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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

GloriaD June 4th, 2022


ouiCherie June 5th, 2022

@GloriaD thank you so much 💜🙏🏻

@Helpingheart23 this is very kind! You made my day 🤗🙏🏻 you've nothing but kind as well and it's been a pleasure to meet you, Heart 💜🤗

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 5th, 2022

Hiyaa @rachsxo, here's a sweet appreciation for you by the lovely @bubblingBreeze14 ❤


I agree 1000% with Breeze, you're so proactive, supportive and amazing, Rachel. Grateful to know you here also and yay on accomplishing important life goals. All the love and good wishes always. ❤

Breeze, i really admire how thoughtful your appreciations are (or literally anything you do lol, you give it your best), you really see the person and speak from your heart. I adore you, friendooo! ❤

I've worked along side both of you's and it's nothing short of amazing to know y'all. Keep up the great work, Rachel and Breeze! ❤

Alsoooo, a really cute gif sent by Breeze, Click meeee for a smile! 😊

rachsxo June 6th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @bubblingBreeze14

Thank you both so much!! You have no idea how much your words mean to me - I'm currently sitting in my room with the goofiest smile on my face because of you. None of my work would be possible without your contributions, I'm so grateful to have you both working with me ♥️🌸

bubblingBreeze14 June 7th, 2022


I'm so glad we could bring a smile to your face! Also, I believe you've had a beautiful smile after seeing this instead of a goofy one for sure 😉❤️

You're awesome Rach!!

bubblingBreeze14 June 7th, 2022


Aww.. Sun, this is perfect! Thank you so much for all the hard work you've put in to this and making this extra special appreciation post. Really, it's perfect ❤️❤️❤️


You deserve this and many more appreciations for everything you do for this community. Thank you for being here and for helping so many people... I'm sure they all are as grateful as I am! ❤️😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 7th, 2022


Aww thankyou lovely Breeze! I'm so glad you enjoyed the post. 🤗❤

Andddd 1000% yes, agreed with youu! @rachsxo, you are awesome and we love the goofy smiles lol. May you always be smiling. ❤

gentleFox20 June 6th, 2022

💐 We have a very sweet anon appreciation for the lovely @VaryingCloud 💐


You've made some awesome connections here at cups Cloud 😊


emotionalTalker2260 June 6th, 2022

@gentleFox20 @VaryingCloud

👹 *anon reveals themself*

love ya lots cloudie 🤗

VaryingCloud June 7th, 2022


Thank you Fox for this wonderful appreciation! ❤️


Aww love you too lots cutie Emu!! *huggsss* 🤗 Thank you so much for such sweet words!!! Means a lot to me!! I love talking with you too! ❤️ May you always find peace and happiness in abundance! My best wishes are always with you! 🌷

emotionalTalker2260 June 12th, 2022



gentleFox20 June 6th, 2022

💜 We've got a short but super sweet anon appreciation for @bubblingbreeze14 💜


Thank you for all your hard work in member chats and the forums Breeze!


bubblingBreeze14 June 7th, 2022


What a beautiful post! Thank you so much for taking your time to create this special post. It really is beautiful..❤️💛 and thank you for everything you've said 😊


Who is this amazing appreciator?? *trying to figure out who this is* 😮

Well, I don't know exactly who sent this appreciation for me, but THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

It's always nice to read such a beautiful appreciation. Whoever, this is I know that you are one lovely person yourself who is definitely doing their best here in our community and I'd like to give a big shout out to you for your beautiful personality.
Keep being awesome!💛

and Thank you once more for thinking of me and writing this.. I am so thrilled and happy to see it! It literally brought a smile to my face and not just that but gave me a bit of a mystery to solve 🕵️ 😉

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 9th, 2022
@Starlasky, summoning you for a beautiful appreciation by none other than the amazing @Fristo! ❤


Anddd Fristo has also shared a lovely voice note for you, which you can Hear by clicking on here! 😛

Thankyou for being a fantabulous host and peer, Cousin Starlaaa (and ofcourse the bestest cousin ever lol), you truly spread so much happiness and positive vibes around. Keep being your wonderful self, lovely. 💙

Your thoughtfulness is always greatly appreciated, Fristo, thankyou for sending such a sweet message and voice note. ❤
Starlasky June 12th, 2022


Cousin Sunieee, thank you so much for sweet words, means a lot to me, not just your words but also having you in my life. Keep shining. Sending hugs your way! 💙

@Fristo The message and voice note is sooooooooooooooooo sweet! Yes, Starla will get better with self-care, ahah. Thank you for the lovely words, sweet Fristo. I wish the best for you in your life and only happiness. I'm grateful to have a friend like you. *Hugs hugs* 💙😊

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 12th, 2022


Aww samesieeees Cousin Starlaaaaa! *hugsss backkk* 🤗💙

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 9th, 2022

Hiyaa @KateDoskocilova, I hope you're doing well. Here's a sweet note for you, someone has anonymously appreciated your time and efforts in supporting the LGBTQ+/MOGII sub community and the Pride Month specifically. 💙


Agreed with them 100%, Kate. You along with the entire team, work so hard to make this place a safe, supported and inclusive space for everyone to feel comfortable and seek support. It is truly appreciated and y'alls efforts are commendable. ❤ Thankyouuu for being *you*!

