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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #2) Service Leadership at 7 Cups

Heather225 August 6th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Being a leader at 7 Cups takes many forms. One thing every listener has in common is that we are all agents of service. Whether we are taking member chats or we are welcoming a new listener to the community, every unique contribution made by listeners is equally wonderful and valuable.

There are many ways to spend our  volunteer time at 7 Cups. Some of you will choose to focus on member chats and others will choose to be involved with our community programs, or both!  No matter which path, all contributions are considered incredibly valuable and special.

The term  Service leadership  (based on the philosophy of servant leadership, in  which the main goal of the leader is to serve)  can be explained in this way:  "Traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation and exercise of power by one at the top of the pyramid. By comparison, the servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible."

Sometimes leaders or community members who help with projects receive high praise for their efforts (and they all deserve it) but this is never to take away or undermine the contributions of listeners who fly a little bit more under the radar. How one chooses to spend their volunteer time on 7 Cups is up to them & we love you all the same!

Leadership - Becoming a Teen Star, Mentor, Mentor Leader or Ambassador.

Weve long said⦠that if you want to be a mentor, be a mentor, eventually youll get a badge. These service leadership roles are incredibly important to the functionality of our community. The individuals in these posts do an excellent job helping to keep our community safe and positive. I am very thankful for them.

One misconception I have heard floating around is that once youre in one of these roles you need to do more, be more, show more, etc. The reality could not be any further from the truth. These roles signify contributions that are currently being made & are not about contributions we hope these individuals will make in the future.

Another way to think about this is - Â if youre accepted to be a mentor leader or ambassador, we will not be giving you more work. Our aim is to honor the work you have been previously/currently doing. In fact, wed love for you to add more self-care to your regular routine. These titles are reserved for successful project leaders & community members who are already involved in community engagement projects and actively making a positive impact. In some cases, we may give you more tools to do your specific projects more effectively.

In this sense, service leadership is simply about where you plan to spend your time. To those of you out there who focus 100% on member chats, we LOVE YOU! To those of you out there who focus on community programs, we LOVE YOU TOO! All of these contributions are equally valuable and important. As a collective  community, our aim is to honor your contributions, no matter where or how they manifest.

In this vein, my hope is that you will remember 3 key things:

1. Self-care - always! Make sure self-care is baked into your volunteer work here

2. Dont take on more than you are able. If you dont have the bandwidth to do something, you owe it to yourself and the community to say no. It is 100% okay to say no. (And if you are asking someone to help you with a project, please do not get upset if someone has to say no.)

3. Remember that 7 Cups is an ecosystem. Every single contribution matters! Â

If youd like to be in a service leadership role, my advice would be:

1. Pay attention to how others are contributing

2. Figure out what gets you excited in the community!

3. Once you have an idea of what gets you excited, dive in! You dont need to have a mentor badge to help out, get involved & start learning.

4. If youre not sure how to get involved, you can chat with a mentor or sign up for listener coaching.

5. Once you feel comfortable with your area of attention, apply for the appropriate mentor track.


Questions: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers  in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

TogetherForeverAlways October 1st, 2020


Awesome, thank you for sharing in your thoughts!!! 😀😀😎😎

KatePersephone October 3rd, 2020

@CheeryMango i like the way you set your statements, good job!

SirenSymphony21 January 23rd, 2021


that is an amazing answer mango

PhoenixTears5972 June 21st, 2022


Concise and to the point answer and it really is easy for others to understand the basic importance in short .

August 9th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership?
Service leadership is the ideal leadership for a place like 7cups, that puts others' needs first.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
Mentors give their time to fellow leaders and listeners so that it benefits the community, the site, and the members looking up to this site eventually.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?
I am trying already. I have recently started taking up leadership roles like Community Mentor and Listener Training to help listeners do their best to help the members the best.

bookworm274 August 18th, 2020


As someone who requested a listener coach due to not feeling very confident in taking 1-1 chats I want to thank you for donating your time to help other listeners becoming the best listener they can be!

blissart August 23rd, 2020


appreciate all ur support and time u take out for others and the community heart

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart Awesome! Thank you for all your effort. heart

LittleBirdie30 August 30th, 2020

@DonaldDraper Proud of all your hard work!!

Beaconx September 4th, 2020


Nice contribution

shiningSound31 September 14th, 2020


Wonderful Answers, Donald! I wish you the best in your journey ahead!

