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"The reason for evil in the world is that people are not able to tell their stories" (Carl Jung). I've also noticed how different people navigate the same situations differently. Sharing is therefore healthy and important! I'm here to let you do exactly that and find your own growth. All Ears For You! πŸ™‚πŸ™

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peacefulWarrior10 profile picture
Mindful Writing
Mindfulness Center / by peacefulWarrior10
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July 14th, 2017
...See more Earphones... An android app for relaxation through music... Hands on my pen... Pen on paper... Thoughts & piano... Mindfulness! What and how do I feel right now? Tensed.. Too many things to attend to... Irritation in the stomach... Restless feet... Distractions... Focus... More distractions..................... Focus... Silence... A few deep breaths... Calm... What am I trying to focus on? The passing thoughts, emotions, reactions, my breath! The mind is like a street. There's a bench on the sidewalk of the street, on the other side of the wide street is a long lake and behind the sidewalk is a large park. I separate myself from my mind - the street, & I take a seat on the bench under the big tree. As I sit down and relax I watch the street. Cars... Motorbikes... Bicycles... Vans... All sorts of vehicles... People... Of all colors.. From all walks of life... Children... Roadside shacks... Traffic jams... People shouting at each other... Chaos... Hustle Bustle... A very busy street...! The more I watch them, the more they pass out of my vision. Gradually, the street starts clearing up! Now I see children... Balloons... Laughs... The lake across the street... The street is almost empty now! I get up, walk and cross the street to have a better view of the lake. The afternoon sun... The clear sparkling water... Couple of speedboats sailing at a distance... Some flying birds... some sitting on the iron railings surrounding the lake... Watching the beauty of the lake with me! I hear laughs & giggles far away behind me. That's when a beautiful little bird flies past me and I turn around to watch it flying! I am now leaning against the railings of the lake, the bird is gone... But I see the park now, to which I had turned my back for so long! I didn't notice earlier that there was some kind of a small fair arranged for children in the park! Little kids... Walking, running, hopping, jumping... Inconsistently, happily, adorably... Colorful dresses... Balloons... Ice-creams... Clowns... Lollipops... Smiles... I cross the road again, this time I walk into the park, the fair... To get a bunch of lollipops and balloons for myself ! 😊❀
peacefulWarrior10 profile picture
Mindful Doodles - Your Days in Pictures
Mindfulness Center / by peacefulWarrior10
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July 11th, 2017
...See more Hey everyone, it's Monday! So how has your weekend been? Well, I had a couple of pretty eventful days - waking up late, practising music with a music band that I recently joined, enjoying the rain, celebrating birthday of 7 Cups, learning a new stringed instrument, spending quality time with family, interviews, a new book store visit!! Would you like to have a quick recap of what YOU did over the weekend? Let's do this with some creativity and mindfulness! ● Preparation - Take a white sheet of paper. Grab a pen / pencil / marker, anything. Don't worry, you don't have to be an artist to do this! ● Introduction - Write down the date(s) ● Mindfulness 1 - Use your awareness to identify the different activities or events that signify that day for you. This can be as simple as enjoying a bath or taking a lazy nap to as eventful as winning a game in the neighborhood or fishing with family! Think about the entire day carefully and try to remember as many things you did on this day as you can! ● Mindfulness 2 - Once you've identified a few activities or events to represent your day, identify a symbol or simple scene that best represents each activity. Be mindful of how those activities or events made you feel, were you happy about it? Did you participate in it or only watched it happen? How did it look like, how did it sound, taste, smell, feel……. A bathtub can represent your enjoyable bath, a fishing tackle can represent your hours spent for fishing.. A steamy plate can represent your meals, a smiling face can represent a joke you enjoyed! Just remember to keep it simple, easy yet reflective! ● Mindful Creativity - Now that youre totally immersed into those memories, use this mindfulness to create something to make your day memorable! Get started doodling and sketching your symbol or scenes! Put each scene in separate blocks, to makes things easier for you to comprehend. ● Repeat for the other date of the weekend. Voila! You're done! And you can do this nor not only for weekends, but for any day, every day! To get some ideas, take a look at my doodles below, representing my previous weekend, which was pretty similar to this one. I'm about to do mine for this weekend after I do finish with this post! πŸ˜€ (BEWARE! I'm not a great artist!) So don't forget to share, how your weekend looked like, in this thread and get creative with your mindfulness! Enjoy! Check out this sub-forum soon for some more similar posts on being mindful through visual representation of our thoughts and emotions! Again, no need to be an artist πŸ™‚ So have fun doodling mindfully ✌ @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn @Pat @Laura @Heather @AutumnLeigh @tazcares @Kason @Power @Hope @kindsoul10 @Mellitm @soulsings @sujaypai @ady23 @rumplesteeleskin @sensitiveShade5337 @basty @joyoussun47 @peacefulwarrior10 @lightforlife @sailorelix @kindsoul10 @yzzil @passionatepeyton @emunahhere @amiablepeace77 @helpingzfindaway @honeydinkley @politelychaotic @agreeablekite4304 @Amelia @tazcares @peacefulWarrior10
peacefulWarrior10 profile picture
If You Could Be INVISIBLE For A Day...!!!
