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Conquering your goals: Setting the right goals!

Hope August 1st

Hi everyone!

I hope this message finds you well. We’re excited to kick off our series with an important topic: setting the right goals.

Often, we become so fixated on achieving certain goals that we forget to ask if they’re truly worth pursuing. I recently saw a social media post that resonated with me: “Just because something is hard to achieve doesn’t mean it’s worth having.” This got me thinking—sometimes we chase after goals simply because they’re challenging, assuming that difficulty equates to value. But is that always the case?

Many of us find ourselves striving for goals that might not be right for us for several reasons:

  • Social Pressure: You might feel the urge to achieve something because others around you are doing it. For instance, you might desire a particular car just because your trendy cousin has one.
  • Seeking External Validation: We often pursue goals to gain approval from others or to enhance our self-worth. For example, people sometimes go through drastic changes in appearance or lifestyle to be admired or accepted.
  • Uncertainty About What You Want: If you’re unsure of your own desires or values, you might end up chasing whatever seems popular or desirable at the moment.
  • Insecurities: Sometimes, we set goals to address personal insecurities or boost our self-esteem. For instance, buying designer clothes might be an attempt to feel more valuable or worthy.

It’s completely normal to care about others' opinions, want to be liked, or struggle with insecurities. The problem arises when we pursue goals just to escape these feelings without a deeper purpose. It’s like putting a band-aid on a wound instead of addressing the root cause.

To avoid chasing the wrong goals, let’s start by reflecting on what truly matters to us. Begin by considering your core values and evaluating whether your goals align with them.

Here are some common core values to consider:

  • Integrity: Adhering to strong moral and ethical principles. (e.g., Honesty, trustworthiness, transparency)
  • Responsibility: Taking accountability for your actions and duties. (e.g., Dependability, reliability, commitment)
  • Compassion: Showing empathy and concern for others’ well-being. (e.g., Kindness, supportiveness, generosity)
  • Justice: Advocating for fairness and equality. (e.g., Fairness, equality, impartiality)
  • Family: Prioritizing relationships and responsibilities within your family. (e.g., Loyalty, nurturing, support)
  • Health: Prioritizing physical and mental well-being. (e.g., Wellness, balance, self-care)

❗If you don't know what values matter to you. Consider this activity!

Tasks to complete (You are required to complete the tasks if you aim to get the certificate associated with the series)

Please complete both

  1. Identify which core values resonate with you most and reflect on whether your goals align with the life you truly desire. You can choose values not listed here. 
  2. Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? Using your words, paint a vivid picture of it. Take us there! Be as specific as possible (without giving personal details)

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Further Reading

Value clarification

This post is part of the Conquering Your Goals Series. Check out all the posts here. 

Hope OP August 7th


Responding to remind!

TU100OT August 8th


Continuing this to reminisce 😂

Kidding thank you for reminding :P

Clio9876 August 2nd


1. I struggled with this. Being a perfectionist who has tried to be everything to everyone, I just see all of these things as important. But I'm going to go with integrity. Because a goal I have is to be more true to myself.

2. I would be loved and accepted as myself. I would respect my own boundaries and be able to protect them. I would be able to voice my opinion without being afraid. I would have great secure relationships with friends and family because we would all respect each other.

Hope OP August 7th


It looks like you also greatly value boundaries and integrity to you is one powerful way of enforcing boundaries. I can see that integrity, boundaries and family is all deeply connected

PiecesOfWhoeverIWas August 2nd

1. Integrity, responsibility, family, compassion, and health are my closest values in one way or another. I think my current goals are in line with my values. Sometimes my individual activities don’t end up supporting my goals or values, because I feel I have to help other people with their goals and mine get temporarily pushed to the side.

The goal I’m focusing on most right now is paying off remaining debts like my mortgage and a loan I took out for home improvements. So that probably aligns with Responsibility.

It would feel so freeing to not have any debt. I would get to keep more of my income and choose whether I want to save or spend it. I would have more options. I would have less worries if I were to lose my job again, have more medical expenses, or other emergencies.
Hope OP August 7th


It's admirable how you balance helping others with your own responsibilities. Focusing on debt repayment is a strong step toward financial freedom.

It seems like you may benefit from adding boundaries as a core value so that you can work more on your own goals. 

I like that imagery of being debt-free. 

CordialDancer August 3rd


1. Identify which core values resonate with you most and reflect on whether your goals align with the life you truly desire. You can choose values not listed here. 

I honestly resonate with all the core values listed in the post. I am to be honest with myself and others. I am responsible by only promising what I know I can complete. I am there for others in both their good times and bad. I do my best to treat everyone with respect. Family means the world to me and I am always seeking to better my health. Some of my goals now are more for my personal interest than the life I truly desire. I have an idea of that life, but I know it will take some time to achieve. Going towards that is a work in progress.

2. Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? Using your words, paint a vivid picture of it. Take us there! Be as specific as possible (without giving personal details)

Achieving the goal of having the life I truly desire would make me feel thrilled and peaceful. I think it would make it easier to be the best version of myself. I certainly would want to share the joy of this accomplishment with others.

Hope OP August 7th


I like that you have added boundaries closely with responsibility! responsible people often have good boundaries. 

Peace is a good thing to desire!

Mellietronx August 3rd


Identifying Core Values:
I resonate most with the core values of integrity and compassion. Integrity involves upholding strong moral and ethical principles, while compassion entails showing empathy and concern for the well-being of others. These values align with the life I truly desire, as they promote trust, credibility, and meaningful connections in both my personal and professional relationships.
Visualizing Life with Achieved Goals:
Having achieved my goals, my life is now enriched by the positive impact of integrity and compassion. My dedication to strong moral principles has fostered trust and credibility among my peers, colleagues, and loved ones, allowing me to build deep and meaningful relationships. By embracing compassion, I have cultivated a supportive community where everyone feels valued and understood, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling existence.

