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Course 1, Discussion 2: The Big 5

Hope December 5th, 2022

Hello Leadership Crew!

Begin by taking the Big 5 test and answering the following questions. You can also read more on the Big 5 here and below.

✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?


✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

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MagnificentSunrise May 10th, 2023
What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am:
- Very open-minded: High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex. I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (89th percentile)
- Not very conscientious: Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. I tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. (29th percentile)
- Neither extraverted not introverted: I am neither particularly social or reserved. (53rd percentile)
- Extremely agreeable: High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous. I am very good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (99th percentile)
- Somewhat negative emotionally: High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying. I tend to become anxious or nervous. (67th percentile)

What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I think the first test was more accurate. I tend to be very organized with my work but I am not good at keeping my house in order. The second test does not reflect how I work. I am very conscientious at work. I am also less outgoing in person than it may seem from the second test. I do like people around me and I am agreeable but I am very quiet. I do not do small talk. But I like discussing.

I do not think that the second test was very helpful. The first was. It makes sense for me and my roles on Cups.
Littlefairy28 May 11th, 2023


Wow I am glad to know that you're very open-minded, this trait makes us a very good human

SnowTabby May 16th, 2023

I somewhat agree that this test seems less accurate. However, I think putting the two together helps so much.
See, in my experience the things that seem wrong are usually what we do not want to admit to ourselves or simply cannot see because it is how others view us rather than how we intend our interactions or words to be.
Like with your organization and work but not at home. How I would see that is you have a work environment that you love to be in so you have the emotional capability to keep yourself together and on track. At home you want to relax so you tend to not keep it together.
I think these tests are all on perspective and getting to know yourself rather than them being outright accurate to a T.

Littlefairy28 May 11th, 2023


1. I learned that I am one of the kindest and most sensitive person who take decisions based on their intuition.

2. My strengths are that I am empathetic, generous, open minded, creative, passionate, idealistic

Nvlmi May 15th, 2023

✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am open to new experiences or open minded. I am also somewhat detailed, and between social and reserved. Lastly I am in between agreeable and somewhat anxious.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I seem to be in the middle on the big 5 but highest in new experiences or open mindedness.

Nvlmi May 15th, 2023


I wanted to add to the last part. My test was high in being open minded or open to new experiences. This has helped me to take appropriate risk in life both personally and professionally.

SnowTabby May 16th, 2023

My results surprised me a bit.
OpenMindedness was high. I "enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways". While I do agree, I have a hard headed opinion so once I see something in a way that fascinates me, I am likely to be stubborn on that opinion. I grew up with being criticized for not having an actual opinion, or it at least put my in awkward positions (if I'm remembering wrong).
Conscientiousness said I "probably have a messy desk". Not wrong... but it aggravates me and I plan on throwing so much of it away in the next month. But the part about disorganized, undependable, negligent feels wrong... it's probably true but I would like to change it.
Extraversion definitely not true. I "enjoy spending quiet time alone". Any day. I like people but I would rather them in short tiny bursts.
Agreeableness result says I "find it easy to express irritation with others". I do. Only because if I have a problem that affects an environment, it needs to be resolved. I see this partnered in my MBTI result, the Mediator.
Lastly, negative emotionality result was "you tend to become anxious or nervous". I do not find that true. If I get myself into weird situations that I don't know how to handle, I ask for help. I figure out a way to get through it rather than worry unnecessarily.

All of this partnered with Mediator somewhat makes sense, comes together. Except for the Conscientiousness result. I know I am dependable if someone meets my expectations of communication... I do not reach out when I don't feel like I am wanted to. I have learned to prioritize myself while still helping others so that might be where that comes in.

TabbyCat97 June 3rd, 2023


Heyy! ♡ It's another Tabby :3 It's awesome to see you ! ♡ thank you for sharing this, it sounds awesome, and it's great to see how much you have learnt about yourself :)

lovelyApple6441 August 16th, 2023

@SnowTabby I loved how thoughtful your response was. I definitely don't feel like having a stereotypically messy desk is equivalent to being disorganized and unreliable (I think one of the flaws of a test like this is that it doesn't consider some of the nuances of such a description). Some people have a space that is seemingly disorganized but they have organized it in a fashion and they are able to navigate it, and they carry those traits over to other aspects (ie. they have their own way of showcasing reliability). I also agree that introversion does not necessarily mean the inability to enjoy socializing or sometimes wanting to spend time with other people rather than alone (ambiverts and introverts who present as extroverted are also existing traits). Negative emotionality surprised me too -- I consider myself to be a pretty calm and levelheaded person, but I think I scored that way because I have anxieties but I am very capable of pushing past them. Maybe you have a similar reason for your result as well :))

