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PL 101: The Big 5 (Discussion 3)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Hello Leadership Crew!

I am having a blast with you all. This leadership program is a lot of fun and Im glad we are doing it. I think itll help across many fronts. Shout out to @aleks2 and @quietmagic for their help looking at the first batch of results on our leadership composition. ÃÂ

Here is a summary:


Here is a summary from @quietmagic on what our collective - all of us together - strengths and weaknesses might be:

Leadership Crew Strengths:

Altruism/motivation: Having a deep passion for helping people that drives all we do and creates a feeling of purpose and meaning

Idealism: Having inspiring dreams and visions of just how unbelievably powerful and beneficial this site can be: imagining all of the good we might be able to create, all of the suffering we might be able to help heal

Kindness: Being able to create a kind, cooperative, culture that is gentle and considerate with people's feelings

Compassion: Being able to understand, connect with, and feel an urgency to resolve the needs, concerns, or problems of the people that we serve

Relationship: Feeling a yearning for deep, meaningful connections with others, creating a community where people are able to be authentic and feel a sense of belongingness

Leadership Crew Weaknesses

Practical implementation: Developing and optimizing systems, managing the fine details for concretely achieving our broad goals

Risk-taking: Being willing to take risks or make drastic changes to existing systems/practices where needed

The above analysis feels/seems right to me. This new leadership program in fact can be seen as one way that we are attempting to address a growth area by optimizing our leadership systems! And, zooming back, if there was going to be a team of people that was going to try to pull off the impossible (a free emotional support system), then I think itd be with the leadership composition described above under strengths. Itll take a lot of optimism and kindness to make this a reality!

Okay, lets transition to the next exercise and discussion.

Begin by taking the Big 5 test and answering the following questions. You can also read more on the Big 5 here ÃÂ and below.

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?


After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

kdsyahirah November 13th, 2020

1) I learned that there are so much more I need to make changes in myself.

2) I learned that I'm an open minded person,curious about everything around me and somewhat reserved than I thought. Not to forget, that I"m an independent person.

3) It helps me to be a better person and improve myselfin a leadership role on 7 Cups and in my career.

kdsyahirah November 13th, 2020

4) it helps me to figure out why I behave this or that way. The weaknesses which I found just now, I'll try to make changes within myself.

TheGoodFairy November 16th, 2020

94%, 65%, 7%, 85%, 83% For my O, the test said "you enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways". I've always thought of myself as more of a routine person, but I suppose it's true that I do enjoy novel experiences. According to this test; I am good-natured, courteous, and supportive. They can help me because knowing my strengths means I can use them to help better my community and myself by knowing what I'm naturally adept at. I am creative, insightful, principled, respectful, and supportive. This will help me in my role(s) on 7 Cups because these qualities add to a positive and compassionate environment. Creativity and insightfulness means I can innovate and possibly improve our already-wonderful space. Principledness and respectfulness means I have a strong moral compass and genuinely care for and wish the best for every member of our community. Supportiveness means that I am here for anyone who needs me. These characteristics can not only help with 7 Cups but also in my personal relationship, because they help strengthen bonds with others.

Skyy0 November 17th, 2020

1. Open-Mindedness You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 88)
Disorganized You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. (Your percentile: 21)
Introversion You tend to shy away from social situations. (Your percentile: 30)
Agreeableness You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (Your percentile: 98)
Negative Emotionality You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things. (Your percentile: 93)

2. What are the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I strive for novel experiences because of my Openness trait; being goal-driven is something I struggle with because I'd rather take on new projects than finish a current one due to my Disorganized trait; I am an introvert in some situations because it's not easy to be sociable without a cause or act as a leader; having the Agreeable trait allows me to be empathetic and lend an ear to anyone which builds trust; and that my Neuroticism trait shows when I am unable to regulate my emotions and what can help is therapy and finding healthy ways of coping like having time outs instead of lashing onto others.

3. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Being agreeable can build trust within others towards me because I am able to be empathetic and not judge. This shows that I feel how forgiveness is the right route to take, always. Being open means I don't judge. Being on my way to a calm mindset means I have a journey to take and can relate better with others who are also struggling with emotional instability, so my neuroticism trait is good to have so I understand how others also feel overwhelmed.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Being observant and agreeable means that I'm able to catch onto details and be supportive to friends going through a hard time. This will help me be able to get closer and gain trust with others, therefore obtaining a fulfilling relationship. I understand that although I am currently shy, I flourish in social gatherings and can evolve to be the true leader I can be because of my excitement for new ideas, creating change, and connecting with others.

5. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I can be a good leader because I can listen to others with full attention, and relatability, which is important and will come to me because of my Observant trait and Open trait. My whole mission and value in life is to connect with others and feel helpful.

Destiny00 November 21st, 2020


Wow you had such an detailed answer, really loved it

Skyy0 November 21st, 2020


Thank you! I strive for awareness of self, and self compassion. I'm still not sure who I am...y'know? I'd love to just talk with people all the time, but outwardly, in the real world, I am such an introvert and always choose to stay to myself. It's so weird...I guess insecurity for some things but not all things...can skew things up. One test I was called an extrovert and one, an introvert.

ItsZaylee November 19th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
im a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.

i tend to consider the feelings of others.

i tend to shy away from social situations.

i am neither organized or disorganized.

i am relatively open to new experiences.
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

im caring

im relatively open minded

i can be considered organized (hehe)

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

i can work on things that could be better and use my helping other skills to help others

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

i can apply them on what i do on 7 cups and grow.

giggleSun1695 November 19th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am high up on the categories of Conscientiousness, open-mindedness, and extraversion. However, combating those categories, I was either middle or lower on agreeableness and negative emotionality, letting me know I can be critical and tend to be nervous.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

My top 3 strengths were open-mindedness, conscientiousness, and extraversion.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

These strengths help me in my personal life by allowing me to be more open to new experiences and be well organized in a way that I can be relied upon. In addition, being able to get along with others is always a great thing!

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

In a leadership role on 7 cups and in my career, these strengths that I identified will help in regard to when I communicate with others and potentially collaborate with them. In addition, it allows me to actively listen to the listener.

SnailPurple November 19th, 2020

Hello @GlenM

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I'm more anxious than I realized
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Well-organized, reliable, and self-disciplined
3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I don't have to worry about getting stuff done because I have self-discipline

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I am able to work well with others since I am reliable

Destiny00 November 21st, 2020

Hi everyone, hope you all having a nice time

Here are my answers:-

1- The main thing that I learned about myself was, I am more balanced than I realized, like neither too sociable nor too reserved and neither too calm nor too nervous.

2- My top 3 strengths according to the test are

A) I am open to new experiences thus allowing me to embrace new thoughts, ideas and people around,

B)I am well organised which definitely reduces the last minute chaos

C) I am more of a reliable kind of person which makes me a true human 😊

3) All those strengths helps me to be more optimistic about life and help others to step up as well. Having a balanced life is a bliss and I feel blessed.

4) As I am an ambivert, I speak when and where required and stay silent whenever the situation demands. As I have a balance between calmness and nervousness thus I neither overreact at times and mess up nor stay calm when situation demands action. According to me this is a good quality of leader (to know when,why and how to react). As it is said, silence is the best answer to unrequited stuffs and smile is the best reaction to complex situations 😊

Hope you have a nice day ahead.

Skyy0 November 21st, 2020


That made me smile :) being optimistic about yourself, and others is the best way of living. Life is a roller coaster, the "up" will always show itself.

Destiny00 November 22nd, 2020


Thank you🙈😊

Chevy81 November 22nd, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
Apparently, not so many new things I learned about myself:

I don't seek out new experiences. - Probably because I am too careful about things so I don't really like to try something new.

I am well-organized and reliable. - I already knew this, I can't concentrate working on a messy desk and I tend to complete my tasks before or on time.

I am introverted and quiet. - This is who I am. Being in a loud, talkative crowd can make me dizzy, literally. Well, thinking of it can overwhelm me already.

I worry about things. - Can't help it, and with this virus keep spreading doesn't really help lol

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
reliable, well-organized, careful

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
Both tests ensured me that I am reliable which somehow boost my self-esteem a bit. So do the other strengths. I feel more motivated on how I manage things in my personal life. Including doing the 'boring' chores. Like cleaning up the messy desks, finding and putting away lost toys, making a schedule, things like that. Hope this makes sense.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
For me, being reliable means I can be trusted with any tasks that were given to me. And it also means I will complete the tasks carefully and in a timely manner.

