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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

SparkyGizmo October 28th, 2022



Hi Smile! 😊❤️ Thank you so very much for creating this forum post as well as the amazing things that you said about me, all on your very own! What a magical moment for me as a human being! I feel the same way about you and am truly so very grateful for you! I practice gratitude moments at the end of every day and you once again, will be counted in them!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Hi Don! 😊❤️ Wow! My wonderful friend, I really cannot thank you enough! Just.......thank you! ❤️And for so very many things! I hope I tell you enough, often enough how much I appreciate you! You really are one in a million!

I truly am so very grateful for you and your friendship and have been since the moment we met! Thank you for seeing the goodness in me. Thank you for seeing value in me. Thank you for remembering me and simply "seeing" me. I'm sure you know, this one really "got" me today and yup, my eyes are "welling up". ❤️

I always have gratitude moments at the end of every day. You have been there in those moments so many times even when you didn't know so. Yes, I am blessed to have such an amazing teammate such as you! Once again, you will be counted in my gratitude moments at the end of my day! Thank you for being a teammate that I can be so grateful for!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 28th, 2022

@SparkyGizmo Happy Cupversary, Sparkyyy Sparkkk. Thankyou for your sparkling bright presence around 7 cups. You make this world so much better and brighter. ❤ Biggest *hugs* always. 🤗

I hope we get to celebrate many more years of *you*. ❤

SparkyGizmo October 28th, 2022


Thank you Good Day Sunshine!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️ my amazing friend!

CosmicMiracle October 28th, 2022

@SparkyGizmo happy cupversary, my very talented and amazeballs friend!!!! <3 so stoked to celebrate this milestone with you and our friends! <3 group hug!!! <3

A song for you!!! :D <3

Sing by My Chemical Romance


SparkyGizmo October 28th, 2022


Thank you so much Cos! Thank you for being such an amazing friend to me! ❤️❤️❤️

That certainly is one very powerful piece of music. I can't thank you enough! It felt good to listen to that and know that was specifically for me! I *hold your hand, and I sing with you* Keep singing Cos, keep singing!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

cristlecares October 28th, 2022

@UniversalSmile @DonaldDraper

This appreciation was a musttt!

Sparky deserves alllllll the appreciation in the world😄🌻

They're one of the sweetest, kindest and supportive hooman beans I've seen in here💙 The chatroom just becomes a bit brighter if Sparky is present in it😄🌻 And they are always always and always there to support and cheer us/their teammates💙😄🌻

@SparkyGizmo Once again Happy cupversary Sparkyyyyy💙😄 You're the besttttttt! Lots of hopes and wishes for you🌸 Hope you're always surrounded with loadssss of happiness and joy🌻

*Hugssssss* and *highfives* ❤️

SparkyGizmo October 28th, 2022


My wonderful Cris! Oh my gosh! I cannot thank you enough! 😊❤️ You bring so much joy to my heart and to all of the hearts of everyone around you! I am so incredibly grateful for you! Any time I see you in the LSR, I know it's going to be a great day!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️ you amazing hooman! ❤️❤️❤️

CosmicMiracle October 29th, 2022

Another magical anonymous human being sends appreciation to one of our peers: @Poetlistens :)

His qualities:

Supportive - They are kind and helpful
Empathetic - They look to understand and share the feelings of another
Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act
Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation
Emotionally Intelligent - They read emotional cues and respond appropriately


"He's ultimately a genuinely nice human being who went out of his way to make me feel heard. I appreciate how you made sure I have a safe space to open up and process things. I am forever thankful for that. Know that I wish for you to have people like yourself during the bad times. Shukriya, my new friend :) "


Thank you to @Poetlistens for making sure that our members are cared for. Your genuine compassion for our members is amazing and I hope you know how big of an impact you have on us here at Cups. Thank you for your gift of you! :)

And to our anonymous member, thank you for going out of your way to appreciate one of our peers :) we all try our best to be there for you so it's heartwarming and humbling to read such appreciation :) blessings!