Kindwords2000 January 7th, 2022


Thank you for taking the time to help others by volunteering in leadership roles, you doing an amazing job.

KindnessMatters2020 August 10th, 2020


I think 7 Cups is the eptiome of service leadership. From my few months with 7 Cups, I have been inspired and in awe of the incredible people I have met who uplift and support us all in our mutual journey of making the world a better place.

An awesome example of service leadership I have seen on 7 Cups is the Sharing Circle. Listeners volunteer to lead and other listeners show up to offer support and strength to our members. It is a beautiful example of the true dedication to this community.

The way I hope to become a better servant to our community is by continuing learn how to balance taking on leadership responsibility while still taking 1-1 chats. My goal is to maintain some presence on the front lines while also being able to support fellow listeners and leaders in this journey.

August 25th, 2020


Describing 7 Cups as the epitome of service leadership sums up my thoughts on the topic quite nicely! Like you, I have always been so inspired by how every member of the community is volunteering their time and energy to help build this wonderful little corner of the internet known as 7 Cups.

Rebekah September 3rd, 2020

@KindnessMatters2020, that's really insightful! Great response 🙂

TogetherForeverAlways October 1st, 2020


Fantastic reply, loved it!!! 😘😘🤗🤗 *Hugs*

And thanks for all your service here.

giggleSun1695 November 28th, 2020



DancingHeart4982 December 18th, 2021


Great answer!

shiningDay80 August 11th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

- I think the idea of service leadership is superb. It gives those who take part in 7 Cups the confidence knowing that they are helping others and putting effort into a community that constantly gains more people to help. It also gives them the opportunity to take leadership roles in which they may be scared to do anywhere else.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

-I have seen so many service leadership on 7 Cups. One example is after a sharing circle, I felt bad for how it turned out and one of the leaders reassured me that I did fine and that it happens at times. Sharing circles can't go perfect each time and it is a learning experience.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

-I can become a better servant to our community by continuing to help others and encouraging fellow listeners and members through their journeys.

August 25th, 2020


I really resonated with what you said about helping others. When we first set out to be listeners, we did so out of the desire to support those who were struggling. When we become leaders, this focus on being supportive and helping others should remain, or ideally, be heightened!

BeautifulMasterpiece October 15th, 2020


I totally agree with what you said about confidence, and I really hope you're receiving the confidence you need to shine!

SirenSymphony21 January 23rd, 2021


great response to the question posted above

smolecho August 12th, 2020


What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

I think it's an incredible thing. I work in a police department, I'm sure I've talked about it before, but one of the biggest things is talking about leadership. The leader of the group is there to help out and do what they can to benefit all of the people involved.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

One thing I can think of very distinctly is when something is going on in a member chatroom, and a member wants a listener to talk to or they need support in some way, and the group isn't giving it, a listener usually lets everyone know that PMs are open and that anyone can come talk to them. It's really inspiring to see, because it's important to see that kind of thing. It sets a good example and it shows that listeners really do care about our members.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?

Become more active again! Since school has been starting I've stopped taking member chats to get used to how it'll be when I'm in school! I want to be as active as I can be while on the site, but I know that my schoolwork comes first :)
Even then, I still want to be more active! In group chats, forums, etc! I've fallen out these past couple weeks :P

shiningDay80 August 17th, 2020


I love seeing listeners willing to give their time for PMs as well. It is very inspiring and admirable to those show support on a consistent basis. <3

bookworm274 August 18th, 2020


I agree, when listeners let people know that their PMs are open in a group chat I think it's so kind of them! So much so that I've started doing it myself. It's so important to let members know that listeners are there to support them.

Yourstruly2000 August 12th, 2020


i personally am a fan of this term and i love how this post sums the meaning of it. Service leadership to me is like people "For the people" . I honestly think people in this case our audience, members, other listeners and everyone included in the community has the power to get you up and bring you down. We are nothing without the community but the community is unchanged without us. This means that we have to be there for people and not just for the sake of it , we have to mean it. one of the ways i have seen this on 7cups is in the chatrooms, where literally everyone is ready to provide their service and expect nothing in return. This is perfect example of helping people to rise up regardless of differences. The one way i think i can be closer to the title "service leadership" is by alloting more time to this community, lately for various reasons i have not been able to dedicate as much time as before which i think makes me fall short to give my 100% to the community. I wish to be more active in coming times.

thank you


smilingsnapples August 20th, 2020

@Yourstruly2000 I agree--service leadership is "for the people." When I first read the term's definition, I immediately thought about social entrepreneurship. Unlike regular entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs focus on being able to give back to social issues. In the context of our work here at 7 Cups, service leadership is being able to evoke kindness and offer help without the need for something back.

