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PL 101: The Big 5 (Discussion 3)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

I am having a blast with you all. This leadership program is a lot of fun and Im glad we are doing it. I think itll help across many fronts. Shout out to @aleks2 and @quietmagic for their help looking at the first batch of results on our leadership composition. ÃÂ

Here is a summary:


Here is a summary from @quietmagic on what our collective - all of us together - strengths and weaknesses might be:

Leadership Crew Strengths:

Altruism/motivation: Having a deep passion for helping people that drives all we do and creates a feeling of purpose and meaning

Idealism: Having inspiring dreams and visions of just how unbelievably powerful and beneficial this site can be: imagining all of the good we might be able to create, all of the suffering we might be able to help heal

Kindness: Being able to create a kind, cooperative, culture that is gentle and considerate with people's feelings

Compassion: Being able to understand, connect with, and feel an urgency to resolve the needs, concerns, or problems of the people that we serve

Relationship: Feeling a yearning for deep, meaningful connections with others, creating a community where people are able to be authentic and feel a sense of belongingness

Leadership Crew Weaknesses

Practical implementation: Developing and optimizing systems, managing the fine details for concretely achieving our broad goals

Risk-taking: Being willing to take risks or make drastic changes to existing systems/practices where needed

The above analysis feels/seems right to me. This new leadership program in fact can be seen as one way that we are attempting to address a growth area by optimizing our leadership systems! And, zooming back, if there was going to be a team of people that was going to try to pull off the impossible (a free emotional support system), then I think itd be with the leadership composition described above under strengths. Itll take a lot of optimism and kindness to make this a reality!

Okay, lets transition to the next exercise and discussion.

Begin by taking the Big 5 test and answering the following questions. You can also read more on the Big 5 here ÃÂ and below.

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?


After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

loveagape June 14th, 2021

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
A: open to new experience, conscientious, extraverted, nervous/high-strung
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.
You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others.
I find it easy to express irritation with others.
3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
A: that i'm not perfect, and i need to change some of my character.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
A: that this is the right program for me^^

greatfulSmiles6152 June 15th, 2021


I typically don’t seek out new experiences (48th percentile for open-mindedness).
I am neither organized nor disorganized (40th percentile for conscientiousness).
I tend to shy away from social situations (25th percentile for extraversion).
You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable (57th percentile for agreeableness).
I am a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things (95th percentile for negative emotionality).

  1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
This test has confirmed some of the ways I interpret my personality. I am not surprised to know I scored very high for neuroticism, as I am a very anxious person and tend to overthink a lot. I think this also plays into my score for openness, as I like to experience and try new things, but I am cautious to put myself into a situation that could elevate my anxiety further.
  1. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
According to this test, my top 3 strengths would be neuroticism, agreeableness, and openness. Neuroticism can be a strength as I have greater self-awareness, and a stronger need to provide for others. I do see myself as agreeable as I value getting along with others. I am very imaginative and curious, so I do see how I scored for openness as well.
  1. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
These strengths can help me pursue new ideas, relationships, and experiences. The strengths that I identify with allow me to establish strong relationships with others, focus on bettering individuals and striving to be a better individual every day.
  1. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
These strengths can help me be a good leader in a chat support room as I will value a welcoming environment, be open to the topics that individuals would like to talk about and will make sure that everyone feels accepted and validated.
healingWhisper June 20th, 2021
1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Open-Mindedness - �You typically don't seek out new experiences.

Conscientiousness - �You are well-organized, and are reliable.

Extraversion - �You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I think this can help me be more open-minded, organized, and accepted of the new people. �

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
It could help me be more supportive of the members as well as the listeners, make feel everyone included in the community. My organizational skills could help me organize events and manage a community. �
FlourishingDimensions June 20th, 2021

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
- I enjoy seeing things in a new way!
- I consider the feelings of other people. :)
- I need to work on some nervousness.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
- Open to new experiences.
- Agreeable
- A bit social

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
With being able to see other people's perspectives on things. I think I make them feel heard and supported.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
Teams I work with will feel valued, because they will feel heard and know they are important.

