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Course 2, Discussion 4: The problem is the path

FrenchToast December 5th, 2022

Hello LDP Team!

The problem is the path is the core insight that helps us evolve as individuals and as a community here on 7 Cups.

Here is an overview of this course:

Course Description: It is natural for us to want to avoid problems. Problems can cause worry, anxiety, and frustration. These are feelings that we often want to avoid. Problems, however, are the key to growth. When we face our problems directly we get smarter and grow stronger. A saying that captures this is: Progress = Pain + Reflection. This course helps you learn the value of problems by highlighting the difference between problems you might be concerned about and problems you can directly solve. Next, it walks you through the ancient practice of steering into problems directly in order to unlock their value and gifts. Finally, it helps you identify and measure progress so you can make continued gains in your personal and professional life.

✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Watch the video here

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Watch the second video here

Further Reading (Optional but recommended):

This idea of problem is the path is a reoccurring theme in self help books and especially stoicism. If you are interested in learning more about this thought process, we recommend the following books:

The obstacle is the way by Ryan Holiday

A Guide to the Good Life: The Ancient Art of Stoic Joy, by William Braxton Irvine

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

🔉This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program, find information on it here

January 4th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

3 things in my circle of concern: What they tell other people about me. How they speak to me. Mood of the team environment

3 things in my circle of influence: How much effort I put into my team. Whether I forgive others or not. My tone and words I use to others.

1 thing I can do to remind myself to focus on the circle of influence is remembering that the circle of influence will always get larger, thus the circle of concern will decrease. Remembering to ensure the team is valued, respected and you always listen will ensure things are more positive for everyone.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

From this video, I learnt that I need to be proactive and focus on the circle of influence. Working on things I can change to create positivie relationships. Proactive is working in your strengths, complementing each others strengths to build a stronger team!

✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

I will do when someone arrives 🙃

TheFantasticPengua January 5th, 2023



CallumCares421 January 15th, 2023


Very well thought out :)

kindJewel5362 February 6th, 2023


TheFantasticPengua January 5th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern:

- Wars

- Weather

- What people say

Circle of Influence:

- How I treat others

- Boundaries

- Time management

When I feel stressed, I can try to figure out if what's stressing me is in the circle of concern or circle of influence and go from there.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive. What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Reactive: Spending time and money on things that they can't do anything about.

Proactive: Focused on the inner circle of influence where their efforts can make a change.

January 5th, 2023


I like your ideas!

starryCandy6123 December 7th, 2023

Circle of Concern:

- Global warming

- State of the economy

- Government promises, that they do not keep

Circle of Influence:

- The way in which, I treat my fellow man

- Teaching our members, what you believe to be personal

- Working on a timed schedule, to cover everything

I get stressed when, people ask me the same thing, over and over

Rivelino3 July 6th, 2023


Boundaries are essential. I feel they are important to have control over to a modicum of control over the very few things in life we can influence than not.

LightsFromDark September 5th, 2023
@TheFantasticPengua Nice to read your beautiful answer! 😊
LOOPHOLE September 10th, 2023


Encouraging and helpful... Thank you

Countrygirl095 February 19th

@TheFantasticPenguaThree Circles of Concern

Perceiving Me as a Disabled Person

One of the primary concerns I face is my disability and how it influences the way people perceive me. Having a disability often makes people look at me differently, both consciously and unconsciously. They may see me as different, less capable, or even less than human. This perception can shape their reactions and interactions with me, even if their intention is genuine.

Inadequate Healthcare Solutions for People with Disabilities

Another significant issue I face is the lack of effective healthcare solutions for individuals with disabilities. Navigating the healthcare system can be particularly challenging for someone with a disability, as there often seems to be a gap between what is available and what is truly needed. The current healthcare system may not account for the specific needs of individuals with disabilities, leading to inadequate care or limited access to necessary treatments.

Coping with Pain Management

Managing my pain is an ongoing battle that consumes a significant amount of my time and energy. Living with chronic pain can be both physically and mentally draining, and finding effective ways to cope with it can be difficult. I have tried various pain management techniques, including medication, physical therapy, and alternative therapies, but finding a suitable solution remains elusive. It is essential for me to explore alternative approaches and find strategies that can effectively alleviate my pain.

Circled Influence

My circled influence encompasses how I communicate with people who do not have disabilities and how I navigate boundaries. It is essential for me to create an environment that is inclusive and accessible to all individuals. This requires effective communication strategies that cater to different learning styles and needs. By being mindful of how I communicate, I aim to break down any barriers that may hinder understanding or interaction.

Additionally, it is essential to set and maintain boundaries to ensure my own well-being and effectiveness. Boundaries help me prioritize my time and energy, allowing me to focus my resources on the things that are most important to me. By establishing clear boundaries, I can avoid burnout and maintain a positive work-life balance.


In conclusion, the three circles of concern surrounding my disability include the way people perceive me, the lack of healthcare solutions for individuals with disabilities, and coping with pain management. These concerns shape how I interact with the world and influence how I communicate and manage my time and energy. It is essential for me to address these issues and continue seeking solutions in order to improve my quality of life and advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities. 

