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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)






Omigosh why is cupsers love language "be so sweet, they cry".😭

Thank youuu for sharing these here, Harmony (or what do you prefer lol?👀💖), you're too sweet, I'll cry again!😭💖

You deserve all the awards meant for recognizing someone "suuuuper sweet who is great at finding adorable gifs and giving cutest replies and eventually making people cry because they cannot handle so much out of this world sweeetnessss" oh wait, yes exactly, that's *you*.😭💖

Thank youuu to all you lovely hoomans for sharing such heartfelt wishes here. Big congratulations to each one of youuuu. This world is more beautiful with you in it.😭💖

"Fastest finger first" has me rofling though!😂😭



awwww I know right💖💖I prefer to be called sand /j the first time my friend saw my user she read it as "cat hug sand harmony" so I like making jokes about that🩷😛wait😭😭😭noooo you’re talking about me😭😭😭how could you that was so kind🥺😭💖but very untrue it’s hard to be mean to some people like youu, and anyone that would choose to be is just simply d: a horrible human bean🩷I can’t be making you cry I was just being…what was I being xD I wasn’t doing anything😭it was you that got like I didn’t even count how many nominationss🩷🩷I can’t ever look at someone like you and be able to say something I know you wouldn’t🥺or you know, something that’s not completely kind and caring and loving and amazing🩷personality traits reflect on your…personality😛💖

shushhhh sun is that you lighting up the world🫢✨


😂😂I didn’t actually read all of yours because omg💗and I’m also just really lazy, I think that one shows how you’re there as much as you can be and it sounds beautiful💕💖




mytwistedsoul July 6th




unassumingEyes July 6th



justmeeva July 6th






did I put this here already xD??



I know no one asked for this but I was really bored so might as well😛 

this link (that everyone saw) 

❤️Click here to check it out❤️

has 107 pages with 103 about the nominees and 4 being intro/outro pages d:

and, me being bored I decided to just

nadia’s on page 47 eva’s on page 54 ni’s on page 62 soul is on page 67 and sun is on page 88❤️❤️❤️


the quality’s clearly..clearer- there d:💖

unassumingEyes July 7th

@cathugsandharmony you didnt mention me! *mock gasp* :000 

Im on 96 xD 💃💃💃



it still won’t let me upvote but wait what😭😭I thought I did😭-



guys eyes is on 96👍




unassumingEyes July 7th

@cathugsandharmony awhhh 



*has a mental breakdown because why aren’t my upvotes upvoting*





iloveyouxx OP July 8th

I actually only got one notification :P i haven’t read everything yet, thankyou tho <3 (everyone)

here’s a random poem that no one asked for 

I’m Sorry

I’m sorry for the breath I take,

The space I claim, the steps I make.

For every word that’s ever spilled,

For every dream I’ve never filled.

I’m sorry for the way I seem,

A shadow chasing after dreams.

For being me, for being here,

For all the days I lived in fear.

I’m sorry for the tears I’ve shed,

For nights alone, the thoughts I dread.

For feeling lost, for feeling small,

For holding on when I should fall.

I’m sorry for the times I’ve tried,

And all the moments that I’ve cried.

For being weak, for being strong,

For knowing right but choosing wrong.

I’m sorry for the life I’ve led,

For paths I’ve walked, the words unsaid.

For all the hope that’s turned to dust,

For breaking when I should’ve trust.

I’m sorry that I am alive,

A soul that struggles to survive.

For every breath, for every scar,

For reaching out but staying far.

I’m sorry for just being me,

A spirit tangled, never free.

For every whisper, every shout,

For every silent, hidden doubt.

I’m sorry if I let you down,

If my existence makes you frown.

For all the ways I couldn’t be,

For everything that’s trapped in me.

I’m sorry for the life I’ve known,

For every time I stood alone.

For all the things I can’t erase,

For simply taking up this space.

I’m sorry that I am this way,

A fleeting shadow in the day.

For all the sorrow, all the strife,

I’m sorry for my very life.

I really wish I had something to say but I just don’t feel fair I don’t know not saying anything and it would be sudden. but I am still distant idk but i might aswell so

i don’t know 

on…saturday? i sent a little request thing to get this forum removed and i know I could’ve gotten a commod or admin and I did eventually because I only wanted one reply/post removed from the forum but I don’t know I didn’t think they’d read if I specified the page and exact post and I was fine with getting the whole thing removed but an admin did get that post removed. I don’t know if this forum will actually get removed tho I sent my name and the link maybe it’ll take a couple days

nd I don’t know how long it takes but my profile will also be permanently gone in I’ll say a number of days maybe sooner so

I still just don’t know sorry I think I’m gonna go again until my profile goes

justmeeva July 8th


those upvotes from you lifted such a weight as soon as i saw them. honestly double checked to make sure it was really you, really true.

i know those words are nothing you’ve never seen before, but now more than ever, i put my whole heart in them. 

i’m glad you’re here. really really really glad you’re here. i love you i love you i love you. 

