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Eva’s Crazy Mind

justmeeva January 21st

i’ve wanted to make a forum post like that for quite a while now, but never brought myself to actually make it. here i will write up all sorts of thoughts and vents, everything i need to get off my mind. it’s not gonna be positive or motivational, not even close. i personally don’t recommend reading it just because it doesn’t help lol. you’re welcome to read, replies are okay, just be aware that it’s gonna be a pretty dark place. i don’t usually ask for help despite telling everybody to. idk why. i’m not a very good example of what’s right to do. TW just in case, not planning to go that far but who knows. 

i’m making myself this space because sometimes you can feel lonely while being surrounded by a million people and that’s nobody’s fault.

best wishes to you. ❤️

LoveMyMoonflowers March 21st


Sitting here quietly… me so sorry me wasn’t there last night friend. 😞 i wish i was… i wish. 😞💜 *offering a million… no… a billion giant huggie wuggies just for you* 💜 Ni friend kept you in her thoughts. and me still keeping you in my thoughts okie? me loves you so so so so so much friend 💜 Me not sure what’s happening in your world now, exactly… 😞 but me knows you’ve been hurting and struggling vv much lately and life’s been a big meanie and it’s been hard… 😞💜 sitting with you friend 💜 i just hope your safe now.

hope your safe… 

justmeeva OP March 21st


it’s ok, it’s not your fault. *hugs*..

justmeeva OP March 21st

21. march. exactly a year ago, i still had my best friend. 

justmeeva OP March 21st

god i’m crying in the bathroom, away from my mom’s eyes, again..

justmeeva OP March 21st

everything’s only getting worse yesterday and today are the worst days of my entire 14 years of life

justmeeva OP March 21st

i managed to get in trouble today, that’s great

justmeeva OP March 21st

i lied and said that i ate anything today, i’m surprised she believed that

justmeeva OP March 21st

my *** boot broke, that’s how lucky i am

justmeeva OP March 21st

i’m crying nonstop and if i do that enough, it’ll soon be obvious i had cried and once i have to get to the car to drive home with my mom, i’m gonna have to figure out how to explain it

justmeeva OP March 21st

people are leaving

justmeeva OP March 21st

i just realised, exactly a year ago i lost my best friend, and now i’m.. well, she’ll be back, but still.. losing, another best friend. the *** coincidence. 

justmeeva OP March 21st

i had to fake a smile all day long, force myself to laugh sometimes

justmeeva OP March 21st

my brain told me to smile and hide everything, but my heart wanted me to cry. my eyes wanted to tear up and beg for help but it didn’t happen. 

justmeeva OP March 21st

does anyone have any more bad news? today seems to be a great day for them

justmeeva OP March 21st

i’m so *** done, all i thought about today was- …

justmeeva OP March 21st

and you know it’s bad when it’s not just a one-time mood, when it doesn’t go away. 

justmeeva OP March 21st

not okay rn. 

justmeeva OP March 21st

i’m so *** up. 

EmmyMarie06 March 21st

whats goin on girlie?

justmeeva OP March 22nd


everythingg :D

justmeeva OP March 22nd

my class needs a reality check so *** bad. they complain about literally everything. if only they knew that ‘our english teacher being “weird”’ (there’s nothing *** wrong with her) isn’t the biggest problem in the world. 

justmeeva OP March 22nd

gtg now. 

justmeeva OP March 22nd

big tw. 

supposedly, a girl in 7th grade, a grade below me, cvt herself. in school. she’s the sister of my classmate so i know her a bit, we don’t talk tho. the thing that throws me off is that almost everyone in my class jokes and laughs about it. i am so close to screaming and telling them that if someone *** cuts themselves in school, they’re doing really *** you know. i wanna go to her and talk to her and hug her, but we don’t know each other much, and a few girls are already with her. i didn’t see anything, just heard that it happened. idk what to do, if anything. everyone was just happy that they got to be on their *** phones because our teacher rushed to the girl. i can’t help but hate my classmates for the way they are right now. stupid. no sense of empathy. 

unassumingEyes March 22nd

@justmeeva some people are ridiculous 😔 My own sister's response to a girl who did that upsets me sometimes...although it was not nearly so bad. You're classmates have issues...Im glad that girl had some friends and the teacher there 😞

justmeeva OP March 22nd

can’t believe i’m doing this. going to a party with my mom and her friend. “there are others your age too” she said. that’s what i’m scared about. this is such a terrible idea. ironically, i have to pray that it won’t be great and won’t become a good memory. it better be as boring and eventless as possible. “uhh, it’s a party eva? boring and eventless?” yes. boring and eventless. 

justmeeva OP March 22nd

oh and we’re already 45 min late :D

justmeeva OP March 22nd

anyway, wish me luck. boring and eventless. 

justmeeva OP March 22nd

it was not, in fact, boring nor eventless. 

justmeeva OP March 22nd

and don’t get me wrong now, there was no drama or anything, it was just.. i liked it more than i should have. 

justmeeva OP March 22nd

especially the last half, it was cool. and awesome, and wholesome. i felt all the feelings i’m supposed to avoid. it’s gonna pay me back tho. one day. and ohh when that happens..

justmeeva OP March 22nd

well ***. 

justmeeva OP March 23rd

my mom sent me a video of that party. how am i supposed to forget and let go of it now? i loved it so much. ***. *** *** ***. guess i’ll just let it destroy me more then. yay..

justmeeva OP March 23rd

those absolutely heartbreaking scenarios again. they feel so real..

justmeeva OP March 23rd


justmeeva OP March 23rd

so many changes of emotions, so quickly, sometimes multiple at once- man i can’t do emotions. 

justmeeva OP March 24th

ohh siblings really know how to test your *** limits don’t they. 

unassumingEyes March 24th

@justmeeva yes, they do

LoveMyMoonflowers March 24th



justmeeva OP March 24th

if music didn’t exist, idk what i would’ve done. 

justmeeva OP March 24th

how am i supposed to get better, if literally my whole life is school? all my free time goes to studying or homework or stress. weekends aren’t any different from weekdays. you’d think that at least i’m doing great in school then, right? somehow, no.