Reactive: dwelling on the fact that I have a disability, and things may be more challenging for me than others and then being proactive and working on the things that need to be improved in my inner circle in order to become a better version of myself 
Ivy229 May 23rd


As a disabled person as well I definitely appreciate how detailed and specific this post was. And how you discussed very serious and specific things. 

Countrygirl095 May 24th

@Ivy229 you’re welcome

heathermarie95 August 22nd


i completely agree with you. it can be difficult to talk about personal things sometimes. well done @countrygirl095 !

whimsicalCloud4661 June 18th


you had some really good responses for the circle on influence!! 

sunnySea4551 January 12th, 2023


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of Concern


the way others react

other feelings

Circle of Influence

my health

my outlook

my time

I can rememberer to only focus on thing I can control

watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

did not judge

not talking about someone behind there back

NanditaB January 15th, 2023

@sunnySea4551 Nice answers

CallumCares421 January 15th, 2023

Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

What others think of me, How others will react to what I say, and how an outcome will turn out

How I react to a situation, how I treat others, and if I overreact

Taking a moment to stop everything usually helps.

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

It shocked me the way he was able to compensate his bosses' weaknesses instead of criticising them. This is being proactive.

NanditaB January 15th, 2023

@CallumCares421 Nice way of thinking :)

purplelady568 January 26th, 2023

@CallumCares421 yes! Great answers and insights. Thank you for sharing.

NanditaB January 15th, 2023


✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

circle of concern: Global factors like inflation and war, country's economy, and number of working population who are fit for my job

circle of influence: Time management, relationship with team members and money management

focus on your circle of influence: relationship with team members

✒️ Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Reactive: Taking a decision without deeply thinking about it.

Proactive: Making a plan before action or taking preventive measures.

JasmineFlower222 February 3rd, 2023


All great and wonderful points ❤️

YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

@NanditaB You are so bright! Great answers!

wonderousLove3994 February 17th

@NanditaB great

purplelady568 January 26th, 2023


3 things in my circle of influence: spouse, children, friends.

3 things in my circle of concern: work, volunteer commitments, guilt and shame/misplaced feelings that I have.

1 thing that I can do to focus on circle of influence: Have integrity and model it for others. Be loyal and be yourself, no matter where you are or what's going on around you.

One way the executive did well was to be pro-active. Planning ahead is important.

purplelady568 January 26th, 2023

Also, I liked how the executive played off his boss strengths, rather than weaknesses. That is a wonderful skill!

JasmineFlower222 February 3rd, 2023


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Focus on being positive and being consistent with the things in my circle of influence can help me to stay within it

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Focusing on my circle of influence will get me farther in my leadership goals

kindJewel5362 February 6th, 2023

3 things in my circle of concern

What folks say about me, how other folks talk to me, the atmosphere of the team environment

3 things in my circle of influence

My investment in the team, my ability to respond to people, how I interact with people

1 thing I can do to remind myself to focus on the circle of influence:

Remind myself that that's what I can control and has the greatest bang for my energy/ effort buck.

daydreammemories March 12th


Thats great : ) , i hope you can put them into practice

YourCaringConfidant February 9th, 2023

Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.


Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

The executive was nothing short of amazing! In stead of gossiping and talking behind the president's back, he took initiative and was proactive and productive. He started to shine ans he was a valuable asset. Even the president appreciated him as they complimented each other.

BenittaJ February 14th, 2023


Natural disaster.. i hope your staying safe

WishUponAStar968 February 21st


You are so creative in the way you display your information, it made it very clear to see the 3 things needed in the first two components and the one thing you'd like to change more of.  I loved your answer and how you presented it.

sky2Ocean20 March 6th


You have so wonderfully shown the first answer using these circles. Also, the second question is so wonderfully put together. The executive did take that nice initiative and brought solutions for the overall development of the team. I agree with you.  💚


@sky2Ocean20 Awwww, I did this over a year ago, but feel honored you chose to respond to mine. I am wishing you all the success in the program! :) 

sky2Ocean20 March 6th



BenittaJ February 14th, 2023


Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.


My circle of concern-

financial status.

my physic

the way my mother speaks about me.

my circle of influence -

my diet


my limits/ boundaries

my reminder-

Picturing in increasing my green circle's size

Next, watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

focusing on inner circle will definitely show results. [Be loyal to the absent]

jasishereforallofu February 15th, 2023

@BenittaJ Nice one 😊❤️

Artalistens August 17th, 2023

@ BenittaJ

Awesome answers really liked. How do you use personal examples to connect to it a little bit better.

jasishereforallofu February 15th, 2023

@FrenchToastClub ✒️ Watch the following video and identify 3 things in your circle of concern, 3 things in your circle of influence, and 1 thing you can do to remind yourself to focus on your circle of influence.

Circle of concerns :
What people think about me
How I am as a listener
Mental health and well being

CIrcle of influence:
People around me
Self care

watch the following video and highlight what stands out to you about this executive? What did they do that would be considered proactive as opposed to reactive?

Focus more on circle of influence
Mitanshi003 February 19th, 2023


I like how you highlighted that people around us are part of the circle of influence. Indeed, we can control whom we keep or leave in our life 🍀