is going to do which is why she said "it depends". It is more of an honest answer than "I will always respond with love and care", right? It totally depends actually on her own mood and what she is doing at the time. She would probably prefer that she was kind like she was trying to be today, but anger gets in her way much of the time. She probably knows this and part of her at least would like to change.
People do evolve. There is never an "always" way they are going to act. Yes, you are rightly traumatized, but you are going to grow in how you react to her too. I am not at all telling you to trust her right now with how you are feeling. I am saying that today was more of a good sign than a bad one. Do continue to focus on cups rather than your mom for support. But give her mini opportunities like you did today to prove herself.
Today ultimately was a good one for you. May tomorrow be as well.
i'm venting. again.
of all the things in my life that i hate, the one thing i hate the most is when i'm trying to get better and trying to get on track and people keep pulling me back down. sometimes it's my mother, other times, it's teachers.
today, it were the maths, french, chemistry and marathi teachers. but mainly the maths teacher. first off, everyone expected that he'd show us our papers today since the maths exam happened on 19th sept, especially given the fact that for the previous set of exams, the exam happened on 27th july and he showed the papers on 30th july. but he didn't show them, instead spent the entire 30 min period scolding us and giving us so much studying advice.
like how we should be practising and revising daily, how we should not waste a single minute, how we should not miss school thinking only timepass happens in school, how we should be planning everything, how we should be disciplined, etc etc. he believes that we people aren't serious enough and we aren't studying, that we arent even studying what's being done in class. and so much more stuff.
all these wont stop echoing in my head. it's so overwhelming. it overwhelmed me first thing in the morning and it's making me feel that way again every now and then. his expectations are simply too high. as a struggling person who also hates maths and sucks at it, i will never ever be able to do all this. he also fails to realise that we don't have only maths to do, we have 9 more subjects to do (english, french, physics, chemistry, biology, history, political science, geography and economics).
why does he expect this much out of us? it makes no sense. what kind of a life does he want us to have with so much studying? like only study study study and nothing else? i wonder, what kind of a life did he have as a student? did he spend all day just studying? and now as a teacher, a dedicated one at that, i believe he needs a lot of studying now too. isn't he bored of this? is studying the whole point of life for him?
i heard he has a 1-2 year old daughter. i feel sorry for that kid having to deal with these sort of expectations as soon as she's a little older. as a teacher, there's only so much he can do to us if we don't meet his expectations, as a parent, he can do a lot more to his own kid.
you know, our exams just got over yesterday. half yearly exams. the first term is over. today was the first day of school for the second term. and already he wants us to start studying. i mean, i need a break. i am sick and tired and i long for a break. i took one yesterday after the exam - the only thing i did was cleaning all day. and today i did some french but only for 25 minutes, i don't wanna do more. tomorrow i'll have to do a lot though, i need to catch up on missed work. tomorrow's a holiday.
it's 10:56 pm and i'm going to bed soon. i'm extremely tired and sleep deprived. got 5 hours of sleep last night, and 4 hours the night before. my body really hurts for this severe lack of sleep. my legs, shoulders, and arms are aching. and i have some weird lot of back pain and my right knee's been very painful at random times throughout the day. hopefully sleep will help. i know my body gets really messed up when i haven't slept much and been very stressed for too many days in a row.
ooh a disaster. yesterday my father clicked the needed photo at home. apparently we have some trouble with that about the background and lighting. so tomorrow we'll do it again. not at home though, but go to a studio. not looking forward to it. my skin is in a pretty bad state today. also, i pulled out some eyebrows to make them look symmetrical, and i think it looks good, but i wonder what'll happen if my parents notice this change in the photo. i hope they don't notice. i need to fix my hair for this though.
okay, i'll go now. i've been missing posting good moments but i'll do that tomorrow. i gotta sleep now.
now she's yelling at me saying i completely ruined her life. that i waste all her time and dont let her do anything she wants to do. she's been yelling so much today.
she will talk to me like this and yell and me and then expect me to trust her and tell her everything. talking to her was a mistake. i've been telling her a lot of school related stuff because she was being nice. i can't let her weird bursts of niceness affect me. i should always keep my mouth shut. i made a huge mistake.
she doesn't care, she doesn't want me in her life. i really really want to go.
she's such a beautiful mother, isn't she? I HATE HER!
i might end up going to bed on time tonight but if i go in this anger with no time to calm down, it will all be useless. i am so fed up!
of everyone in my real life, NOBODY wants me to get better. they all want me to stay in this hole and eventually fall right through it (die).
