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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

heathermarie95 October 1st, 2023

Hello @EvelyneRose

You have received an appreciation from @Waterfallsofnature36


They also sent you a trophy!


To EvelyneRose -

It is great to see all the

positive reviews that you have.

Keep up the great work!

To Waterfallsofnature36 -

It is great to see how much

you have accomplished.

Keep up the great work!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 1st, 2023

Hey hey @ChillingRain you are so kindly appreciated by @Lunaire00 for being totally awesome.🤍


Luna also sent you some flowers.💐


It's always a special sight when everyone's working as one team, being supportive and encouraging towards each other and most importantly, showing up for your peers. Keep being wonderful, you two!🤍

VictoriaLove7 October 1st, 2023


It is a pretty graphic, Sunshine! 🌞❤

The letter color is green because the background in the graphic is green. The hearts emoji is white because the font in the graphic is white! ©️ Sunshine's original style! 🤗❤

The flowers emoji is similar to the flowers in the image, you are owlsome, Sunshine! 🌞❤🤗

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 2nd, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 thankyousomuch-hearts.gif

Lunaire00 October 2nd, 2023


Thank you ever so much for the beautiful graphic and for capturing the message so beautifully! 🤍

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 2nd, 2023


SOoo glad to hear that! <3


Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 1st, 2023

Hey hey @Lovemymoonflowers, superrr happy to share this uber sweet appreciation from @BenittaJ for you! 💗


Totallyyyy agreed, Nii buddy, you make pawesome posts as a PAT member and always have the sweetest, most heart felt words for everyone.🥰

Benii also wanted to gift you a self-care kit and what better than to add everything *you* like/ need in your self-care kit, as you mentioned here hehe. I hope you like it and continue practicing some self-care, Nii buddy, you deserve all the love and compassion in the world. 💗


LoveMyMoonflowers October 1st, 2023


ajfoeifowkwnfifjkwkw sun budddddyyy 😭😭😭 I can see you put in a great deal of thought, time and love into this beautiful post 🥺💖 aww. Honestly idk what to say…. Thank you for your sweet words 🥺💕 and the adorable graphics 💕 your absolutely amazing as owlways 🥺😭🤧 sending lots of love your way 💛

the blue, white and gold-ish graphic for the appreciation is sooo very lovelyyyy 🥺💙 I saved it, I can’t stop looking at it because it’s so so beautiful! 💙 sweet sun buddy did it again! 💕 you make some of the best posts and are a beautiful blessing to the PAT, and to this community 💛

And the self-care kit 😭😭😭 oh my daaaaayyys, that was soo so thoughtful of youu 🥺 the little sleeping koala is so cutuu 💛 and the therapist is a caaaaaatttt! 💃🐾 of course xD seriously though, it’s all so so sweet 💙 I love the little journaaaall and the pennnn! 🥺😭😭 aaaaahhh, I love this kit 💙

thank you so much for putting in so muchh love and thought into thissss 🥺🤧💛


Bennniiiiii! 🥺💜 I seriously can’t describe your sweetnesssss 😭😭 your thoughtful little note means so so much to me 💕 it was so sweet of you to point out the little details 💙 it shows how observant and thoughtful you are, and I want to thank you for thaaattt 💕 I really appreciate you so so muchh 💜

Unfortunately I won’t be able to chat with you in the rooms since I’m a teenie right now 🥺 but I’m so excited to see you around more often in the forums and chaaattt 💜 and, when I become an adult, in the chat rooms! 💕

Thank you for the beautiful self-care kit 🥺💜 I really hope you’re taking care of your oh-so sweet, thoughtful self as well 💕 you deserve so muchhh love and appreciation 💜 sending lots of love and hugs, if okies 💜

Ni 🌙🌸

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 2nd, 2023


Awww Nii buddy making me tear up with being just as observant, thoughtful and incrediblyyy sweeeet!😭💖

