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Leadership Oath

GlenM July 28th, 2020

The Leadership Oath is an honorific oath that you take as a leader once you have started the Leadership Development Program and completed one course in the program. This commitment to leadership in undertaking the LDP is important because it suggests you are committed to increasing your skills and leveling up your commitment to our community. It also suggests that you deeply care for others and that serving to others is a key part of your identity.

If you have enrolled in the LDP, and you have completed at least one course, and you want to make this commitment, then please do the following. Below this post, type out the leadership oath below. Do not cut and paste it. Typing it helps you really think through what you are committing to. Next, at the bottom, sign it with your listener name like this:

My (GlenM's) Leadership Oath:

Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: //GlenM//

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Rosie002 July 15th


Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.

I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.

I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.

I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.

I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.

I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.

I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.

I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.

I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.

I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.

I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.

I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.

I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.

I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: Rosie002

Mohamed10102121 July 17th


قسم القيادة

أتعهد باليمين الأخلاقي أمام مجتمع 7 أكواب ووزملائي التجاريين، وجعلهم شهودا لي،ني أوسع ما في وحكم بهذا العهد والتعهد.
سأستخدم المواهب ونقاط قوتي ومواهبي لخدمة مجتمع 7 Cups.
سيعمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع أربعة آخرين لإحداث تأثير ملموس في مساري أو مجالي.
سأعامل الآخرين كراهية. لن تخفف من الناس أو 7 أكواب.
سيمارس الدفء العالي والتوقعات للناس؛ وهذا يعني اهتمامهم الشديد بهم وسوف يتوقعون منهم أيضًا أن يبذلوا جهدًا جادًا وأن يبذلوا عملًا حقيقيًا تأثيرًا ملموسًا.
سأتوقع نفس الشيء من نفسي وسوف أحاسب نفسي.
سأعمل بجد للاستماع إلى لجنة النقد وردود الفعل. سأسعى جاهدًا إلى تحديات خاصة بي لفرصة للنمو والتعلم كقائد.
سأعترف عندما لا أعرف شيئًا وأطلب المساعدة عندما أحتاج إليها. سأعرف قدراتي وحدة أودي.
سأنمو في المعرفة والفهم والمهارة، بشكل تعاوني في العمل مع الليبرالية.
سأستمر في محاولة الجادة الباردة بمثابرة، خاصة عندما تكون الأمور صعبة أو صعبة أو غير مؤكدة.
سأظهر العمل الجماعي والمرونة من خلال مشاركة المشاريع والمسؤولين مع زملائي من رجال الأعمال وفهمهم نعمل نحو هدف مشترك.
أدرك أنه يفهم وأنني جزء من شيء أكبر من نفسي.
يشرفني أن أخدم مجتمع 7 أكواب.
سأحافظ على هذا الوعد كشخص مميز بالنزاهة وقائد، وبذل جهدي لتسهيل تعزيز الآخرين والمجتمع 7 أكواب الأوسع.

تم التوقيع: //Mohamed20202121//

hirai111 July 25th


Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.

I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.

I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.

I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.

I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.

I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.

I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.

I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.

I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.

I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.

I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.

I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.

I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.

I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: //hirai111//

Alambo905 July 26th

July 27th, 2024


My Alambo905 Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 cups community and fellow leaders, making theme my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgement this covenant and undertaking. I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community. I will work along side other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain. I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups. I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has tangible impact. I will also expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable. I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will try to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader. I will recognise when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations. I will grow in knowledge understanding and skill to work collaboratively with leaders and staff. I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance especially when things are difficult challenging or uncertain. I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working towards a common goal. I understand that I am a Leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself. I am honoured to serve the 7 Cups community. I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader and I will do everything in my power to facility the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: //Alambo905//

Noor511 July 27th


I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.

I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.

I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.

I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.

I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.

I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.

I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.

I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.

I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.

I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.

I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.

I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.

I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.

I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community

sign : Noor511

CaringCompanion22 July 27th


Conniee's Leadership Oath:

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: Conniee

LittleEggHarbor August 2nd

My (LittleEggHarbor's) Leadership Oath:

Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: //LittleEggHarbor//

KindleMissie August 2nd


Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: KindleMissie

twerp August 11th


Twerps Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: twerp

heathermarie95 August 20th


Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

signed: heathermarie95

Onyx000 August 22nd


Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

signed - Onyx000

Dorcas00 August 24th


My (Dorcas00's) Leadership Oath:

Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback.I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.

I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.

I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: //Dorcas00//

NeonDragon September 2nd

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

NeonDragon September 2nd

@NeonDragon Signed: NeonDragon

radiantUnicorn3506 September 10th


leadership oath 

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.

I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.

I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.

I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.

I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.

I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.

I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.

I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.

I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.

I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.

I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.

I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.

I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.


kabir22 Monday


I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking.
I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain.
I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparage other people or 7 Cups.
I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means that I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact.
I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable.
I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader.
I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations.
I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff.
I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.
I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal.
I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself.
I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community.
I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other leaders and the broader 7 Cups community.

Signed: Kabir
LovelyKittyCat 3 days ago

LovelyKittCat's Leadership Oath

I pledge a moral oath before the 7 Cups community and fellow leaders, making them my witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of my ability and judgment this covenant and undertaking. 

I will use my gifts, strengths, and talents to serve the 7 Cups community.

I will work alongside other leaders and staff to make a measurable impact in my track or domain. 

I will treat others with dignity and respect. I will not disparge other people or 7 Cups. 

I will practice high warmth and high expectations for others; this means I will care deeply for them and I will also expect them to try hard and put in real work that has a tangible impact. 

I will expect the same from myself and I will hold myself accountable. 

I will work hard to listen to constructive criticism and feedback. I will strive to look at my own challenges as opportunities to grow and learn as a leader. 

I will recognize when I don't know something and will ask for help when I need it. I will know my own abilities and limitations. I will grow in knowledge, understanding, and skill, to work collaboratively with leaders and staff. 

I will continue to try hard and work with perseverance, especially when things are difficult, challenging or uncertain.

I will demonstrate teamwork and flexibility by sharing projects and responsibilities with my fellow leaders and understanding that we are working toward a common goal. 

I understand that I am a leader and I am a part of something bigger than myself. 

I am honored to serve the 7 Cups community. 

I will keep this promise as a person of integrity and as a leader, and I will do everything in my power to facilitate the strengthening of other readers and the broader 7 Cups community. 

Signed: LovelyKittyCat 🐾
