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Being Proud of Yourself on Your Worst Days

Countrygirl095 February 21st

Being Proud of Yourself on Your Worst Days

Life can be filled with ups and downs. Some days may feel fulfilling and successful, while others may feel completely overwhelming and disheartening. It is during these moments of weakness that we can often lose sight of our own worth and accomplishments. However, it is essential for our well-being and personal growth to remember that even on our worst days, there are still reasons to be proud.

Recognizing the Human Nature of Burning Out

We all experience moments of burnout. It is an inherent part of human nature and can happen to anyone at any time. Whether it's due to stress, exhaustion, or mental fatigue, these moments are inevitable. It is important to remember that experiencing burnout is not a sign of failure; it is simply a sign that we need to take a pause and recharge.

Embracing Our Fragility

We are like fragile glass, vulnerable to the ups and downs of life. Just like a glass that breaks upon impact, we can experience setbacks and breakdowns. However, it is important to remember that this fragility is an inherent part of who we are. It allows us to grow, learn, and evolve.

Failing as a Stepping Stone

When we experience a breakdown or a setback, it is easy to view it as a failure. However, in reality, failure is simply a part of the learning process. It is through failures that we learn, adapt, and grow. Every setback is an opportunity for growth and a stepping stone towards our ultimate success.

Finding Your Beautiful Base

As we navigate through life's ups and downs, it is important to remember that our base, our core, is beautiful. Our true nature is resilient, strong, and compassionate. It is through our failures and setbacks that we discover who we truly are. Our beautiful base is always there, reminding us of our worth and the potential for greatness.


In conclusion, being proud of yourself on your worst days is a journey. It requires recognizing the inherent nature of burnout and embracing our fragility. It is through these experiences that we discover our base and find our strength. Remember that failure is not failure, but a valuable stepping stone towards our ultimate success. So, next time you find yourself struggling, take a moment to be proud of yourself, even on your worst days.

Hope February 22nd


Great reminder! We often forget to do this when we need it most. 

RainbowRosie February 26th


🌹 I love these reminders, so thank you!

It’s so nice to know we’re not alone in these feelings and yes, like you say we need to be proud of ourselves indeed! 


Countrygirl095 OP March 27th

You’re welcome

NotAllHere713 April 1st


Thank you. Although I am unable to see things in a positive way, I am grateful for your words. They shine a ray of light in my darkness. 

Tinywhisper11 April 13th

@Countrygirl095 I broke like glass this week. I had enough, it all came down hard this week, and I broke I didn't want to keep going. I've been taking more time, to try to understand and take care of my mental wellbeing now. I feel much better ❤ but your right, on those times when you've given up, you gotta try change your perspective. Thanks for posting this thread ❤

YourShouder03 May 26th

@Countrygirl095 I agree! being okay with not being perfect is so important to learn

Renjik8013 May 27th


Thank you so much for the reminders and I love it! I agree that it's sometimes necessary to be proud of our achievements.

Catmomj99 June 2nd

thank you for this post! This was something I needed today! ❤️❤️

Hollytail June 2nd

@Countrygirl095 Thank you for the tips! I would remember reminding myself during the tough times! 

brightFriend2998 June 12th

@Countrygirl095 Thank you for sharing this insightful message. It's a powerful reminder that even on our worst days, there's always something to be proud of. 

ScorpiaD June 28th

@Countrygirl095 Agreed! Sometimes we forget to be proud of ourselves of our accomplishments and goals.

Meenakshi29 July 11th


Thanku for such a great reminder... Grateful for you Tu post this 😌

Maslow July 16th

@Countrygirl095 hard but so important

CreativeKombucha July 21st


I have been dealing with a lot of setbacks for the last few years and I have learned that they are only making me stronger.  At the moment, I am not where I want to be career-wise, however, I have a lot to be thankful for.     For instance, I have a great group of friends who I see and spend time with on a regular basis.