ResilientLucky June 27th, 2021

It's a nice feeling when someone makes you feel heard and valued. Once you find such a person, you know on whom to lean on.

FlourishingDimensions June 27th, 2021

@ResilientLucky I agree, well said :)

BecauseImBatman22 June 21st, 2021

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

a) I'm highly extraverted, which means I'm highly outgoing, social and energetic.
b) I have low negative emotionality which means I'm generally relaxed xD.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
a) Open-Mindedness (89 percentile)- I am very good with listening to someone who doesn't have the same views as mine, I would also love to learn more and more and see things in a new way.
b) High Conscientiousness (84 percentile)- I am very well organized and reliable for any help/work assigned.
c) High Agreeableness (91 percentile)- I am good natured, courteous and very supportive towards my peers.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
The first test helped me identify that I'm very tolerant, which means that I'll be able to handle situations well under pressure from peers, respect their opinions and stay true to my word at the same time. That'd help me a lot in my personal life. The test also taught me that I can be very involved in other people, their problems and can end up being held back becuase of the limitations they are experiencing, so I now know that I need to be careful when it comes.

My strengths identified from the second test make me more supportive, empathetic and a very accepting person.
This helps me be patient, more understanding of what a person might be going through and empathize on it. I'm able to spread a lot of positivity around me using this and that in turn satisfies me and makes me happy.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career
a) I am a natural leader, my vision is high and positive, and that helps me to always focus on how I, as a leader, could make things better and better organize things.
b) My open minded and agreeable nature would always assure a very positive and supportive approach towards both my fellow members and listeners. I'd treat them with nothing but respect and encourage everyone around me to work positively towards the community we've built here smiley.

ResilientLucky June 27th, 2021

Great to learn that you are a natural leader. There must be so much to learn from you especially in terms of managing negative emotions.

unique73 June 23rd, 2021


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I learned that the test helped me get more clarity on things I already knew about myself. I am more of an introvert and enjoy spending time in solitude. I also learned that I am more open minded, focused and organized than I thought I was. Anxiety and nervous play a big role in my life so I wasn't surprised to see high scores on Neuroticism.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
☆ Open Mindedness (89%) : I am creative and open to new experiences, I am always curious about learning new things.
☆ Conscientiousness (77%) : I am focused, well-organized and reliable which helps me builf trust among peers I work with.
☆ Agreeableness (76%): I am kind, affectionate, empathetic and cooperative, it helps me support and assist others in need of help. I feel happy when I am able to help someone.
☆ I also think being an introvert helps me as I enjoy spending time alone which allows me to think, analyze, work and learn about lots of new things.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your presonal life?
The strengths I identified on both tests helps me become a better version of myself, learn new things, grow from mistakes and help me go through different aspects of life and also make me more aware about myself.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 cups and in your career?
The strengths I identified on both tests help me becomes a better leader in all aspects of life, I am able to help and support others in need as well enable me to grow and learn, get more insights in the work I do.

ResilientLucky June 27th, 2021

Despite being an extrovert, I too scored high on Neuroticism. I am working on it. And like you said, the tests gave us all an opportunity to be self-aware and grow.

ResilientLucky June 27th, 2021

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I scored highly on Open-mindedness(96) and Extraversion(94) which indicates that I am original, creative, curious, complex, sociable, friendly, fun-loving, and talkative. I agree with the fact that I am curious and sociable. Might be others find me being original too.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
According to the test, I am well organized and can be relied upon. Also, it says that I tend to consider the feelings of others. Lastly, I believe, as it says, I can see things in new ways.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
Both the test combined seems to be describing me as a people’s person. I am an extrovert, sociable, reliable, and can understand a different perspective. This helps me in having a positive interaction with people and make friends quickly. And yes, letting down someone truly makes me feel bad.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
The MBIT defines me as a protagonist. And my strengths in Big 5 are also, aligned with the same. I want to be an educator, a psychologist and an entrepreneur. While the test shows I can be a good teacher and counsellor, it also gave me a perspective upon what I need to take care of if I ever wish to be an entrepreneur. The test says I am organized, reliable, and able to take perspective which can really help me grow as a listener and help me in a leadership role on 7cups too.

