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Weekly sharing of Goals! Week #39 2024 (Monday 09/30/24 - Sunday 10/06/24)

IsayUncle Sunday

I welcome anyone to commit to a goal here today. 

But importantly, talk about getting it done..... or why it didn't happen yet.

To praise each other for our efforts and wins.

While supporting each other through trials and setbacks.

And to continue trying and not give up.

Every Goal should be considered "Worthy".
Never belittle your achievements and be proud of yourself for your daily accomplishments!
Whether they be Complex or Simple.
Getting out of bed is a good day..... Good job I say!

Share your goals today, for support and encouragement.

@IchooseLife79 @cloudySummer @mytwistedsoul @KristenHR @Tinywhisper11 @CyclingThroughLife @Psalm139 @Enthenia @anonyTortoise3336 @spicyavocado3788 @neatBlueberry5213 @AmyK1234 @ivoryLakeuk @MusokeHere @seashell145

And Any Others
Tinywhisper11 Tuesday

@IsayUncle have a great Tuesday everyone ❤❤


Enthenia Tuesday

Have 108 reports left and one from to fill out. With it taking so long to save the spreadsheets, I've pasted one of the HTML code files into a site I found yesterday. It's called HTML online viewer. Free and it gives you a preview of how the page will look also explains the errors to where one can understand. Not like "attribute found at line 77 not allowed. Suppressing further errors".

According to the site, on my contact page I have an open tag. Doesn't say where but at least it tells me the type so I can at least look for it.

IchooseLife79 Tuesday

Hope this works well for ya. You need a break. :)

Enthenia Tuesday

@IchooseLife79 well after using three different online tools and looking at numerous blogs/tech sites, I was able to get all the code to be error-free!

HTML is like a foundation and the CSS is more of an aesthetic. I have to tie it all in at home (hopefully that won't take me 2+ hours) and wait for the site to update. I'll need to get this submitted soon or else I'll get an email warning about lack of engagement.

IchooseLife79 Tuesday


Time to celebrate! Then on to the next step :)

Enthenia Wednesday

@IchooseLife79 on that front, yes. But other things have given me more stress. Went through some mail I hadn't gotten to only to find that a medical bill will be going to collections. Was wondering why I wasn't getting payment confirmations. But, I recently made a payment and the account said current...

I thought that with the refund from financial aid, I'd be a little ahead. Apparently not.

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


Awwwww 😢. Easy does it.... it'll work out, it has to. 🙏

Enthenia Wednesday

@IsayUncle I had a response last night but my elderly cat wanted attention and I must have fallen asleep....

Things like this always happen. And I'm going to be delayed on the assignment even more because the navigation links aren't working. I'm getting a 404 error. I had the background and logo working for a bit plus a side menu bar (which could only be seen in dark mode for some reason). I'm definitely going to fail this because I won't have the time to do all the assignments. 

Guess it's just retribution for embarking on a folly to widen my skills.

Hardly anything I do seems to come out right.

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


NO, Please don't think like that. Sometimes it's just 100% times harder than what we think. And then also, it seems to take so much more time than what we have.

Those things make us doubt ourselves. Don't doubt yourself.. You are strong, smart and amazing. It's better to face the reality that things are a little harder than you thought they're gonna take longer than what you anticipated. It's a whole lot better to realize that.

Take a breather, dig in, gear up and get ready to plan your next attack. the-avengers-marvel.gif

If "never failing" was an option, nothing would have any value.

I am really really sorry you feel so worn out and discouraged.

That could be nature's way of telling you that you have conquered many mountains behind you. For this one, you may need to regain your strength and restock your fortitude.

Whatever you do, don't doubt yourself. You are stronger than you know. 

Enthenia Wednesday

@IsayUncle And again I had a response which I completely wiped out because my fingers don't fit the virtual keyboard on my mobile.. My fault naturally.

I am taking entirely too long with this course. I'm like a month in and I still have 70% left to complete. I can't seem to manage the most basic of things. This actually happens quite a lot. Being totally inept I mean and one can't survive on that. 

And, I don't know if I'll have time to try and figure it out here at work because I'm behind since I had to redo a background report pull because of my inability to read names correctly...

IchooseLife79 Tuesday

I made it to work yesterday and today. Got rained out today, but I'm still feeling good about the day. Still got energy to come home and work on other things. :)

Tinywhisper11 Wednesday

@IchooseLife79 yaaaaay! 


