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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

LifeIsMyCanvas August 2nd, 2023


hahahahaha this really made me chuckle, ty to the 'secret' friend 😉. I suppose I'd better write the book now then!

heathermarie95 July 27th, 2023

Hello @Mytwistedsoul

You have received an appreciation from a Secret Friend!


To Mytwistedsoul -

It is great to see how

much you have accomplished

here as a member. Keep up

the great work!

To Secret Friend -

Thank you for sending

in an appreciation.

Keep being the kind

person that you are!

mytwistedsoul July 27th, 2023

@heathermarie95 Omgosh! Thank you so much secret friend! ❤️

LifeIsMyCanvas August 2nd, 2023


It wasn't me...but as I have seen you here I also want to say what a wonderful support you are to our group chat and to me personally my friend ❤️

mytwistedsoul August 2nd, 2023

@LifeIsMyCanvas Aww thank you Canvas 😊 Truth be told - I couldn't do it without you ❤️

VictoriaLove7 July 27th, 2023


@Fristo ⭐

Happy birthday!





Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 27th, 2023


A coookieeelicious post for our birthday-bean @fristo, this is all kinds of adoughrable, Vicc! 🥰

@TheOneReadingThis and our sweet appreciators @Ouicherie @ASilentObserver @Whyme3112 ❤


VictoriaLove7 July 27th, 2023


Thank chuu for tagging the appreciators, Sunshine! 🌞❤ me forgot ☺

I love your punniness ©️ Sunshine 🥳( Adoughrable like chu! 🤗❤ )


ouiCherie July 27th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 so cuuuute! Thank you, Vic, @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @VioletVeritas


Wishing you a wonderful birthday, health and happiness always, Fristo! 🎂😇🥳

VictoriaLove7 July 27th, 2023


Thank you for the cdm program, Cherie! I attended a session you led a while ago 😃

ouiCherie July 28th, 2023


Aaah... yes! I remember a Victoria in one of the sessions. A kind and supportive participant who showed interest in CDM 😀🙏🏻

Thank you for the support and for this nudge Vic! 🩷

VictoriaLove7 July 27th, 2023

Hiya Hopes

@LandOfHopesx3 🌸

you got an appreciation from

@88Avocados 🥑


From me


Thank you for your kind presence. You are a wonderful person! 🥑


Thank you for supporting fellow members for their internship program! 🌸

LandOfHopesx3 July 27th, 2023

@88Avocados That is so kind of you Avocado <3 I love talking to you and keeping up with your progress! You are an amazing intern to have <3
@VictoriaLove7 Thank you for all the efforts that you do to make people feel appreciated <3

VictoriaLove7 July 27th, 2023


Thank you for helping others with their internships!

lightPrune1000 July 27th, 2023

Thanks Fristo for allowing me to appreciate myself!

Appreciation for Fristo! May you have a wonderful birthday 🎂



Self appreciation

I am appreciating myself for knowing my ex narcissist friend is using me and my friends.

We are done with her and let her husband and children be her supply.


teenytinyturtle July 27th, 2023

Hey Fristo! Some wonderful human beings have been busy appreciating you!

Here are two lovely appreciations to @fristo

@meaningfulsilence thank you for your beautiful message, and I love the quote, it is very true 💜


@tulipsmile yay yay, fristo definitely always makes us smile! thank you for sharing the lovely birthday wishes with our friend fristo!


MeaningfulSilence July 27th, 2023


Hello teeny!! That's soooo beautiful 😍 Thank you for putting it together!

GrimSox July 27th, 2023

@teenytinyturtle lovely presents and the sun 🌞 I do need good amount of sun in real life for my mood, but mannn when I see such wholesome posts with a cheerful sun, it has the same effect ❤️ Awesome!

Tulipsmile July 27th, 2023

@teenytinyturtle mar%C3%A7o.gif

LoveMyMoonflowers July 27th, 2023
Hello there my sweet shining buddy <3 aka @Sunisshiningandsoareyou !! I'm so delighted to share a lovely appreciation you received from Am, aka @Yougotmyback

The note reads: 'I want to appreciate you because of the way you support people in the forums! You're always so kind, supportive, friendly and optimistic. Love your positivity! 🩷✨
Whenever I read something posted by you, I always end up smiling! 🐾
I feel you deserve to be appreciated. You're seen. ☘️⭐'


In addition to that, Am found that you are a Great Communicator, Patient, Empathetic, Supportive, Humble, Cheerful, and Optimistic.

A little note from me:

Shining buddy, you truly are such a kind, beautiful soul <3 thank you so so muchh- for being such an inspiration, and for your wonderful presence here at 7cups!

And Am, thank you so much for sending in this beautiful appreciation <3 keep being the sweet person that you are! (your pfp is uberr cuutee as well !!)

Yougotmyback July 27th, 2023

Hehe thank you. ✨💞

This is for you for doing such a great job!! 🌻🎈

LoveMyMoonflowers July 27th, 2023


Awh thank *you*! <3

GrimSox July 27th, 2023

This next appreciation touches me deep, it's so cute 🥺🥺🥺 it melts my heart ❤️😭😭😭 and honestly, it's stories like this that keep me going, both here and in daily life.