TaranWanderer November 24th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Closed-Minded Sben1oDf8-ekjuPk6kw_ALV7_L2nN8-7B3ONHrYKr_RMoCgfrGNYXzwZGdVZbi0cVa6utO08CECM5M4pvR4nj66fttobATET7e9roV91exY9TxKZG_GTZ5x8gDW2EYgBeWlUuWb1a_n3ereDwzbPs48TcBgCV2q_3_bk0xJKhRjmHuN_WeK5owgMEEavplahfDzsutEW6W_RFWdwD09F2cA357xlnhNCdjUzDsOLGJHlDy9uwLCbKzvelX18ygeX6yBI4wGqKIvTcofICploxWAf2YL6rpBog7VGNlmHND-DIG4IblpBS7AcIC17oVWwWA0MEfDghI-DjQYTK5w1OJ7B01WOdIDd75gdIAOC6-0IWPDFX7rkynSQgaMLUfUElYt_sqIgbkzvp5RVifJDRZikMy-5zAz8RvCBSqKUT22jFJpg_AzZXt5xy2usFvKiVaVjgyuRnkf_Eh23UbvnJPDj5SKgw4J3dJm7TAL-DxFC30jtJRYApQTwOiZmTDaoDn-PHGJQlXfstIREukI0rgMVleJp25GjTy-feffvBgclGF5grYgiM6Q_5g6vtrVeSFrQfD0nnnnbx0gIUJdN8jqhtdvvRLf5WnPIG2P-Kx1pkHHAaL-rOE3_2pN0ciMz_20VPDU2ejyiCMGg7mM_pxBWvQrjpz-S0aj6prjD Open to New Experiences

Disorganized PMAIVq1QrfHGaQcf3JmkfRwoguRptxrfkRfJoHkA6l47wQuhpkpD5r1QTJken2m0NiLfK68Fhv8_78sn79Pyoa47erGBSo4Zs0cse-U4ILATfykbvQBzD02d_-k-LW1dTeor6UeLzvFwwTLNWblorSiZrpT9zBLNkL0xfam3W-VZgYjTU5tPkXPQifAYdsDIcpcNyIoCgcL1GqYMMdv0YptWZmO6hWIDivuJXr7svLrC72XYMtRFLWJq0rUZVj8UY_fx6uMkSrCNMZm0YUVFzN4Pwd3321EfpLpbptngV79tUWL7ZkwFHmxtu4z9cj8gGlP0dtyM1diC220eVWBTJft6mN8i2Sszhm7Jm0tgx02fNVrM-R_8p1pga8yOPSKcLNLK7HQACS-6pgwcbh6NDy9y_jwjlpwDBwhsa5uYCgylLZTTtdVFEcTudRA53sKZrcbA2lgc7Fvg3OY1IQTYtrd5HJODxoQb9XfNicNH5zYCtuOY0BbYFg4PBZsEGgA0ZqhL444bsIjDa5OeCUb7JzLlGPFiLWNIwBjqoqVEA_MW_xPzfg9za4WueXqvt1VRzAgCvXFNHiQ-5MQ-oBXTiCRbwm-nVcko-uxPdMjqI7mh5ThujByjDIC9eHD1mFu6iXcO782J9c4fQ9VUEVo_7uer1MQHVTOfW-RE2GXN Conscientious

Introverted fk21lZaLhNgE2fnSX3tj5JqX_YjA8UCiyUjdmmQuIdJDGpppNLeRiu-fWsKBTppgZAnIezxmtSHwsGKfAbiMh9IgToIBNy9J3AlI8OzCeORxmJuhxnsHSBUJj9cpOZD0qBriY5IBRjDsYZFgl6jnUkYN5y5Iw3B8KS7tSM4QeXg6MnhE4Jc86FnSVsLv--dN1mUzNi9xjoN40pAxH2MQGnpk6OXsEblhP-QSZy9t51TJKHgxMnPkN9I6x1fkJFdX2cekkjIddjUFse0_sjI6rdx9TelSNPkBpX3TBuU8GE8WtAvbW2oBjdBRvo2VcwrHBXqnkFxesidqXsU50PiofrIwr8clp5WIM-ctYFaYYDA5TbXl83a0NC3gzm6T-Zlx1FhZxCif9PQerEkR3wWuON7vs-RNqafBBL1ZJqOvjV45mcFP8T0mHFAhxvE3DYyHy1sUBI2hOtWBFdZoiueJipwnZgkfbpz6Ryxo44Dl1mEg0k0_HpR8t1dbTjKBPo54_TaMj484D93Mhf2X905KjOioclvdXy9hGBSOGI3v10GkIXzwNCnzHJjHJnZLqSCaAWAFsqWB4v1yotmOHFXO5ZZs7OCfJS8OplVPhU9FWmYxIT0d4IKcrA2wqoZs7N_gef_yE2RLVeovJjMjcXBV5lRnlBoDNogd0dEaavE7 Extraverted