SanityPromoter159 May 19th, 2023

@Hope Done here

AnnaSilverberg May 28th, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I knew everything, but what came was that I am:
- very open minded (95%)
- Very conscientiousness (83%)
- Very extraverted (80%) <- Although, I am an ambivert, so I can go both ways.
- Very agreeable (97%)
- Low in Negative emotionally (22%) - which means that I am calmed, relaxed and secure.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I use my strengths in my communication with others, when it comes just to every day communication or communication with friends. I'm a positive, uplifting person and I like to be that person. So I use my strength when I need to communicate in all sorts of situations and it helps me a whole lot.

JLisjustlistening June 2nd, 2023

@AnnaSilverberg Thank you for sharing your reflections! :)

JLisjustlistening June 2nd, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself? Having done the Big 5 Personality test awhile back, I have learnt how there are traits that I possess which is congruent with MBTI.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life? I am open to new adventures and that can help me through having the courage in seeking new ways to get things done.

RosaHere June 23rd, 2023

@JLisjustlistening Hi! That sounds great. Seeking new ways to get things done requires courage indeed. That's a wonderful strength you got <3

pandanfe August 5th, 2023


Hahaha, that's awesome. It seems like we got almost same result tho I still agree that we're different and unique in our own styles.

TabbyCat97 June 3rd, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

*I can be extraverted in some situations/Enjoy the company of others.

*I am open-minded

*I am calm in certain situations, but not in others

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

*Being good-natured, supportive, compassionate - helps with active listening, and helps with relationships with others in the future/communicating as a team.

*When I am passionate for something I complete it to the best of my ability and I am reliable when asked to do things. ~People can rely on me, and know I will complete the task I am set to do.

*I am forgiving ~ I forgive people, I can end conflict and forgive and carry on working with others / not let mistakes stop me from working as a team with someone.

MaggieListens00 June 12th, 2023


Thank you for sharing Tabby :) Wishing you a good week

LoveMyMoonflowers August 28th, 2023


Loved your response 💛 I think having a forgiving nature would be an ideal trait in a leader as well :)

NeonDragon September 2nd

@TabbyCat97 Your ability to stay open-minded, reliable, and forgiving is truly admirable! Those qualities will take you far in building strong, lasting relationships and being a great team player. Keep shining!🌟

MaggieListens00 June 12th, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Through this questionnaire I learnt that I am open to new experiences, conscientious, introverted, agreeable but nervous! None of this came as much of a surprise to me besides quite how high the nervous percentile was!

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

The strengths I identified here were my levels of organisation and self discipline which I suppose correlates to my previous INTJ category. I think my physical organisational skills definitely aid in bringing method to the madness of the anxieties racing within my head

beck1 June 21st, 2023

@charmingEagle47 Organizational skills are definitely important in any leadership role, as is self discipline. I really enjoyed reading your response

reliableBunny9979 June 12th, 2023


1. That I'm a pretty anxious person, and I can express irritation with others easily.

2. I am organized and reliable, I am much more extroverted than I thought, and I enjoy new experiences.


@reliableBunny9979 hey we're kinda opposites lol. I thought I was more extroverted but turns out I'm more introverted

beck1 June 21st, 2023

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

This was definitely an interesting test to take. My answers are the following :

  • Open-Mindedness 42%
  • Conscientiousness 58%
  • Extraversion 47%
  • Agreeableness 91%
  • Negative Emotionality 57%

The scores were what I kind of thought they would be. I don't generally seek out new experiences in my personal life. I like to keep to the same routine. I'm both unorganized and organized, lol. And I'm pretty even tempered with most things.

What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

One strength that the test pointed out was that I am a kind, caring person. I am generally supportive of anyone needing support which helps me both on Cups and in my personal life. Many people feel safe opening up to me because they know they are not going to be met with judgement.

Mahad2804 June 22nd, 2023
Those are such amazing qualities @beck1 and I can personally attest to that one about you being caring and kind. You are such a lovely soul and and it is truly amazing to have you on here helping all of us out.
Jenna June 22nd, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Through this test, I discovered that I tend to stick to familiar routines as an autistic individual, rather than seeking out new experiences. However, I am proud to embody positive qualities such as being good-natured, courteous, and supportive towards others. Surprisingly, I also learned that I am an organized and reliable person, which was not something I previously recognized in myself.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Based on the results of the test, I possess strengths in conscientiousness and agreeableness. Conscientious individuals are known for their organizational skills, willingness to take initiative, and determination in achieving their goals. These traits are often associated with effective leadership. Additionally, being an agreeable person allows me to approach others with kindness, support, and politeness, which will enable me to be understanding and helpful toward those I am leading.

