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Course 3, Discussion 1: Service Leadership at 7 Cups

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

The term Service leadership (based on the philosophy of servant leadership, in which the main goal of the leader is to serve). Sometimes leaders or community members who help with projects receive high praise for their efforts (and they all deserve it) but this is never to take away or undermine the contributions of listeners who fly a little bit more under the radar. How one chooses to spend their volunteer time on 7 Cups is up to them & we love you all the same!

We've long said that if you want to be a mentor, be a mentor, eventually you'll get a badge. These service leadership roles are incredibly important to the functionality of our community. The individuals in these posts do an excellent job helping to keep our community safe and positive. I am very thankful for them.

Service leadership is simply about where you plan to spend your time. To those of you out there who focus 100% on member chats, we LOVE YOU! To those of you out there who focus on community programs, we LOVE YOU TOO! All of these contributions are equally valuable and important. As a collective community, our aim is to honor your contributions, no matter where or how they manifest.

In this vein, my hope is that you will remember 3 key things:

1. Self-care - always! Make sure self-care is baked into your volunteer work here

2. Don't take on more than you are able. If you don't have the bandwidth to do something, you owe it to yourself and the community to say no. It is 100% okay to say no. (And if you are asking someone to help you with a project, please do not get upset if someone has to say no.)

3. Remember that 7 Cups is an ecosystem. Every single contribution matters!

If you'd like to be in a service leadership role, my advice would be:

1. Pay attention to how others are contributing

2. Figure out what gets you excited in the community!

3. Once you have an idea of what gets you excited, dive in! You dont need to have a mentor badge to help out, get involved & start learning.

4. If you're not sure how to get involved, you can chat with a mentor or sign up for listener coaching.

5. Once you feel comfortable with your area of attention, apply for the appropriate mentor track.

✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

Smrtbibliophile May 12th, 2023


✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I love the idea of service leadership - to serve where you can, when you can, how you can. I've seen this from listeners reaching out to other new listeners to cheer them on, offer to help them out if needed, or those responding to members in forums or in chats.

MagnificentSunrise May 25th, 2023

I agree with that! We do not need roles to play a role! 😊

MagnificentSunrise May 25th, 2023

What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I think all good leadership is service leadership. Leaders are there to serve. We are all working towards a common goal. Everyone is part of it, even members. In the chatrooms, discussions and Sharing Circles we all work together.

I think we should pay more attention to the contributions of those that are less visible. Appreciation goes a long way.

It is especially those with less prominent roles or without roles who are integral to the site working well. Those with "bigger" roles should try to express that frequently.

jadenrjc7 May 26th, 2023


I love this!

lovelyApple6441 August 17th, 2023

@MagnificentSunrise I really like how you stressed the importance of appreciating roles that aren't as obvious and receive less praise in general. I think in our professional lives it is very easy to volunteer just as an accolade or something to put in a resume, rather than actually prioritizing the impact it makes above what role you pick. Every role is meaningful!

LOOPHOLE October 5th, 2023


Excellent !! 👍

jadenrjc7 May 26th, 2023


✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I think it's an excellent way to be a leader, and learn how to manage your time well. I've seen plenty of service leadership within the group chats!

4Jasmine March 2nd


I appreciate the way you described your answer. Good job! 

GermanZebraCupcake May 28th, 2023


✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I love the idea of service leadership. I think this is the best way to move forward and that all forms of good leadership tap into this ideology at some level or another. Every good community thrives through the service of others.

SnowTabby June 3rd, 2023

Every community thrives through the cooperation of services. Leading by providing without expectations of anything in return, including recognition, is the height of personal values.
You said so much in such an important idea in so little words. I don't think the idea or affect on a community can ever be put into enough words.

DisLifeNot August 3rd, 2023

@SnowTabby Great answer!

SnowTabby June 3rd, 2023

I wasn't sure how to answer this question until today.
A check-in session was held today by @GoldenNest2727 because he said the wrong day but stayed true to his word. With lucky timing, I showed up right at the beginning and had a lovely conversation about leadership. This is my example of service leadership.
The conversation held a lot of self-awareness and openness in uniqueness relating to leadership techniques as well as adjusting to our strengths and self-care expectations.
At the end, I was offered a link to apply to be a room supporter that I gladly accepted. Taking the initiative to bring someone in that was seen as empathetic and inclusive is my idea of service leadership.
Might have been there to purposefully lead but the responsibility wasn't to recruit but to listen and guide. Bringing resources that I wasn't sure how to find is important.