This appreciation is for @mytwistedsoul by a Secret Friend, and it says:


This awesome friend cherishes your resilience 💪, patience, authenticity, intuition and emotional intelligence 😍 as well, Soul :)

I love this appreciation so much ❤️😌 I admire Soul for their strength and compassion, and many here who also do or are trying their best. It's very powerful! ❤️ and we can support each other as we find that in our lives 😊

- - -

Optimisticempath July 27th, 2023

@grimsmark8 this is so cute Charlie 🧸 love the details in the post! 💕

Optimisticempath is me 😮😮 its sweet how someone mentioned me in this appreciation for Soul D: think I know who this may be but don't wanna mention if they prefer being secret 😅 you're too sweet secret friend 💕 thanks for appreciating Soul 🤗

@mytwistedsoul is always vv supportive and kind to me aNd everyone else ... so happy to see you being appreciated Soul ❤ you are the bestest and deserve all kindness 🤗 big squeeezieeesss

GrimSox July 27th, 2023
@Optimisticempath awww my heart, milkyyyy bear ❤️❤️❤️ I wish I tagged you in the post 🥺 And yes, this secret friend is vv sweet, I will criee
mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2023

@grimsmark8 Oh this is so sweet. Thank you secret friend - truly and sincerely - thank you. I love the picture! This is really special ❤️ I'm speechless. I can't tell you how much this touches me

@grimsmark8 *love your name!* Thank you!
*nudges @Optimisticempath* We're in a picture together! 😊 You're my dearest friend OptiBear *big squeezies back* ❤️
GrimSox July 28th, 2023

@mytwistedsoul Yayy, I'm glad you feel so 😊 many many hugsss 😄😇🤗

mytwistedsoul July 28th, 2023

@grimsmark8 It definitely made my day! ❤️

Optimisticempath July 27th, 2023

Hey @lovingpeacefulheart 😃your username is so nice to read 💕 a secret friend wants to appreciate you!


Secret friend is so good with words 🤩 thank you for your kindness.

Secret friend is not only kind with words but also creative with graphics ☺ as they made this one with your name on it for you- image_1690490065.png

You should be in PAT 🧸 you're amazing!

LovingPeacefulHeart keep being a positive warm light 💕

LovingPeacefulHeart July 27th, 2023

I am so touched! Who did this?! I love it. And I love whoever wrote this! Blessings! 💋

VictoriaLove7 July 28th, 2023


Optimus, the color of the letters are in the same maroon tone as the graphic! 🧸☺

magnificentNutella July 28th, 2023

🌻💚Hello @anonhelp123 💚🌻

You have received a lovely & thoughtful appreciation from 🍀🐱 @Yougotmyback 🐱🍀


Note from me🍃🍂🌻:

It is so appreciable when fellow listeners help other listeners out. Together we grow and work towards a greater purpose!!

@anonhelp123 , you surely are a great listener mentor! Thank you for choosing to be on 7cups😊 Your life experiences have shaped you into this person who is so understanding of others and helps them out to the best of his abilities!!💛💚

@Yougotmyback , kitty hugs🐱😊💛 to you for being so genuine and kind with your appreciation! I totally can say that I have the same hobbies as you, we'd definitely get along hihi so high-five!!🙏🌺

Yougotmyback July 28th, 2023

Hugs back to you!! Thank you. 🐱🩷

High- five! We surely will hehe. 🥰

anonhelp123 July 29th, 2023

Thank you @magnificentNutella for this wonderful post!! Really made my weekend!

@Yougotmyback - What can I say but feel humbled by your appreciation ☺️

It's Listeners like you that make this platform an amazing place to come to. Thank you for all that you've done thus far and how much you continue to do!

Yougotmyback July 29th, 2023

Thanks to you too!! 🥰

VictoriaLove7 July 28th, 2023

Hiya (๑'ᵕ'๑)⸝* Nii

@Lovemymoonflowers 🌙

you have been appreciated by the one who shines the brightest light in Cups (✺ᵔ‿ᵔ✺)

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞

Sunshine 🌞❤ says to you





Sunshine 🌞❤ find these qualities in you


From me ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞


Thank you for going above and beyond in everything you do for Cups! Thank you for all your hard work that have made a significant impact on this community. You have made Cups an amazing platform with your works and the myriad of skills that you brought to Cups. Thank you, Sunshine for everything. I am forever grateful for your presence in my life. ❤


Thank you for your calm and kind presence, Nii. You have made pretty posts, and you will get better at it. You are greatly appreciated! 🌙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 28th, 2023

@VictoriaLove7 Sooooo beautifully presented, Viccc, specially the qualities, this is an adorable post for adorable Nii buddy. Thankyouuu for all your kind compliments as owlways! ❤

VictoriaLove7 July 28th, 2023


Thank *chu*, Sunshine! 🌞❤

For all your hard work for Cups! You shine brightly in every corner of Cups and you earned our gratitude everyday, Sunshine! 🌞❤🤗

LoveMyMoonflowers July 28th, 2023



Honestly when I first saw this I had no idea what to say, except... thank you so so much :') Really, Vicc, you did such a beautiful job on this! the bunny, moon and flower themes are so cuutee <3

And shining buddy, i really don't know what to say :') really, thank you... so... so sooo much- you're such an amazing friend (the word 'amazing' probably isn't enough hehe) and i appreciate you so much as well, for being *you* i'm so grateful for you <3 really, i am :') *sending special hugs for my wonderful shining buddy*

Sunisshiningandsoareyou July 28th, 2023

@LoveMyMoonflowers 🤗❤🤗❤