Daf8 August 29th, 2020


heart That s amazing! Whatever happens, we do value your work here, and we are thankful for you. heart

LittleBirdie30 August 30th, 2020

@Yourstruly2000 I love this quote of yours: "We are nothing without the community but the community is unchanged without us." So great!

Also, make sure you take time for self care! We want you to be kind to yourself.

InvaderStitch September 14th, 2020


I love your dedication to the community and how you can see how everything we do is important here. I would want to caution you on feeling bad for not being able to be here as often as you'd like. We are voluteers and still have our personal lives to manage. I would say the same for someone in a career. It's important to love what you're doing, but at the end of the day you can't pour from an empty cup.

Yourstruly2000 September 14th, 2020

@InvaderStitch thanks for your kind words stitch!! Its really reassuring ❤️

Kieran000 March 7th, 2021


Totally agree!

EvelyneRose August 13th, 2020

What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I think that sharing the power is a great model for community responsiblity and creating a shared vision together. I think that there are many examples, but I do love how teams tend to work togetheror complement each other! We share power so that we can share responsiblity to make the community the best it can be.

How can I be a better servant to the community?

I know that I work hard to be a good servant to the community, and I know I am working on cultivating strong relationships with others in order to form partnerships and help others grow as well.

PeaceLoveandPaws August 25th, 2020


I love you that you mentioned creating a shared vision. I think that is such an important way to be respectful and to demonstrate respect for others.

MistyMagic August 13th, 2020

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?
I love the idea. The pyramid down is always a good example and helps improve the whole community.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
The Listener Coaching Team! A group of trained individuals giving their free time to support and help others. They work tirelessly and mostly unseen to support others.

How can you become a better "servant' to our community?
By taking this course! I try my best and I try and encourage others to do their best too. I am always looking for ways to improve.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

shiningDay80 August 17th, 2020


I feel this leadership program is also pushing me to do better in areas where I can apply outside of 7 cups. Good luck! I hope you get everything out of it that you are looking for!

FrenchToast November 13th, 2020

@MistyMagic the LCT is such a great example! Thanks for sharing ~

QuietMagic August 17th, 2020


1) What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

I really love the idea that people who have a badge aren't considered "better" or "more important" than people who don't have it. If what matters is helping people or being of benefit, and if there are many different ways of helping that are all necessary, then from that point of view everyone's potentially doing something important or fulfilling some niche. What leaders are doing is not fundamentally different from what non-leaders are doing.

2) Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

@EvelyneRose's Quality Gazebo. Slightly smiling Basically a section of the site whose purpose is to receive feedback from the community and coordinate responses to any problems, concerns, or areas for improvement.

3) How can you become a better "servant" to our community?

For a period of several years, I had mostly negative experiences and hostile attitudes in relation to 7 Cups:

  • Seeking listeners in General Request as a Member and being unable to find anyone who didn't multiply/aggravate whatever negative feelings I already had
  • Seeking support and validation as a Listener and being unable to find resources or people that I felt were able to connect with what i was specifically experiencing
  • Feeling disenchanted, dissatisfied, alienated, and lonely with respect to the general community
  • Feeling skeptical and resentful toward site leaders

When I see other users who feel or experience the types of things I did, I feel a sort of solidarity or kinship with them... and a sharp/painful/desperate desire to not let them be abandoned, rejected, minimized, or cast off to the fringes.

My hope is that no matter how much love, warmth, acceptance, validation, belongingness, satisfaction, or meaning I might now experience on this site, I won't forget what it felt like to be in the opposite situation and I won't turn a blind eye to people similar to my past self.

shiningDay80 August 17th, 2020


I think it's great that you are using your experience to move forward and help others who are in a similar boat on this site. I'm sorry that happened to you and I'm glad things have gotten better for you!

QuietMagic August 17th, 2020

@shiningDay80 Thanks Red heart it's really sweet of you to say that--and it's also really kind that you're reading and commenting on people's posts in this thread. (I remember that was something Glen mentioned in one of the first discussion threads, to try to respond to at least 3 posts... but I know that's kind of fallen off and people aren't really doing that anymore, including me.)