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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP August 11th


iloveyouxx OP August 11th


iloveyouxx OP August 11th


iloveyouxx OP August 11th

I forgot what number I was on

iloveyouxx OP August 11th


iloveyouxx OP August 11th


iloveyouxx OP August 11th

I hate everything :’) I was grateful enough today

iloveyouxx OP August 11th

gonna go, don’t miss me too much/j

is it getting annoying xD 

why are my jokes making me feel better 

I’m still gonna go tho I don’t feel good

at all


iloveyouxx OP August 11th

today was spent in pain but mostly boredom I guess. I woke up at 5pm

iloveyouxx OP August 11th

if I go away for like a day or two I’m gonna end up leaving again and I don’t want to 

iloveyouxx OP August 11th

woah, such a bad time to be alive :>

iloveyouxx OP August 11th

keep dreaming about school and thinking it’s real

iloveyouxx OP August 11th

fire alarm

iloveyouxx OP August 11th


iloveyouxx OP August 11th


iloveyouxx OP August 11th


iloveyouxx OP August 11th

I’m hallucinating

iloveyouxx OP August 11th

I keep seeing things in the corner of my eye or if I’m focusing on something else then right in front of me and I look and nothings there

iloveyouxx OP August 12th


i saw a lizard. I’ve never seen a lizard before ever, I’ve seen a chameleon once it was so cool I could talk about it for so long. and a lot of grasshoppers :p and one time I saw an ant the size of a foot it was so huge for an ant and I screamed and I remember it so clearly it was ramadan and my brother was sick and he was sleeping and he woke up and he was like yeah it’s big but you don’t have to scream and wake me up. 

iloveyouxx OP August 12th

omg and I saw a tiger one time

right in front of me

it was such an incredible moment I was half asleep tho

iloveyouxx OP August 12th

in primary arabic we watched this story about how tigers got their black stripes

it was fictional but I actually believed it :p for a pretty long time 

iloveyouxx OP August 12th

I’ve been really wanting to run away 

iloveyouxx OP August 12th
running away isn’t cute or fun or look at me I’m being neglected it’s a decision maybe mindless or not thought out sometimes but still a decision and it can be so scary but so so so freeing and like I don’t know where I’m going next but I’m okay I can breathe and feel and I’m okay-
iloveyouxx OP August 12th

lalsljskwjdgegyd I really don’t know what I’m doing


you know I was thinking


i should start sleeping

like a normal person



the thing is

i don’t want to

and I’m scared to


iloveyouxx OP August 12th

I’ve had like 6 pieces of gum today I feel like it’s making me hungrier somehow 

iloveyouxx OP August 12th

I’ve- never really understood systems :’) and now a lot of people are starting to say they think they’re part of one or something

the friend that like you know left for months and left me wanting to st.ab myself 


yeah she was part of one

she used to explain them really well or the best she could. 


iloveyouxx OP August 12th


iloveyouxx OP August 12th
i think they’re interesting tho or interestingly confusing 
iloveyouxx OP August 12th


iloveyouxx OP August 12th


iloveyouxx OP August 12th


iloveyouxx OP August 12th


iloveyouxx OP August 12th

somewhere online a lot of people have been talking bad about cups and showing screenshots and memes etc

and one of my best friends was in one of the screenshots it’s so horrible.

and there are such horrible and disgusting  stuff happening

a girl was getting stalked and sa’d she met her abuser on cups which isn’t the sites fault ofcourse but ugh ew

so many screenshots from the rooms with the craziest things said in them 

someone made a whole series just about how horrible the environment is here

and I’ve watched videos about why people left

one sort of mean meme targeted at someone on here

I’m not agreeing it’s just, sad

unassumingEyes August 12th

@iloveyouxx ive seen those 😬 i dont think cups is perfect, but i feel like people give it way too little credit. Its definitely better than our irl society imo anyways-

iloveyouxx OP August 12th


i was caught up writing a long post in another tab sorry T^T no I agree and you’re right our society irl is…amazing :>/sar wonderful. 

some people come on here to hurt but a lot come to help💖and sometimes I think about how everyone here is still everyone irl. it’s hopeful but most of the time I think about it when stuff is going on in rooms and it feels like something that would happen irl or at school 

cups isn’t perfect but I think being here is worth it and there are still people helping and people being helped and new friends and people that care about you so, worth it❤️

unassumingEyes August 12th

@iloveyouxx Agreed ❤️ short answer, but you said what i think literally xD and yeah, irl society to do. Alot of work. Tons of work. Just break everything down and start over atp-

iloveyouxx OP August 14th

I had all the devices here hidden and no one’s allowed to let me use theirs anymore. I didn’t do anything I guess it’s just that I’ll somehow find a way to endanger myself?

sorry for all the late replies idk when I’ll be able to come on again but I’ve been trying 

my aunt sent my device over to my dad because she couldn’t fix it 

my dad got fired from his second job in this area and apparently there’s another situation with the case but no one’s really gonna tell me about it. I don’t wanna know I guess. the case officially closes tomorrow

anyywhoo :p it’s okay. I just wanted to take the chance to come on here and say all this

iloveyouxx OP August 17th

I slept at (almost) 2pm yesterday 

and woke up at 1:03am today :’)

thats 11 hours without being in pain. or being hungry or bothered or scared. 

felt so surreal waking up then I didn’t know where I was

I wanna go back to sleep.

iloveyouxx OP August 17th

ice died today.

mytwistedsoul August 17th

@iloveyouxx Oh no! This is such sad news 😞 Ice was such a pretty cat. I bet Ice's buddy is feeling alittle lost too