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Course 1, Discussion 2: The Big 5

Hope December 5th, 2022

Hello Leadership Crew!

Begin by taking the Big 5 test and answering the following questions. You can also read more on the Big 5 here and below.

✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?


✒️ Please reply to at least 1 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here!

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broadfemmelovelive April 4th, 2023

I learned that I am very skeptical of these quizzes, haha. The "Big Five" is no diffrent. I like how they explicitly explain the statistics where "the percentile scores show you where you score on each personality dimension relative to other people, taking into account normal differences in gender and age." I also like how the five denominations came from analyzing the data collected after asking hundreds of questions to thousands of people.

I know that as an auADHD person, many of these answers could go one or both ways at any given time. So it was challenging not to pick a middle-ground answer for all the questions.

I scored very high on the open-mindedness trait, 99th percentile. Being open-minded is defined in this quiz as those who "tend to be original, creative, curious, [and] complex," which I would consider myself. This definition of openminded trait also states, "Low scorers tend to be conventional, down to earth, narrow interests, uncreative." Despite being at the highest score, I am also down to earth as I have no illusions regarding the separation between my imagination/ bias/ prejudices of the world and the reality of our current state. Unless they define down-to-earth differently, I will be researching this further.

As far as my conscientiousness dimension scored, I am "neither organized nor disorganized," which is a constant battle between my need for organization and my executive functioning differences compared to neurotypicals that make time management, planning and consistency/follow thorough so challenging. I constantly need help following time management strategies; keeping them up as a habit is nearly impossible because my need for novelty is high. As my demand avoidance or overwhelm takes over, I quickly procrastinate on these challenging tasks. I am learning to adapt these tools to my needs, but it is more complex than just buying a calendar or using a new organizing app. One thing that has significantly helped is employing an ADHD coach who takes care of the steps that are just not going to happen, paying to have my taxes/financial planning done, and relying on editing software; I know this is not accessible to most, as it has exponential costs associated with employing people who are basically like your life administrative staff.

I received a midpoint score for agreeableness, which stated "neither extremely forgiving nor irritable," which I would have said, "either going with the flow or extremely rigid." I understand that I am, at the core, a good person, though, and I tend to forgive easily since out-of-sight and out-of-mind also works for people. I recognize that some of my responses can come across as rude sometimes, as I am very blunt, which I correct as much as possible. I also know that when things change at the last min, I sometimes get overwhelmed, and I use sensory strategies in that case, such as noise-cancelling headphones.

My extraversion depends on how I am doing that day, and I need a lot of recovery time after difficult social situations. So, of course, I come across as outgoing, but I am also a homebody.

The last of this quiz's 'Big Five' is negative emotionality; my controversial self was all over this one. I am slightly over to the "tend to become anxious or nervous" category; however, when taking this quiz, I felt overwhelmed by my many obligations. So, I referred to my tracking data and saw that I only felt anxious enough to note it down as moderate to high anxiety 12% of the days in the last month. This self-collected data is essential because I struggle with negative experiences and frequently focus on what is going wrong. I will continue taking this as a means of self-reflection for this reason.

This long-winded answer is complex, but I have identified through taking the MBTI Personality Types and Big Five quizzes that my strengths shine through the inconsistencies. This experience only furthers my initiatives, such as tracking my mood (among other life aspects), relying on supports that negate challenges, and increasing my quality of life by taking my social/physical/mental well-being seriously.

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zaatarHoney April 10th, 2023


As an AudHDer, I completely relate to how it felt taking this test!!!! Like, it was hard to choose with the questions being all-or-nothing. I appreciated your breakdown and how you analyzed each category. You put such reflection into each category— your ability to analyze and remain authentic would serve any team very well. ♡

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broadfemmelovelive April 11th, 2023


Thank you Zaatar :) that is very kind of you to say :)

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zaatarHoney April 10th, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I scored high on open-mindedness, agreeableness and extravertedness. I learned that my semi-high scores were for neuroticism, lmbo. Which makes sense— as a complex trauma survivor, anxiety has always been my baseline, I’ve just gotten pretty decent at coping and support seeking. For conscientiousness/Disorganized, I placed pretty near the middle— I’m neurodivergent and I’m aware that I’m a bit all over the place so I need structure that is both rigid and open to flexibility for me to thrive and remain organized. But I truly can go either way— that’s why being aware of this has helped me develop professionally and even in my personal life.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

My strengths being identified in these tests seem to validate the sense of purpose I feel for all of the pathways I’ve been pursuit of and that I’m aligned intuitively with where I’m meant to be— especially in focusing on how I can help others.

Heart4art April 12th, 2023

@Hope I scored the highest in openness, it was 97%, everything else was mostly in the middle. This definitely aligns with the previous test its emphasis on intuitiveness.

spedolivia April 13th, 2023


i learned that i am more open-minded than closed-minded.

some of my strengths are being extroverted & relaxed. these are able to help me in tough situations & keep myself calm when things aren't the best at the moment.