This whole idea is important and I learned something too. Stepping further away from electronics (even a desktop versus cell phone) is a huge shift in expression.

TabbyCat97 June 5th, 2023

✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

Service leadership is an approach to leadership that emphasizes serving others and meeting their needs as a primary focus. It involves a mindset of selflessness and a commitment to helping others succeed. Service leaders prioritize the well being and development of their team members ~ which I think is really important :)

Example - A mentor

CharlieDont37 July 6th, 2023


Well said. I appreciate your definition of 'Service Leadership'.

Rivelino3 July 15th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 Couldn't agree more. It brings a focus on holistic development than a "I want you do this, so it must be done", along the lines of "Could we plan to do this ? Would it be possible to achieve this with the vision I have for it ? Let's discuss !"

Artalistens August 17th, 2023

@TabbyCat97 Fantastic example! Good luck on the rest of your journey ahead.

AnnaSilverberg June 10th, 2023

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

I agree with it and I've always thought about leadership that way.
We're all equals, no matter who we are or what position we hold.
The individuals that have taken on leadership roles are persons who have
dedicated themselves to certain responsibilities and tasks that they hold.
But we are in the end all listeners who are dedicated to make a positive change.


Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

For example when you go to the forums and there are posts that ask about
views from listeners and even members on new updates and features.
That's a good example of service leadership!

MaggieListens00 June 17th, 2023


Couldnt agree more! :D

LightsFromDark September 11th, 2023
@א ה סילברברSuch a beautiful and thoughtful answerג
MaggieListens00 June 17th, 2023


Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

There are so many great examples here on 7cups! This ranges from moderators on the forums to group chat leaders. Each of these roles provides quality within out 7cups ecosystem and ensures the site runs as it should- excellently. I love this idea that leaders answer to the consumers as it is these individuals the site was designed for! :D

Jenna July 7th, 2023


I completely agree with you. All roles here really benefit our ecosystem.

CharlieDont37 July 6th, 2023


✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I am ambivalent about 'Service Leadership'. Not the concept The concept is intriguing. It is almost as if the Service Leadership is a 'Bohdisavtta' - a being enlightened but not leaving until the last Sentient Being's Light has turned on. In my work experience, I have seen those leaders with the most professed Religious beliefs be anything but and most duplicitous. Sad, that. A 'Service Leader' serves selflessly 'period'.

I cannot list an example of Service Leadership that I have seen on 7 Cups. I am a member and have not engaged with a Listener.

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

@CharlieDont37 I'm sorry you haven't come across someone that you think is worthy of that title.

I can tell you from my experience, there are a lot of very amazing people here on Cups and I truly wish you get to meet some in your time here.

CharlieDont37 July 12th, 2023


Oh, gosh. I am so sorry. I did not mean to denigrate anyone here. My deep apologies to any and all who might feel offended and or hurt by my ill-formed statement. Almost all the posts I see on the forums are full of understanding and compassion - very impressive.

I meant, as a Member - I have not engaged with 'Leaders' so could not name one or more. But then, ha, ha... perhaps I did not notice whether I read a fellow Member's or a Leader's post.

Again, my most sincere apology to all. And hope that by reframing my response, I have not made things worse - there is always that...

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

@CharlieDont37 oh no no no, that was definitely not my intention, I absolutely do not mean to tell you how to feel or that your feelings are invalid.

I was just saying that I really hope you get to experience some of these great people firsthand and maybe that might give you a new outlook on this matter.

I only say this because this community has definitely made my life change for the better and I just wish everyone else gets that opportunity as well.

I sincerely did not mean to say your opinion is wrong, I was just telling you an experience that I have cherished and I wish you get that too someday so you can decide for yourself if they are as good as I say.

Please forgive me as well if I came across as defensive or aggressive, really was not my intention

CharlieDont37 July 12th, 2023


You were wonderful thank you, Mahad2804. I appreciate your kindness -

Ah, now I can say - 'I met one!!! - You.'

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

aww thank you so soo much @CharlieDont37

Your words truly mean a lot and I have to say the feeling is incredibly mutual. I'm so glad there are so considerate and kind people on the member side as well, helping the community from within.

It was such a pleasure to meet you and I would love to see you around here again.

