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Weekly sharing of Goals! Week #39 2024 (Monday 09/30/24 - Sunday 10/06/24)

IsayUncle Sunday

I welcome anyone to commit to a goal here today. 

But importantly, talk about getting it done..... or why it didn't happen yet.

To praise each other for our efforts and wins.

While supporting each other through trials and setbacks.

And to continue trying and not give up.

Every Goal should be considered "Worthy".
Never belittle your achievements and be proud of yourself for your daily accomplishments!
Whether they be Complex or Simple.
Getting out of bed is a good day..... Good job I say!

Share your goals today, for support and encouragement.

@IchooseLife79 @cloudySummer @mytwistedsoul @KristenHR @Tinywhisper11 @CyclingThroughLife @Psalm139 @Enthenia @anonyTortoise3336 @spicyavocado3788 @neatBlueberry5213 @AmyK1234 @ivoryLakeuk @MusokeHere @seashell145

And Any Others
Tinywhisper11 3 days ago

@IchooseLife79 @IsayUncle I'll have you all now I have an amazing talented voice. My voice can make you loose your senses😎 (your hearing sense) 😁😁😁

IchooseLife79 3 days ago


Tinywhisper11 2 days ago

@IchooseLife79 😂😂😂😂

IsayUncle OP 3 days ago


Can you ever ruin a Christmas song?.... Really.🎅

Tinywhisper11 2 days ago

@IsayUncle yes! Yes I can 😁😂😂😂

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago


I don't believe it!

Enthenia 2 days ago

So after my horrible morning of one bus not showing and me having to walk a quarter of a mile or so to work (which wouldn't be bad but I'm going to have to walk in the afternoon because of construction, the afternoon bus is really unreliable) and dealing with my mobile having less power than I liked (plugged it in while I was out with the dog but it didn't charge) and getting frustrated with my language app, I receive a text message from the company that does the refunds for the college. It is on the way and way more than I thought. Now I can pay down some accounts and not worry about the rent getting kicked back.

I can also get an extra pair of shoes and some clothes for the cooler weather. And groceries.

Enthenia 2 days ago

So after my horrible morning of one bus not showing and me having to walk a quarter of a mile or so to work (which wouldn't be bad but I'm going to have to walk in the afternoon because of construction, the afternoon bus is really unreliable) and dealing with my mobile having less power than I liked (plugged it in while I was out with the dog but it didn't charge) and getting frustrated with my language app, I receive a text message from the company that does the refunds for the college. It is on the way and way more than I thought. Now I can pay down some accounts and not worry about the rent getting kicked back.

I can also get an extra pair of shoes and some clothes for the cooler weather. And groceries.

Enthenia 2 days ago

Sorry for the double post. It gave me an API error the first time so I didn't think it went through.

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago



You needed that and you deserved it... a little relief! 😅🤪

But sorry about all the obstaces for the day. I hope you a nice cozy evening. 

IchooseLife79 2 days ago


Well thankfully there is a silver lining to the cloud then. Glad your finances will be take care!

Enthenia 2 days ago

@IchooseLife79 I was more worried about coming home from work and finding a dead bolt...

And getting some bills paid down will help with stress levels although I got my monthly assignments and I have more this month than last month so I guess the stress is a trade off.

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago


It'll be nice if the little one gets back into the "FUN" of TKD. I guess those sensory swings can discourage some activities so maybe the grips will work and get him going again; will be good.

I hope he gets to feeling better. you didn't say whether you enjoyed the day but it sounds like it wasn't too bad so that's good... I hope. Few more days if everything is good with your teeth you should be feeling less pain you think? I thought four wisdom teeth at once was a lot anyway. I know how much you love doctor's and dentist office visits... NOT... one time. get'em all! 😬.

My day went OK.... Slow as snail juice but some forward progress. I'm going to try again to get up over the hump again this evening. The coffee was very good thanks😀

I hope you haveI hope you have a great night. 

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago


P.S. Sometime I start a fresh reply because it starts narrowing down a lot, is that ok? It kind of annoys me for some reason, dumb, huh 😕 How about you? 

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago




How's them Crowns?

mytwistedsoul 2 days ago

@IsayUncle 😂 I felt like doing that tbh. The crown is in. It was done last Tuesday. It was a really bad experience tbh and I never want her to do another one 😕 

Thank you for asking. How's the wing healing? 

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago


You're welcome. I'm glad it's done for ya and I hope you don't have to do another either.

