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PL 101: The Big 5 (Discussion 3)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

I am having a blast with you all. This leadership program is a lot of fun and Im glad we are doing it. I think itll help across many fronts. Shout out to @aleks2 and @quietmagic for their help looking at the first batch of results on our leadership composition. ÃÂ

Here is a summary:


Here is a summary from @quietmagic on what our collective - all of us together - strengths and weaknesses might be:

Leadership Crew Strengths:

Altruism/motivation: Having a deep passion for helping people that drives all we do and creates a feeling of purpose and meaning

Idealism: Having inspiring dreams and visions of just how unbelievably powerful and beneficial this site can be: imagining all of the good we might be able to create, all of the suffering we might be able to help heal

Kindness: Being able to create a kind, cooperative, culture that is gentle and considerate with people's feelings

Compassion: Being able to understand, connect with, and feel an urgency to resolve the needs, concerns, or problems of the people that we serve

Relationship: Feeling a yearning for deep, meaningful connections with others, creating a community where people are able to be authentic and feel a sense of belongingness

Leadership Crew Weaknesses

Practical implementation: Developing and optimizing systems, managing the fine details for concretely achieving our broad goals

Risk-taking: Being willing to take risks or make drastic changes to existing systems/practices where needed

The above analysis feels/seems right to me. This new leadership program in fact can be seen as one way that we are attempting to address a growth area by optimizing our leadership systems! And, zooming back, if there was going to be a team of people that was going to try to pull off the impossible (a free emotional support system), then I think itd be with the leadership composition described above under strengths. Itll take a lot of optimism and kindness to make this a reality!

Okay, lets transition to the next exercise and discussion.

Begin by taking the Big 5 test and answering the following questions. You can also read more on the Big 5 here ÃÂ and below.

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?


After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Immakindlistener22 November 28th, 2022


1. I am conventional and enjoy quiet time alone

2. Reserved, sympathetic and critical

3. They can help me to interact better with peers and non peers

4. In 7 cups, It can help me to be organized, opened minded to help people.

Josh3889 December 2nd, 2022

Hello everyone,

1. One main thing that I learned about myself was that I was neither organized or disorganized.

2. Some strengths that I have according to the test are that I am a very relaxed person, very outgoing & really supported.

3. After completing both tests I can say that I am a very strong person with a lot to offer others & I can handle any situation that life brings me.

4. I believe that you have to be a strong person & have something to offer others in a leadership role. I also believe that you have to have a purpose, you could even say that doing these activities reinstates my purpose.

iStarlight December 2nd, 2022


1. The main things I learned about myself that Im independent, creative, sensitive, emotional and sympatheic

2. The top 3 strengths of mine are Open minded, good natured and fun loving

3. It can help be to identify in my personal life by acknowledging from social circle of ours and accepting my mistake and learn to grow.

4. being Self-awareness, Situational awareness, Excellent communication skills, Effective negotiation skills, Conflict resolution skills and Delegation can help me strengths my indentity for leadership in 7cups

claj333 December 7th, 2022

@GlenM Thanks

claj333 December 7th, 2022


I'm open to new experiences, well organised and relaxed

This should help to get on with people and achieve great things in my personal life and on the site

sweetnutella December 8th, 2022


What were the main things you learned about yourself?

It confirmed my suspicion: I'm neither introverted or extroverted, I'm somewhere in the middle. Another thing is, I do tend to be very skeptical of people. One thing that I wasn't aware of before is that I'm somewhat conservative. It's good to know all of these new details about myself.

What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

That I'm dependable, achievement oriented, and orderly.

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I've been feeling the benefits of my strengths even when I wasn't aware of these tests to begin with. One thing I know is I'm very structured and can't stand it when things are out of order. I'm big on planning things out and so far it's helped me stay accountable.

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I'm efficient, a goal setter, and tend to simplify an existing system to maximise its results with less effort. I'm a believer of working smarter, not harder. So I think one of the things that would be deemed helpful in this case is the fact that I love structure and implementations. I both plan and execute—these are my biggest strengths.

BrokenWingsThatFlew December 17th, 2022


What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am almost exactly the OCEAN model except that I am missing the N. I learnt that I am open to new experiences, conscientious, an introverted extravert, agreeable and not very nervous or high strung and instead very calm/relaxed. I think it runs very true to who I am.

What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

My biggest strengths are that I am open minded to different ways of seeing the world, making me more understanding.

I am well organised and reliable, thus making me very dependable.

I am good natured, and supporting which is very necessary in 7cups!

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Being open minded, conscientious and agreeable helps me not only to have friends who enjoy my company but to be a good friend to others, being open minded about their situations and supportive in tough times.

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

In 7cups, it is very important to be open minded. Many situations are very unusual and to truly understand, it requires a sense of being open minded. Also, being conscientious and agreeable means that in the case I as a listener, can be dependable when they need me and supportive always.

CurrySoup12 March 21st, 2023


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I'm introverted and agreeable

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

I'm organized and reliable

I tend to consider the feelings of others

I can remain calm in tense situations

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I can move ahead with confidence in knowing my strengths and where I should focus my energy.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I know how I can be an effective leader and the specific strengths I have correspond to specific skills that make a good leader: empathy, patient, and reserved.

eternalCloud4864 March 27th, 2023

1.I am creative,emotional

2.Generous,emphatic,open minded

3.By knowing my strength and weakness,and how to work on it

4.I am emphatic and open minded and that it what it takes to be a leader and for people to follow you and 7Cups is all about leading people to the right part they choose

eternalCloud4864 March 27th, 2023
  1. i tend to worry a lot but I’m open minded

2.I am open minded which is a good thing also I’m good at giving creative ideas and emphatic

3.It will help me in identifying and creating ideas for important decision making also easy relation to others

4.It will help me in relating to the members freely.And also be creative in our sessions

RainbowRosie April 3rd, 2023


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

🌹 I feel I know myself well so not so much learning about myself, more confirmation which is always nice.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

🌹 Conscientious 🌹 Agreeable 🌹 Calm and relaxed

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

🌹 To know I am capable to continue to help others whilst continuing to learn and grow.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

🌹 I will make me more aware of my strengths and weaknesses and know where extra work is needed to be focussed.

eternalCloud4864 April 3rd, 2023

1.I learnt that I can be very careful and anxious

2.I am open minded,Friendly,agreeable

3.My strength will help me in being and making people comfortable for now I work in customer care so the strength I possess will help me a lot

4.On 7Cups this strengths will help me relate easily and also be able to asssist the members and listeners

Heart4art April 12th, 2023

@GlenM I scored 97% on open-mindedness. The rest were kind of in the middle range. Open-mindedness makes sense, when combining with the ENFJ. I take that to mean I am a creative problem solver in my work and personal life.

serenePeace3726 January 30th

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself? well this just reaffirmed that I am an extroverted introvert.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test? good natured, Social, and calm. my kids might disagree with this, especially the calm one.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?I think I was already pretty aware of all my results and I think they track and of course been very self assure and self-aware is extremely helpful in real life.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career? I think being a very non-judgmental, empathetic, perceptive person definitely helps.

Hope4Tomorrow32 May 19th

@GlenM What were the main things you learned about yourself?

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test? Reliable , Supportive and kind

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life? It can help me be more reliable and supportive to others as well as myself 

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career? It’s always good to be reliable it means I can be counted on and I think that’s a great aspect to have in any career or work