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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP April 3rd


I could think less about the reason rn hah :')💜

dw I understand and believe you ofc🩷thankyou for the explanation tho💕and for being here🩷

yu never have to apologize for not being here friend :0💗never and I won’t let you💕

I don’t think anyone does :') love me/care.🤍but I still remember when people went against me in rainbow room for saying that- so I won’t say anything TvT🤍

think about me is a possibility :P idk how tho heh :P🤍

life..can’t care less about me :') and I *officially*✨gave up on one day seeing the beauty✨ or good side✨to life. :D

im pretty hard to communicate with TvT🤍 and I often leave people speechless or with nothing to say :D✨/lh su I understand💜but also sometimes cos when you need help yourself you just can’t or don’t know how to help others- and that’s completely okay💙

your virtual hug and this convo means something to me🩷it doesn’t change much sure but I’m happy it happened💓💓

justmeeva April 3rd


guess i’m not anyone then 🤷🏼‍♀️. i understand the feeling tho. it’s hard to believe and trust those words, and i understand that. but i do care. i promise. 

yeah, now more than ever i understand how finding any positivity can be such a challenge- anything good, any hope - it’s really hard. and i can’t blame you. you’ve been through so much, and still are. i’m still proud of you tho, i have to say that. 🩷

it’s not your fault tho nadia fren.. for me personally, i wish i could say “it’s okay“ but it clearly isn’t. i wish i could say “it’s going to be okay” but who am i to promise that? i struggle with finding the good things, any hope, too, so that’s also out of the list. so i really don’t know what to say to you, except giving you as many virtual hugs as i possibly can. 🩷

love you, a lot. really. ❤️

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd

just anyone

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd


iloveyouxx OP April 3rd


iloveyouxx OP April 3rd


iloveyouxx OP April 3rd


iloveyouxx OP April 3rd

yk I also love the fact about 4people said they were gonna come to this thread and check on me or leave a hi.

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd

and alllll the people that said they were there for me.

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd

the friends that pretended to be real.

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd

does someone ever lowkey make you want to k.ys but like worse

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd

cough I genuinely needa stop talking about dark topics cos like- :')

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd

oop I didn’t get the notification :0 @justmeeva imma go read now tho🩷

justmeeva April 3rd


tyt lovely 🩷

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd

12 minutes :D not as slow as I thought/sar @justmeeva sorry my fingers are slow rn lol :'PP

iloveyouxx OP April 3rd


i forgot the heart- can’t forget the heart emoji xD💜


iloveyouxx OP April 3rd


im not gonna delete that notification💜

"justmeeva upvoted your post

I really, really can't"

I only have one notification that I never delete- one about a deleted forum basically- but when I saw this one it gave me the tiniest bit of the tiniest sense of..being- *alive* :')🩷I’m keeping it heh💕it’s just gonna live there💗

justmeeva April 3rd


awweee 🥺 idk what to say, i feel like i should say “thank you”, though that doesn’t really make sense- or does it?- so ima just give you another hug 🩷🫂

iloveyouxx OP April 4th

I replied…3 times- in the morning- all of them got deleted :') I think all of them turned out not making sense anyway. and just ranting sometimes. sorry friend :')🩷 @justmeeva

justmeeva April 4th


awe it’s okay 🩷

iloveyouxx OP April 4th



justmeeva April 4th


how are you fren? if okay to ask 🩷

iloveyouxx OP April 4th


i- thought you were them. their upvote and your notification came at almost the same time :') I had a whole rant in my head but can’t type it anymore :D🤍

but yus it’s okay🩷I’m- the worst I could possible get. before dead- I think. sorry.🖤but yuh that’s how I am :PP🤍

iloveyouxx OP April 4th


i had to go btw so sorry for the late reply💜

justmeeva April 4th


*gives you a long hugs if okay* 🩷 i’m sorry, that seems to be the most i can do atm :’) 

iloveyouxx OP April 4th


the most you can do rn is enough and vv much appreciated friend🩷it’s okie💕*hugging you tight*💓

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

I got my brother's finger print and am on his phone :PP

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

he's still asleep- he hadn't slept at night TvT

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

we have over a week more of break and till now I still get school nightmares :>

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

they needa word cos of how often they happen like.. ✨schoolmares✨? :'P

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

I woke up at 7am cos of them :') I felt that horrible nostalgic feeling again. I used to just wake up everyday being so scared. :D

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

I can't get a break from school even in the breaks. 

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

I felt my heart beat all over my body before I slept. and that kept my mind active and awake but school was the last thing on my mind before I did fall asleep

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

*** I needa distraction-

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

I hated the feeling. of waking up or maybe not at all cos most of the time I wouldn't sleep. the first thing I'd do every morning is check the time just to freak out even if it's 4am or smth cos school mornings just never last. I'd probably realize something is missing and freak out about that. then I'd realize how horrible I look and freak out about that and atp I'm rushing too much and I can't and don't even have time to cry. I leave the house ofc late and the weather prolly messes up my already messed up hair. I go up 4 floors already being too drained also who tf lead class is gonn be 4floors up- I make it to lead class after assembly and then that eyad kid starts saying a bunch of stuff like *** :D and the *** *** persun I won't say their name would be their *** ***. ofc someone would make a joke about me trying to km.s which like id gladly do but thats made up so haha how funny :>. I'm gonna have to say my name in register which idk why that's so hard atp I just get a lot of attention shifted to me since I'm usually mute and don't talk. most days we have English first period and that's where the girl that almost killed me is cos she got switched all the way to the last class and we have like 15lead classes in our year group- she also started that rumor about me tryna km.s and jump her and doing psycho things and all sorts of stuff. yk- the reason I lost everything and everyone. so I have to mange almost everyday to get past her and.. *survive*.  I ofc have math somewhere since I do everyday and that's where I sit next to this other girl- basically talked horribly about her supposed to be best friend and her best friend asked me about it. I didn't say anything but she figured it out either way. somehow that turned to even people in senior and primary hating me. I have dance this term so that'd just great. we perform almost everyday and ofc have to be in groups. I managed to get out of it in term2 somehow without performing and if work alone in a paper- but no one wooing ever get that lucky again. I have swimming too which I can't even talk about that cos I have problems with my heart if I get too anxious.  but I genuinely hope I die before we start swimming. Istg I literally hope I die. it's okay :') but it's obv not okay is it and I could go on did hours which is making me want to cry but like o well fml :') I'm gonna go look for that "distraction" now. 

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

my brother has a swipe keyboard so that's why I can't spell *** here 

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

someone's doing smth at the other side of the wall--

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

I wanna rant about the *** counselor and head of year and my dad and his girlfriends and my classmates and my teachers. but. I can't :') 

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

I genuinely hope I die I hope I die so bad I just id wish it on my birthday cake if i could-

iloveyouxx OP April 5th

deaths not the answer". hysgsjalna :')