For you both, I dedicate the song: One day by Matisyahu :) I hope you like it <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 29th, 2022

Hello hello @jefferythebunny319, super amazed to share these lovely messages for you by your sweet peers @amiableBunny4016 and @theoneAviva6345 ❤


It is always such a heart warming sight when people are being kind and supportive towards one another, specially in the member community, holding each others' hands while navigating through the ups and downs in life, supporting, encouraging and uplifting one another with compassion, hope and lots of love. ❤

Thankyou for being so loving and thoughtful Violet and Aviva. ❤

Hope this brightens your spirits, Jeffery, thankyou for being an incredibly kind, supportive, respectful, humble, patient, determined, understanding, empathetic, motivated and cheerful person to be around. ❤


AvyIsKing October 29th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @theoneaviva6345 @amiablebunny4016

Thank you all for such your kinds words and making my day :3

amiableBunny4016 October 29th, 2022


you deserve it! Well done for being an amazing member of 7Cups!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 29th, 2022

Hey hey @gentleemperor, an owl was supposed to drop off some love, they be reaching us soon hopefully, before that, it's me sharing some more love and warmth with you, on behalf of our dearest peer @dtanushree 💛


🌸 Click Me For A Surprise 🌸

Gentleeee, hope the love shower from the Sakura tree reaches your heart and makes you flap your wings in excitement and awe. Exactly as we feel, whenever you're around, being your bright and chirpy self, radiating all things kind, sweet and joyous. 🐧💛

Tanuuu, you always amaze me with your kindness and thoughtfulness, it is a pleasure to have you around being so kind, supportive, helpful, caring, cheerful, super duper fun and simply wonderful in every aspect of a hooman. 🌸 You already know how much I love you lol, so I'll spare everyone with more mushiness. 😛💛

🤗*squishy hugs* for both of youuuu🤗

Ooh and the owl did reach us safe and sound. XD

🐧 Poke The Owl Here To Receive Your Love Parcel 🐧


dtanushree October 29th, 2022


Omg this is so beautiful!! Love you Buddy squishes back!! :) 💓💓💓

Thank you so much for making this appreciation extra special ;)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 29th, 2022

@dtanushree Aww thankyouuu lovelyyy, I loved making it too. 🥰 More love and extra squishes backkk! 💖

gentleemperor October 30th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *flaps me wings in excitement and awe as the love shower from the Sakura tree reaches me heart* 🌸 Thank you Sun for your lovely words, you really made my day! 💛 You're a wonderful person, a spreader of love and kindness and I appreciate you so very much. I also have to mention how creative you've been with the appreciation post and I might steal some of your ideas with your permission. ❤️

@dtanushree aka dtree you've left me speechless. I really don't know what to say to your very heartwarming words. 💕 I love you for the way you are and appreciate so very much. You're an amazing person and a smile spreader through and through. Just being yourself is so much more than enough. ❤️ Thank you for the love you sent me, it kept me going all day long. *Sends love back to you via owl* 🌟

*sends squishy hugs to both of you* Weee 🎉 aren't you a dream team putting together appreciation posts like this? 😍


dtanushree October 30th, 2022


Hehehe Pingu I'm glad you liked it!! Hope you enjoy every moment of your life and yesss *receives the love via owl* And I agree with you. How lovely it is to see everyone in the team working gracefully 😍💓🤗🤗

The presentation by @sunisshiningandsoareyou made is extraaa special and beautiful. Thank you again buddy you always put so much love and effort in these messages 💓😭 And seeing your beautiful posts now Pingu wants to steal some of your ideas XD lololol this reminds me of the penguin whose hobby is stealing things in the movie The Secrets of Dumbledore. 😆😅🤑🤑

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 30th, 2022

@gentleemperor @dtanushree

Awww y'all making me cry now. 🤧 It truly was a pleasure to make (this might be my personal favorite post from Sunisshiningandsoareyou too lmaooo😂) Super duper happy to see you both so happy hehe and yasssss, dream team at work. XD 🥰❤ *squishy hugs backkkk*

And lol Gentle, sure ofcourse feel free to steal any ideas that can make more people even more happy! ❤

Tanuuu lololol xD I really need to watch this movie now haha! 😭

gentleemperor October 30th, 2022

@dtanushree aww 💕 I wish you all the same ten fold! And weee for the owl arriving! *Sends you some extra love, appreciation and hugs today as well.* 💖

*Nods nods.* Yes, amazing presentation by our lovely friend Sun. 💓 Oui oui, pengu is theif mwuhahaha. I did watch The Secrets of Dumbledore... I don't remember a penguin 😮 *has to rewatch*

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *sends you tissues of love* Woahhh 😍 A favorite? Weee, I can see it though! It was really fun opening the surprises 💖

Okie, Gentle has official permission to steal ideas from Sun. Thank you! 🌟

*squishyyyy hugs to both and I'll squeeze you until you... tell me to stop lol* 😂🐧💛

dtanushree October 30th, 2022


Dayumm lol I am using the word Penguin forbthe Niffler lolol. But still its a penguin for me yeah. I am talking about Teddy, I hope you'll remember Teddy from this pic XD

