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in the wonders of my mind💗.

iloveyouxx March 17th

hey there :D hm. last time I checked you didn’t look like me🧐makes sense doesn’t it😛since there can only be one *me*✨one of a kind now arent I😁/sar. one out of 8118835999✨🌷can you imagine :0 o right- you can- becoss you’re also one of a kind💖 sorrysorry haha :P🤍im just messing around xD💞also it’s 2am- but shush no snitching🤫I’ll sleep in a while😁when I’m feeling a bit more sane :>😛🩷

wanted to have my own space.💜 for thoughts feelings vents or just anything on my mind.💙

to whoever's coming across :'3💜please dont lurk here.🩷 I know anyone can have access to this forum :')💙but please be respectful🩷.(but honestly..I know someone will either way :P💛 y’all get crazy nosy haha- it’s alright.💛nothing too interesting will be here anyway💛if you would like to come in and be supportive it’s completely okie💛but please don’t make it a regular or "normal" thing if that makes sense. just have a sort of limit💛because I’d still like this to be just my space ^-^💛)


iloveyouxx OP April 8th


iloveyouxx OP April 8th

I’ve had a realization :D/unrelated

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

wait I zoned out ;-;

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

o right. I forgot what wearing short sleeves/shorts felt like :') or well anything that wasn’t hoodies and leggings.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

I had to wear a short sleeved shirt today. 

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

to see how it looks for when we travel-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

it actually felt kinda…free..

iloveyouxx OP April 8th


iloveyouxx OP April 8th

160 ;-;

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

. soooo now I can get it down to 1- which I won’t cos that’d be impossible to see- this is just 5. and now also 160 :D whoopwhoop✨✨😛

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

my brother threw something at my head.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

I don’t even think I know what happened.-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

I just asked to see something in an app on the device he was using.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

and he was ignoring me ofc-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

doing whatever *** he does.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

so I kept asking.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

i was saying please and everything it’s not like I was bein rude-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

but he just kept smiling down at his screen nd pretending he couldn’t hear me.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

fast forward to when he said no and I asked why. he said I was mean or r smth☠️and I just asked literally what I did :’) 

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

how tf am I mean-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

but I was just asking nd still being really kind nd all I wasn’t being defensive or aggressive or anything-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

he called me this word. which I won’t mention. :’)

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

but I was just like- what did I do.. I was just asking why he called me that cos I genuinely didn’t and never done anything to him- is my existence just a problem to everyone atp? 

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

will someone just please *** kill me so no one has to put up with my presence for any longer?

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

no cos see I’m clearly a problem.-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

my *existance*

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

my *being*

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

the fact that I’m unconsciously breathing right now-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

the fact my hearts still beating in my chest.-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

forget globalization let’s talk bout the amount of oxygen this *** is takin up

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

as unfortunate as my being is I can’t km.s .

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

really I’ve tried.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

I’ve tried really *** hard.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

I can’t.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

clearly a lotta people want me dead.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

I want me dead.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

but obv life bein a ***.-

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

I’m sorry.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th

.. I’m sorry.

iloveyouxx OP April 8th