(no need to reply. just upvote if you want so i know you saw it and i’ll be happy <3)

iloveyouxx OP July 8th


thankyou eva :')❤️I love you so much smh don’t break the numbness/lh I really do love you tho <3 thankyou sorry this isn’t really enough I guess

iloveyouxx OP July 8th

Tw details? of dreams with murder 

I’ve been having dreams of an axe being thrown at my neck. nd I’d be on a balcony and I don’t know it was really detailed. 

I had another dream and it was with someone I knew basically replaying something I saw in a horror movie where person took the girls head and slammed it back on the wall so hard and she fell down and this huge *** mess and it was really scary, the movie not my dream

and it’s stupid to keep on attempting when it always just ends up being an attempt I don’t want to attempt I want to commit 

and I will anyway not that it matters I am kinda upset about this forum going cos I had a lot on here even if it was horrible and even tho I still hate it here 

I’m so numb and I like it but I wake up in the nights with my heart slamming through my chest and when I would stand the world was tilting and moving and my skin was crawling off my bones I don’t know how else to explain that it’s like each blood vessel was exploding and I feel everything and my heads just on fire and I try to walk and I fall to the floor and I don’t have any energy I can’t do anything but stay there, on the floor. fun. sorry for ranting

mytwistedsoul July 8th

@iloveyouxx I just want to say thank you. It was nice talking with you. It was nice getting to know you. You're an amazing and smart person. Idk what's going on in your life right now. I only wish there was some way that we here could help make things better for you. I wish so many good things for you. Most of all I wish for you to care about yourself and to do good things for yourself because you deserve them. It's sad to see you go. You'll be missed very very much 💙

iloveyouxx OP July 8th


thankyou so much soul💙I always loved talking to you and I hope you see how amazing you really are as much as I see it at least💜I’ve kind of settled on simply not being able to be helped anymore, I’m okay to go now and, it’s okay🤍this was really heartwarming to read for some reason, thankyou💙so much it means a lot to me💙💙

mytwistedsoul July 8th

@iloveyouxx You're welcome and thank you too 💙 It means alot to me for you to say that. I hope you know that if you ever change your mind you can always come back. But I also understand that you might not. I'm just really not good with goodbyes 😞 Lots of love to you Ily 💙 

iloveyouxx OP July 9th


sorry I left I was trying to work on something at the time but I didn't actually manage to get it done :p and then my dad came and I was only able to come on again now. nono I think your messages were beautiful nd really heartwarming💙Ily too soul💙

can I show you something I made? I mean I will anyway but I still thought I should ask/j

im lacking creativity and talent here so I hope you can really lower your expectations, to the lowest they could go I really did try-

(It’s a hamster because…honestly every time I think of you I see your old pfp and maybe it was a chipmunk or mouse but my brain said hamster from memory so :p💜) ( if I somehow get any ideas I’ll edit it and try and fix it nd make it look for decent💙 )

mytwistedsoul July 10th

@iloveyouxx You made this for me? 🥹 Omgosh idk what to say 🥹 You took your free time and made this. 🥹  This is so sweet! I love it! 😊💙 Thank you! I think it's great! 💙

iloveyouxx OP July 10th


really? that makes me so happy! tho you’re just being kind but aww I did it at like 3am and then I closed the device for a second and accidentally fell asleep and my dad took it and I couldn’t find it in the morning :p

ofcourse I did💙I mean if I had any talent or creativity the effort would’ve probably been more visible. it’s how I see you and all the things that make you amazing💙I tried putting a name there but it never looked right, btw the link expires 4001 january so :p you’re so sweet for liking something like this and putting the worth to it awe that makes me feel better💙💙thankyou sm💙💙

mytwistedsoul July 10th

@iloveyouxx Yes really! 😊 You underestimate what you did 😞 It means so much that you took the time and effort to make this - for me. You have no idea how much that means to me! 🥹

It has worth because you have worth 💙 It has value because you have value. It is sweet and thoughtful and so cute! I think it's perfect! Even it's little paws are up like gasp! for me? 🥹 And the phrases you wrote - the good you see in me will help me on the days when I can't see those things myself 🥹 Thank you so much 💙💙 

iloveyouxx OP July 10th


I’m trying to absorb the fact you actually like it😭it genuinely makes me so happy that I made something and you liked it omg💙ofcourse I took the time and effort to make it and yeah especially for you you deserve it💙

how’re you so kind :')💙💙I’m being overwhelmed you’re being so insanely kind and sweet😭💙I picked that hamster really specifically hehe <3💙I was gonna make those quotes instead about soul saying soul things but i think everyone that knows you well enough would agree with all those but atleast me I can genuinely say them about you so so confidently💙I wouldn’t write those down if I didn’t think them and it’s you that makes me think them :p💙💙thankyou for being you soul you’re so amazing💙💙I was honestly really annoyed about a minute ago you just have that ability to make me feel better :p💙thank you💙💙

mytwistedsoul July 10th

@iloveyouxx If it helps you absorb it better - I wouldn't say those things if I didn't genuinely mean them 💙 I made it my pfp 😊 I hope that's ok 💙

