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Ni's Little Solace

User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers July 25th, 2023

Not sure why I am creating this thread exactly, and I'm doing this so late at night as well :') I just felt... like I should do this haha. I do have a one line a day thread although I... don't think I have felt so free over there to write as much as I wished. So I thought maybe... I should just make another thread, a diary perhaps.. where I can really be myself.. and maybe post pictures and quotes, literary quotes maybe... and poems.. specifically haiku hehe. Also vents.. thoughts and maybe letters :')

Replies are welcome as well <3 although please remember to stay respectful and kind.

*sending lots of love and hugs because why not*

User Profile: Enchanted2024
Enchanted2024 March 7th


Ni Ni hugssss I misssss u so so so sorry I not been on for a long long time (plz dont call me by my old name tho)

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


hi friend 💜 i missed you too…

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


felt like a year. 

User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th

i’m exhausted. 

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul March 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers You did alot of flying and airport stuff today right? Ugh you peopled with strange peoples 😝 ewww 

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


lmao. no that was yesterday 😛 or rather… this morning? or idk. time zones. 😭 it’s way way past midnight here. and i’m too tired to calculate what time it is back home. (funny how when i’m there i call this place ‘back home’ and when i’m here i call that place ‘back home’ smh 🤦🏻‍♀️) 

today included meeting my grandparents and getting advice from my grandpa and meeting some family friends and yeah… 

idk. sorry. 

how’ve you been soul? :o for some reason it feels like forever. idk why 😭

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul March 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers Aww nothing to be sorry for. I think that would tire me out too. Visiting and getting advice about things. Like you just got there - give it a day or two before tossing all this information at you 🤪

Eh - I'm ok thank you for asking. It does feel like it's been a while 😕 so weird lol

How are you? It was an uneventful trip back home? Yeah I'm not sure how the whole back home works lol Guess technically they're both home so - 😂 idk

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


Lol. my grandpa gives advice to everyone. my brother is going to college soon, in August, and my grandpa’s told him to join the military. :') Idk everything was tiring today. 

*hugs Soul if okay* 💜 i think it’s ok to be eh too. 💜 and yeah time is weird I think lol. and timezones are crazy… I hope Soul friend knows Moon friend is here for them if they need 💜 sending lots of good vibes for you. 

Idk how i am lol. just trying to ignore what’s really going on, putting a smile on my face and pretending things are okay. idk… sometimes it feels like we don’t have the space to be not ok or broken. so we have to pretend… Idk. lol. 

it was pretty uneventful 😛 lots of walking at the airport. i felt like my legs were gonna fall off and even told my brother that several times. lmao. 

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul March 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers Lol I think that might be part of being a grandparent. Advice and fussing about how you need to eat and if you look tired. Or it should be. Does it feel alittle weird and scary tht your brother is going to college soon? Do you get along with each other? 

Do your parents fight? You don't have to answer that. It's just that - when you say you're trying to ignore what's going on - I guess I'm just trying to get an understanding but don't want to pry or come across as nosy. I know you're struggling with things 💙

Oh yeah wow you probably got some serious jet lag! 

You mask things alot don't you? Hide behind a smile and pretend that everything is ok 😞 It's exhausting and you're right it does feel like there isn't any space to not be ok. There's this huge show we have to put on to make everyone think everything is simply wonderful. Because god forbid anyone sees anything is less than that 😞 Parents clapping their hands - places everyone! The curtain's about to go up and the show must go on. You better know your lines. Idk what all you're dealing with but I'm sorry you have to deal with it. Growing up shouldn't be so painful and complicated

*hugs Moon tight* thank you 💙 It's ok to not know. And with so much going on with traveling and being exhausted and brothers and colleges and family - it's all alittle much and probably feels really overwhelming 

Will you all stay there for awhile before you have to marathon through the airport again? 
I hope you can get some rest. Maybe catch a few extra zzz 's in the morning? 
Thank you for the hugs and good vibes 😊 sending some back to you 💙

hehe I wrote a book! Omg 😳
User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


lmao… no that’s my grandma. caring and sometimes worried about us. 💜 my grandpa doesn’t care much tbh. he talks about his other relatives, most of whom are uh… deceased. :') my grandpa likes to give advice to us so we can fulfil his dreams, my mom’s dreams, my dad’s dreams… yeah. 

feels weird that he’s going but i don’t mind too much. and yeah we do get along 💜 my brother doesn’t know me very well anymore tbh, and idk him very well either. at least it doesn’t feel like it. we used to be closer… 💜 idk. we are close now too just not as close. 💜 i think i’ll miss him when he goes but he’ll come to visit us and i’ll text him, too. we’ll stay in touch. i promised him i’ll rickroll him daily (: i’m a vicious rickroller. he’s not happy about it but i mean, i’ll annoy him so 😈 lmao. 

my parents fight but not as often as they used to. mmm… :') there are some things that happen but it’s not too bad which is why i don’t talk about it here much. it affects me but i don’t talk about it because it feels like i’m complaining. compared to many parents mine would be considered… great. Idk. lol. i’m weird. 

you describe it so well Soul… :') thank you for understanding and for being there. 💜 you’re the best you ever :') i appreciate you so much. 💜 (and yeah i know your brain disagrees… but that’s okay… i guess we can all take our time, to try to see the good in ourselves…) 

yeah, we are staying here for like 2 weeks. and i love books 😛 and essays. especially Soul friend’s essays and books :o 💜 they are the best. 