Of freaking course, I'd put in a great deal of thought and effort for you and I'd do it again and again and againnnn, because you deserve allll the caring efforts and beautiful thoughts always, my sweet Nii buddy, you're soooo speciallll!💖

Im superrrrr happy you love it and yusss please save it and continue to embrace all the kindness, one sweet compliment at a time. The koala defo has my heart too lol, I'd love me a lil koala plushie someday.🥰 *koalaaa hugggless Niibuddyyy*


LoveMyMoonflowers October 2nd, 2023


Awww! So cutuuuuu! 😭😭😭

*koallaaaaa huggles back tightlyyy* 🐨💛🫂

BenittaJ October 27th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers tightt hugsss love

GrimSox October 2nd, 2023

🌶️🔥Time for a spicy appreciation post for Amy @NeurospicyGirl 🔥🌶️

💛 sent by @BenittaJ 💛

the message reads:


💛🌶️ Benitta has sent you a championship trophy to celebrate these qualities of yours, Amy ^ ^ 🌶️💛



🌶️🌶️ Amy, dear smile spreader buddy, I am with Benitta 💛 too on that! I love your PAT posts and you're a great smile spreader ^ ^ 🌶️🌶️
💛 Thank you Benitta, for noticing, appreciating their efforts. 💛 I love Bubbles too, my fav PowerPuff Girl! 🤗

High resolution images: Spicy
NeurospicyGirl October 2nd, 2023

Thankyou so much for this lovely appreciation @BenittaJ I'm so glad you are enjoying my PAT posts 🤗 hugs for you

Thankyou for making this awesome appreciation @grimsmark8 it's so colourful and pretty

BenittaJ October 3rd, 2023

@NeurospicyGirl ❤️huggy huggy

GrimSox October 2nd, 2023

🐺 Awooooo!! 🐺
😇 Look what do we have here! The amazing Anna @AnnaSilverberg receives an appreciation from @KindWolf2023

and the howlsome message reads:


🍫🍫 Wolfie has also sent you chocolates Anna, yummy yumm ^ ^ 🍫🍫



🌊🌊 Anna, I'm fortunate to know you too! You've helped me encouraged me a lot, and so for all the PAT peoples 😍🥰. Thank you for being such a wonderful presence, making splashes of love and kindness on 7cups. 🌊🌊
🐺 Thank you for appreciating all that Anna does, Wolfie, you're a strong and dedicated smile spreader ^ ^ Much love and power to you both.🐺

High resolution images: Anna
AnnaSilverberg October 2nd, 2023

My appreciation is absolutely beautiful!
💕 Thank you for making it Grim! 💕


You are so kind, it even says so in your name!
💓 Your words truly warm my heart! 💓
Thank you for appreciating me!
I am so lucky to be a part of such a wonderful team!

You are both so amazing!
💙 I hope you have an amazing day 💙

KindWolf2023 October 3rd, 2023

@AnnaSilverberg thanks Anna you truly deserve it and so much more!!! 💛💜💙🍪

KindWolf2023 October 3rd, 2023

@grimsmark8 Loving this image it is so awesome pawsome awoooooo!!!! Thanks Grimmy!!

GrimSox October 2nd, 2023

💙Hello Laiba! @Hope 💙
^ ^
🌊 You've received an appreciation from @Waterfallsofnature36 🌊

The message graphic says:


🏆 Waterfalls has also sent you a Championship-trophy, Laiba 🏆



💙 Laiba, I don't think anything I'd say beyond Waterfall's appreciation does better justice to what all you do for 7cups. I fully agree! Thank you for always being there and active for us, regarding the courses, internships and much more. Also, I love your pfp, reminds me of snow globes. You are definitely a role model for everyone on cups 💙
Thank you, Waterfalls ^ ^

High resolution images:Hope
Hope October 2nd, 2023

@grimsmark8 @Waterfallsofnature36

Thank you both for such kind words. I appreciate it. Thank you for your hard work.

