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Course 3, Discussion 1: Service Leadership at 7 Cups

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

The term Service leadership (based on the philosophy of servant leadership, in which the main goal of the leader is to serve). Sometimes leaders or community members who help with projects receive high praise for their efforts (and they all deserve it) but this is never to take away or undermine the contributions of listeners who fly a little bit more under the radar. How one chooses to spend their volunteer time on 7 Cups is up to them & we love you all the same!

We've long said that if you want to be a mentor, be a mentor, eventually you'll get a badge. These service leadership roles are incredibly important to the functionality of our community. The individuals in these posts do an excellent job helping to keep our community safe and positive. I am very thankful for them.

Service leadership is simply about where you plan to spend your time. To those of you out there who focus 100% on member chats, we LOVE YOU! To those of you out there who focus on community programs, we LOVE YOU TOO! All of these contributions are equally valuable and important. As a collective community, our aim is to honor your contributions, no matter where or how they manifest.

In this vein, my hope is that you will remember 3 key things:

1. Self-care - always! Make sure self-care is baked into your volunteer work here

2. Don't take on more than you are able. If you don't have the bandwidth to do something, you owe it to yourself and the community to say no. It is 100% okay to say no. (And if you are asking someone to help you with a project, please do not get upset if someone has to say no.)

3. Remember that 7 Cups is an ecosystem. Every single contribution matters!

If you'd like to be in a service leadership role, my advice would be:

1. Pay attention to how others are contributing

2. Figure out what gets you excited in the community!

3. Once you have an idea of what gets you excited, dive in! You dont need to have a mentor badge to help out, get involved & start learning.

4. If you're not sure how to get involved, you can chat with a mentor or sign up for listener coaching.

5. Once you feel comfortable with your area of attention, apply for the appropriate mentor track.

✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

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✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups? 

Service leadership is a powerful approach where leaders prioritize serving others, fostering a supportive and collaborative community. On 7 Cups, a standout example is Listener Leaders who mentor new listeners. They dedicate time to create training programs and offer guidance, ensuring new listeners feel confident and supported. This commitment to helping others grow exemplifies true service leadership, benefiting the entire community. The contributions of all members, whether in mentoring or in direct member support, are equally valued and essential to the platform’s success.

whattospeak July 7th


I heavily agree 😎 

Onyx000 September 9th


i agree 

whattospeak July 7th


Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

Service Leadership seems more like a leader that shares power and also puts their team first, as well as guiding people to be well developed and increases team performance. I have not taken any time to know any example of service leadership to list, but i can say that I have mentors that made sure that I am doing well or what I need to review on my Active Listen quiz. I am sure that my mentors definitely took their time to pay attention to how others are contributing in 7 Cups.

Cynthialy July 10th

@casterDjack totally agree with your idea of service leadership 

Cynthialy July 10th

@FrenchToast an example of service leadership I´ve seen is forum leaders

CaringCompanion22 August 17th


agreed : )

patientShell1003 July 13th

I think that all leadership roles are very important. The 7 cups community is an ecosystem and everyone has a role. For example we can be a mentor if we want.

Damonchandio July 17th



Damonchandio July 17th


Service leadership is inspiring because it focuses on supporting others. On 7 Cups, I’ve seen listener coaches help new listeners improve their skills, while listener verifiers and safety patrol keep the community safe and welcoming.

Noor511 July 30th


Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups? 

Everyone on cups play's an important role in leading this community even though they aren't named as " leaders " , it's really inspiring how everyone tries to support their friends even though they all are having hard times themselves.

Examples: there are many which am probably incapable of naming them all but: room supporters mods peer supporter ...etc

Ivebutterfly July 30th

@Noor511 I agree with this it is so nice to see a community so supportive 💜

Ivebutterfly July 30th

@FrenchToast What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

I like the idea of service leadership as you are devoting more to helping others than you do yourself which gives you more of a greater purpose in leadership rather than just for you. I think service leadership is key in corportions and in 7 Cups since high warmth and high expectations are the aim and I think service leadership massively helps achieving high warmth.

One example I've seen is the mentors on 7 Cups as they are aiming on helping the other listeners achieve and strive forward to help the community on 7 Cups and I think they all are doing such a good job.

CaringCompanion22 August 17th


Service leadership at 7 Cups is helping out behind the scenes. For example, Listener Mentors, who guide and support new listeners, making sure they feel comfortable and confident to support others

KindleMissie August 21st


I agree! It's so wonderful to see that there so many people contributing to spread positivity.

KindleMissie August 21st


✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

Service leadership is a way to contribute for the people compassionately. 

There are so many wonderful examples of service leadership present on 7 Cups. One of them I can share is Mentor Leaders who help listeners to grow and develop to become the next leader, leading an amazing vision of 7 Cups further.

heathermarie95 August 22nd

What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

it allows the leader to provide better support to their workers/team members/employees etc.

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?


care team, peer support, project agents, mentors

hirai111 August 23rd


I love that you gave multiple examples!

hirai111 August 23rd


Service leadership is assisting others. An example of this in 7Cups are the academy mentors who help academy trainees with any questions or issues they may have within the program!

Alambo905 September 7th


That's so true!

Alambo905 September 7th


✒️ Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

Service leadership is based on the prioritisation of serving others over all else. I have seen an immense amount of service leadership here at 7Cups, embodying the concept as whole. To name one example, the constant check-in by mentors with their empathetic yet authoritative words have often made we feel welcomed yet be accountable towards my actions.

Dorcas00 September 8th


What do you think of the idea of service leadership? Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

It is becoming a servant for others and putting them before us in the first place and an example which I can see with regards to service leadership on 7 cups is that people supporting others without expecting anything in return. 

Onyx000 September 9th


Question: What do you think of the idea of service leadership?

I think it’s needed for support and order Z

Can you list one example of service leadership you have seen on 7 Cups?

forum control 😀