thank you Soul. 💜 

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul March 9th

@LoveMyMoonflowers Aww I'm glad your grandma's like that 💙 I mean it's not good she worries of course. So your family is living or redoing their childhoods through you and your brother 😕 That's alot of pressure on you and him. It doesn't leave much room for you to be you if you're tossed into the role of grandpa 2.0 😐

I'm glad to hear you'll keep in touch with each other. Idk having siblings is a foreign concept to me. I guess it's natural to grow apart as you both grow up. Different likes and dislikes. Lol I could almost hear the smile when you talked about Rick rolling him 😂

You know Moon - abuse is abuse and comes in many forms. It's not always hitting and screaming. It can be subtle and insidious. Covert. Emotional and mental abuse leaves scars that can last a life time. You shouldn't compare what you're dealing with to what others are dealing with. It's not fair to you. 💙 You're holding it all inside and it's tearing you apart 😞 Anything that's hurting you is important too ok? There is no comparing ok? Please don't silence yourself 

This is your space. To write whatever is on your mind. Or you could start a new thread and have no replies on it?  

You're welcome Moon 💙 I appreciate you too 😊 although - yeah - my brain blew a raspberry 😂😂 I hope with time we can all see the good in us 💙

You have anything fun or cool planned for the two weeks or just there to visit? I get the feeling this is going to feel like a very long two weeks for you. 😕 I hope I'm wrong about that though 💙
*Hugs Moon tight* lots of love to you Moon 
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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th

i have too many notifications again :/ and it’s way way past midnight. 

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User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul March 8th

@LoveMyMoonflowers Hate to admit it but sometimes I just delete them 😬 You can always unsubscribe to some too of they're older threads for discussions

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


yeah lol 💜

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th

why is it that cups would just make me even more exhausted… 

User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th

*** nvm idek what i’m saying nvm Ni 

User Profile: mytwistedsoul
mytwistedsoul March 8th

Hi Moon Pie 💙 sorry I didn't mean to pounce. Why don't you get some rest and maybe deal with it tomorrow? 

1 reply
User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


no i don’t think you pounced Soul. it’s okay. 💜 and yeah i should sleep but i have to deal with something here first. at the house. 🙄 lol. 

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th

thanks for the censor, 7cups………… 

User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


7 replies
User Profile: justmeeva
justmeeva March 8th


you okay..?

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th



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User Profile: justmeeva
justmeeva March 8th


hey buddy 🩷

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


how’s you… :') /nfta 💜

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User Profile: justmeeva
justmeeva March 8th


like 90% ~away~ so not exactly sure, but it’s fine 🩷 hru? /nfta either

User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 8th


*huggle wuggles* 💜

User Profile: justmeeva
justmeeva March 8th


*hugssss* 🩷

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 9th

site: we are just verifying that you are human ✨ 

me: dude i didn’t even know i was a human? 

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes March 9th

@LoveMyMoonflowers i get so nervous with those

(my sis makes a joke that im a robot all the time. Lol)

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 9th


smh lol :') to eyes buddy’s sister: 👀 

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User Profile: unassumingEyes
unassumingEyes March 9th

@LoveMyMoonflowers my sis is a mood lol

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 9th


lol 😅

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Site: "no worries, just select 4/8 pictures that have the tiniest bit of red in them and if you pass, we'll confirm you are, indeed, a hooman." 🥰

*purposely selects the wrong pictures*

Site: "🙄"

Me: same😴

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 9th


sunniiieee lovely 🤭 hehe you’re so sweet. <3 lmao 😛

3 replies


Sweet? Maybe, but hooman? We need to check with the site!😛

Lol I find it really funny too, all those verify thingies like bruh?! what on Earth are we even doing trying to confirm we are human to a software?!😭

Hehe *hugs Niibuddybeaniee*🤗❤

2 replies
User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 9th


no maybe’s Sunnniiieeee! 💜 you are the master of sweetness, always and forever 💜 and mmm :') me knows brainie can be meanie tbh :') and say you’re not, but nuuuu, me thinks you’re the master of sweetness, me knows it 💜 and many other hoomans do too. <3 

lmao ikr Sun 🥲 it feels so very silly but they must have some reason for it 🧐 lol 💜

*huggle wuggles Sunbuddybeanie back tight* somehow it feels like it’s been a while lol. Idk. 😭 Ni friend has missed you 💜 

1 reply


Aww you just did it again Niibuddy, melted my heart so much being soooo sweet. *you* are the sweetness master hehe, not gonna lie, it also seems cool as a badge name lol. Cups should have something like this and I'd defo nominate you for it.🥰

*huggle wuggle tightttt*

You're in my thoughts so often, sweet one.🤗💗

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 March 11th

😂 Nice. So you're not all ga-ga over today's technology, either? My feelings about it are...mixed. That's the best way to put it.

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User Profile: slowdecline48
slowdecline48 March 10th


Website: To proceed further, do XYZ to verify you are human.

Me: You realize that AIs are getting more sophisticated every year, right?...I could be one myself, for all you know.

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User Profile: LoveMyMoonflowers
LoveMyMoonflowers OP March 10th


exactly Slow exactly 😭🤣

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