GrimSox October 2nd, 2023

🐘👓😇 Hello, Obs @ASilentObserver 🐘👓😇

Waterfalls @Waterfallsofnature36 has sent an appreciation for you! 😍


🏆 Falls has sent you a championship trophy, and my my, you do look good with it ^ ^ 🏆



Aww, Waterfalls... seems like we had a little bit of typo, but that's alright hehe.
😇I feel the warmth and essence in your gratitude for Obs! ✨Thank you for all the lovely posts, forum materials, the check-ins and the myriad things you do for us, Obs ^ ^ Hope you grow with all the love 💕and support that Obs has nourished 7cups with.

High resolution images:Obs

LoveMyMoonflowers October 2nd, 2023
Hello there Frenchie! @FrenchMarbles

You’ve received a super funsies appreciation from sweet Sun buddy! 🌞💛



Sun being their awesome pawesome self, also sent you (a very well-deserved!) champion’s trophy!


🏆 A little note from me 🏆

Sun buddy thank you so much for shining so much light here 💛 by spreading your lovely Sun-buddy magic hehe :3 You’ve been sending in all these beautiful appreciations as well, observing the good and the beautiful in everyone 🥺💛 I hope you will owlways remember how meowgical 💃🐾 loved and appreciated you are too! 💛🫂

Frenchie thank you for being *you*! 🏆 Your fun, genuine and thoughtful self is so so appreciated here 💛 I agree with Sun buddy *wholeheartedly* 😛 You really are so *iconic* and we are so so grateful for all the light you shine here, by being *you* 💛 It’s owlways so so funsies to see you around in Teenie Land as well, whether it’s in TCR/SR or in the Mindful Monday/Fantastic Friday sessions! 💛 I’m sending lots of love and hugs your way, if okies :3 Keep being *you* okay? Your awesome 💛

🌙 Ni 🌸
Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 2nd, 2023


Nii buddy, I somehow didn't receive the tag (#forumsbeingforums lol), but yayy this is such a beautifulll post, I looooveee the adorable graphic and your sweeetttterrrr than the sweetest-most-thingy in the world words as owlways. Thankkkieeesss! 😭💗

Loooafff youuu so much. *koalahugglessss* 🐨🤗

LoveMyMoonflowers October 2nd, 2023


xD no worries sun buddy, it’s probably that tag poofing fairy! 😤

*koala hugs backk* this is my new favourite type of huggle 🥺💛🐨

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 2nd, 2023


Yassss 😤 (on a scale of 1-10 how v a l i d would it be to nom the tag poofing fairy though?!😈)

Hehehe yusss koalahuggless are the bearyyy bestt!🥺🥰


LoveMyMoonflowers October 3rd, 2023


Hehe sorry for the v late reply

I think it would be vv much valid 😭😭😭

*noms the evil fairy*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 3rd, 2023
Hiya @beck1, not sure if you'll get to see this one, I do hope you do, because you've truly made a terrific impact on here and deserve to be reminded of it as often possible!💙
@lunaire00 has a sweet note full of gratitude for you!💙


[💙Beautiful graphic made for y'all by @rubyjane00, I'm only posting this on their behalf💙]

Luna also sent you some candiees and rubyjane00 found this lovely set of sweet munchiees for you to enjoy!🥰

We'll miss you lots, Becki, you've been an awesome presence here and your contributions to the site as well as your compassion towards those you've met here will forever stay. Sending love and good wishes always.💙
VictoriaLove7 October 3rd, 2023


The words are in red because beck1 name in the graphic is red! The typed letter for the names and the hearts are in blue because the background is blue! 🤗❤

Though Ruby created the graphic, you combined it nicely with your style, Sunshine! 🌞❤🤗

