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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP August 7th


justmeeva OP August 7th


justmeeva OP August 7th


justmeeva OP August 7th


justmeeva OP August 8th

why fight it, if i’m going to lose anyway?

mytwistedsoul August 9th

@justmeeva It only feels like a losing battle. Because there's thousands of battles fought every day. Thoughts - feelings - urges

But every day you wake up - you win
Every day you get up - you win
Every time you survive another miserable night afraid and in tears - you win
Each time you shower - change into clean clothes -eat - brush your teeth - it's a win

I know it doesn't feel like it though because the number of fights wears you down. But you keep persevering - you keep trying. Celebrate every achievement because even the small tasks feel like mountains 

You can do it. I know you can.
How do I know?
... because you already did 💙

Welcome to my Ted talk 😊
justmeeva OP August 8th


so i got a scratch from my dog bc she was  excited and jumped on me and it’s on my wrist and it has that thin line of blood and everything and now i kinda have the urge to make more of them uhmm-

justmeeva OP August 8th

imagine your dog making you want to relapse like come on bffr-

justmeeva OP August 8th


VictoriaLove7 August 9th


🍔\('-' \)

justmeeva OP August 8th

i don’t think i will tho, even though it’s really really tempting now that i think about it-

justmeeva OP August 8th

i remember when i used to post just the semicolon (;) here when i had a hard time since it’s a sign of choosing to keep going and continue when you could’ve.. not, but i don’t anymore because i don’t choose to keep going i just have to.

justmeeva OP August 8th

anyway i’ll go now and *deletes lol but i’m safe i guess* <3

justmeeva OP August 9th

my neck hurts from crocheting lol

justmeeva OP August 9th

i haven’t written in black in so long it feels weird and wrong

justmeeva OP August 9th

anyways i’m about halfway done but i ran out of yarn so i gotta go buy more after dentist 

justmeeva OP August 9th

i tried color changing for the first time and i did.. okay i think. for the first time i think it’s okay.

unassumingEyes August 9th



justmeeva OP August 9th




justmeeva OP August 9th

nevermind we’re going after mom’s work

so that’s uhmm.. at least 5 hours of crochet time just *poof* :’)

guess i’ll have a long night then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

justmeeva OP August 9th

trying to befriend a tiny spider lol

justmeeva OP August 9th

i’m gonna miss my dad a lot. like.. a lot..

justmeeva OP August 9th

..and.. we’re sad again. well, an okay day can’t last the entire day, can it? nope, not for me. it was expected anyways. 

VictoriaLove7 August 9th


*sits with Eva if okie*🥺

justmeeva OP August 9th


*sits* of course it’s okay. 🩷

justmeeva OP August 9th

oh how much i hated it. hate it. being around people. being me. 

justmeeva OP August 9th

that’s just unfair :/

justmeeva OP August 9th

some people are out there living my dream life

the life i make stories of, the life that’s fantasy and daydreaming for me

justmeeva OP August 9th

and i don’t mean like celebrities or rich people i don’t mean any of that

i mean some regular normal people are just living the life i once wished i would have

unassumingEyes August 10th

@justmeeva one of my best friends is literally currently living the life i want and its not even that complicated just good, understanding parents and siblings. But its like we both always got like the same grqdes etc and had similar ideas and sometimes it just feels like shes me but with a good mom and that just. Hurts. I guess. And im not exactly jealous because im so glad she has this support and her parents helping her. Like im glad she has that but i want that too u know. Anyways sorry if im ranting too much i just meant like i get it :/ 

justmeeva OP August 9th

i mean i’ve given up on dreaming and hoping and thinking of having a future but like sometimes i do think what my life would be if things would be different and like 

i just i don’t know what i did wrong

why did i turn out like this?

why couldn’t i be normal?

justmeeva OP August 9th

oh well..

justmeeva OP August 9th

another thing i gotta avoid to not trigger emotions that’s cool

just add it to the list

justmeeva OP August 9th

and if my writing style seems different rn then yes it probably is because i adopted yet another personality but i’ll be myself (though that’s not really a thing) soon probably 

justmeeva OP August 9th

and now i feel bad about just yapping because it wasn’t anything to really complain about and yes i do have standards to determine whether my thoughts and feelings are valid or not and yeah i’ll just shut up and go and regret.

justmeeva OP August 9th

sorry eyes i think i’m allergic to good vibes :’) 

justmeeva OP August 9th

i get startled *so* easily. and i absolutely hate it. i never do anything with my back facing the door. i always have my blinds down, except for when mom wants my room to have sunlight. fair i guess but still no. i get startled by the littlest of noises or when someone approaches me from behind without me noticing. they’re literally like mini heart attacks. or when i see something in the dark, or, well, think i see something in the dark, i have a chill running down my spine. it’s like i’m living in constant fear, but i don’t even have a reason really. just another fun thing about being me. 

justmeeva OP August 10th


we’re driving and i have to finish the amigurumi plush because it’s a gift to the person who’s house we’re driving to but i’m also getting nauseous and the road’s anything but straight and to top it off, that’s the only gift we have so if i don’t finish it we’ll show up without a gift

what am i supposed to do

justmeeva OP August 10th

good eva another promise you made but can’t fulfill

justmeeva OP August 10th

no i can’t i get too nauseous i can’t ***