_1667138340.images (1).jpeg

Doesn't Teddy look like Pingu flexing new dance moves!! ≧ω≦

Oooohh naah not stopping to squish no matter what lol @sunisshiningandsoareyou my sweetest sunshine and my sweetest @Pingu *squeesh squeesh squeesh* XD


gentleemperor October 30th, 2022

@dtanushree I see, I see! My cousin Niffler, basically a penguin. Shree is very big brain 🤯 I do remember Teddy the flexing attention seeker, smhhh. Just kidding, he got some good dance moves. *Tap dances*

Lmao I guess we (me, you and @sunisshiningandsoareyou) will stay in a squishy hug forever, and ever, and ever, and ever... *squeeze*

dtanushree October 29th, 2022

🥁Attention Dear PAP Team 🥁

Our team members are nominated for a gold medal 🎖️ for their exceptional dedication, kindness, compassion, teamwork, and performance!

The person who nominated us for this gold medal is one of the dedicated PAP teammates.



Here's Ben's message for the team:

_1667052407.Green And Orange Creative Cute Thank You Baby Shower Card (1).png

There's more!! The appreciation doesn't end here. Ben has created this thoughtful and beautiful image for us ❤️


Dear Ben❤️

Thank you so much for this appreciation message. I can feel the love and care you have put into your message and the image. Here's something I want to dedicate to you for being an appreciator of our team and 7cups community!

_1667052691.@BenittaJ Drum-Rolls Who's the sincere and kind appreciatior fairy of our team Yes you guessed it right! It's Ben!!!.png

And here's some more Love for you!! Hope you feel it soon 😊

_1667052740.Red Cute Bear Greetings Card.png

Tagging PAT: @Fristo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @GloriaD @Here4good74 @SirenOfSerenity @dTanushree @Harsvin @UniversalSmile @cristlecares @gentleemperor @HopefulBambi @StargirlTina @justFarheen @KimByeongIn @jovialSunshine5049 @Ru3z @butterlycow

Sunisshiningandsoareyou October 29th, 2022

@dtanushree @BenittaJ

Awww this is super special and lovely, ofcourse you Tanu-fied it with your magic, buddy. Thankyouuu so much for the amazing post, and for going that extra mile to make it a treat for the eyes and the heart! ❤

Beniii, how so sweet and appreciative always, you truly deserve the appreciator fairy crown hehe. One of the most proactive appreciators and always around with supportive, encouraging, lovely messages for everyone. You're super duper appreciated also, for spreading many many smiles, and warming lots of hearts. Lots of love. ❤

To everyone who has been a part of the team, thankyouuu for spreading so much love and appreciation around. It is extra special, because of *you*. ❤


dtanushree October 29th, 2022


biiiig beaarryyyy hugss hehe :) It is extra special because u exist in this team buddy.. You are our biiig brightt sunshine <3


GloriaD October 29th, 2022

@dtanushree @BenittaJ

Aww, this is so lovely Tanu 😊 Thank you for the beautiful way you’ve presented the Appreciation for the team 💛 Its going to be a very memorable one ✨

Benitta certainly deserves the Appreciation crown, trophy, medal - every prize involved 👑 🏆 🏅 Thank you Benitta for appreciating our work and continuing to give us feedback wherever possible 🌸 You are an amazing star in the 7Cups community ⭐️

dtanushree October 30th, 2022


Thank you Gloria😊😊💓💓

cristlecares October 29th, 2022

@dtanushree wowwww this is such a beautiful appreciation post Tanu😍🥰😍🥰 You deserve a gold medal 🏅 for this beautiful post💙🍪🌻

@BenittaJ Thank you so much for being a constant support for the peer appreciation team😄💙 This appreciation made my dayyyyyyy yayyyyy! Thank you so much for taking your time to create this💙 Happwe happwe🌻

Cookies for youuuu🍪🍪🍪

Cookies for the PAT🌻💙

*Group hugsssss*


dtanushree October 30th, 2022


Aww criss you and all of you deserve a PAT on ur back for making this happen. 😊😊💓💓 *group huggss* 😍💓

Harsvin October 30th, 2022

Hey @Sophiasanae we have a lovely appreciation message written for you by @Sparklingseashells

Sophia is described as :

💙 Supportive - They are kind and helpful,

💙 Patient - They take the time to calm down before they act, Innovative - They are open to new ideas and discussions

💙 Great Communicator - They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation,

💙 Optimistic - They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone

_1667110561.vd8tqIj - Imgur.jpg

Please click me for quality pro max (which the forums currently do not permit😛)

The appreciation message in the graphic says: "Hi Sophia, just wanted to appreciate the amazing work you do for TOZ!! Leaders like you often hide in the background without appreciation despite the work you do. You are very kind and supportive of those you help to guide and lead. Personally, thank you for having the patience with me and guiding me in my role, allowing me to feel like I am contributing to the community and have a purpose."