AndyLV June 28th, 2021


Hello! I am glad that you have such great qualities that will make you an awesome leader! :)

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

@ResilientLucky seeing things in a different light is such a great strength, that's so cool u-u

LavenderFlower September 15th, 2021


Hi there Lucky! I do believe being reliable is such a strong trait to have as a leader. Many people will depend on you, and based on your test, you will definitely do a really good job!

AndyLV June 28th, 2021


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I can be very anxious at times but I manage to get myself under control. I also learned that I am a mix of being introverted and extroverted.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

- Being open-minded.
- Supportive and kind.
- Good-natured.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

This strength can be very helpful because I know how to manage my feelings in very stressful situations and I can also get to help people whenever they need me which makes me very happy.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

They can be helpful because if I get to be somewhat extroverted I won't have a lot of issues talking to people that I don't know. Therefore, I will be able to make connections fast. I am also very understanding and compassionate, therefore, I get to understand everybody's points of view in each situation.

June 28th, 2021


June 28th, 2021

What were the main things you learned about yourself?
- I learned that I am a relaxed person, I find it easy to critize others and do things a bit haphazardly/disorganised.
What are your 3 strenghts according to the test?
How can strenghts you identified on both test help you in your personal life?
- I think my open-mindedness will help me in trying out new things, my analytic nature will help me make the right decision hopefully and my imagination will help me create new ideas.
How can strengths you identified on both test help you in leadership role on 7 cups and career?
- I guess my open-mindedness and relaxed nature will help me fulfill my leadership roles on 7 cups efficiently and same in my career.

Cazzy8752 June 29th, 2021

The main thing I learned about myself is: Dont take myself and life too seriously, relax more and don't worry about what others may think. 3 Top Strengths are: 1) Conscientiousness - well organised & reliable. 2) Agreeableness - Good natured, courteous & supportive. 3) Negative Emotionality - Anxious & tends to worry. Honestly I think the strengths identified from both tests have shown me I am overall a very caring person; whom cares for all people and wants to see everyone fully blossom. In doing so I leave myself behind. Must practice what I peach lol I think the strengths identified in both tests have shown me I am NOW on the right path within my life. FINALLY YAY!!! Wanting to achieve better things for myself personally through 7 Cups in this leadership role. Also support my role in helping those whom are struggling. I have through out my life always wanted to do this. For me life isnt about riches gained in monetary value, it is for me riches gained by helping, supporting and giving your hand to others so they can stay standing when weak.

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

@Cazzy8752 that's a good aim to work towards, to let go of what others think about you :)

Cazzy8752 July 5th, 2021


Thank you @milkoreos. So often when we worry about what other people will think, we loose sight of all our wonderfiul qualities that do matter and make a good difference in our lives. We are all amazing souls with amazing qualities to share and give out to this world and within our 7 Cups family.

Let us not worry about what others think and get put off our paths. Keep sight of making ourselves truly happy, following our inner beliefs and values with what matters most to us. Let us be courageous, strong and sprinkle our love to the world regardless for how others in the world see us.

wonderfulRainbow817 June 30th, 2021


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself? I learned that I am more of a calm person but closer towards the middle of being calm and being nervous. I found this interesting as lately in my life it only seems like I have been stressed and nervous.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test? Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, and Negative Emotionality

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Conscientiousness - It is important to be reliable because that will make employers happy and will trust you more as an employee.

Agreeableness - While I don’t always agree with everyone it is vital that I respect others views, etc. just as much as I want my views and beliefs respected in any setting.