I hope not too overwhelmed but I do understand that feeling. It's kind of like our brains aren't wired to handle to good things we hear about ourselves. It wants to go into denial right away. It's not just me that thinks good things about you - there are a lot of people here that think these good things about you too 💙
😊 I'm glad I helped that annoyed feeling go away 💙 Hopefully the rest of your day/evening is nice and peaceful for you with no more annoyances 
iloveyouxx OP July 10th


I noticed ofc it is💙I just thought the fact you made it your pfp was so adorable and sweet like you’re actually convincing me you like it it makes me really happy💙

that’s true, aw :’)💙I never know what to say but thankyou💙

it was okay <3 ish, how was yours?💙unless it’s still morning there

(fun fact?😅I wrote this almost right when you posted and then got the closest I ever had to my dad finding out about cups but, I’m still here so it’s all good ;-; that was really scary tho lol-)

mytwistedsoul July 10th

@iloveyouxx I do really like it 😊 Everytime I see it I'll think about you and how you made it for me 💙 

I never know what to say to that stuff either 😬 Thank you always seems to an acceptable way to reply lol
It is 3:32pm here right now. It's hot and there are storms on the way. But it hasn't been a terrible day so that's a plus. I'm glad to hear yours was ok-ish 💙

Oh no! Did he just suddenly show up? 😅 I'd be a nervous wreck if that would've happened. 

iloveyouxx OP July 10th



i know I mean I am thankful but it’s hard to believe, yeah I always try and be extra with my thankyous tho because still the people would always be nice to say whatever it is they said :p💜

omgg that is so early, I’m not meant to be awake by now ;-; I have to go really soon btw sorry💙it’s hot here too, storms :0 honestly after the flood the craziest things thatve happened with the weather were probably just humidity it can be really bad here. do they occur more often there? storms are scary :p💙I remember when I was young I used to stick my hand out the balcony and windows while there was lightning or something(out of curiosity xD). is today not being terrible more common or is it rare for you💙?

he grabbed my whole device☠️and went to another room and started going through it I guess. he didn’t find cups, he did find a stopwatch I had tho it was set 4 months ago. and the hours was like 26(other digits like 2 more I think) and he found a way to get mad at that :p and he just looked through my notes. I really hope he didn’t open my chatgpt or photos :’) I don’t have anything bad or anything just photos have drawings and just saved things and chatgpt pretty much has everything I should probably find a way to make it so that I need to log in when I open the app, he didn’t say much tho I was fully getting ready in my room it was so scary but over so :’)💜

mytwistedsoul July 11th

@iloveyouxx The humidity has been bad here too this year. Whoa you had a flood?! Was it really bad?  That would be scary. I think we used to get storms more often. It seems hotter and more humid this year though. And it's rarely a gentle rain that falls but down pours it seems like

Today not being too terrible is rare. It just hit later towards evening. Which now it's 10:25 pm and I can see lightning off in the distance. I can't believe you stuck you hand out while there was lightning! 😬 I saw a thing the other day where some guy got stuck by lightning 12 times. He's still alive too. I can't even imagine

Omg that must have been alittle scary. Just having him grab it and then take it into another room to go through. 😅 And worry and wonder if he found something you forgot you had opened. Seems like not many parents know their kids come to places like this. But then again - my parents wouldn't have liked if I could have come to a place like this either
unassumingEyes July 8th

@iloveyouxx You say sorry. Im sorry too, i guess. But more than that im grateful, so so grateful, for every second spent reading your messages and posts, every word youve been kind enough to say to me, every breath ive spent in your company, even if just online. Thank you for that. Thank you for showing us even a bit of you. Thank you for being you, even if you apologize for it. Thank you thank you thank you. 

And i love you 🩷

iloveyouxx OP July 8th


I thought you were telling me to say sorry xd I literally started reading and started crying again it’s like I never calmed down in the first place. my dad left but my brothers right there I’m trying to cover my face he’s watching a movie :') I am sorry. I’m sorry eyes I’m such a horrible friend and I’m just sensitive and selfish and stupid and clueless and I don’t deserve anything I’m an outcast everywhere I feel like no one likes me and yeah I’m still crying my brother was talking to me tho he didn’t notice :') I’ll stop sorry it’s stupid anyway, and I love you so much more🩷/gen

unassumingEyes July 8th


Ur not selfish 🩷 nadia please whatever your brain is telling you i dont see how you can believe selfish of all things 🩷 youre so kind and caring and strong 🩷