@Sophiasanae Thank you for being an amazing leader , we appreciate all your contribution and dedication to the Teen side. You are truly inspiring, Keep being YOU 💙

Sparklingseashells Thank you for writing such a lovely message to Sophia 💙

sophiasanae November 29th, 2022


@Sparklingseashells thank you so much for this message! I truly appreciate it and I've saved your beautiful graphic too. This means a lot to me. 😍

GloriaD October 30th, 2022


You have been appreciated by @Notfound20

Notfound has observed these qualities in You 😊

Supportive - You are kind and helpful.

Respectful - You try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood.

Cheerful - You are fun to be around.

Great Communicator - You speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

Emotionally Intelligent - You read emotional cues and respond appropriately.

Notfound also has a message for You, along with a special card 💜

"Life has always been helpful to me. His kindness and compassion has made such a big impact on my life in a trying time.

He motivated me to remain positive in every situation.

He is a very joyful person and his presence uplifts everyone around him.

He is not only a great listener, but also an amazing friend.

I wish you all the happiness in the world, Life 😊"

_1667118258. you! (NotFound20  FOR  Life30foryou).png

Notfound - Thank you for choosing to appreciate your peer through the Peer Appreciation Program 💙 I hope the kindness and support you give to others comes back to you a hundred times 😊

Life - I hope your special day is made more special with your peer's heartfelt words and thoughts of you 💜 Thank you for being the amazing *you*, lighting up others' lives. May your life be filled with all the things you love 🌻

Kind regards, GloriaD

GloriaD October 30th, 2022
NotFound20 October 30th, 2022

Thank you Gloria for helping me on such short notice❤️❤️.

GloriaD October 30th, 2022


You are welcome 😊🌻

life30foryou October 30th, 2022

@NotFound20 thank you so much for this overwhelming moment... It made the whole day special in its truest sense..not only for this year but for lifetime..this moment clicked by the camera of my heart and saved there forever..till the time it beats...u felt all this ..the reason was very simple..we see the world through our eyes..n beautiful eyes see only beauty in the world n people.. Thank you once again ..not only for this but also for coming to my life like a sunshine

NotFound20 October 30th, 2022


My pleasure, Life😍. People like you are a blessing to this world and I will forever be grateful to you for everything. I wish you a long and happy life ahead.


life30foryou October 30th, 2022

@GloriaD thanks to u too

gentleemperor October 30th, 2022

💛🕊️ @CommunityModAnne 🕊️💛

~ Anne, I'm happy to let you know that you've been appreciated by @Alkina

Here is a message they left for you, Anne 💛


Alkina have noticed the following positive qualities in you 🕊️💛

Supportive: They are kind and helpful
Respectful: They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood
Patient: They take the time to calm down before they act
Problem-solver: They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem-solve together

Anne, thank you so much for the work you do on Cups. It's clearly much appreciated by members and listeners alike! We haven't talked much but I've seen you around a couple of times and you're great. Keep being you, you rock! 🕊️✨

Alkina, thank you for being here, being awesome and appreciating your peers! I hope to see more of you in the future. You're a much valuable member of this community. 🕊️✨

Take care both of you! I'm wishing you all the best 💛

CommunityModAnne October 31st, 2022

@gentleemperor thank you!

@Alkina thank you for making my week! I appreciate your awesome feedback and support.

KimByeongIn October 31st, 2022
Heylo, Dear Everett
First of all, big appreciation for your amazing profile picture 😊

Next, coming up is lots of love and candy from our sweet peer, Aviva!

I hope you love this 💜
fluffy-you-are-the-best-friend-i-have-ever-found-in-the-fastest-amount-of-time-ever-and-i-love-you-for-it-thank-you-so-so-so-so-much-for-being-my-friend_1667206888. hugs and love beams.png

KimByeongIn October 31st, 2022
For someone who dedicates so much time into every project that she takes~~
For someone who pours love into every conversation she makes!!
For someone who does it all for goodness sakes^^

This is all for @dtanushree
A dear friend, leader and my team mate 💜

And it's not only me who feels this for you.

Here's one from @caringrain9809

_1667207612.Tanu 1.png

Well, seems like its still not just the two of us.
Joining our Tanu fan club is @Journey144
With such sweet words for you 😊

_1667207682.Tanu 2.png