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in the wonders of my mindšŸ’—.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didnā€™t look like mešŸ§makes sense doesnā€™t itšŸ˜›since there can only be one *me*āœØone of a kind now arent IšŸ˜/sar. one out of 8118835999āœØšŸŒ·can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss youā€™re also one of a kindšŸ’– sorrysorry haha :PšŸ¤im just messing around xDšŸ’žalso itā€™s 2am- but shush no snitchingšŸ¤«Iā€™ll sleep in a whilešŸ˜when Iā€™m feeling a bit more sane :>šŸ˜›šŸ©·

wanted to have my own space.šŸ’œ for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.šŸ’™

to whoever'sĀ coming acrossĀ :'3šŸ’œplease dont lurk here.šŸ©· I know anyone can have access to this forumĀ :')šŸ’™but please be respectfulšŸ©·.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :PšŸ’› yā€™all get crazy nosy haha- itā€™s alright.šŸ’›nothing too interesting will be here anywayšŸ’›if you would like to come in and be supportive itā€™s completely okiešŸ’›but please donā€™t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limitšŸ’›because Iā€™d still like this to be just my space ^-^šŸ’›)


mytwistedsoul August 26th

@iloveyouxx I hope your first day wasn't too too horrible for you. A new school would have probably been nicer for a fresh start? Away from the bullies and people who like to make life miserable for everyone šŸ’™

iloveyouxx OP August 26th


oh no I meant Iā€™m switching lead classesšŸ’™for my school itā€™s 9A all the way to 9M for just this year group itā€™s a really big school. and I said schools tomorrow in the morning and now itā€™s 10pm, I wish I was in a new school thoĀ :') it would be nicer, keep hoping for me lol thankyou šŸ’™

iloveyouxx OP August 26th


I think Iā€™m the one that got mixed up- sorryšŸ˜­I read it wrong but yeah youā€™re right Iā€™d do anything to switch one more timeĀ :')

mytwistedsoul August 26th

@iloveyouxx I remember someone you knew was also going to switch too? Do the letters stand for the level? Like grade 9 a would be advanced classes?Ā 

To answer the selling apartment question - as far as I know they do sell apartments but they can also have tenants move if they want to do renovations or updates to the building

mytwistedsoul August 26th

Ah my mistake on when it starts sorry about that! Good luck tomorrow! šŸ’™

iloveyouxx OP August 26th


i think I said that at like 12 am itā€™s okay :p šŸ’™ thankyou!šŸ’™

iloveyouxx OP August 26th


mhm my hoy was making us switch together because the drama got really big and they didnā€™t know what else to do I guess. Iā€™ve always been in A even in other schools for some reason but itā€™s actually just random and itā€™s like in year 7 there were so many new students so by year 8 they added 8L and this year theyā€™re adding 9M, each lead class has around 30 students. sometimes they switch students around if they think it would be better but if the class is full they need to take some students out and put them in another class as long as theyā€™re okay with it (and they need parents permission)

the levels tho are sets and now we have some sets for a lot of classes but by year 10 weā€™d have sets for every class. so youā€™d only see your lead class together in lead time and every other class is mixed up

i thought youā€™d know that :0šŸ’™thankyoušŸ’™I didnā€™t think anyone would answer that but now I know xD šŸ’™

mytwistedsoul August 27th

@iloveyouxx That's alot of people in your grade! Holy cow! I can actually understand them moving people around though - especially if there's problems between people or personality clashes

iloveyouxx OP August 26th


iloveyouxx OP August 26th

I kept being in the middle of a post then thinking I hear someone and the page refreshes or I have to log in again Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 26th

Iā€™m so tired. but I canā€™t sleep now. or at all today

iloveyouxx OP August 26th

Iā€™ve just been trying to breathe and

thinking too much.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 26th

I almost fell asleep I got so scared :ā€™) I have to charge my device so Iā€™ll be off for a while.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

good morning. I did fall asleep. I was really mad at myself for a while.

but itā€™s still really early.Ā 

I put my device to charge and I was counting in my head and opening my eyes every few numbers and I donā€™t know how but I guess I fell asleep in the middle of that. I wasnā€™t supposed to sleep :ā€™) and it was supposed to be easy butĀ 

whatever I guess

i cant undo anything.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

Iā€™m so scared and I canā€™t do anything about it and nothing can make it betterĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

