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Weekly sharing of Goals! Week #39 2024 (Monday 09/30/24 - Sunday 10/06/24)

IsayUncle Sunday

I welcome anyone to commit to a goal here today. 

But importantly, talk about getting it done..... or why it didn't happen yet.

To praise each other for our efforts and wins.

While supporting each other through trials and setbacks.

And to continue trying and not give up.

Every Goal should be considered "Worthy".
Never belittle your achievements and be proud of yourself for your daily accomplishments!
Whether they be Complex or Simple.
Getting out of bed is a good day..... Good job I say!

Share your goals today, for support and encouragement.

@IchooseLife79 @cloudySummer @mytwistedsoul @KristenHR @Tinywhisper11 @CyclingThroughLife @Psalm139 @Enthenia @anonyTortoise3336 @spicyavocado3788 @neatBlueberry5213 @AmyK1234 @ivoryLakeuk @MusokeHere @seashell145

And Any Others
IsayUncle OP Thursday


That's good, I hope everything goes good at TKD. It sounds like it'll be good for you to get out and about. Did you manage to get any motivation going?

I cannot believe how much I am not doing with all this basically free time at the house I am screwing up bad. I don't know if it's being lazy or just out of rhythm and out of sorts. I can't really blame my arm anymore because I'm not in pain and even though it's in a sling I can still take it out and and use it without harming anything, for simple basic stuff I can't put a lot of stress on it. 

Good luck with those costumes, is it gonna be awesome! 🎃

Psalm139 Thursday

Motivation has still been hard. Could partly be lack of physical energy with all the pain meds and antibiotics and then my antidepressant which I hadn’t fully adjusted to.

Idk about you, but for me it’s hard to manage time at home with limited energy and what feels like unlimited things that need to be done. It’s hard to figure out what is most important. Sometimes I get overwhelmed and just do nothing 🙁

IsayUncle OP Thursday


That's what's happening to me and I hate it. It's like I'm just tired of trying.
I got a guy coming over tell me some badly needed yard work and dog house upkeep. But I just slept in this morning.. I wish he wasn't coming over. I feel like I can sleep all day today.

he'll be here in about an hour so I guess I better get at it.

I hope you feel better and enjoy going to your TKD today

Psalm139 Thursday

How did it go? Hopefully you got through the yard work and whatever chores you needed to do and can rest this afternoon without guilt!

IsayUncle OP Thursday


It went ok.... No big expectations to begin with and then he wanted to leave early anyway..... whatever.

You didnt do TKD yet did you?.... I hope it went ..or.. goes well. 🙂

Psalm139 Thursday

Nope, tonight at 6:30. Not really looking forward to it but I know it’s good for me to get out. And good for the kids, so 😕.

It doesn’t sound like you’re having the best day! Have you tried making a list of everything you want to accomplish and then prioritizing everything? Then maybe you can feel good as you cross things off! That’s what I’m going to try to do!

IsayUncle OP Thursday


Yeah, I guess dragging yourself back out into the real world after enjoying a cozy cocoon can be a little bit intimidating. But I'm sure you know, it's a good thing to do. Just don't shake up your head too much. 😬. Be careful.

For myself, I just can't wrap my head around any disciplines and everyday I waste, pressurizes me somewhere in the back of my brain. I stayed in bed until the last hour to get ready before that guy come over. Him coming over and helping a little bit it seemed to motivate me a little bit this evening so I'm gonna try to stay up and try to get a bunch of backed up stuff done i guess.😕

Psalm139 3 days ago

Were you able to get anything done this afternoon? I understand the struggle 😕. I guess all we can do is the best we can each day. For me my best is different every day!

I went to TKD tonight. My 16 year old daughter goes to all three classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays and so she was there and my 17 year old daughter and 13 year old son and I went to the last class. The last class is usually quite a bit smaller and less chaotic. I don’t remember if I told you that the younger two had a break this month because neither was really trying. My six year old wants to try to go back but not sure about my ten year old yet.