Negative Emotionality - I think it is good to have emotion sometimes but also too much of an emotion can be a bad thing.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

As a listener you need to be able to understand where others are coming from. You have to be reliable in terms of responding to chats when needed and responding back in an acceptable amount of time. At all times you have to remain calm so you don’t upset the member more or appear like you can’t handle the conversation.

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

@wonderfulRainbow817 ooh, being calm is one of mine too :D

here, flowers for you

milkoreos July 5th, 2021

@GlenM hello :0

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
i already knew i was sociable but this test told me that i'm generally relaxed. i thought it'd tell me i'm an easily anxious person, turns out i've managed to work on that B)

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
good-natured, courteous, and supportive.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
it gives me the insight i need and let's me know i'm on the right path

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
being courteous and supportive is a big part of roles on 7 cups

Clarisse29 July 10th, 2021

my results told me that i'm fairly open minded and love new experiences, I also care for others a lot and tend to worry a lot.
three strengths:
open mindedness, conscientiousness, agreeableness
how can these help me:
1. i can use my open mindedness to come up with novel ideas to solve my challenges
2. being highly conscientious, I am very organized and organization results in optimum productivity
3. being agreeable, I care about people and their feelings. this helps me be better liked by the people around me and my chances of receiving support from them when I need it, increase.
according to my mbti (INFJ) i am insightful which helps me have a better time understanding people and situations and solving any challenges. i am principled and have a sense of purpose which helps one achieve what they want in life and do only what satisfies them.

in a leadership role, my sense of organization and tendency to keep everything in order helps me to be on time for every task that has to be carried out. my open-mindedness would encourage new activities and newer ways to indulge in older activities, thereby keeping the community engaged and interested.

Harquinn909 July 12th, 2021
You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 86)

You are neither organized or disorganized. (Your percentile: 43)

You are neither particularly social or reserved. (Your percentile: 43)

You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (Your percentile: 81)

Negative Emotionality
You tend to become anxious or nervous. (Your percentile: 76)

1) I'm not sure that I learned new things about myself here, but I'm glad the results are consistent with other personality type tests that I've taken.

2) I think my top strengths are actually in open-mindedness and agreeableness.

3) Both are very useful in my personal life because I can navigate the relationships that I maintain pretty well and being open to new experiences means I get the opportunity to try all sorts of strange new things.

4) I think these are both very helpful for working with 7cups. I'm open to doing new things here and I think that the agreeableness will help me in supporting others
explore1000 July 14th, 2021

I learned that I am very energetic and social. Infact, my top three stregnths are Extravision, Conscientiousness, and Agreeableness. These strengths can help me finish tasks, such as projects, and direct groups of people in my daily life. This would be the perfect set of sregths for becoming an executive leader in my career.

explore1000 July 14th, 2021



High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You typically don't seek out new experiences. (Your percentile: 53)

High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You are well-organized, and are reliable. (Your percentile: 63)

High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You are extremely outgoing, social, and energetic. (Your percentile: 86)

High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. (Your percentile: 45)

Negative Emotionality
High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 93)

sereneButton43 July 18th, 2021

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I really like being organized.
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
Conscientiousness, Agreeableness, Open-Mindedness
3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
I have high receptiveness to other's emotions and tend to explore different things.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
It can help me being empathetic, receptive, and organized in a leadership role. It will help me in the same way in my career goals.

Matteo2020 July 20th, 2021

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I scored highly on Open-mindedness(96) and Extraversion(94) which indicates that I am original, creative, curious, complex, sociable, friendly, fun-loving, and talkative. I agree with the fact that I am curious and sociable. Might be others find me being original too.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
According to the test, I am well organized and can be relied upon. Also, it says that I tend to consider the feelings of others. Lastly, I believe, as it says, I can see things in new ways.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
Both the test combined seems to be describing me as a people’s person. I am an extrovert, sociable, reliable, and can understand a different perspective. This helps me in having a positive interaction with people and make friends quickly. And yes, letting down someone truly makes me feel bad.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
The MBIT defines me as a protagonist. And my strengths in Big 5 are also, aligned with the same. I want to be an educator, a psychologist and an entrepreneur. While the test shows I can be a good teacher and counsellor, it also gave me a perspective upon what I need to take care of if I ever wish to be an entrepreneur. The test says I am organized, reliable, and able to take perspective which can really help me grow as a listener and help me in a leadership role on 7cups too.

