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In The Gloaming TW *just in case*

mytwistedsoul November 7th, 2019

With the tragic loss of the feed and after much debate and discussion. It's been decided to create a new thread. Soul space so to speak. A journal of sorts.

A place where I can dump some of the nonsense that goes on in my head.

While replies are welcome - they aren't necessary.

barncat June 8th

@mytwistedsoul- Great woodworking skills. And love the sunrises.

mytwistedsoul OP June 13th

@barncat It's nice to see you! Thank you!

Tinywhisper11 June 13th

@mytwistedsoul 😍😍😍 theese are beautiful soul ❤❤

mytwistedsoul OP June 13th

@Tinywhisper11 Thank you ❤️

mytwistedsoul OP June 19th

feelings fade when you live like a ghost

dream in colors that light up the night

but real life shows that it takes away 

and nothing is ever right

how do we live

if nothing is real when we're awake

death plays with it's victim 

through hide and seek

can feel its cold touch when we're weak

souls depart and the sky turns black 

shows you in dreams

all that you lack

the light blinds when we walk through ***

a constant reminder

a ghost in the shell 

know that nothing is real

the pain won't erase

wait for a miracle 

maybe then we can escape 🐾 

mytwistedsoul OP June 22nd

It's been hot 



The lilies are blooming








Found a new friend 



Really liked the strawberries

slowdecline48 June 23rd


  1. I didn't know you were into flowers. You must be a skilled gardener.
  2. I knew you were a sweet guy... But seriously, that looks familiar. In the deep South we have a lot of turtles around, as you probably know. I've encountered a few & saved two from getting smashed by oncoming traffic, so far. Will post the stories in my journal if you or anyone else is interested (& if I remember to).
mytwistedsoul OP June 24th

@slowdecline48 Skilled might be a stretch lol. I just like watching things grow. And most of them are pretty self sufficient once they're planted. I do have to protect them from the deer so most are in fenced areas

Duude my cover! ssshhhh 😎 Nah I am a big softy when it comes to animals and I feed pretty much everything around here. That's how I ended up with a cat 🤪 Birds - squirrels - deer - chipmunks. Which I found a random sugar pea plant today growing father away then what I planted them 😁 The squirrels and chipmunks take sunflower seeds and bury them in the woods. Kind of cool to be walking along and see a random sunflower growing 
You're a softy too 😉 It's awesome you rescued them. Most people don't seem to care
mytwistedsoul OP June 24th

I think I figured out why I don't drink much water. I have rabies 😬🤪

slowdecline48 June 24th

@mytwistedsoul Drink some other clear liquids before you drink that glass of water. You know, stuff like wh1skey, v0dka, etc...imbibe enough in a short timespan & not only will you relax, the stuff will k1ll off the rabies germs! 😁

mytwistedsoul OP June 24th

@slowdecline48 Oh now that I like! A prescription I can fill easy! 😁 Moonshine should do the trick. Grandpa always said it'll cure whatever ails you 😂 

slowdecline48 June 27th

@mytwistedsoul You've had moonshine? Now that's country... Have tried it myself, twice. The first time was when I was out in the Midwest. One of our neighbors got it from a local source. It burned going down my gullet at first but it tasted good at the time. Thought I was doing okay...until I went to get up from the table after my 3rd sip. 😵‍💫 😆 Second time was years later...I was hanging out with a friend in Austin & he bought a jar of it from a local maker/dealer...yes, really.

The stuff had an apple slice in it for flavor. It certainly got us smashed but, would you believe, the guy who made it didn't use any barley or corn? Seriously!...he mixed in a lot of sugar into the water & added his yeast to that. *smh* That is no way to make shine. If I ever start fermenting stuff again & get into distillation, you can bet the initial feedstock will never be all sugar.

mytwistedsoul OP July 2nd

@slowdecline48 😂 That sounds about right. It hits hard and fast. They call that sugar 'shine here. Up here they mostly use corn. There was some really good blackberry a few years ago. Yeah that stuff will knock you on your *** 😁 You can buy it in the liquor stores now. Not as many people make it anymore 

mytwistedsoul OP June 26th

Not sure why but this song is in my head 

Rem - Losing my religion

slowdecline48 June 27th

@mytwistedsoul Now that takes me back!... Yeah, R.E.M. was big in the 1990's & early 00's. Time goes by so d**n fast, doesn't it?

mytwistedsoul OP July 2nd

@slowdecline48 There was a lot of good music back then! I think every decade? had good music. YouTube has so many different rabbit holes to fall down when it comes to music 

mytwistedsoul OP July 6th

do you remember how it started

when you were hiding in the dark

the voices that called you at the end

were they angel, demon....friend?

what if something waits under the bed

creeps out at night 

and lives in your head?

if everything is better when you're dreaming

why are we so afraid to sleep 🐾 

slowdecline48 July 6th

@mytwistedsoul Some interesting short verse...