Lunaire00 October 3rd, 2023


Thank you so much for another spectacular and awesome graphic, Sun! I cannot thank the PAT enough for all they do! 🤍

beck1 October 3rd, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Awe thank you. This is a very sweet message

GrimSox October 6th, 2023

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Beck1 Aww, I just read your profile bio. Thank you for everything, Becki. I'll miss you lots 🥺🥺 @rubyjane00 your graphics are soo cute always, I wanna live in the little white bear land 

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 3rd, 2023

Hey hey @ShimmeringReed, you have received a beautiful appreciation from a secret friend on cups.🥰


[This adorable graphic is made by @rubyjane00 for you wonderful people🥰]

Your secret friend also sent the following picture for you:


And they'd like to encourage some self care for you and therefore would like to share a self-care kit with you! 🧡


Image in a better quality!

Thank youu, secret friend for your compassionate words, hope you practice self care as well!🧡

Sending lots of love your way, Reed, may you keep shimmering with kindness always!🧡

Optimisticempath October 4th, 2023

Hi @PatienceImpatiens a very kind message by @benittaj for you💕


Benitta also gifted you warm hugs 🤗


You are both so kind and sweet Benitta and Pat 💕

PatienceImpatiens October 4th, 2023

@Optimisticempath @Optimisticempath @benittaj @iampapaya @merliah @neonblueberry1843

🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎 Benitta Luv 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎 so many hours of talking, talking, sharing, supporting we did! Yes! And, recently I've been limiting my time on 7 cups because of this and that and responsibilities and so on. But yes, we chatted and had such fun. I remember all those good times and you all together helped me get through some tough times myself. You are all treasures, and Benitta, this came as such a Huge and Lovely Surprise to me! Thank you so much for thinking of me and all our Friends and our nice Chats. I'm sending you a special Gecko!!!! 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎screen-shot-2023-10-04-at-2-00-55-pm_1696446162.png

🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎Also, Optimistic Empath, thanks for making Benitta's appreciation so Lovely. Huge Thank You for your Work of Kindness! 🦎🦎🦎🦎🦎

Lots of Love and Furry Hugs, and Always Blankets and a Beverage of Choice, and Snacks.

Patience (=^^= )

Optimisticempath October 6th, 2023

@PatienceImpatiens aw you have such a beautiful way with words no wonder everyone adores you 🥰 

BenittaJ October 27th, 2023

@PatienceImpatiens So happy to hear from you Pat tight hugs hope your doing good.

Optimisticempath October 4th, 2023

Hello @Lolowise475 you are appreciated 💕 by @benittaJ 💕


The message is "I still remember you, I'm not sure if you do i always wanted to appreciate you for being good to others but i dint because the fellow cups member mocked me for not giving you extra time to share in sharing circle. Tats was so rude of those guys it hurted me. So I had a kinda bitter feeling. You might not know all these i understand. This is my first time writing to you. Lolowise i take this opportunity to apologise to you. I'm sorry lolowise everyone gets 7 mins but I gave u 9mins i couldn't increase more cuz there was other people waiting to share. If I had a listener acc i would listen to you how long ever. Thankyou for good and kind to my fellow friends please continue showering love.." 🥰

Benitta 💕 It's quite brave of you to apologise and sweet of you to appreciate lolowise 💕

Candies for both of you so there's lots of sweetness in your life ☺


(A gif with lots of candieeeeees😋😋)

Optimisticempath October 4th, 2023

This actually made me smile @benittaJ 😄 you are so adorable. You do deserve appreciations and it's ok to appreciate yourself without any reason too 💕 you are v kind to everyone and send really sweet appreciations for others and I think you make the community a great place 🤗


Some self care ideas for your kit 💕


Hope you keep being kind to you also 🤗

BenittaJ October 4th, 2023

@Optimisticempath Thankyou so much ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I took a SS of the self care kit and I'm gonna try ittttt 🥰 Thankyou

Optimisticempath October 6th, 2023

@BenittaJ mika-noah.gif