My wing is healing just fine but I'm pretty discouraged about the overall interuption of it all. 

Anyway, onward and upward! 😅

mytwistedsoul 1 day ago

@IsayUncle I'm glad to hear it's healing ok! I do understand that discouraged feeling. Especially when there's things that you need and want to get done but can't because of it. It's a forced break/ stop when it's the last thing you really need financially speaking anyway 😕 Being self employed we don't think we'll need workers comp and omg insurance is expensive enough 😐

IsayUncle OP 1 day ago


True on all of that. Luckily I do have insurance.... wheww!

A couple more weeks and back on track. 😵

mytwistedsoul 23 hours ago

@IsayUncle Thats definitely a good thing! I have health and dental but I might have to see about adding workers comp 🤔 

You'll be back at it in no time! You got this! 

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago

Does anyone here use a habit tracking app?

I guess there are thousands of them out there. Some are just for Androids and some just for Apple. Some are for both. 

There are a lot of reviews and the most prominent ones keep showing up with all the pro's and cons.

I never knew about these things.
I am definitely gonna download one of these programs once I figure out which one I want.
They all seem to have free versions.
But even the paid versions are only about $30 a year on some.

I believe this app will break my slump that I'm in and also bring me up out of the fear element that has been creeping into my mind for paying bills and stuff.

I watched several reviews on YouTube this morning and I'm gonna go back and fine tune my decision on which one I might wanna use. I'm kind of excited about the possibilities.

IchooseLife79 1 day ago


I'm using one I just started called LifeUp Pro. It gamify's everything like an rpg game. :)

CyclingThroughLife 1 day ago


I used one a while back, can't remember the name, but found that after a few weeks the new wore off and I would end up not filling it out or using it at all.  The same happened with the MyFitnessPal app when I started tracking my food intake.... while I still had the goals, the filling out of the app got tedious and I got frustrated.....I do that all the time with "self help" apps....I start with the latest trend then a couple weeks in, I lose interest or stop using it because I "don't have time to properly log/fill out/use it properly.....maybe its just me.....who knows....I hope the one you find works for you and you can move forward toward the goal....

cloudySummer 20 hours ago

@CyclingThroughLife It's not just you.

mytwistedsoul 1 day ago

@IsayUncle I heard good things about Notion. You can use it for free but there's limitations. I haven't used it myself tho

StrawberryShaken 1 day ago


I am taking a social media break for the month of October and was wondering how to safely and mindfully reintroduce social media after the break.

Why I wanted to do this break: I was noticing that I was distracted by constant notifications, so I really narrowed those down and removed notifications for most people and apps. I want to use social media socially, not for the notifications of Likes, so I prioritized messages from people I knew and instead of using my usual scrolling habit, I sought out places like 7 Cups and the support servers of *** to talk to people and share my feelings. I want to replace my parasocial relationships with actual interactions. :) Even though it's less intimidating than IRL, I still have social anxiety with replying at times!

What I want to implement after the break: I want to implement time limits for each app, so I know I'm going into the social media app intentionally ("I want to check in with this follower and have a small chat" not "Idk I just need to scroll..."). This will allow me more awareness of what social media is providing. I'm a firm believer that maladaptive coping skills are STILL helpful for something, so that core issue needs to be addressed for any replacement coping skills to last long-term. For example I have noticed that when I feel lonely while at home I have used *** for hours and hours just to hear someone's voice. Feeling lonely is a valid thing to need to comfort myself for, so what could better coping with loneliness look like? This is also something to implement: regular social engagement with others that are truly supportive and I feel comforted and restored afterward. I can: go to bed earlier so I can wake up earlier and spend time with bf before he leaves for work, I can join Zoom meetings for topics of interest, and I can ask for a listener on 7 Cups or elsewhere when I need an individual to listen.

What I noticed I struggled with perhaps the most is how doomscrolling has impacted my self view and worldview. It makes sense that I would believe I am ugly - if all I do is look at people I see as more attractive and listen to makeup/procedure/fashion advice. It makes sense that I would believe the world is a scary place not worth my time - again, if all I do is look at horrible news and expose myself to constant wars and violence that I, reasonably, cannot simply end myself.

This break has given me time to explore things I really value, like losing weight slowly for my cholesterol and mobility rather than rapidly for vanity. Also, I may not be able to emotionally handle or politically invest in things like donation requests, war in other countries, etc. What I can do is take a more local approach for things I am passionate for: housing safety, building safety, anything the EPA would cover, environmental law, regulations around waste disposal, hazards like mold, asbestos, or lead... This is also important for my career path!!