Anyway, the first class back is always the hardest so I’m happy it’s done!

Class was going ok but our instructor was in a super bad mood. There was a cute little seven year old girl that is a white belt that was talking to me a lot lol. I’m sure he loved seeing us talking and laughing while he was being a grump lol!

IsayUncle OP 3 days ago


I guess you showed old Mr. grumpy. 🤣. Good for you and I bet you that young girl just loved it. That is just too cute. I'm glad you made it back to the class. 

Did you actually participate and do exercises and stuff. How did your chompers fare?

Are you saying cute number six ain't loving his classes anymore? Your baby? "Say it ain't so Joe"😂

I'm gonna try to get more done today and stay more disciplined. Saint George around the table that have been there for the past whatever... lol. I am starting to get a little bit more comfortable so sleeping a little better, which I think is gonna help a lot. I was not getting any sleep for those first couple of weeks. 

Friend of mine gave me a bag of Dunkin' Donuts coffee beans and I got a grinder. OMG that's a good cup of coffee! 😀.

Have a great day. 💜

Psalm139 2 days ago

Yep I was able to do the class and participate in everything like normal. I am still taking ibuprofen a few times a day.

Yeah, my little one still likes it but with the bladder stone I think he got used to not doing most things because it would hurt. And then after the surgery he was always saying it was too cold. It was really hot at that time so the air was on. He has a lot of sensory issues like that, so I guess the cold was just too much. I am going to get him some grip socks so at least his feet are warm. And maybe bring some mittens lol.

How is your day going? Enjoy your coffee!☕️

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


good-morning-have-a-great-day.gif       kstr-kochstrasse.gif

How about an update sweetie. Are you able to get out of bed much yet? Pain level?? HALLOWEEN SPIRIT ????? 💀🎃

Tinywhisper11 Thursday

@IsayUncle goood mornning uncle ❤ good morning everyone ❤ pain levels are not to bad, I'm still feeling quite weak and tired. I've managed to go outside and talk to my son and spend time with my piggies 😁 but just very tired a lot and ohhhhh nooooo! Um, does anyone know if the 5 second rule applies to soup??? Please answer quickly????

IsayUncle OP Thursday


YES.... dive dive dive... watch ur teeth 😬

Tinywhisper11 Thursday

@IsayUncle 😂😂😂😂😂😂 don't worry I used a very long straw😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

IsayUncle OP Thursday


Beautiful and Smart.... facryingotloud i knew that! 😁🤣😂🤣😂😁🤣😂

Tinywhisper11 Thursday

@IsayUncle 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Enthenia Thursday

Submitted it. Formatting is still screwy but I have a page with a table and image gallery. Those were two of the requirements. Another night of less than 5hrs of sleep and I'm already behind on the next assignment plus the new monthly reports will be up at work tomorrow...

IsayUncle OP Thursday


YOU ARE NOT INEPT! Things are on you right now. It happens to the worst of us and it happens to the best of us. It happens to everyone. 

If it's taking too long, what choices do you have. Remember, that you are just learning. You may have to make adjustments because of outside forces like work and other things that happen. But it is not you, you are doing the best you can and if you stay at it you will get past all of this.

Try to focus on what you're doing at hand, what's right in front of you. I know sometimes it's horribly hard and it seems hopeless but I guarantee you it is not. not for someone like you, for someone that has the fighting spirit that you have. I'm sorry it's really hard for you. What other choices do you have for your classes and your assignments as far as how long they last?

Enthenia Thursday

@IsayUncle my life seems to be constantly on the brink of an avalanche. No further information on the financial aid. Checked the site that handles the refunds. May is the most recent one they have on file. Last time I remember getting an email about disbursement and a few days later an email about the refund. Already committed my rent payment. Now I'll be overdrawn and I still have that. The money from an old account hasn't shown up on my state's unclaimed property list yet so I can't get that. 

And a bunch of other things that just makes it impossible to breathe at times. Plus work, pets, and school....