12:54 am. okay, i've calmed down now. i should be able to sleep. honestly though, i juat don't get why people love pulling me down like this. and my mother's so annoying. why does she have to start yelling at me to go to bes at 10:50 pm when she herself will finish her work in my bathroom at 12:20 am?
i might have ruined her life, but she has ruined mine too. every time she yells at me like this so go to bed, it means i sleep even less than what i would if she didnt yell. so a bad day is likely to follow.
but tonight i technically went to bed at 11:45 pm but kept myself awake till my mother finished her work in my bathroom. then i got out of bed, made myself a partial to do list for tomorrow (partial because i have school tomorrow and could get new work and i need to leave time for it too) so that i can force myself to get work done. without a list from the previous night i can never get myself to even start doing anything. if i have it listed i can try to force myself even if i have no motivation, because i wamt to cut things off. if i dont list it and i feel demotivated, i wont do anything at all and i dont want that for tomorrow.
so i feel like it was worth staying awake in bed. i feel calmer now. i'll go get some 4 hrs 50 mins of sleep.
I am going to admit not being in a particularly good spot myself this evening. This last week has been so, so brutal in terms of the level of suffering that I have seen. I now have to teach online until late October like we did during COVID because our school got hit very hard. My church has also been destroyed. I am trying very hard to do something kind every day for someone really impacted by the storm so that I don't feel hopeless or out of control of my own destiny. I know that only in controlling my own emotions rather than letting any other people or circumstances control them is the only way forward. But it is tiring and hard sometimes, just like it is for you. I really have to refuse to go down the depression spiral by actively doing things. My own activity is my saving grace.
I will read some of your stuff but I am not going to comment huge amounts tonight. One soul can only absorb so much of another person's pain. I am empathic so I hurt mentally and physically with people, just like I hurt with you. When others are suffering too much, I can easily get overwhelmed.
I am sorry that your teacher became too demanding and that your mom started yelling again. I do wish that she could get better control over her anger at you. You can see what it does to her and how it makes her irrational and really hurtful. To an outsider it is pretty clear that her own rough upbringing makes her get angry much more quickly than is necessary about lots of things. Watch that doesn't happen to you.
You have been working really hard at exactly that. You see how getting angry at your mom or your teacher ultimately makes you start hating yourself. You become even more self-critical and then you end up spiraling. So keep working at managing that. You control you and you have the key to growing into a great person. It is too bad that your mom doesn't have that.
Your teacher is also wrong to try to make you feel so guilty. But you have control here too. You know that you are doing all that you can with your depression and your work load. The fact that your teacher can't see that you have other subjects means that his opinion on the issue of how hard to work isn't to be trusted. So turn away from his voice and listen to your heart.
You are enough. You do enough. No one can take that from you.
@bestVase7265 what a mess a storm can cause. i can see that there's been tons of damage and major problems due to it. i'm sorry you're having to deal with all this. teaching online doesn't sound fun at all, i know the covid times were a disaster for all teachers having to teach like that. i hope you're able to manage.
i'm glad you're trying to help out others and that it's helping you. i'm here wishing you luck in dealing with all of this pain and pushing through, i'm glad the activities are helping. i really don't want you to struggle again with depression, vase.
i don't want to put you through reading my problems. i agree "One soul can only absorb so much of another person's pain." and it can really be hard when other's pain causes you so much pain. i don't want to cause you more pain, i care about you, i really do. i'll find myself another place to vent for the time being. but thank you so much for your supportive response there even with your own struggles. your reassurance about myself and my mother really helped, thank you.
*sending warm comfy hugs* i'm hoping for the best for you. ❤️❤️
You aren't causing me pain. I do want to be able to share some of your burden. You can continue to share here please. Just know that my comments may be shorter for a while.
My own burden is indeed heavier at the moment. Right now we are due to get hit with another hurricane much more face to face rather than 100 miles away like the hurricane was a week and a half ago. That is pretty frightening because this time we are probably going to lose more. The challenge is that these things move very, very slowly. So now we are stuck waiting for another two days before anything really happens. So not knowing is pretty hard.
So we try to have hope and distract ourselves. Tomorrow I am going to try to get more out of my office and my son's dorm room before the bigger rains come.