BlueDarkAurora Wednesday

@IsayUncle how's your injury? Hope the healing is going well <3

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


The injury is healing great but the deep healing is still gonna take a lot of time. I'm taking no medicine there is no pain but I have to leave my arm in a sling for four more weeks.

Thanks for checking in. 😄

how are things going with you?

BlueDarkAurora Wednesday

@IsayUncle so glad to know there's no more pain and yeah let your arm heal fully. Looks like you did take good care of your arm so good job there! Hope you're going easy on your mind and heart as well. 

Everything is fine with me, thanks for asking :D

Tinywhisper11 Wednesday

@IsayUncle goooooodmorrrrninggg uncle John ❤ goooooodmorrrning every one ❤I'm just say here listening to Xmas music 😁 tis the season to be jolly fa laaaaa laaaaaaaa


IchooseLife79 Wednesday


Christmas music already?! You better not be opening any gifts yet young lady!!

Tinywhisper11 Wednesday

@IchooseLife79 no I'm a good girl😇 in still buying gifts for myself😁 then I'll spread them out between my birthday and xmas 😁 ❤ wow! I'm still pretty diszy

IchooseLife79 Wednesday


How'd you get that halo over your horns?! Muwhahahaha

What's on your Christmas list? I want more legos hehehe

Tinywhisper11 Wednesday

@IchooseLife79 oh let's are way to hard😁

so far I have a nice princess kite, a baby girl brunch doll. And a hand puppet😁 yep! I'm always alone here at Xmas so I buy myself toys, so I can play all Xmas and celebrate it on my own😁😁😁

Tinywhisper11 Wednesday

@Tinywhisper11 baby girl grinch* doll

Tinywhisper11 Wednesday

@Tinywhisper11 and I have learnt how to hide the horns under my hair😇

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


Good morning! Look at that Christmas spirit dance. You lifted my spirits up on high this morning Tiny. You are so amazing.


Tinywhisper11 Thursday

@IsayUncle ❤❤😁❤❤ I love you

IsayUncle OP Wednesday

oooooh boy.... i just thought of something, 

A reference page for repeated threads we use. unused threads will be delegated to the outbound list if list gets to long. (just testing the idea now)

Discipline! Daily Success Habits by peacefulSunrise8888

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


OK that worked....... @Cyclingthroughlife. Can i add your thread? It's just kind of a quick way to get to threads that are important or fun.

CyclingThroughLife Wednesday


My threads are open for anyone who is interested....if you are planning to pin my journal thread, there will be a lot of reading for someone who hasn't been following along....

Is this going to be one separate space for everything, or will you permanently add them to or randomly toss them into the weekly sharing thread?  Just curious....either way, it is a good idea....

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


I'll keep the list on a starter page for the thread. 

I Guess it'll be kind of a library of pertinant threads that I like to follow. If others have pertinent threads they want to add, I can do that too.

The thread title I clarify (per subject) should make it easy to identify in regards to interest.

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


Also... inital week would be random post to be collected and added to main page later.

CyclingThroughLife Wednesday

I was surfing the forums and would click on a user who posted something recently and would get an error that the user was removed or not found.  This happened in a couple of different threads, to include the ones you shared above.  I checked uncle and tiny's profiles and I could get to them. The whole thing is strange.   Does anyone know if this is an issue with the site?  Its really not a big deal to where I need to ask someone in charge, I was just wondering if anyone else has had that issue.....

CyclingThroughLife Wednesday

Disregard my previous, it seems to be only the one user profile that is not coming up....I'm not going to worry about it.....

Psalm139 Wednesday

Shopping for Halloween costumes this week!  We are doing a Sonic theme this year💙💛❤️. My youngest two will be tails and knuckles, my oldest daughter will be Sonic (she’s obsessed), and I will be Amy Rose.  Still need to figure out a couple of costumes, but it should be fun!  Anyone else like to dress up?img-0096_1727900485.pngimg-0095_1727900507.pngimg-0094_1727900518.png

CyclingThroughLife Wednesday


That sounds like a lot of fun.  My daughter in law goes as a witch each year and the grand kids have been super hero's the last 3 years.....I always look forward to their pictures.....

Psalm139 Thursday

How old are your grandkids? I always look forward to our pictures too 🙂. They are so fun to look back on!

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


That is so awesome. You do so much with them young UNS. 🤩 That sounds like it's gonna be a ton of fun. Thanks for sharing the pics, they look really cool, what a great theme.

IsayUncle OP Wednesday


Hey, how's your teeth doing? 

Psalm139 Thursday

Pretty well, still a little pain but going to TKD tomorrow anyway lol! I already feel super lazy with my week off!