I leave inā€¦45 minutes :ā€™)

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

20 minutes

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

15 minutes

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

13 minutes

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

10 minutes

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

1 minute

iloveyouxx OP August 27th

byebye :ā€™)

mytwistedsoul August 27th

@iloveyouxx Hopefully the day wasn't too bad and all your teachers were nice šŸ’™

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

so. Iā€™ve been trying really hard to make a post about school and every time it would get deleted and I feel like if I tried to talk about everything that happened on the first day it would be longer than that Iā€™m not sure what to feel post. everything that happened yesterday felt like it couldā€™ve happened in an entire year but in the most serious and literal way possible


so much more keeps happening

and I feel like Iā€™ll never actually be able to talk about anything now, I even tried saving everything that happened so I wouldnā€™t forget but that got deleted too

so right now Iā€™m just gonna talk about some random stuff :> until my dad comes back and honestly I feel like heā€™s gonna walk in any second now because he usually comes 2 hours earlierĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

all my teachers suck. my lead teacher is so horrible ew I hate her so much, my old lead teacher is here somehow :0 sheā€™s still pregnant but itā€™s a lot of months in I thought sheā€™d need to rest :ā€™) I went to say hi and she didnā€™t recognize meā˜ ļøI look the exact same. and sheā€™s seen me with glasses before. but I miss having her as my lead teacher she was so niceĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

my dads back I didnā€™t even get to say anything.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

I got told by my lead teacher to go down to IT in break and I told the IT guy what was wrong and he said that my lead teacher has everything i needĀ and by then 3rd period already started because I was standing outside the whole break because so many people were there and I needed to go all the way up to my lead teacher and my legs hurt so much and my stomachs been hurting so bad all day I donā€™t know whatā€™s up with thatĀ 

I went up to first floor because I knew my lead teacher was teacher and I was gonna go find my hoy and it was so crowded I couldnā€™t move Ā but I got to a teacher and asked where she was and he didnā€™t know but some seniors said she was in main hall and so many people were there they were having an assembly

so I went up to second floor. I was just going as fast as I can all around halls trying to idk find anyone that can help. I really donā€™t want to come in late to any of my classes this year itā€™s a big deal to me. and at some point I just stopped and couldnā€™t in this random math corridor. and two math teacher were standing by their door and i could tell they were staring at meĀ 

and one of them walked up to me and she was like hey are you lost are you okay? itā€™s okay, and then I started crying which looked so stupid and then the other teacher came and they were just both smiling at me like really wide :ā€™) it wasnā€™t a like "haha youā€™re crying" smile it was more of a "aw are you okay?" smile if that makes any sense. and I sort of just explained it to them and they got my name on their computer and found where Iā€™m supposed to be and I kept thanking them and then I couldnā€™t find it

and I went back there and that second teacher was there and she was like okay Iā€™ll come with you and we went and apparently those class numbers on the doors now mean nothing and itā€™s actually those small likeā€¦um what do you call it. but that thing itā€™s on the wall? and thatā€™s the actual class number.Ā 

to be continued xD my dad wants me to do something

iloveyouxx OP August 28th
my lead teacher was teaching* I was typing too fast
iloveyouxx OP August 28th

so um I found my class :ā€™) my IT teachers actually nice. at some point he came and he was like "aw youā€™re all alone arenā€™t you? donā€™t worry Iā€™ll keep you company"Ā 

ā€¦.. heā€™s so nice idk how to process it.Ā 

and later he gave us a task to do and I just- did the task :ā€™) and he came over and he was like letā€™s see what youā€™ve written down so far, and he read it and he was like "oh youā€™re a good student i like you already. youā€™re going to do great things!"Ā 



I never thought my favorite teacher would be my IT teacher. I always hated IT because all my teachers were so bad