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April 21st, 2023


That's great to hear that you have discovered your strength in being more open-minded than closed-minded. It's a valuable trait to have as it allows you to be more accepting of different perspectives and ideas, and can help you develop meaningful relationships with others.

It's also wonderful to hear that you have recognized your strengths in being extroverted and relaxed. These qualities can be incredibly helpful in tough situations as they can help you stay calm and level-headed, and can also make it easier for you to connect with others and build a supportive network.


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April 21st, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

The main thing I learned is my results changed from 2021.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

According to this test, my top 3 strengths are...

  • I am critical. - This helps me see where things can be improved.
  • I probably have a messy desk. - Messy in this context is what others see, but I see piles of organized reminders. For those with ADHD, if it’s out of sight, it’s out of mind, so I tend to forget stuff exists if I don’t see it.
  • I am an introvert. - This helps me do behind the scenes work well alone.
The strengths I’ve identified on both tests will help me in my personal life…
  • I will be able to play to my strengths when possible and make the most of situations I face.
  • I will be more mindful of my strengths and try to use them to balance out my weaknesses and potentially develop new strengths.
  • I will make an effort to try more new things when opportunities present themselves despite being easily overwhelmed by new scenarios.


jadenrjc7 April 29th, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I'm an openminded person, but can be very anxious and worried.

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I'm openminded, somewhat disorganized, I enjoy being with others, I am supportive, and I get worried and anxious a lot. Knowing this will help me navigate obstacles in my life, knowing what my strengths and weaknesses are.

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JoyHappyNess April 29th, 2023


Open-mindedness is a great character trait and I agree with you, it will help you navigate a lot of obstacles especially in an ever-changing world

Smrtbibliophile May 3rd, 2023


I also scored as anxious and worried - but I feel I can turn it into a strength to help me relate to people with anxiety.

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Smrtbibliophile May 2nd, 2023


What did I learn about myself: I don't think anything really surprised me, maybe that I'm open to new experiences which I am to some degree but I'm introverted (which I knew, lol) and I do typically shy away from new experiences with a lot of new people or new experiences that are thrilling (like rollar coasters lol)

What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I was pretty middle of the road except I tend to be nervous or anxious, and as stated above I'm open to new experiences. I think the anxiousness and the fact that I'm an empath actuallly work together as I am able to better relate to members here.

GermanZebraCupcake May 3rd, 2023


✒️ What were the main things you learned about yourself? I'm in the 94th percentile for open-mindedness but also 98th percentile on being unable to relax, haha

✒️ What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life? I definitely think my ability to be open-minded and agreeable is a net positive generally. It enables me to connect better with people and promote better understanding among people who may not have otherwise cared about understanding people different than them.

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MagnificentSunrise May 10th, 2023

Open-mindedness sounds like a very good quality for your work on Cups. It is important to accept the other as they are and see them in their context and with their struggles rather than judging them.

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MagnificentSunrise May 10th, 2023
What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am:
- Very open-minded: High scorers tend to be original, creative, curious, complex. I enjoy having novel experiences and seeing things in new ways. (89th percentile)
- Not very conscientious: Low scorers tend to be disorganized, undependable, negligent. I tend to do things somewhat haphazardly. (29th percentile)
- Neither extraverted not introverted: I am neither particularly social or reserved. (53rd percentile)
- Extremely agreeable: High scorers tend to be good natured, sympathetic, forgiving, courteous. I am very good-natured, courteous, and supportive. (99th percentile)
- Somewhat negative emotionally: High scorers tend to be nervous, high-strung, insecure, worrying. I tend to become anxious or nervous. (67th percentile)

What are your strengths as per the test and how can the strengths you identified on both tests help you in your personal life?

I think the first test was more accurate. I tend to be very organized with my work but I am not good at keeping my house in order. The second test does not reflect how I work. I am very conscientious at work. I am also less outgoing in person than it may seem from the second test. I do like people around me and I am agreeable but I am very quiet. I do not do small talk. But I like discussing.

I do not think that the second test was very helpful. The first was. It makes sense for me and my roles on Cups.
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Littlefairy28 May 11th, 2023


Wow I am glad to know that you're very open-minded, this trait makes us a very good human

SnowTabby May 16th, 2023

I somewhat agree that this test seems less accurate. However, I think putting the two together helps so much.
See, in my experience the things that seem wrong are usually what we do not want to admit to ourselves or simply cannot see because it is how others view us rather than how we intend our interactions or words to be.
Like with your organization and work but not at home. How I would see that is you have a work environment that you love to be in so you have the emotional capability to keep yourself together and on track. At home you want to relax so you tend to not keep it together.
I think these tests are all on perspective and getting to know yourself rather than them being outright accurate to a T.

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Littlefairy28 May 11th, 2023


1. I learned that I am one of the kindest and most sensitive person who take decisions based on their intuition.

2. My strengths are that I am empathetic, generous, open minded, creative, passionate, idealistic