Happy cupsin!

Jenna July 7th, 2023


✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

The concept of service leadership aligns perfectly with the 7 Cups community as we exist to provide assistance. Our aim is to support others in need, and this responsibility extends beyond simply being a leader. As mentors or project leaders, we have a duty to aid, encourage and steer those who require our guidance.

Example: I believe that Chat Support plays a significant role in providing service to listeners. Their primary objective is to assist members through one-on-one chats, guiding and supporting them as needed.

RosaHere July 22nd, 2023

@Jenna I agree, Jenna! 7 Cups has many examples of servant leadership. Good answer! <3

Mahad2804 July 12th, 2023

✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I think service leadership is such a simple yet so often misjudged idea. In my opinion, this is at least in part, because of our everyday life with politicians and civil servants and whatnot and in general, their sense of entitlement or superiority in the world.

Quite fortunately though, I've never seen that be something in a leader here on cups. They are so thoughtful, caring, and genuine people that you will never even be able to guess how many roles or duties they have just by the way they talk. They are humble, and soft-spoken yet so authoritative (in a good way) and professional when the situation calls for it.

For me, the ultimate example of these amazing people are chatroom mentors and moderators.

These guys do so much and are so often under-appreciated for their work. You guys are fantabulous and deserve all the praise! Keep being wonderful!
Rivelino3 July 15th, 2023

✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups ?

I believe the essence and ethos of servant leadership is holistic and sustainable over a longer period in different projects, more so than other styles of leaderships which don't neccearily work on serving the common good or taking am active interest in improving quality of life and work experience of members of the team , to allow them to function effectively and efficiently

Countless examples here on 7 cups by many listeners and members that actively take part in community work or just give their time to help listen.

Gilbird July 18th, 2023


Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

Service leadership is the idea of serving in leadership positions to improve the community and serve members of the community. It is the antithesis of serving in a leadership position for personal gain. I have seen certain 7 cups leaders who are very committed to their communities. Although they may not have all of the skills of a good leader and manager, it is evident that they care deeply about the community.

RosaHere July 22nd, 2023

✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

As the name suggests, service leadership refers to leading to serve. A service leader prioritizes other people. They are empathic, self-aware, compassionate, hard-working, and enthusiastic. They use their skills and qualities to benefit others.

Example: There are many examples here such as Room Supporters, who provide support to chatrooms by maintaining a welcoming and inclusive environment. They also provide emotional support to Members in Support Rooms and help Listeners in Listener Chatrooms.

DisLifeNot August 3rd, 2023

@FrenchToastClub Thank you for your post!

What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

Service leadership is where the goal of the leader is to serve. I think that's a wonderful goal honestly, as we are here to support members and listeners <3

One example of service leadership is Room Supporters. They help with the communities and help members to feel better

betty212 August 8th, 2023

@FrenchToastClubQuestion: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I love the idea of service leadership. I think this is the best way to move forward. Every good community thrives through the service of others.

Artalistens August 17th, 2023


✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

our community moderators and even group volunteer moderators serve a great deal of service they help keep the Community safe which is really important in order to keep the site secure, and people wanting to come back. The safety patrol team also has this, flagging inappropriate profiles and forum post is important to make sure that we avoid others triggers as much as possible and make this a safe place for people to want to be and want to receive support. This is because if the community is unsafe, people won’t want to receive support.

lovelyApple6441 August 17th, 2023

@FrenchToast✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

Service leadership emphasizes supporting the people we serve and prioritizing service over individual accolades. One example of service leadership on 7 Cups are listeners! Listeners give up their time to lend a sympathetic ear in service of others.

warmheartedCamp3360 August 21st, 2023

@FrenchToast service leadership is about serving the people and putting them as the first priority. I think the below quote by by Dr APJ Abdul Kalam defines it all :

“A leader should give the credit of the success to the team members. But when failure comes, leaders should absorb the failures and protect the team members”

warmheartedCamp3360 August 21st, 2023

@warmheartedCamp3360 An example would be the listeners in 7 cups. I have been lucky to cross paths with some amazing listeners who really use their time in proactively listen and serve us.

pandanfe August 30th, 2023


Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?
Service leadership is all about seen and unseen contributions made by leaders serving others. It is very important for the community as it provides selfless actions of helping, inspiring and supporting others.

One example of service leadership: Forum supporter