Disagreeable I6a2LCiFWOki6ioFZ9Lv7ZxP2AgmR17tXJXnCGrf5wyIKSuKyKsC7CPH7FZcp_K714lFIAZYfnaJqVJplvCCnnr0MzKadB0qMXnkd7SdY7Phk9c2WZdSN_mtTCDm8Yd-G1S0ybeh7HChMy1qxeHxzGWVgg2bHZd3O1xbyrD73TkFWxp0Z4cnsIgh-b4IsgkEycJU9R7VLyt5Zot9OL-aZNlXWWFtXtu9_IAIwbXROAuXLgjOboUYtwgCFo_8lY7QooqS9X4W7xOrac35xnoYjVBZ_5-f05DY5VH49FHSEQjUDfQozYzFUXRAuF-ZEeTDFEUxB8J7Cmnt3Pu-pZ-AKBGIJtHxwEZQutV72CCgWXZ5rOt5dS_B8pHOkYwZxQ6FvuwqDJsq3B8ECTARIY6pgdhWII_VrYMeTJ5d8XYnIgHMM2dMkd7k1XlsJrf3AjqxrQXL6ZBSWBhHmBAglKFyTa34T1tg-xSGiMjdDkbtibxGjrkoQIEq68s3HRkbOHSxLH4PtbCqnXxDn-FvZlIW031qDqZSVRLROZ_CWXvVmCXW4J5XtcxVPTyEFhaFX53dE4Op2wHDnRFdOfaF5nHeb9-XMmXK_WjfGgbuPYCYeGdX64SXnmai74xLiD-84gPAREz12vbdbQCcMlxZSzDn2fHyJF_khxzwi4VNCmbr Agreeable

Calm / Relaxed d9B0R-CrSYuj9hTI9B6N9zKU_-96vlPx75w4jjIh1G7msczCPRr_s0D5OYzGRADECZzjhwAYtGnAaYiFQi9eNvararsGsbgFtpLJh2gmsVO24EKkpk35ys3Xgw0ahJO4pj8lqm4M3zQZTsti02vdIGv2fWkSkmjR98aJZhaAVq6lFFdYpX2bqQV_6HC0auYJCWt77yic75kwxZrGWhRb-iO2LOQtI7nMmq-n3V2NWwuZXUGYs4cZ2gLE86zTyhWCnUGVlqUQK1a4kRC56Hxv15wjPhZ42fL1ngnpbgsOFoz85MCE_dxzx_V2Xa9x4v_fjOtSf9sY78mFr253pAEyae042wH6MccksHeyjgEowaQpt9cCJfCN9oGIf5KcgR6P4Azd1RFgi6DWV8NFl0qsVWrRuuRvN3L9llegs2mrHHeBGYhVggsA3nokKdNZcbuY3gfRuSEMYs4PhNHWYjL5RRBZEomhURnS8SVJlaR7EGLPEgg5OWT3z_87nG1CIjADvwmh5zXjKgr7hCIz5XiSVy-GjVrWvf3GClvXi884TTojWSM9SJYm7_p4g7YANaniq0P2Bi-Q048PZICSrYNWfpAlPJBs8SOg5xr9oTSzDxOm_LA2ctOBqzH9IltHoTOW8zkB-v7gRi0pNNTPN7tGyEaKvXsP0B-TZxqkNvFg Nervous / High-Strung

For Open-Mindedness, I got “You are somewhat conventional”
For Conscientiousness, I got “You are well-organized, and are reliable”
For Extraversion, I got “You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone” (I got in the 1st percentile, which isn’t surprising :P)
For Agreeableness, I got “You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable”
For Negative Emotionality, I got “You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things”

I would tend to agree with most of them, except maybe the first one, I very much don’t like conventional things so not feeling very connected to that. And I’d probably disagree about the agreeableness score too, I find myself very forgiving and always giving people the benefit of the doubt even when they might not deserve it. Other than that it seems pretty reasonable.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Being well-organized, reliable, and pretty middle ground for a lot of the other qualities, which I think is a strength. To have a good balance.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Funny that my strength in the MBTI included creativity, and here it says I’m low on that. I think being reliable has translated across both tests, which is probably a good quality to have. It can help build meaningful relationships. In a way, even my “weaknesses” could be strengths, in that being compassionate and worrying can help me be safe and make well-thought-out decisions.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
I think reliability once again can be beneficial especially for working, because it means doing what I say I would, and always doing my part. I think that’s important in any kind of social work, especially when working with people who have trauma, because reliability can help build trust and a better working relationship. The same with being principled, and I guess my supposed conventional-ness, would help with keeping ethical.

