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Thank you for visiting my profile page.  I just want to say....whatever you are looking for, 7cups has a way of giving you something.....whether its an actual therapist, a listener or just forum participation, you will get something from scrolling around and visiting this site.  Don't give up.  Participate and get involved.  It helps. 

Now for a little about me....I know its long so thanks for reading if you stay.....

I enjoy biking, as you may be able to tell from my screen name.  But it also represents the cycles we go through in our lives, the ups and downs, the goods and bads.......

I came here to search the forums, get the help I need and maybe drop a post or two that will help someone else.

I'm a big fan of CBS prime time television with my favorite shows being:

NCIS(original, Hawaii, LA and NOLA), all 3 FBI shows, SWAT and the new CSI.   I also really like The Good Doctor on ABC.  I'm a big Guy Fierri fan and like all his different shows on Food Network.

My favorite books are WWII books, The Jack Reacher series books, and The Alex Cross series books

I did 8 years in the ARMY right out of high school (82nd Airborne with 1 year 2ID in Korea)

I enjoy working out, weight lifting, spin classes and biking in particular,  leisurely floating around the local lakes in my kayak, and playing "radio".  I am a licensed Amateur (HAM) radio operator.

I have 2 grown boys, 2 grown step daughters, and a 15 year old still at home.  4 grandchildren as of now. 

I came to 7cups for help and support with work stress and job burnout.  I've been in the corrections field since 1997, in one capacity or another, working with people who made mistakes and want to change their lives,  inmates, addicts, and just some genuinely narcissistic and evil individuals. The job has great pay, great benefits and a better than average retirement plan.  I am up for retirement in Jan 2027 at the age of 55. There is no "end" product at the end of the day to feel accomplished about.  No real "reward" so to speak.  As long as everyone goes home safe and no one gets hurt or dies, you've basically had a good day.  The job has changed a lot since I started.  Much of this has to do with politics and the way the public views the penal system.  The last 3 or 4 years, I have been experiencing bouts of burnout. Didn't want to go to work, dreaded going to bed at night because I knew I had to go to work in the morning, didn't want to do anything I enjoyed after work because all I kept thinking about was work.  It was bad, real bad.  These bouts would last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.  Last year, I had a bout of burnout that lasted close to 6 weeks.  I was to the point where I was ready to throw it all away.  Leave the job.  So close to retirement, yet it seemed unreachable because of my frame of mind and burnout.  It was then that decided to try therapy.  It was during covid so I had to do video sessions.  I did three sessions and stopped.  Most of the things this guy wanted me try, personally, I knew weren't going to work, just based on the environment I worked in.  I feel like unless you have experienced or work in that sort of environment, you just don't get it.  So I came to 7cups.  I was hoping to find a listener.  When I started searching the forums, I found that there were people here who had good ideas.  Even though their situation wasn't exactly like mine, there were things I could do or try and twist them a bit to fit my situation.  I found that the forums were helping a great deal with ideas.  Then I decided to start participating.  I wanted to put some of my things out there and support and help others the best I could.  If I can help prevent what I'm going through, its a win/win.  I never did actually connect with a listener.  I think its because, based on the job, I can't say what I want to say without coming off the wrong way.  I'm still contemplating it but I think I'm happy with just forums right now. 