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

in the first lead time our teacher told us to partner with the person next to us (she put us in a seating plan as soon as we walked in) and we were playing two truths and a lie to get to know each other. i donā€™t have anything that interesting about me :ā€™) and I was like I donā€™t know what to say can you start, and they just ignored me. and I said it louder and now I know theyā€™re ignoring me. and itā€™s not that heā€™s shy he just doesnā€™t think he should have to talk to anyone thatā€™s not at "his level" but to be honest out of everyone I know I donā€™t think anything he says could ever affect me coming from him itā€™s just funny. youā€™re normal just like the rest of us nothing better so stop acting like youā€™re all that


then this girl was like (nadia) do you want to do it with me and we talked a lotĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th
she has 2 dogs and 1 bunny. sheā€™s really nice
iloveyouxx OP August 28th

I was crying all of this morning because I didnā€™t want to go to school. I was still getting things done because I had to but I couldnā€™t stop crying and then my brother wakes up after me and he was like whatā€™s wrong why do you look so sad and he gave me a hug but I couldnā€™t talk or anything. I donā€™t even know if I was being dramatic I just hate everything so much and itā€™s only the second day and I have 10 more months of just this year and then Iā€™ll be a senior and then thatā€™s 3 years and then I donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do after that but right now this year Iā€™ve barely even started but I wish I could just stopĀ 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

one of the guys in my class said I shouldnā€™t have moved here. but like I can handle it :ā€™) itā€™s so chaotic way more than the most chaotic moments of my old class but itā€™s also just like when you talk no one stops everything theyā€™re doing just to stare at you. everyone just minds their own business. they donā€™t care what youā€™re doing or what you look like or anything

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

today we did a mental health test this on this website cause you know, they care about our wellbeing so much. now we have well-being wednesdays like really.

and it was all questions like pick one from the listed below stuff like thatĀ 

and I just chose the lowest or worst on everything because I didnā€™t want to be there :ā€™) and my teacher asked me if Iā€™m sui.cidalĀ 

I know itā€™s serious but that made me laugh because..sui.cidal. well not right now I guess thatā€™s a stretch I just donā€™t want to be here. and he said itā€™s not funny and now hes mad

it only made me laugh because he was asking me if I was suici.dal after I submitted a mental health test while being depressed about school

I didnā€™t know all my teachers had access to that. I thought it was just lead teachers or hoy

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

the girl I switched with, she left early yesterday for a doctors appointment and she was absent today. and 2 of the girls in that group that gave us no other choice but to switch. sort of the main ones I guess one of them went did S skip and get caught and I said no she didnā€™t come in today what do you mean and she kept saying that no she came and she was registered in in period one and two but sheā€™s in my class for those and she didnā€™t come today at all and I said the teachers probably made a mistake and they kept saying no she skipped i donā€™t know why they care so much thoĀ 

and another girl was in my arabic class and she asked why I moved out of her class and her friends started banging the tables every time Iā€™d start talking.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

they built so many new things everyoneā€™s so confused because we were gone for 2 months and it feels like weā€™re in a different school

iloveyouxx OP August 28th
im gonna take pictures next time
iloveyouxx OP August 28th


:3 I saw a cat but I only got my device out while they were walking away

iloveyouxx OP August 28th

a group of seniors were walking the opposite way and one of them just looked at me and they did the hand thing and they went "well well well look what we have here" and their friends told them to stop

thereā€™re already fights happening.Ā 

we got lectured in assembly by different teachers and everyone was laughing at the heartfelt speech guy I feel bad but there were some funny things he said in a serious tone like he yelled so seriously "there is a difference, between tucking in your shirt, and folding. if you want to fold, fold origami." but if I could use caps :p and then the part where he was like I am speaking from the very bottom of my heart and out of my compassion and etc etc that made people laugh for some reasonĀ 

I was looking for my math class and it was really really crowded and two year 7s came and one of them was like my friend thinks youā€™re cute can he get your snap. and I sort of just huh smiled and continued looking and the kid screamedĀ 

in lead class after we were supposed to do the two truths and a lie with someone our lead teacher was picking some people to say thereā€™s and make the class guess and one guy started his with "um im 6 foot" and the teacher choked on her coffee for a while and everyone started laughing. and some other guy started it with "i like spaghetti" and everyone started laughing again-.

all my ex friends have been talking to me so casually :ā€™) my dad wants me to close. byebye.Ā 

iloveyouxx OP August 28th
I snuck on.