Matteo2020 July 22nd, 2021

Thankyou Very Informative

Matteo2020 July 22nd, 2021

Thankyou I found this information Very Informative and Extremly Helpful

ComradeRuhi August 3rd, 2021


What were the main things you learned about yourself?
Some of the main things that I learned about myself include the fact that I tend to be nervous about things, and that I enjoy having novel experiences. I think the nervous part is quite accurate. As I get older, and I step into the real world, I worry a lot about the future, but I keep my emotions under control at the same time. Nonetheless, I do feel anxious and nervous, which was interesting to learn about, since I never really acknowledged it. Additionally, for the novel experiences part, I never really noticed that myself but I do think it's true. I like trying things a new way and am very open-minded. I enjoy new things. An additional thing I learned is that I am neithr forgiving nor irritable, which is definitely accurate, but again, I never really acknowledged personally.

What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
The top 3 strengths according to this that I have include open-mindedness, reliabiility, and extraversion, according to this test!

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
Now that I got to know a little bit more about myself and the areas I'm strong in, I can feel my comfortable in my own skin. Usually we are hard on ourselves. I am my biggest critic, But I think that taking these tests that identified my strength, gave me a boost of self-esteem and helped me realize areas I actually have some spotlight in, which is preetty cool. It'll help me feel more at ease about myself.

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
Definitely identifiying my strengths will help me earn a leadership role on 7 cups and will help my career. I have strengths that a lot of people don't have. We all have strengths that others may not have. There will be loads of people with traits I'll admire, I'm sure of it, as I scroll down. But each of us will go down our own paths. Having confidence in my strengths will help me strive for the best, whether that be through 7 cups, or generally my career, so I think these tests will push me forward tremendously.

LindenTea August 6th, 2021


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I learned that I am a generally anxious person and that I tend to worry about things much more than I thought.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
Conscientiousness- Meaning I am very well-organized, and can be relied upon.

Open-Mindedness- I am relatively open to new experiences.

Extraversion - I am relatively social and enjoy the company of others.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

The strengths I have identified in both of the tests can help me in my personal life by helping me have more confident in myself; believe in myself and the weaknesses could show me the areas which I need to improve.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Open-mindedness; this strength allows me to be open to new creative ideas and experiences, conscientiousness; reliability and being responsible would allow me to be a an exceptionally good leader career wise and on 7cups as well.

HannahPalm August 13th, 2021

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I scored high on everything except for negative emotionality. That makes sense because I am not a negative person.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways (96)
You are extremely outgoing, social, and energetic (86)
You tend to consider the feelings of others (78)

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Being positive is very helpful in my personal life because I don't give up when things get hard, and I don't rely on others to get through hard times. Others can rely on me to stay calm during a crisis.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I don't take things personally and I am very receptive to how others are feeling. In a leadership role I won't be sensitive about things. I will make sure everyone feels heard and safe.

bubblingBreeze14 August 17th, 2021


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I actually didn’t learn anything new, but it confirmed to me of the personality traits I have.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Conscientiousness - It states that I'm well organized and can be relied upon.

Agreeableness - It states that I tend to consider the feelings of others.

Extraversion - It states that I'm relatively social and enjoy the company of others.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

They could help me to better shape my lifestyle, my career and it could also help me with reaching towards my goals. These would also guide me in having better control over my tasks and can help me to gain assurance that It is possible to reach any goal / climb any mountain with those personality traits..