I've also had time to reconnect with my own interests such as theology. Instead of seeing a lot of posts that are both harmful to me: "God hates you for being queer" or "Religion is inherently queerphobic" etc. I am able to explore my own relationship with God/Christianity/spirituality on my terms. Joining a queer Christian group has also been very helpful because it provides me with a space to discuss how these posts harm me without judgement.

By no means do I want to shame myself or others with how much social media they use (or people interested in international politics!! I salute you the same way I do EMTs- I just can't do it myself). This is all my own opinion and goals. :) Being disabled means I spend more time at home, so social media is very valuable for me to use regularly to stay in touch with people such as those with similar disabilities that may not live nearby. But it's also very valuable to take breaks and reflect on my usage. 😃

IsayUncle OP 1 day ago


You seem to be very compassionate and aware of your situation. That's really good. You're not trying to blame others or judge others but at the same time you know how you interact with others can have a negative or positive effect on you. Doing too much doom scrolling is not good so it seems like you're being pretty practical to take a break from it. Thanks for expressing your feelings and sharing the importance to take a break from social media sometimes. I hope it helps others and serves you well. 🤗

IchooseLife79 1 day ago

It looks like you've thought this out well. Best of luck to you!

Enthenia 1 day ago

Dog is fast asleep under the couch so I'm working on my assignment. We've already had a long morning. Got up at five, played with the pup for an hour and a half, and then checked my bank account because I got a message about the deposit. Unfortunately, the bank kicked back the rent payment, so I had to resubmit it. Sent the apartment complex an email about it explaining that I had expected the deposit to process yesterday but didn't until this morning and that the back has the transaction as a pending return. I will have to pay a fee from the bank and the company that processes the payments. In my email, I let them know that I was aware of potentially paying a fee. This is the first time this has happened to me in over ten years.

So I guess it's a good thing that the deposit was more than I was expecting because of the fees I will have to pay. And I was able to make payments on other accounts, got some shoes, groceries (things I can't just pick up across the street), and I still have quite a bit left over.

I still need to download some audio and video for my assignment. Found a place that has free audio files (short ones like dogs barking--actually let a few play once and the noises intrigued my dog--, ocean waves, cows, etc.) and I have to decide on a video clip. I've also added a zoom effect to the image gallery (supposed to enlarge the picture when the mouse hovers over it) but I haven't tested it yet. 

The pup is awake now so I guess I'll have to play with her a bit. We're still under a heat advisory so I will have to entertain her inside. It's supposed to cool down sometime next week I think.

IsayUncle OP 1 day ago


Jeeeez, u hit the lottery! 🤣😁🤣. Not really, but good for you. Groceries and new shoes. What a relief! 


IchooseLife79 1 day ago


IsayUncle OP 1 day ago



It's ice cream time! 😛

mytwistedsoul 23 hours ago

@IsayUncle This would definitely be Tiny! 😂😂

IsayUncle OP 1 day ago

@mytwistedsoul, @IchooseLife79, @CyclingThroughLife

I ended up with Habitify.

Having trouble figuring it out. 😕. Software glitches.... maybe. 

I restarted phone... fingers crossed. didn't work. have to contact someone. ARRRRRRGHHHH!tantrum-baby-crying.gif

IchooseLife79 1 day ago

Good job making a decision. Once you get past the learners curve I'm sure you will like it.

mytwistedsoul 23 hours ago

@IsayUncle 😂 The gif is relatable! 😂 Good luck!  I have to agree with @IchooseLife79 once you play with it alittle you'll figure it out. Hopefully the phone just needed a restart

IchooseLife79 5 hours ago


Did you have a chance to make some headway on figuring out the app? How about cleaning the kitchen? :)

EasyTalkFriend 4 hours ago



IsayUncle OP 4 hours ago



im sorry i replied with the wrong acct. ive been practicing with a listener account but get them mixed up sometimes.

i think i am going to take a break from 7 cups for a while.

i am still going to post the weekly thread as it seems to be a good meeting place. 

CyclingThroughLife 3 hours ago

Although I do not get in here to comment as much as I'd like, as you know, i do scroll and read....I for one will miss seeing your posts and will be patiently awaiting your return....with that said, you do you and take all the time you need