Dazzle28purvi November 26th, 2020


What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I am surprised that I am neither organised nor disorganised...maybe the quiz realised that i can also have an organised mess wink . Another thing is that I shy away from social situations, however, i know that once I am in it, I give it my all. I get a lot of anxiety initially.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Open mindedness- tend to be original, creative, curious, complex.

open to new experiences

being disagreeable- yes it sounds shocking but I think it brings on a different perspective. It doesnt mean I shouldn't adjust or listen but to see a new route.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

It helps me understand my personality better and to work on my weaknesses so I can improve myself and not to affect those around me. It will also help me progress on my social skills.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

By working with 7cups, it can help me become a better individual, to work together as a team, to set goals that we can reach and to learn from others which would ultimately shape me.

GlitteringNights November 28th, 2020


Closed-MindedOpen to New Experiences





1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I found out that I am open to new experiences more than I thought. I often feel quite anxious in new situations, and hence, I didn't think I'd score quite so highly there, but I do love an adventure so perhaps that balanced it out.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
I tend to be creative, reliable, and supportive!

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?
I think that my reliability and supportiveness can be great assets to creating safe and meaningful relationships for both me and whomever I'm in a relationship with (not necessarily romantic).

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?
I think that my creativity is helpful as I'm currently training to dance ballet professionally. But I think it's also helpful within 7Cups as it says it comes with curiosity and a curiosity to learn is how I ended up on the LDP course, so to have that will mean I can gain some valuable skills, hopefully!

herealways27 April 5th, 2021


Hey I think you being creative is so great! I personally have been struggling with this because I'm not very creative and can't think of new things easily, it really sparks my curiosity how people who do arts and music can create completely new artworks themselves.

thehealingmaat December 2nd, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I learned that I can be adaptable to get things done.
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Open-mindedness, conscientiousness, and extraversion are my strengths.
3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

These strengths help me see where I am most capable of working and where I am would like to improve as well.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I think that 7 Cups can help me form new habits for being a more resilient facilitator.

You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

You are very well-organized, and can be relied upon.

You are extremely outgoing, social, and energetic.

You find it easy to express irritation with others.

You are generally relaxed.

Ines1229 December 8th, 2020


Looks like we`re quite the exact opposite :o well, nearly

Containedchaos December 4th, 2020

The Big 5 (Discussion 3)

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I am not sure if I learned anything about myself, it was pretty accurate. I guess to see high I scored as an “extrovert” because I am an “introvert. However, I am outgoing with others, talkative, especially if I am comfortable in my environment. On the other test it said I was not outgoing at work, which I disagreed with. The messy desk is true, I must make sure I clean it off at the end of the week, today I actually sat going through paperwork and putting them in the shred bin.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

I am extremely outgoing, social, and energetic

I am neither extremely forgiving nor irritable

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

These strengths have helped me connect with others, put people at ease, have compassion, understanding, and empathy towards others. I do not believe I am creative; however, there are times where I have been able to come up with a creative solution.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I think being open-minded, excepting, and sociable can help when listening to others, bring positive energy and draw those out that are a bit quieter in the chat room. Being empathetic and open minded will also help me understand others easier. In my career these strengths have helped build trust and connect with workers and clients.

You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

You probably have a messy desk!

You are extremely outgoing, social, and energetic.

You are neither extremely forgiving nor irritable.

You are a generally anxious person and tend to worry about things.

sia1325 December 7th, 2020

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I'm very well organized and reliable also I'm good-natured, courteous and supportive.

What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

My top 3 strengths are conscientiousness, extraversion and agreeableness.

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I really learned a lot about myself and I really think I can apply all those strengths to make myself better.

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Being supportive, organized and reliable can really help me build better relations with others and also to understand and provide support in a better way.

December 8th, 2020


You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

You tend to do things somewhat haphazardly.

You are relatively social and enjoy the company of others.

You are good-natured, courteous, and supportive.

Negative Emotionality:
You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm.

> I used to think that I am a toxic person but, through the test, I realized I am not. It is good to know that I am good-natured, courteous, and supportive.

> Top 3 strengths according to this test:
1. Open-Mindedness
2. Extraversion
3. Agreeableness

> The strengths I identified on both tests, especially through the MBTI test, was really helpful for me to realize that the things I thought were my weaknesses are my strengths.

~In the case of personal life, my motive is to achieve self-actualization, and getting to know myself better through the tests has helped me see a more clear path of my motive.