It kinda reminds me of this.

mytwistedsoul OP August 29th
slowdecline48 September 6th

They go heavy on the chorus...

mytwistedsoul OP August 30th

mirrors broken

fractured and shattered 

the face u see, shows chilling imperfections 

kindness is gone, now a sneer

a monster within, drawing near

darkness takes hold

the good that once was, bought and sold

whispers grow louder, the lines blur

a beast awakened 

rage simmers, fires consume

burnt bridges, disobeyed rules

empathy fades to distant memories 

the world a playground for mankind's cruelty

should we fight back? can we regain control?

are we destined for such a hellish role?innocence lost, such a heavy price to pay

for the monsters awakened, on that fateful day

monster roars, only a spark remains

of the light we once held, fighting with our chains

someday maybe we'll find our way back 

for now, we are all monsters walking o

n a desolate path

mytwistedsoul OP August 30th


slowdecline48 August 30th

@mytwistedsoul A good commentary on the human condition. 👍🏼

amiableBunny4016 August 30th


your writing is always so eloquent soul 💙 thank you for sharing this soul! its always lovely reading your writing!

LoveMyMoonflowers September 5th


mytwistedsoul OP September 5th

@LoveMyMoonflowers Aww thank you Moon Pie! 💙 It's nice to see you 😊

LoveMyMoonflowers September 5th


it's nice to see you too Soul. ❤️ you've been in my thoughts a lot.

mytwistedsoul OP September 5th

@LoveMyMoonflowers And you've been in mine 💙 *offers safe hugs* 💙 I've missed you 

LoveMyMoonflowers September 6th

@mytwistedsoul i've missed you too. *hugs* how have you been soul ❤️ how's your health? *no pressure* 

mytwistedsoul OP September 11th

@LoveMyMoonflowers  I'm idk? Trying to be productive. Health is about the same - just learning to manage some things better. Thank you for asking 💙 

How is Moon? *no pressure either* 💙

slowdecline48 September 11th

@mytwistedsoul Don't mean to butt in but I have to ask: what? You have chronic health issues too?

mytwistedsoul OP September 13th

@slowdecline48 Doesn't everyone? 😅 I have problems with my bones and joints. Some nerve damage. Migraines and some issues with my kidneys

slowdecline48 September 13th

D**n, I'm sorry to hear it... So you know what it's like to see your plan for the day turn to fresh cow💩. Yes indeed...all that's left is to lay down, try to lessen the pain if possible & wait for the worst to pass.

mytwistedsoul OP September 13th

@slowdecline48 Thanks. Yeah I lay down at night thinking I'll get this done and that done the next day and something usually turns it into a big steaming pile of 🐂 💩 😝

LoveMyMoonflowers 16 hours ago

@mytwistedsoul I didn't realise it's been so long… you posted this literally 9 days ago. :') time is so weird. i'm so sorry for the late reply :/

Yeah… i get that, i guess sometimes when we try to be productive it’s easier to distract ourselves from… stuff. lol. *hugs for soul if okay* I'm glad your managing some things better. 💜 but health is so weird isn't it… :/ and is so stressful. :') 

i'm kind of the same, trying to be productive. Keeping myself busy with school work and writing. other than that… it's a mystery 😭 Let's go with 'fine.' *shrug* 

💜 *Sends lots of love* 

mytwistedsoul OP 11 hours ago

@LoveMyMoonflowers Hey that's alright. No worries and no need to be sorry ok? 💙 Time is fluid. Health is definitely weird and what works for one person doesn't always work for someone else. Stress?! What stress ?! 😅 I'm glad you're keeping busy although having to do school work would really suck tbh lol. Sometimes being productive seems over rated doesn't it? If it's ok to ask - You writing for purpose or for pleasure? I'm fine doesn't really sound fine. *offers safe hugs 💙* You know you can always talk with me right? No pressure of course *lots of love to you Moon Pie 💙*