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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

justmeeva OP March 24th

time moves on, but i don’t. 

justmeeva OP March 24th

i don’t have time.

i don’t have time.

i don’t have time.

i don’t have time..

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*sits here quietly and leaves a warm safes huggiiee for eva beanie* 🫂💙 if it okie to ask, don’t have time for what, eva bean? :o 💙

justmeeva OP March 25th


a n y t h i n g.

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


awwe, me sees. :') 😞💜

justmeeva OP March 25th


*but hugsss* 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*huggle wuggles you vvv tight* me loves you friend <3 

justmeeva OP March 25th


i loves you more fren, thank you 💕

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


mmm no i love you more :P 💜

justmeeva OP March 25th


smh smh, but i will ✨~accept that~✨ even though i feel confident saying i love you more than there are stars in the sky ✨💕

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


why you so sweet 😭😭😭💜

that’s a whole lot D: stars in the sky, eh? 🤔 ni friend loves eva friend more than there are atoms in the universe 😎 

justmeeva OP March 25th


woah woah woah that’s a lot of love. *gives 50% of it back to you and 49% to mi pets ✨ and keeps 1% (but it’s still so much woahh O.o)

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


evaaa 😱😱😱 /lh

🤔 no worries! my 1 brain cell shall come up with something! 🧐 *creates the Love Vault ✨ and stores an endless amount of love for evabuddybeanie and other friends* 💜 *sends you the amount of love i sent before times infinity* 🥺 

*sends love for your animal friendos too* 🐾 

justmeeva OP March 25th


smhhh how am i supposed to get against that? 🥺😭🩷 okok you might give me more love, but i will give you more hugss >:D how’s that sound? >:) 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th



*hugssssss evaaaaa* :P 💜

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


now i’m wondering… is love even something that can be counted? 

justmeeva OP March 25th


the walls eating our hugs and love 😭 (i’m on phone so the text just- halfway poofs to the side 😭)

*hugsssss as long as i can (i has to go soon :c)* 🫂🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


hehe yeah that happens when me on phone too :o 💜 and take care evabuddy 🥺 me will ttyl <3 me has to poof in about 20 minutes too :') but 20 minutes is long ish :o 💜 

*keeps hugging* 🥺

justmeeva OP March 25th


gtgggg see you later frenn *last squeezie and bapoof* 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


see you later friend… i hope you’re okie. 🥺💜 me will be waiting for you *🪑* 

justmeeva OP March 25th


i’m (completely) backk 🩷 for some time tho, then i’ll have to go study. (proof to the ‘my whole life is school’ complaint.)

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*huggles youuuu* school is ugh :/ 

justmeeva OP March 25th


*hugs (ni hugs are the bestest 🩷)*


LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


*keeps hugging* (Eva hugsss are the bestestestestestestttt 🤗 because you are <3) 

*yeets school* 😎 Ah I genuinely hope we could actually yeet school :') but it’s one of those things… it’s always looming ahead somewhere. Even during the weekend, we probably think about school. And some of us are doing schoolwork then, too, because we have so much. (I do that 🤷🏻‍♀️) Even during holidays, we know….. school is looming ahead. 😭 

justmeeva OP March 25th

the days are getting longer and brighter and the nights are getting shorter. unpopular opinion apparently, but i don’t like it. 

justmeeva OP March 25th

darkness is comforting. that’s what i like. 

justmeeva OP March 25th

for some reason, i don’t seem to be a fan of the light and warmth sun gives. i always keep my blinds closed and the lights mostly off. 

justmeeva OP March 25th

also, i can’t explain it, but spring feels really wrong to me. the temperature - in the middle of cold and hot - is strange. you know the hoodie weather. the spring air is weird. idk i just don’t like spring. it feels strange. like- uncomfortable almost. idk. 

justmeeva OP March 25th

i left school at around 7pm. a moment of actual break while driving home and then, i have homework waiting for me. 

justmeeva OP March 25th

i’m not looking forward to the summer either. unlike many, many others, i don’t even like summer that much. it’s just so.. different. winter is all cozy and chilly and dark, summer is.. literally the opposite. 

justmeeva OP March 25th

ok this thought was not okay. 

justmeeva OP March 25th

“find yourself”, they say. but how do you find something that was never there?

justmeeva OP March 25th

if it’s all or nothing then i choose nothing. 

justmeeva OP March 25th


LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


I wish I could give you a massive, warm, safe *real* hug… the way you deserve. :') But the best I can do is a virtual hug. So I’m sending all the big hugs your way 💜 You deserve hugs Eva friend. and so much more 🥺💜 

justmeeva OP March 25th


thank you ni friend ❤️ thank you. 

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


Aww. :') no need to thank me Eva friend. 💜 but you’re welcome. 🥺💜 

And I meant what I said I really do wish I could give you a big, real hug. 

I should go get my pillow friend and imagine it’s Eva bean. 🥺 

justmeeva OP March 25th


that last part still melts me every time i think about it 🩷

LoveMyMoonflowers March 25th


then we can melt together. 🥺💜 

justmeeva OP March 25th

it feels like i’m so far away from everything and everyone.. like i’m all alone.. and the loneliness is really getting to my heart.