~ In the case of professional life and my role on 7 cups, identifying my strengths have given me a better sense of understanding. In professional life, my motive is to do something through which I can help people achieve self-love and I can support them. My career plan is to either become a psychologist or an image consultant. I am confident that my creative, passionate, principled, and stand for the right traits can help me support people better in both my career and 7 cups


Ines1229 December 8th, 2020


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

- I`m an anxious person who tends to worry a lot.

- I typically seek out new experiences.

- I enjoy spending quiet time alone.

- I consider the feelings of others.
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

- I tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful.

- I am open minded.

- I tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

These tests have actually shown me what I have to do better and what sort of weaknesses I have to work on in order to improve overall. They have also given me a perspective of what qualities I have, in order to choose a career path suited for what I am good at and continue to improve on this side as well.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

- I tend to be a well-organized individual, meaning that I can understand and systematically manage my tasks and time as a leader.

- I am open minded, meaning that I enjoy listening and taking into consideration ideas coming from everyone and everywhere, I also like finding new and creative ways of doing things and improving/developing things I am working on.

- I tend to be of good nature, meaning that I am good at team work and can therefore lead a team, whilst giving them te chance to self growth and understanding.

LightofWorld December 13th, 2020


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

That im in the middle for agreeing. Im not extreme on either side.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?


3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

They can allow me to go into life knowing where I may naturally be better at

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

I can take advantage of my stengths and see if they can help me with my roles.

beautifulSeal9714 December 14th, 2020


1. I learned that I enjoy having novel experiences and enjoy seeing things in a new way. I am well-organized and reliable.

2. According to the test my top3 strengths are:

- Open-mindedness

- Agreeableness

- Positive Emotionality

3. Identifying these strengths kind of gives a perspective to your strengths and it helps in identifying tasks or goals of lifestyle that you truly are great at. It also puts into perspective the weaknesses and that we need to work on them to become better.

4. My strengths like being creative, open-minded, passionate and agreable help me understand people better and help them in overcoming the situation or solve the problem and also just support them if that is what they need. I remain calm in tensed situations and that can help de-escalate a situation, or better make decisions when under stress. I am compassionate and fight for what is right.

MyNameIsNicole December 17th, 2020


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

-I am a creative person.

- I am introverted.

- I tend to overthink and get anxious. (Even though I'm an amazing person)

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

- Creativity

- Organization

- intelligence

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Knowing my strengths, I can utilize them to bring out the best version of myself, improving my relationship with people. I can also manage myself better, for example I can control my anxiety in stressful situations.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Since I'm good at organization, I can fulfill my tasks on time. I'm also a very creative person, so I can bring in new ideas and new strategies.

December 18th, 2020

1 I did not learn any thing new.

2 open minded .

I really like to try new things

agreeableness I am super supportive.

Extraverson I am really outgoing and socailable
3 it helps me make new friends and would help me be part of a team.

4 I think it would help me work better with other listeners as rs and other teams I would join in future. It will help me get my required work done and will show top leaders I am dependable.

cuteOrange213 December 18th, 2020



These are my results,

Closed-MindedexuTPKuhBW7RDdDBIC0QTsOd2TZV4_ndhGiZkoNF9GSHHKPh8BRCnWtLVrhWDU4DvwoSFExGhbNgQCZ0NSkGc0S_Lj9nAE5_Y7R9JEQOY7KcC7FQMoo7vxWm27ozpLqCwvjK2jdnMIpakrBdQdIhvdjesWqeB5laibyN3w1WWMgcxESmS2X0uL00GUVsFQWnTc-YFttv0j2YeLD-hmDCdE6ZBR89c_yeXJNz1pkxwn_jyW4DHlirwYODT2CGJl36OFfJmEDyFjx6NWp9n6PtYdg6n1WKPNcgpep8UMyFzoVKUYAoEyY5gdHcpPOV_-6OYMUsnF7oynnazqCXZU7y2jBcAYioNXQNi37cEoy5oKo-0Tt9JbKOtZzCJ6wOFECQZ7QHjLDWlDTFGCn4o2eS2AmTJP_QhbeTHLMYP7mwTlsOA4u97LNqLHfLd7nJ_id3TyFQmE2IJGP_Nb1rFhpA93ZGi8FxdzgiWKSTw6QlHfp--KbP_L1hCppRrD9Q12zgHHl56UCnY6xmn3eOSb9rf1TWXdWCpye3PxsKeCIYCsDGrR3KBN8HRSwE_x9G7OyKzH2FOVwXO3NCI1pp2Qhgq9lGOwWtoKMWKUfwYHU2gop1hOxpdDL8xetOgyYIdrTCY7un4BrRQ1-bcrKJRus5iGuyRZB172hT42SvvOZYOpen to New Experiences