Enthenia Thursday

So the account that was supposedly closed at the end of August if I didn't respond sent me an account statement email. Happened to notice it when I cleaned out an email account I don't use much anymore. I was able to get into the account and sell shares (it was ab investment account I started when I had delusions that things would get better. That was long before COVID and everything) and I didn't get as much as what the letter said I had (value depreciation). I also couldn't do a deposit. I had to request a check. The deposit would have helped cover what I was short for rent since I have absolutely no idea when the financial aid will finish processing. Had an email at the beginning of the week stating "your funds will be disbursed this week". The week is almost over. 

One reason I wanted to go back to school was because I wanted to get to a point where I didn't have to worry about such things but it looks like I'll always have to worry about such things.

If the monthly reports don't get posted today, I'll start getting ready for assignment no. 4 once I get the daily tasks out of the way.

IsayUncle OP Thursday


That is a lot of real life stressors. 

It sounds like the need to pay your bills is interfering a lot with you being able to take the time to do your school work.

What options do you have make sure that your bills are paid. More hours where you work a second job, more sacrifice less expenses?

What you're doing is not bad. It seems like you have pushed everything for the best to the brink of possibilities and now some cracks are showing up. 

What options do you have to gain a little bit more financial security, quickly in the short term?

Enthenia Thursday

@IsayUncle Less expenses would help but that's difficult. Mainly the cost of food and having to generally stick with fresh items and things that are low in carbohydrates. 

I don't have the stamina to do two jobs any more and since I go everywhere by bus, finding an extra job that was relatively close by would be an impossibility. Overtime isn't an option in my department and even if it was, it would be difficult because of the dog. There are other ways to earn like companies pay people that report network vulnerabilities but I'd need more skills than what I currently have.

I am paying off old bills and I have a little bit in the 401k but I can't access it right now.

It just boils down to me incorrectly assessing things and not being able to process things faster. And probably sleeping to much. I adapted to less than six hours a night. I can change again.

IsayUncle OP Thursday


it seems that you are painted in a very tight corner but if you allow me, let me break it down a little bit more for you. Doesn't change anything but I'm hoping it gives you a couple of breaking points that you might be able to tolerate if you have to.... If you have to!

Because you want to pass more than almost anything right???

Earning extra money May not be an option.... but could be....
Having all the answers so that you can be faster is also not an option. (until you learn more)

The dog will survive and adapt whatever your schedule forces you into. I know dogs and I know this is the truth. You may not like it But it is doable for a necessary span of time, not forever. So if overtime did become an option or if you did stumble on a side gig for extra money, your dog would survive😀.

Grocery bill. We must eat healthy to keep our strength up and not get sick. There are amazing ways to reduce a grocery bill and still eat very very healthy. Would $80.00 a month help you maintain your bills. Can you reduce your grocery bill by $20 a week and still maintain somewhat of a healthy diet?

And last but not least......
How destructive will failing a lesson be to your plans and more importantly to your psyche?

Enthenia, I hope I'm not sounding overbearing or not empathetic. 🤗. I have been following you working so very hard for a long time and this is the worst corner I've seen you in. I don't want you to give up but sometimes things have to give somewhere so that we can keep going. 

Don't convince yourself that that is your fault or you're not good enough because you are. There's an old quote that I love about a sailor that adjust his sails.... let me look that up right quick.....


You have been battling stormy waters for awhile.
Hold Fast
Calmer waters can be right around the corner. 💙

Enthenia 3 days ago

@IsayUncle I've been in worse corners. Was locked out of my apartment for four days once. Had to wear the same outfit practically the whole week. That's why I try so hard to get rent taken care of. My mom isn't here to take care of the pets like she was years ago. It's not fair to them to make them suffer.

The dog has been letting me do stuff on the computer although it's somewhat grudgingly but I can only stand for maybe an hour and then my legs really hurt when I sit down. I couldn't do a retail job any more.