Mahad2804 June 22nd, 2023
This was a new one for me, but it's fair to say it was quite insightful.

Let's look at it one by one:

Openness: I'm somewhat conventional.
No surprise there, I know I'm very much a practical and routine loving person.

Conscientiousness: I probably have a messy desk.
Couldn't be more true. I'm a very messy person, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I like this Einstein's quote where he says "If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?"

Extraversion: I am neither very social nor very reserved.
This one is also true. I'm not a very social person, but I'm not a reserved person either. I'm somewhere in the middle. Most everyone who knows me will say I'm shy or reserved but ask my friends, and it'll be like they're telling you about a completely different person.

Agreeableness: I find it easy to express irritation with others.
This one is also true. I'm not a very agreeable person. I'm very opinionated, and I'm not afraid to express my opinions. I'm also very vocal about my feelings, and I don't like to keep things bottled up. I'm not a very patient person, and I don't like to sugarcoat things. I'm very straightforward, and I don't like to beat around the bush. Now this doesn't mean I won't give you a chance to speak, nor does it mean that I won't want to hear your side, but I will tell you what I think, and I will tell you how I feel.

Neuroticism: I am neither particularly anxious nor calm.
I'm not so sure about this one. I've been told time and time again that I'm the calmest person in the world so don't know what to make of this one.

I don't think there's a lot of new information here for me but it definitely is accurate and reinforces what I already knew about myself so far.

As per this and other tests I've taken in the past, as well as my general interests in life, I'm very much a more practical and thinking person. The ideal career field for me is engineering, hands on type work and that is what I like to do the most.

I think in terms of leadership, I'm more of a leader-by-example type of person. I'm not very vocal, and I don't like to be the center of attention. I'm not a very social person, and I don't like to be in the spotlight. I'm more of a behind the scenes type of guy.

I like to do my work and let my work speak for itself. I'm not a very vocal person, and I don't like to be the center of attention. I'm not a very social person, and I don't like to be in the spotlight. I'm more of a behind the scenes type of person. I like to do my work and let it speak for itself.

CharlieDont37 July 1st, 2023


I love this portion of your results - 'I probably have a messy Desk.' ha, ha... Very Good for YOU!

RosaHere June 23rd, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I can do better to keep things organized. This area requires my time and attention. Once I manage to stay organized, my life will improve hopefully.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Open-Mindedness: You enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways.

Conscientiousness: You are neither organized nor disorganized.

Extraversion: You tend to shy away from social situations.

Agreeableness: You find it easy to express irritation to others.

Negative emotionality: You tend to become anxious or nervous.

I can improve my personal life by acknowledging my strengths and working on my weaknesses. Gaining awareness of our strengths and weakness can certainly help us with our personal life. I realized that I'm good at assertive communication, and I can use this skill positively in my life. I also realized that I need to work on being more social.

Rivelino3 June 30th, 2023

✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

All tests that focus on aspects of your personality or general mental health status, have always helped me with my level of self awareness regarding how I am and act or may act in certain situations. Something that I may not neccearily question or come to know until such questions come up and make you think or you are in the very moment being challenged by certain situations where your personality comes shining

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

According to the test my strengths are high level of self awareness and empathy, which I agree with, having reflected on myself in various situations in my life. Being highly self aware and empathetic can help me and have helped me massively in my life, especially in my future profession of being a psychologist where the level of self awareness I possess may help me better to identify emotional states and issues presented by my clients, whereas my levels of empathy may help me relate to them and show them kindness and understanding
CharlieDont37 July 1st, 2023

@Hope✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I took this test a few times and the results are the same...

Very Open to New Experiences / Very Conscientious / Introverted / Very Agreeable / Relaxed

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Strengths - Open, Conscientious, Agreeable, & Relaxed - good for my profession - Architect - I enjoy being an Introvert in fact, I prefer it to being an Extrovert. I am an Extrovert with Friends I like these traits and if I see a lack or a hindrance, I wish I was more Extroverted in new Social Settings, but then I love observing.

CharlieDont37 July 1st, 2023


Left out these scores:

Open-Mindedness - 98%

Conscientiousness - 99%

Extraversion- 26% Extroversion is limited to my friends otherwise, a wallflower

Agreeableness 98%

Negative Emotionality - 25% I am probably lower - I am passionate about areas and things that I care about, but I keep all that to myself unless I am with someone like-minded.