You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Your percentile: 98)


You probably have a messy desk!(Your percentile: 12)


You are extremely outgoing, social, and energetic. (Your percentile: 98)


You tend to consider the feelings of others.(Your percentile: 78)

Calm / RelaxedjSckDFpaQd5pkq1VhRl60PQy0Nm1r49IsvyqPki5MQVOSO3jl8WrhZSQeUm3H1I7cQDIjdBMNi1NmkfqutQsiqesS3MsbAUJiE-zggJMExh-f2Ef4nCKuYrzWg0gasUh3Pso4UwNO6lKBI6hBuMkfCWBlnNCQ51mKNcLnWnQ8MCb4ditBBKc8qAgy1ofQfeTuJ6VFuskVwBGjxbudfxC57ZpD-LxhgC5JEFBWY2sQCMTzBCSwZZH_l-cx-Ey1Fnc8PywbkKioRZ-s6xkhcPBGszMIeJGltUmXya62VmLlg4PtVUBGxbvhTNBkCauRp7P7ENKuqd6WLBb0zfAavHH6UmtJE6ABZqoU1Kb0p2OfmKK1z2yxIMJoiKU3fnH-P_aadkP-mdV23dMiVej7mdHhPtvdlJ99Ca_To-HUsrqB2ghhsGDnvAQWcJKAQIabHpdj9lz_dJqMauJIJYEMw6OdgQwSkf0LT2VhIPI1bZWAXdMU2Y8PZtSzRWMsnFKW-jQ5qNthPouOOV3e0aDC3sjyj0WMhTJaS1H_F6h6Ti-8zY2X8fRWZoUZzgoz0js52Sg8giY9txV4UpmW-Tj8p6np_b8BKkpd1IdgqcBz7lCZJC9qm6hEn9M2fJmVBDNQLjplw6EqasM1xRkiK7xF0sNtS0nXspvBXBX9U7_q_ncNervous / High-Strung

You are generally relaxed.(Your percentile: 25)

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I have learned that I enjoy seeing things in new ways, very social, empathetic and generally relaxed. I have also realised that I tend to be very disorganised which I clearly need to work on.
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

a) Very social


c)Generally relaxed, can perform in stressful situations

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I think that my ability to perform well in stressful situations would help as in sitting for exams and performing on stages, etc.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

The strengths I identified would help me to understand other people's emotion better, as well as coming up with new ideas for any projects here on 7 Cups and in my career.


thelastiger December 23rd, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Highly open to experience, highly conscientious, somewhat emotionally unstable, somewhat agreeable, introverted.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Can handle a variety of experiences, can handle time alone, can get things done.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

The high conscientiousness makes up for the emotional instability.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Pause before reacting. Seek stable counsel.

JoeyTribbbiani December 24th, 2020

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am enjoy having novel experiences, I am well-organized and reliable and I am good-natured, courteous and supportive. �

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Open-mindedness, Charismatic, Natural Leader

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I feel, my strengths will help me support and guide myself and other people in my life efficiently. I will be extremely reliable and not let down anyone under any circumstances.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

With the help of my strengths, I would be a reliable leader which will help people to look up to me. I will be selfless and be supportive at all times. I will be tolerant enough to listen patiently to everyone's thoughts and opinions and guide them.

ouiCherie December 29th, 2020

Hi @JoeyTribbbiani

Yay to the spirit ❤️*thumbs up*

SympatheticStrawberrySmoothie December 28th, 2020


Closed-Minded Open to New Experiences

Disorganized Conscientious

Introverted Extraverted

Disagreeable Agreeable

Calm / Relaxed Nervous / High-Strung

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I can be open to new experiences, although I get anxious or worried easily. I also really like social interactions, but am happy to have some alone time, which couldn't be more true!

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
According to this test, I am well-organised, reliable and understanding!

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

By identifying these strengths, I can improve in my personal life by being a better friend and understanding the feelings of those around me in order to form stronger bonds! These tests made me reflect on what I currently do well to do these things even better!

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

Using these identified strengths, I can become a more aware leader within 7Cups to make everyone feel heard and understood. I can also use my organisation skills to make the community a safer and simple space for all of those that want to join! These strengths can also help me in my professional career since I will be able to make deeper connections and help fellow colleagues in an organised and clear way!

Thank you for this great activity!

ouiCherie December 29th, 2020


Beautifully said. Love your answers ❤️😊

ouiCherie December 29th, 2020

Hi @GlenM 😊

Open-mindedness: 90% | Conscientiousness : 48% | Extraversion: 73% | Agreeableness: 82% | Negative emotionality: 11%


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Mostly it’s quite precise as far as i believe. But I’d like to comment on 1 point of the result.