Hope OP August 7th


What an imagery! I like how the end goal is also to benefit others. 

P.S: I edited your comment to reduce text side as it was making it hard to focus on other comments. 

Gettingbettertoday August 4th


 I have difficulty determining Values. There are some that are not important to me but of those that are they all seem to be of the same significance. I took an online test that placed Creativity as my highest value. This is ironic since I have not been able to be creative for several years now. This speaks poorly of me that it not only ranks above moral imperatives like Honesty. It ranks far above them.

 With Creativity being my value my goal is to regain the ability to go into my flow state. This is something I once could do without effort.  I can’t envision my how this would effect my future but this is something I miss greatly. 

PiecesOfWhoeverIWas August 4th

@Gettingbettertoday Hey you did really awesome figuring this out! 

I don’t think it speaks poorly of you that Creativity ranks highest of your values. There is a lot of depth to creativity. It is a gift to others who don’t have the ability to express themselves the way you can. So it becomes an outlet for both you and other people. I think it says a lot about your heart that this still emerges as high value for you. I understand losing that spark. I find it pops up randomly, unexpectedly, infrequently, if for example I go somewhere new, or if I’m trying to express my pain. I hope you will experience that spark again. 
Hope OP August 7th


Kudos for trying!

Sometimes its not clear what we value until we are told otherwise. It seems like you value honesty more than creativity

Gettingbettertoday August 12th


My problem is values don't drive me forward. They are only there as road blocks to stop me from doing things i shouldn't do like stealing or murder. 

mytwistedsoul August 5th

This was harder than I imagined it would be and needed some thought

I've chosen Curiosity Health and Growth

 I'm trying to figure out who I am and what I want out of life. I'm on a journey of self discovery and development 

I think that by knowing myself better I'll be able to make better choices and be more confident in the decisions I make. Knowing myself better will hopefully guide me to a life I dream of having filled with love and laughter and acceptance. To feel I have a purpose. To feel I belong. To find happiness and peace


Hope OP August 7th


Great to see you again!

Those are all great choices. It seems like you also value self awareness as a bridge towards these greater goals and values

CaringEzra August 6th

one value that value is compassion, I want to be a person full of love kindness support and generosity

one goal I have had is to show more compassion to others, I can do this by talking to people I normally wouldn't talk to and have different experiences than I do

when I met. these goals I find myself more grounded, having a more clear perspective and feel more connected to those around me. I am able to help those I met in life, cups, ;work and school being a positive person in others life.

Hope OP August 7th


I like that you have already thought of an actionable step towards your goal. 

KatePersephone August 8th


  1. Identify which core values resonate with you most and reflect on whether your goals align with the life you truly desire. You can choose values not listed here. 
    My core values are mainly integrity, responsibility, compassion, and health. My goals definitely do align with the life i truly desire, one mainly focused on peacefulness and health.
  2. Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? Using your words, paint a vivid picture of it. Take us there! Be as specific as possible (without giving personal details)
    My life looks very peaceful. I focus on my health a lot more and take care of myself while maintaining a healthy relationship with my partner and balance work and personal life well.
Hope OP August 20th


It looks like you have clarity in terms of what you want in life which is great. 

Peace and health are definitely worth goals!

Admirablerainbow2825 August 18th


  1. Identify which core values resonate with you most and reflect on whether your goals align with the life you truly desire. You can choose values not listed here.Answer: A core value that resonates with me most is health. My goals are mostly improving my mental and physical health so that I am able to simultaneously achieve other areas in my life.
  2. Say you have achieved this goal. What does your life look like now? Using your words, paint a vivid picture of it. Take us there! Be as specific as possible (without giving personal details) Answer: Life looks much better now. There will be obstacles. But it is important that we take every obstacle as a learning opportunity. Life is filled with lots of ups and downs. 

Hope OP August 20th


A focus on health is a great focus. Agreed that it can create a strong foundation for other goals. 

I like that you acknowledge obstacles even when you have reached your goals. That is a realistic outlook

Fortunata67Anima September 12th

Hi all, I'm new here at 7Cups.  I found this Group and would like to participate.  Doing the previous values exercise was helpful and brought me some insight.  It seems to me that there are some values "core values" that tend to pretty much stay intact and with us through the years.  And then there are other values that get moderated as we journey through life.  At one time, for example, maybe a core value like Collaboration was "core" but after a few years, Freedom became more important for a variety of reasons.  It got me thinking.  :)

For me, the core values that resonate are: Courage, Freedom and Resilience.

The goal that I have in mind is work that is fulfilling and brings meaning.  And as I imagine having that work, I imagine, I think, a quote from Karl Barth.  About finding meaningful work.  Goes something like, "Where the world's great need and where your talents intersect with it; that is where you will find meaningful, fulfilling work/career."  Something like that.  My paraphrase of my memory.  Courage to take the risk of finding out what that is.  Freedom to do it and Resilience to keep going even when you're the only one that can see it (the goal) as being real.  

I recently lost my job and find myself adrift as I look for a new one.  A big part of my identity was wrapped up in that job and it feels like a part of me has been...nullified.  Rejected.  I don't like feeling just adrift on the waters so having some goals, defining them is important to me right now.  Thank you so much for putting this group together.  I appreciate it.  Thank you everyone.