As for the dog, she's still fairly young and a working kind. If she doesn't get enough exercise, she gets into things. She's much better than she was a year ago though.

For the whole school thing, the reports haven't been posted and I am caught up to today. I have the code on my computer at work so tomorrow I should be able to look and alter the code. I just can't preview the results. And I have to add media and fix the images to where they resize when clicked so I can work on that tomorrow as well.

IsayUncle OP 3 days ago


I love pets too.

You must miss your mom not being there and not being able to help you with the pets. 🙁

Enthenia 3 days ago

@IsayUncle I don't think my mom could handle my mini shepherd. My mom isn't as strong as she used to be. I know I was doubtful when I got the pup as a gift but she does help. I don't think I would have managed without them. And, they aren't responsible for the present situation. It's just me trying to stay afloat in the sea of life like usual. I just have more ballast than usual.

IchooseLife79 Thursday

I had a little mix up with my meds and was pretty much in a coma yesterday and this morning. Didn't wake up early or make it to work. Still a little groggy, but up and working on things now. Glad to see everyone is still making progress and healthy. :) Small steps make for big changes!

IsayUncle OP Thursday


Oh my goodness, that's not good. I'm glad you're alright though. Sorry you missed work, that must have been a bit discouraging. Don't let it worry you. We just keep trying and we'll get there, for sure.😉.

Small steps for big changes... We must keep believing that. We never know when that one little step will make all the difference in the world. So Let's just keep on small stepping it! You got this. I hope you're feeling better tomorrow.


YEP..... That's how we roll! 😁

IchooseLife79 3 days ago


up and moving this morning! yay :)

IsayUncle OP 3 days ago


I saw that.... Good morning, we're here at the same time... How ya doing?

Great job getting up. 

IchooseLife79 3 days ago


I'm doing alright. Feeling good about the day.

IchooseLife79 3 days ago


How are you?

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago


OH... Bummmer Missed a good conversation chance. Better late than never?? 🤔

My day went ok... Blah... no fire but got some stuff done. How'd you make out? 🙂

IchooseLife79 2 days ago


hehehe My day bombed. Didn't make it to work. Although I did work on paperwork for voc rehab.

IsayUncle OP 2 days ago


Awww, highs and lows right? I got a little bit of time. What happened? You OK? 

ivoryBalsam492 3 days ago

@IsayUncle my goal would be same as last week- to study 2 modules a day- because i couldn't achieve it. i hope to do better this week while taking care of my mental health.

I read your reply on my last week's msg. I thought I would reply it later but im not sure how to find that msg again. It seems kinda confusing. So i will reply here. No one module is not too long. One module can take me around 2 hours

EasyTalkFriend 3 days ago


Hi again, You're in the right space. I'll talk more about that in a minute.

4 hours a day is it good goal. It is a lot of time but it's not out of reach so it sounds like 2 modules a day would be really good. It's OK if you didn't get to them last week. That's why we like to come back here and talk about stuff like that. 

What keeps you down about your mental health?

OK, about my thread. I start a new one every week because every week we have a chance for a fresh start. That's why you had a hard time finding your message because it won't be in this week's thread. I forget exactly when you post it but it could be in week #37 or week #38. 

It doesn't matter what weekly thread you post and reply to because we get messages about them but it is OK to carry a conversation into the new week. Like you did just now, that's good. I base my thread on 52 weeks a year so we have 52 tries, kinda to make things better if we want to. 😊. And then hopefully we can start the new year off in a better place and then get better some more.

I'll show you later how you can find your old conversations OK? so that it's not confusing for other things that you do. 

So anyway about your two modules, did you tell me what you were studying on? I forget if you did.🤔. Let's try to get those two done this week.... Hip hip Hooray, you can do it!

Tinywhisper11 3 days ago



EasyTalkFriend 3 days ago


YAY, trying to sing.....  but sounding a little bit sheepish. 😁

IchooseLife79 3 days ago


That's alright, Tiny is all about jailhouse singing... behind a few bars and the wrong key. hehehe