Around the World / by peacefulWarrior10
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July 12th, 2017
...See more #NamasteIndia What would you do if you could be invisible for a day ??? ​​​I would travel anywhere I like, across the world, for free...!!! 😁 Let loose your most creative & wild imaginations and share them in this thread, Team India...!!! @JovialOne @RideaRainbow
peacefulWarrior10 profile picture
Mindfulness & Creativity Co-relationship
Mindfulness Center / by peacefulWarrior10
Last post
June 30th, 2024
...See more Wondering whether mindfulness improves creativity, or creativity improves mindfulness is same as wondering whether the hen comes first or the egg! Because it's a reciprocal process, each improves the other. The more your mindfulness helps you focus & better your creation, more your creativity helps you immerse yourself completely in the moment & be more & more mindful. As I write this post, I've put on some relaxing tune on an app & plugged my earphones in since there's a lot of distractions around me at the moment. After all, writing is an expression of creativity as well. No matter how facts & figure centric your content is, your style of writing is what reflects creativity. Today I would like to highlight few aspects of creativity & mindfulness to you & then invite you to join me & try some simple creative activities where you can apply mindfulness very easily & experience some magic! Self-judgement & connecting with yourself : Some people state, "Oh, I've never created a single thing in my life, I'm just not creative!", & then with a wave of hands, they quickly dismiss the very thought of trying something creative, the moment it presents itself. Is creativity reserved for only the Picasso-s, Oscar Wilde-s, Michael Jackson-s & Mozart-s? Or only the great designers, photographers & actors? Creativity is free for all. Your work doesn't have to be compared with anyone else's. Letting go of self-judgement, by mindfully listening to your inner thoughts, is the first step to open yourself to creativity. Because when you judge your creative quotient, your work quality doesn't reflect your true self anymore, & even if you want to improve it, you'll be locked within the confines of your own judgements. But by opening yourself to you, you gradually turn down the volume of your negative self talks & just start enjoying the process of creating something that interests you. In fact, practising creativity is something that you should indulge in every now & then to tune in to your soul & spend some quality time with yourself. Attention over Perfection : Did you like that beautiful dress you saw in the store the other day? Try sketching what you saw or something similar. Use your memory. And where your memory gets weak, support it with your own ideas & experiment with it. That's creativity right there! It doesn't have to be perfect. It only has to express your attention to YOUR creation. That's all the justice you can ever really do to your piece of work. Your work is your personal property & stays only with you until you want to show it to the world. Monotasking & Authentic Creativity : Mindfulness encourages monotasking & when you devote your senses, time & efforts to creating something, no matter how small, simple or big it is, it demands you to monotask. Monotasking helps you be one with your task, focus on it & as I said, your work deserves 100% of your undivided attention. "That's all the justice you can ever really do to it". Monotasking, in turn, brings out the best from you & your creation looks authentic. (Wanted to add in this context that I'm writing this post on my phone's notepad & I actually had to add the word "monotasking" to my phone's auto-correction dictionary! May be you'd like to add it to the dictionary of your life too!) Artist's Block : How do you define an artist's block? Some writers experience writer's block & just can't move on with their work. Well, honestly, it is a moment when you cannot connect with yourself deeply, when you can't focus, when your creativity is stuck due to some bumps on the road, when you can't turn down the volume of your real distractions - emotional, physical, situational. So in a way it can be said that artists experience a block when they're unable to be mindful of their blocks & work through them. Self Care : It is important to note that no matter how novice or pro your work looks like, when you allow yourself to enjoy the process of something, you are embracing self care. Do-It-Yourself : Try to choose something creative and while you do it, be mindful of the process. Cook a special recipe, sing your favorite song & try recording it, give shape to some play dough, choose your favourite letter / the initial of your name & write it on a paper giving it a creative look in as many ways as you can, create a fancy paper boat or indulge in origami, draw easy cartoon sketches to represent how your day has been (you can draw objects that represent or signify your day - bed, ice cream, dress, car, smiles, tears, clock, etc.). Remember, when you're creating anything, do not judge how small or simple it is, it is still a creation & deserves your complete awareness. Also don't judge the results, saying, "oh, this is so ugly..!", or, "told you it's not my cup of tea..!" No matter what you create, learn to appreciate the expression of your work, acknowledge that that's the best you could do in the moment, learn from your own work, & remember, you can always try it again. So what would you like to create today? Get creative with your ideas & share your experience here in this thread. I'll share my experience of my mindful writing, now that I'm at the end of this post. I've been able to find the right words for my thoughts, carefully avoided missing words in between or repeating some, added proper punctuations, avoided typos that are usually caused by my phone's weird auto-correct dictionary, & most importantly, I've satisfactorily written a meaningful content keeping in mind how I want to help my readers with it. It still may have some flaws, but I did my best, that's what matters the most to me, no judgements, but I'm open for improvement! So if I can do it, why can't you? @KrinkTheMellowUnicorn @Pat @Laura @Heather @AutumnLeigh @tazcares @Kason @Power @Hope @kindsoul10 @Mellitm @soulsings @sujaypai @ady23 @rumplesteeleskin @sensitiveShade5337 @basty @joyoussun47 @peacefulwarrior10 @lightforlife @sailorelix @kindsoul10 @yzzil @passionatepeyton @emunahhere @amiablepeace77 @helpingzfindaway @honeydinkley @politelychaotic @fighter23 @Olii
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very patient and understanding. recommend opening up to her!. also very loving and caring
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