@bestVase7265 that sounds like a horrible situation for you. one hurricane just happened and now another one? i'm so sorry. i'm hoping it doesnt cause too much damage. i dunno what i should say right now but i really wish you all the best. how has everything been going more recently? i'm sorry for my late reply.
you sure i can share here? you have so much going on, i dont want to hurt you or something. but i sadly havent been able to find a place where i can vent like i do here. so i guess i'll say a little...
i've been pretty stressed, tensed up all day today, starting with when i almost missed the bus because it came earlier than usual. then been sleepy like crazy despite 6.5 hrs of sleep. and that aside, ive just been thinking a lot, about the past, my life so far, and feeling overwhelmed with everything going on. i feel just so lonely. i had to write an answer for english on how a secure childhood is important for a child's growth, and it hurt to write. has my childhood felt secure? materially? emotionally?
who would care if i were gone? i dont matter. i dont make any real difference. i wish i could, i wish i could really help someone out but i don't know whom to help and how to help. nobody really needs me. they could want me but no one needs me. everyone will be fine without me.
but i have nothing to try to go. but i soon will. i'll think of what to do with that opportunity a little later... fine i'll be here, i'll exist. but why?
the marathi teacher talked about how we all see ourselves as great being in 9th grade. i know that doesn't hold true for me. i see myself as a worthless piece of trash. what's wrong with me?
okay now that's not so little. i'm really sorry. i couldn't keep it in and sleep with those thoughts in my head. 12:40 am, i'll go now. good night.
Still waiting. It won't be bad until tomorrow night. I am very drained after two weeks of being either in pre-storm or post-storm mode. Over 10,000 houses damaged in the first one, my school and church so much so that they didn't know when they would reopen. Now they will all get hit again. I have spent the last few weeks helping friends gather their few remaining possessions, tossing valuable old books and other precious items that were completely soaked with water, washing laundry that stank with mold, walking door to door through a neighborhood where every house had all of their possessions on the curb as trash. Now we will do that all over again.
I am glad that you were able to share some. Vent as much as you need. I just won't be sharing all that much in return until my own situation is a little clearer in a few days. I may lose all electricity, internet, and phone tomorrow.
You do have value and worth even if your childhood was less than secure. Sometimes essays are hard to write but they get us such thinking. Don't just let that thought be about putting you down. It can also be about imagining making other children's lives better in the future. Ensure that history doesn't repeat itself.
@bestVase7265 i'm sorry i'm responding so late, but how are things going? i understand you're drained with so much stuff going on lately. have you been able to sleep okay though? (i know you can be drained even if you sleep enough, but just asking.)
honestly, all the damage sounds awful in the first one alone, and now another one?! that would mean even more damage when everything's already so damaged. i'm so sorry you have to deal with this. i really hope you, your family, your friends, and your home are safe.
people having to throw away all valuable possessions, that's such a painful thing to have to do. i wonder how people can survive like this, i mean i would never be able to do it. i honestly wonder why storms like this even happen. i'm hoping you still have electricity, internet, and phone service. i know living without it all can be a disaster.
i'm managing, you don't need to worry about me. i'm feeling overwhelmed with all the stuff i need to do, but i hope to catch up a bit over the weekend. oh and that english thing was just a one paragraph answer, not an essay. "It can also be about imagining making other children's lives better in the future. Ensure that history doesn't repeat itself." you're right. thanks for listening by the way. ❤️
something i wanna share is that i've been pulling again pretty consistently. forget about arm and leg hair, i'm talking brows and lashes. mainly lashes. been pulling at at least one every day, if not more. i know i need to stop but the urge sometimes is just so irresistible. and since i am not currently with barely a few lashes, i tend to give in. it's hard. but i do stop at 1-3 hairs a day. but if i do even this much every day, it's gonna get bad again. and the other day i pulled one from my eyebrow and it felt so good lol. luckily didn't do it again but yeah i want to.
whatever on earth just happened with cups, we need to wait for it to be fixed because us both can talk normally again. i'm here waiting for it to get fixed and i hope you're able to manage things right now. i hope things aren't too bad for you.
@bestVase7265 are you okay? i haven't heard from you in a while and i just hope you're here somewhere and managing somehow. i'm wishing you all the best. ❤️
you've been telling me that i can still vent here, so i guess i will, because i don't know where else i can share this. so today is the fourth day of durga puja. since it's saturday and i'm home, my parents decided to go to this nearby ashram/temple to see the puja and have the bhog prasad (you can check here so see what it means because i have no energy to explain right now). so we went.
