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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP June 26th

anyways back to pinterest posts.  


justmeeva OP June 26th

*a quick non-depressing relatable one* 


justmeeva OP June 26th


justmeeva OP June 26th


justmeeva OP June 26th

oh god. i opened the letter we had to do to our future selves at the end of 6th grade. uuhhh… so.. sorry to disappoint you, eva from 6th grade…….

justmeeva OP June 26th

“hello, eva! 

it’s me, eva from 6th grade. summer break is starting soon. i’m going to spain in less than a week. it’s going to be so cool. 

you must be in 7th grade now.” (we opened them later, obviously, at the end of 8th.) “to be honest, i’m a little nervous. the topics are getting harder, more new people are going to join our class, teachers are being replaced… changes. a lot of changes. 

you have been doing very well so far. keep it up! 

i hope you got a lot of rest during the summer break.

my recommendations are, to never give up, be who you are and keep who/what are important to you. 

your eva”

*a wonky heart made of tiny hearts for decoration*

justmeeva OP June 26th

*awkward inhale through teeth* 



the change is noticeable- ..


justmeeva OP June 26th

little did that eva know, everything would start going downhill once she stepped foot in 7th. 

i mean, it was heaven at first, the happiest we had ever been before, but that lead to.. where we are now. guess every heaven leads to *** in the end. can’t have one without the other.

1 year of the happiest we had ever felt, and with the end of 7th grade, start of summer break, everything changed. so many tears. eventually, depression. getting worse and worse. and now look at us. 

waiting for death. 

justmeeva OP June 26th

that- so did not help. anything.

justmeeva OP June 26th

now i have to start with the whole distracting ***. it’s exhausting, honestly. 

justmeeva OP June 26th

save me now, music 

justmeeva OP June 26th

save me from myself. 

justmeeva OP June 27th

that.. dream.. was more of a nightmare. ………………

justmeeva OP June 27th



justmeeva OP June 27th

why is it just now, that people start ‘complimenting’ me? saying they’re proud of me. saying they love me. saying all kinds of things about my future, how i’m going to do so well. siblings. relatives. teachers. why now? why now that i’m counting down days until i leave?

justmeeva OP June 27th

so she’s gonna book an appointment to someone for me. isn’t that just *** great?

justmeeva OP June 27th

i am so. ***. done. 

justmeeva OP June 28th


i might share that spotify playlist to you soon. i know it’s been a loooong time since i promised to, idek if you still want it, but i made a new one because the previous one felt too messy and i just idk i overthought too much so now i have a new, more ~“organised”~ one. and yes i am indeed still overthinking about that too, thinking what you’d think about the playlist and each song individually (✨the wonders of being me✨ ._.) but i guess i’ll explore some more songs until it fills my nonexistent standards and then.. yeah if you want it i’ll share it. and if you don’t then i’ll share anyway and it can just sit there. i wouldn’t know. /lh <3 i won’t give you a specific date or anything lol because- i suck at those. just…… somewhere in the near future. hopefully. 

oke love you <33 /gen

(and you don’t have to reply anything, you can upvote so i know you saw it and if your brainie says you have to reply say something like “alright eva thank you i’ll wait” or mumble some nonsense and i’ll be like “😊🫶” (and if any of this <- sounded rude or anything it’s not meant to i’m just a little insane i swear everything’s lighthearted))

<3 <3 <3

iloveyouxx June 28th


alright eva thankyou I’ll wait /j/j/j

I got so excited seeing this🩷before reading it. I missed you so much🩷if you give it enough time my brain could literally start doing wild things. I’m not even joking today I remembered about that playlist and I’m like 💭100+ eva music taste songs that would’ve been so good💭 and then I started walking around this one table behind this couch in the living room and created scenarios in my head with you in them.☠️

awwe. eva smh. /lh stop that D:< /lh don’t overthink it sm🩷I like all songs nd music. and your taste is just🤌✨🩷I probably just don’t like country songs that much. they hurt my brain for some reason. when I think of country songs I think of the song "old town road"☠️apparently it’s not actually about a horse btw don’t look it up ;-; I only ever knew the first 4 lines so :’) somewhere in the future sounds good to me🩷🩷🩷

love you more <333 /extra✨gen/lh

( xD it’s okay I’m insane too :DD!!/lh and it’s okie dw I know🩷)

<3 <3 <3 <3 <333

iloveyouxx June 28th


( I tried posting in my space and tagging you but I also started overthinking ._. and deleted the whole thing but basically :0 I might post that video somewhere in the future too now🩷)

justmeeva OP June 29th



why is this so you 😭 /lh /lh

i have very mixed emotions about everything right now and they change at the speed of light but this made me smile <3 you made me smile <3 

i should probably ''WaRn'' you that it's kinda pretty depressing, the playlist, so i can assure you, country songs will not be a part of it. xD 

thank you for being so patient and kind and nadia-ful <33 *sends love in the shapes of hearts* 💗💕💗

iloveyouxx June 29th


😭i swear i was genuinely trying not to use too many emojis because the white text makes them pop out TvT🩷your phone type thing is so cute omg :0 it’s so different to mine but it looks so adorable- I wanna eat it it’s so cute-

awwwwe🩷🩷i was just about to say I don’t know if I can smile right now and realized I kinda already was ;-;💜making you smile feels so rewarding🩷and being your friend makes me feel so gifted <3

oh no I love depressing. really tho ;-; it wont be a problem xD💖that’s reassuring xD thankyou xD💜

noo the last one isn’t good :’) thank*you* tho :P xD for being so kind and sweet and patient and loving and caring and understand and eva🩷i love eva💗*sends love back* <33🩷💖💕💞💓💗🩷💓💞💕🩷💖

justmeeva OP June 28th

oop those thoughts are not good :’D ._.

iloveyouxx June 28th


please be safe lovely🩷/gen whatever they were I disagree/lh also I might not be able to reply if you come back sooner but I will tomorrow or whenever you can reply tyt🩷🩷

justmeeva OP June 28th

bbl when everyone else is asleep and i’m alone in bed in darkness with my thoughts. maybe. 

justmeeva OP June 29th

i don't know how much more i can take. 

justmeeva OP June 29th

“not found”.

justmeeva OP June 29th

*** “not found”

justmeeva OP June 29th

i want to throw my heart away why do i have to care so *** much

justmeeva OP June 29th

you know what’s the only thing that caring brings? 


so much *** pain. 

justmeeva OP June 29th

i don’t want to care. it’s not that i regret giving care to people i just hate the *** pain it brings

justmeeva OP June 29th

is it even worth it in the end?

justmeeva OP June 29th

*** you life *** you

justmeeva OP June 30th

i saw her in my dream again. 


thanks for reminding me. thanks a lot. 

justmeeva OP July 1st

my birthday is in 2 weeks. 

justmeeva OP July 1st

before, after, or on my birthday?

justmeeva OP July 2nd

was that a good idea? i don’t know. hopefully? hopefully. 

justmeeva OP July 2nd

i’ve tried at least 10 times now. it won’t post. i need it to post. i want to help. i have the perfect chance and it just won’t post. i’ve tried for like 5 hours, waiting and trying again and waiting and repeat. it just disappears every time. why won’t it post-? (not cups)

justmeeva OP July 2nd

literally wtf life? now you won’t even let me help people? i swear i would give up rn but i’m too determined so i can’t

why won’t it *** go through



is it like a social media site or something friend? or like a forum? is there any mod or admin you can contact/ask? :c about why it won’t post 🩷