Gilbird July 8th, 2023


It's nice to see that you're so agreeable and open. I also scored similarly! (:

How would you say that your conscientiousness is expressed in your life?

CharlieDont37 July 9th, 2023


Hi, Gibird.

Thank you for responding to my post.

I am at a loss to respond, but here are some thoughts on this trait:

Not sure if this is who I am or what I embraced, but someone told me as a young adult -

'if you ain't gonna do things "half-assed", you might as well not do them at all.'

Somehow that made sense to me. I can take a mess, but in my own life, I prefer order.

Here is a bit more about 'Agreeableness'. I can be a awkward trait if 'NO' is not in your vocabulary. I find if I manage that response and choose and not choose, then, I manage. I am an Architect.

Is It Good to Be Agreeable?

Of course, it is always a plus to have the capacity to collaborate, socialize, and build positive relationships with others. And "agreeable" people are likely to do well in fields in which these skills are important.

Agreeableness, however, can have its drawbacks. Agreeable people, for example, may find it very difficult to work alone, analyze the validity of arguments, make difficult decisions, or give bad news. As a result, a low level of agreeableness may make it easier to succeed in some fields

High Agreeableness Careers
  • Marketing and public relations

  • Human resources

  • Fundraising

  • Sales

  • Politics

  • Event management

  • Teaching

Low Agreeableness Careers
  • Medicine

  • Military

  • Science

  • Upper management

  • Entrepreneurship

  • Arts criticism


Among each of the personality traits, conscientiousness is one defined by high levels of thoughtfulness, good impulse control, and goal-directed behaviors.1 Highly conscientious people tend to be organized and mindful of details. They plan ahead, think about how their behavior affects others, and are mindful of deadlines.

Someone scoring lower in this primary personality trait is less structured and less organized. They may procrastinate to get things done, sometimes missing deadlines completely.

  • Spends time preparing

  • Finishes important tasks right away

  • Pays attention to detail

  • Enjoys having a set schedule

  • Dislikes structure and schedules

  • Makes messes and doesn't take care of things

  • Fails to return things or put them back where they belong

  • Procrastinates important tasks

  • Fails to complete necessary or assigned tasks

Artalistens July 28th, 2023


it is important to see our strength as well as our weaknesses when it comes to this test. Sometimes they’re not exactly what we thought initially prior to taking a personality/psychology assessment like this. Being open is really important because it can help flow conversations go a lot smoother. As well as realizing the things that we scored low on taking that as a verb opportunity, it can help us figure out what we need to work on more

Gilbird July 8th, 2023


My main strengths are open-mindedness, extraversion (friendliness and sociability), and agreeableness. I was already aware that I am fairly open-minded and accepting of others, but it was interesting to see that my friendliness, sociability, talkative around others, and fun-loving nature does count as extraversion, even if I will not seek it out if I have the opportunity to be alone. It is good to note that these are percentile scores, but I learned that I am much more open-minded and extroverted than I initially thought. Over the past few years, I have seen myself embrace leadership positions, become more assertive, and less tolerant of hypocrisy. Perhaps my results would have been very different even 4 years ago.

warmheartedCamp3360 July 31st, 2023

@Gilbird hey, glad to see your reflections. Seems like you have improved yourself all these years and your consistency has paid off ! Wishing you the best throughout this journey.

betty212 July 12th, 2023

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

My results did feel true to me. According to the results, I am more Open to new experiences and conscientious, agreeable. I am also more Extraverted than Introverted according to the test which was the first time a test showed me this, I am more of a ambivert I think. Also the test showed that I more nervous/high strung which i think is true.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I recognised a lot of my strengths and will try to enhance them. I am reliable, well-organized, self-disciplined, careful. This helps me to be more goal oriented and achieve all the things I really want to. I am also good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous which is true hehe, thats why I tried to become a listener

Artalistens July 28th, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

it surprised me when I am negative emotionally as I don’t see that as a quality of myself and neither do my friends and family. I am able to validate others emotionsher,so not having strong emotional regulation is kind of surprising to me.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

Agreeableness and Extraversion- it’s important have a kind, calm, and nurturing personality when interacting with others, it’s also important depending on the situation you find yourself in to be agreeable to others as we never know what’s going through their head and you need to remain forgiving.

DisLifeNot July 31st, 2023

@Hope Thank you for your post!

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I'm a very altruistic person

What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways, I am good-natured, courteous, and supportive. Through this strenghts, I want to help others <3