and you know what? i hate everything about that place. i don't know why, but the atmosphere is just so depressing for me. my parents love that place though, especially my mother. for me, every time i've gone there, i've gone because i don't have a choice, not because i want to go, because there's nothing i look forward to there. (for other places where the durga puja happens, i want to go because i want to see the decoration, and that's the only thing i like about it. but here their focus in on the puja and not the decoration, so my mother likes it, but i dont.) i've always gone there with a sort of irritation/frustration, and even if i've gone there feeling fine, i always start feeling awful after i get there. some sort of pain, physical or emotional, and i long to go back home, i feel like crying and everything. and after coming home, i just break down in tears, almost all the time. something is so wrong with that place.
we went there on thursday and i was fine when i went, but after i got there, my mood really came down and after coming home, i felt horrible. today i went there feeling really annoyed after all that happened this morning, i really didn't want to go, but i went anyway. and then there was some puja/arti whatever happening there and we were supposed to sit and watch it. i wasn't able to see a thing from where i sat and had to just listen to the mantra chanting, and it was so boring. i kept thinking of other things. something just hurt inside of me, i felt horrible. i thought of something that made me start tearing up. thank goodness i managed to tell myself "hold it back! you can cry all you want when you get home, just don't do it now in front of so many people." and yeah, i didn't really cry though i badly wanted to. but i did tear up on three separate occasions. i really hope nobody saw me like that, because we're supposed to be happy during festivals, right?
seeing the yog happening with that fire made me think of the day when i finally die and my body gets cremated. and then when they poured oil all over one saree and put it on the fire to burn, i hoped someone would pour oil all over me and burn me to death. but i'd need someone else to do what to me because i can't possibly do it myself. but why am i even thinking of all this? what the heck is wrong with me?
i asked my mother, "what's the purpose of all this puja and mantra chanting? and why do we need to see it?" she said that if it's done properly, it can create positive energy and by watching it, you'll get some on that energy. i asked it it was being done properly there, and she said yes.
now i'm like "wait, what?!" what 'positive energy' have i received from sitting there? feeling that kind of emotional pain, thinking of death is all very positive, right? i felt great seeing it, didn't i? now i'm left wondering what is so wrong with me because i'm just so depressed today, and i'm clearly not supposed to be. and honestly, i don't understand anything of why all these rituals and worship even happen and what god really is. the durga idol, isn't god, right? then why do we worship it? i will never understand.
i just hope i can make an excuse to not go to that place again. i hate it in there. i probably am disrespecting my religion and god when i say all this, but i really can't help it. i'm sorry.
Ok. I am back and can comment just a bit. That is going to be my victory for this evening.
I apologize for keeping my comments brief. You are allowed to not like the same thing as your mother or have the same religious experience that she does. She is allowed to feel positive energy that you don't feel. It is part of growing up.
It may be that later in life you feel more of a connection than you do now. You like the beauty of what you are seeing in certain places. Focus on that. When you are in the place where your mom feels more of a spiritual connection than you do, relax and just enjoy watching the faces of those around you. You don't have to have a necessary religious experience at all. Maybe someone will be dressed differently or someone will have an interesting expression on their face. Act more as just an observer than a participant. It will help the time pass more quickly. @exuberantBlackberry9105
I am okay but we have no internet, no electricity and no clean water. I am hoping to be back on soon and actually read messages but it may be a few days.
@bestVase7265 i'm so sorry. having no internet, electricity or clean water sounds terrible. especially no clean water - like how are you even supposed to live like that? i really hope you get all these things back soon.
please take your time, there's no pressure or rush to read or respond to my messages, you can do whatever you prefer. please take care of yourself. i don't want you to be struggling too much.
thanks a lot for coming here to say something. i was getting worried, and i'm happy to hear from you.
by the way, did you realise that today is 14th october? on this day last year, i posted on depression support and you responded to me and we got to know each other from there. thank you for supporting me all this while. thank you for sticking with me and being here for me all the time. i can't explain how grateful i am for it all. *sending loads of love and hugs to keep you warm*❤️❤️
We did okay, but the last 24 hours were especially hard. We now have drinking water, electricity and internet.
We had filled many containers with water and ice before the storm and they sustained us. After we no longer had any cold food in our refrigerator we ate lots of snacks and weird meals from what we had left on the counter.
I did lots of coloring and was able to get some minimal connections on my phone. I also read for classes. I am now very behind for my classes but I am doing what I tell you - not looking too much at the pile but doing my best. Our classes will be online for another week and a half at least (my school currently has no electric, internet, or working toilets) which is very hard on my students and me. But we are trying.
I did not lose my home and we didn't have any serious water or wind damage. That was all a blessing as I have friends who were not that lucky. @exuberantBlackberry9105