Recent forum posts
Its Feel Good Friday
Work & Career / by CyclingThroughLife
Last post
November 30th, 2023
...See more Happy Feel Good Friday.  I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, those that celebrated, and if you didn't or don't celebrate, I hope you have had a great week.  A lot of us come to 7 cups when we are at a low point, looking for help, advice or to just to vent.  Today, I want to flip the script and talk about those things that make us feel good. So for the work and career forum, on this Feel Good Friday, lets talk about things at the workplace that make you feel good. What have you accomplished at work that has made you feel good? Have you done something for someone else in the workplace that has made you or a co-worker feel good? Has a co-worker done something for you in the workplace that has made you feel good? @CyclingThroughLife @ImpudentIncognito @KristenHR @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @trueconfidant123 @warmheartedCamp3360
Thank the Veterans around you
General Support / by CyclingThroughLife
Last post
November 24th, 2023
...See more I know we have a Veterans support section, but I want this post to reach everyone, not just the Veterans.  I'm not sure if this is where that will happen so I apologize to the forum leaders if it doesn't belong here. Veterans day in the US is tomorrow, Nov 11th.  Please take time to thank those around you who have sacrificed big parts of their lives to keep you safe and maintain your freedoms.  Many Veterans, while on the surface look to be ok, are actually struggling inside.  Take the time to thank them, have a conversation, and check in.  Sometimes a little goes a long way.  To all the Veterans out there.  Thanks you for your service.  If you are in need, please seek assistance.  Keep your head up and have a great day.
Thank you to all Veterans
General Support / by CyclingThroughLife
Last post
November 17th, 2023
...See more I just want to say thank you to all who are and have served our country.  Be proud and hold your head high.  Sometimes the civilian life can be difficult.  Please don't be afraid to come here and vent/talk or ask/seek help.  No brother left behind.  22 2 NONE.......
Holiday Preparation
Work & Career / by CyclingThroughLife
Last post
November 6th, 2023
...See more Happy November.  Here in the US, this is the time we start to prepare for our Thanksgiving and thinking about Christmas through out the world.  A time to spend with family and friends, close out the current year and get ready for new adventures in the upcoming year.  Sometimes, having to work during this time of year makes it hard on a lot of us.  Having to work on Holidays isn't fun for anyone.  Business models vary depending on the type of job and workplace environment. Some places are very family friendly while others not so much.  With the Holidays coming up, some work places slow down to give their employees time to spend with family.  Others, like retail, amp up and require extra staff and hours, making the time more stressful for its staff.  Lets share ideas and ways to make this holiday season as stress free as possible in the workplace. What does your place of employment do to prepare for the Holidays, if anything? Does this time of year cause you more stress at work?  What ideas or tips can you share with us regarding working during this season, that help keep you happy and stress free? @CyclingThroughLife @ImpudentIncognito @KristenHR @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @trueconfidant123 @warmheartedCamp3360
Checking in
Work & Career / by CyclingThroughLife
Last post
November 8th, 2023
...See more Good morning.... I am @CyclingThroughLife......I was recently chosen as a forum supporter for the Work & Career community.  I first want to thank the 7Cups Administration for giving me this opportunity.  Next, a little about myself.  The short version....I came to 7Cups about a year and a half ago after a horrible experience with therapy, to find some coping mechanisms for work stress and burnout.  I started in the forums, found some ideas, applied them to my situation, started interacting with other individuals and eventually reached out to a listener or two. I have started to re-frame my thinking about some of the things that were causing my stress and burnout, and how to deal with them. I am not completely over my work stress and burnout, it is a work in progress, but I am much better than I was when I first came to 7Cups. I am also managing my work life better.  I decided to apply for a forum supporter role, because I feel as though if I can offer a little help or support to someone else to prevent them from going through what I went through, its a win.  Work and Careers take up a huge portion of our lives.  If you only work an 8 hour day, that's 1/3 of your day you are at work.  Most of us work longer than that......and society tells us we are to be asleep another 1/3 of our day(who really needs 8hrs sleep anyway lol).....That doesn't leave much time for the mundane, everyday, must do, chores of life, let alone self care, family, fun, etc..... We all deserve a safe space to go and let out our frustrations, feelings and thoughts regarding our jobs and careers, and I truly believe 7cups has created that space. With that said, I would think most folks don't come to 7cups because they are completely happy.... most come here with our problems and negativeness, looking for ways to help fix that.  No one wants to go through life completely negative day after day.  I want to do a flip flop with this check in..... What is one thing that you really enjoy about your job????? One thing I really enjoy about my job is that, even though I don't get to do it as much as I'd like, I was chosen as an instructor to assist in training new employees, and re-certifying current ones.  One of my goals is to hold the training position full time one day. I chose this question more for myself because I really do have a hard time finding something that I really enjoy about my job.  The training experience is probably the ONLY thing I enjoy doing, when I get to do it, at this point in my career.  I could say money or benefits because my job pays very well and we have a great benefits and retirement package.  We all work because we need income, so I'd rather not use "the money, or benefits" as an answer.  If that is the only thing positive you can find about your job, then that is fine, but lets really think about this and find something good or positive in your current job or career. I look forward to hearing from you all.  Have a great Sunday.
Too Soon?
Music & Dance / by CyclingThroughLife
Last post
October 21st, 2023
...See more I know everyone is getting antsy....its that time of year.....the time when the great debate starts on all social media sites..... Is it too early to play the Christmas music?????  We all know that certain chain stores will have their Christmas displays up the day after Personally, I can listen to Christmas music year round. 
General Support / by CyclingThroughLife
Last post
October 2nd, 2023
...See more I have been contemplating contacting a listener for some time now. I'm not quite sure how that works. I feel as though my issues aren't at a point where they require immediate, one on one response. I've done a lot of "searching" listener profiles looking for the right individual, "life experience" so to speak, that I think will understand where I am coming from. I am looking for someone who can help with work stress and burnout. I have talked to people in the past, and felt they didn't get where I was coming from or understand what I was having issue with. I am also wanting just one person who will work with me, rather than try to explain my situation to a different person each time I decide I need a listener. Two or three names keep coming up in my searches and I have contemplated contacting them, but I wasn't sure if I could being as they weren't online and I wasn't in immediate need of a listener. I also don't want to take away from someone who may need that immediate listener. I guess what I'm looking for is someone who will allow me to write out my vent, as I need it, and put in their two cents when they can. Like a back and forth message, but it doesn't need to be "live" so to speak. Is this even a thing? I'm just thinking out loud here, contemplating options. Maybe I need a post for everyone to read and put in their comments and ideas instead of a listener, but I'm not sure if that is what "I" need, if that makes sense. Anyway, thanks for any help or ideas anyone can offer.
Thought for the day 9/22/23
Motivation & Accountability / by CyclingThroughLife
Last post
September 22nd, 2023
...See more
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