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

It would help me to better manage my tasks as a leader and better guide my followers to become the best in the 7 cups community. Not only that, it could also help and support in achieving our targets as a community and support as many people as possible.

AmazingDog96 August 17th, 2021


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
Main things I learned about myself are: I'm more open minded then I thought I was and that I am more relaxed than most people.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
My top three strengths are:
Agreeableness - meaning that I'm good natured, corteous and supportive.
Extraversion - meaning that I'm extremely outgoing, social and energetic.
Open mindedness - meaning that I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
In my personal life I can focus more on my open mindedness because tests showed that I'm more open minded than I thought I was.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
Tests showed that I genuinely care about people and that I always think of new ways to solve problems and ease the tasks that my team and I come across.

Prachi9876 September 2nd, 2021


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I learned that I am more on the organized and introverted side. I get anxious usually and I am aware of people's emotions.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
- Being organized
- Relatively more open to new ideas and experiences
- I am more upfront with my feelings towards others

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
- Being organized- helps me make plans, goals and work on them in a methodic way
- I am Insightful- I look for deeper meaning than surface information. I look for deeper understanding even in relationships
- I am passionate- gives me the driving force

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

-Judging individuals are decisive, thorough, and highly organized. I value clarity, predictability, and closure, preferring structure and planning to spontaneity. This will help in gaining an insightful experience here at 7Cups
- My insightfulness quality also helps me going deeper into issues rather than focusing on superficial things.
- I give importance to emotions. This helps me being empathetic with fellow listeners and members here

Crystaldancer September 3rd, 2021


1. ¿Cuáles fueron las principales cosas que aprendió sobre usted mismo?

I think I should be much more organized and that I am very shy and that I tend to avoid social situations

2. ¿Cuáles son sus 3 principales fortalezas de acuerdo con esta prueba?
I am very cordial, friendly, opend mind

3. ¿Cómo pueden las fortalezas que identificó en ambas pruebas ayudarlo en su vida personal?
I think I am very good at listening to others without judging, I respect everyone's beliefs, and I think it is important, also several people know how to trust me and ask me for advice because of that, I love to give advice and comfort my friends and family,

4. ¿Cómo pueden las fortalezas que identificó en ambas pruebas ayudarlo en un papel de liderazgo en 7 Copas y en su carrera?

I believe that listening without criticizing can help me in 7 cups, because I am very respectful, I always like to know new experiences, that is why I never get bored of reading and answering a member of 7 cups, I think I am the type of person to that you can tell him everything without feeling judged, I am open-minded,

TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 5th, 2021

Based on the exam :

Your Results
Closed-Minded Open to New Experiences
Disorganized Conscientious
Introverted Extraverted
Disagreeable Agreeable
Calm / Relaxed Nervous / High-Strung
What aspects of personality does this tell me about? There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions. Here are your results:
High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative.
You are relatively open to new experiences. (Your percentile: 68)
High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent.
You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. (Your percentile: 29)
High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet.
You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others. (Your percentile: 65)
High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous.
You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable. (Your percentile: 51)
Negative Emotionality
High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy.
You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm. (Your percentile: 44)

From these results, I can clearly tell I'm kind of in the middle of most of the values which sows I'm a very balanced indivudal and it's the situation that can bring up different aspects of my personality. Two values that are very dominant however, are being open to new experiences and being very sociable. I find these 2 qualities to be the most useful too, when working at 7 Cups! I feel like I can start up a conversation anytime and this program is a key example of how I am very open to try new things. I think I can improve my emtionality though and also my organization!
TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 5th, 2021

The strengths I identified in both tests can help me in my personal life in that I can make amazing experiences out of understanding my strengths. Since I am a good communicator and am very social, I can actually interact with others in a very positive way. This can allow for great and valuable changes in my life and others, solely by the idea that experience is something that is very valuable for me. I found it so interesting how dominantly being social is to the make-up of my overall personality.