❊ I’ve always believed that I'm leaning heavily on introversion and I was a proud introvert lol. Because I rarely feel bored being alone, too much social interaction drains my energy, and I'm quite reserved with my struggles. And INFJ-A confirmed those with 61% introverted.

Turned out, the fact that I can relax around people and feel secure enough not to wonder much of what other people think of me, puts me in an extraversion spectrum more on the Big 5 Test. Interesting.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

❊ high percentile in Open-mindedness

❊ high percentile in Agreeableness

❊ Low percentile in negative emotionality

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

A combination of all the traits help me to overcome many obstacles and trials in life so far.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

In a leadership on 7 Cups:

Help me keen to learn more, to understand better about the site, the community goals and values, about the resources and tools accessible, about the opportunities available, as well as staying calm when feeling overwhelmed and find a way to adjust the roles with consideration of my strengths and weaknesses for the benefit of the community and my own self-growth.

In my career:

In my career, I found that it’s always good to be passionate in what we’ve decided to do, open-minded to new ideas, suggestions, or even constructive critics, as well as being supportive to the company’s goal, to coworkers and clients, being assertive and proactive.



@GlenM How much do you feel the Dunning-Kruger effect plays part in this Big 5 Test result? 😋

Cheers! - Chérie

mxmes December 30th, 2020


1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I'm closed-minded, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, and nervous / high-strung.

2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Conscientiousness, agreeableness, and I push towards learning new things.

3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

It helps me realize what I might need to try and improve to better myself.

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

It tells me all the things strengths I can use to apply to my roles I partake in. Along with my future career it comes in handy to know these things. For my weaknesses it let's me know some areas I might need to improve to become a better person in general so it does not affect my work.

iwishuwell December 31st, 2020


Your Results
Their Results


Open to New ExperiencesDisorganized



AgreeableCalm / Relaxed

Nervous / High-Strung

What aspects of personality does this tell me about?

There has been much research on how people describe others, and five major dimensions of human personality have been found. They are often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality, because of the acronym from the names of the five dimensions. Here are your results:

Open-Mindedness High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex; Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative. You prefer traditional and familiar experiences. (Your percentile: 13) The other person enjoys having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (Their percentile: 89)

Conscientiousness High scorers tend to be reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful; Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. You are neither organized or disorganized. (Your percentile: 43) The other person is well-organized, and is generally reliable. (Their percentile: 71)

Extraversion High scorers tend to be sociable, friendly, fun loving, talkative; Low scorers tend to be introverted, reserved, inhibited, quiet. You probably enjoy spending quiet time alone. (Your percentile: 11) The other person probably enjoys spending quiet time alone. (Their percentile: 19)

Agreeableness High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous; Low scorers tend to be critical, rude, harsh, callous. You find it easy to express irritation with others. (Your percentile: 39) The other person finds it easy to criticize others. (Their percentile: 7)

Negative Emotionality High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying; Low scorers tend to be calm, relaxed, secure, hardy. You aren't particularly nervous, nor calm. (Your percentile: 53) The other person is a generally anxious person and tends to worry about things. (Their percentile: 95)

i never knew i had a open perosnality

iwishuwell January 1st, 2021


What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I'm open-minded, conscientious, introverted, agreeable, and relaxed

What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

My top 3 strengths are conscientiousness, relaxation, and agreeableness.

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

it can help me be a better person and can help me move forward a lot more in life.

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

in being more compassionate and loving and supportive and allowing myself to put the best i can to my work

specialSnow9454 January 13th, 2021

@iwishuwell so great qualities.❤️

specialSnow9454 January 13th, 2021

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I am a protagonist

What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?

Strong Leader, open-minded, intuitive

How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?and How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

These help to understand everyone and take steps accordingly so the noone's excluded and we are able to make progress.

BellatheHappyHelper January 14th, 2021

1. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
98 percent of the people are less extraverted than me
2. What are your top 3 strengths according to this test?
-relatively open to new experiences

- very well organized, can be relied upon

- extremely outgoing, social, and energetic
3. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

the strenghts i identified can help me utilize and take advantage of them in my personal life, i have discovered things about myself that i wasn't really sure of but now know

4. How can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in a leadership role on 7 Cups and in your career?

since i have a very extraverted and outgoing personality it is easy for me to communicate with others and for others to be comfortable with me, i feel that that is very important to have as a leader.