Alsooo, wishing everyone coming across a Happy Pride Month! 🌈🧡

KatePersephone June 9th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou dear anonymous person; thank you so much for your kind words! i appreciate them so much <3 wishing you an amazing pride month!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 9th, 2022

Hey hey @decisiveHuman8604, here's an encouraging and supportive message from your peer (they chose to remain anonymous). I hope this post finds you well and brightens your day. ❤


And a motivational quote here:

_1654778821.image.pngSo nice to see how someone out here is looking out for you and encouraging you, Human. Please hang tight and continue doing what you can, every step counts and you're never alone here. ❤

WarmLightXO June 10th, 2022

@lovelywaterfall2170 you've been anonymously appreciated!


Because it's a lot of text, I'll share it here as well 💜

"To the most Beautiful ,Elegant ,Dynamic ,Pragmatic, Efficient and Effective person i met at cups today !!

To lovelywaterfall :) you are a real "***CUTEHEARTHROB ***" i must say this today !!

Just by my single **** but and if's replies **** you just got to know that i was in some discomfort and which i was not able to express ,but just by the blink of an eye you understood what i was going through and got me at relief by answering to questions and you making sure putting those small small solutions together which made real sense to me today . I might have not thought about those because i dont see the things as you see them in just all positive sense !!
Fall you so kind, patient, and accommodating. A true friend who always says the right things with great examples ,experiences,view's ,thoughts .
Fall is very genuine and real person who gives a mature suggestions to know and clarify the situation and also listen and explain well about taking steps to manage problems. Recommended for a catharsis or knowing what is bothering you.
She is a kind and very very very respectful and proffesional buddy..........:)

Fall was there when many listeners rejected my request.............

And she was truly there for me and just listened and supported me. she made me feel heard and worked on helping me to see that I am not as bad as I believe.
Thank you so much for trusting me that really means a lot to me .

She just said ,Let me us talk and vent - felt like talking to a good friend and a true buddy who will just try her best to make sure she wont hurt you and would make sure you are comfortable to speak your heart out to her loudly and i mean it she will be thier with you till you finish your part .

I felt unjudged, unprompted, and unrushed.

**********It's very hard to find here on 7cups**************.

Absolutely marvelous conversation that I will be sure to revisit in the future! Thanks so much!!

I appreciate your love, kindness, warmth ,care ,empathy and support! Thanks for being a part of my life from today my friend !!

Having someone like you to laugh with and cheers me up when i am down is a great blessing for me . Thanks, my friend, for being that specialone in my life :)

I don’t know what loneliness means, because sad and alone, I’ve never been. Through all of life’s murkiest corners and bends, I’ve always sailed through it alone till date but because of you, my friend. i wont be alone again that's the best part happened to me today !! Thanks :)
You’ve been extremely supportive to me through my trying times. hich only understood by my questions ,I will always be thankful to you the way you made it so simple to me to understand and to get an overview of new prospective :)

God bless you with all the happiness and you achive great sucess in you life !! May all your dream's come true !!
Keep smiling my friend !! i feel you really have one beautiful smile too :) just be you and don't change yourself :)
World needs a friend like you to spread smile and confidence back to one who has lost so much and re-gained it back after talking to you :)
All the best Fall :)"

lovelyWaterfall2170 June 12th, 2022

@WarmLightXO :)

Thank you so much WarmLight :) for posting this for me on half of that someone :) I appreciate your effort's🙏

To That Someone 😇 whomsoever it is....I don't know who 😊 But this means a lot to me 😊 This will always remember me😇 that I have to be here for someone 🙏who needs me to be heard 😊 Will try to make out time from my on going busy schedule and would try to be here very often soon 🙏

You have touched beyond words by your generous gift 🙏

Thanks And Regards

A listener from cups 🙏

Lovelywaterfall2170 :)

Keep smiling :) World is beautiful:) Take Care :)

rossbing June 12th, 2022

Yeah please be often here.... This world needs you.... !!!

lovelyWaterfall2170 June 13th, 2022

@rossbing 😊

Thanks for your kind words Ross :)

WarmLightXO June 10th, 2022

@Victor04 you've been anonymously appreciated! I'm sorry to hear that you're leaving 7Cups, and you've clearly made such a huge, positive difference! Sending much love and best wishes ❤


Victor04 June 10th, 2022

@WarmLightXO Thank you very much Light, for your warm wishes and support.❤️

As for that, I.. I'm speechless omg..

Whoever wrote that, you've touched my heart. Thank you so much, and I won't deactivate my account, don't worry.❤️

(PS. I don't know what to say to something like that. It's just so nice.💖)

GoldenRuleJG June 11th, 2022


@GoldenNest2727 appreciates @wonderfulRainbow817

Rainbow you as a listener have these qualities:

Supportive. They are kind and helpful.

Patient. They take the time to calm down before they act.

Motivated. They are internally motivated to achieve their goals.

Decisive. Despite uncertainty, they make decisions and move forward confidently.

Great Communicator. They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation

“wonderfulRainbow817 popped into the academy hub during one of the orientation sessions. She stuck around to answer the trainees questions about their internship. It was beneficial to have her there. I'm sure the interns felt encouraged and supported by her help. Rainbow saw a need, and just started helping.”


wonderfulRainbow817 June 11th, 2022

Aw thank you @GoldenNest2727 !!! I really appreciate it

GoldenNest2727 June 11th, 2022

You came up with the perfect picture! Thank you! I really appreciate the time you guys put into making it so special.

You are incredibly giving of your time and energy. You make a big difference here.

GoldenRuleJG June 17th, 2022

@GoldenNest2727 ❤️❤️

GoldenRuleJG June 11th, 2022


@Sunisshiningandsoareyou appreciates @Frenchmarbles because they are:

❤️Resilient. They bounce back when things fall apart.

❤️Motivated. They are internally motivated to achieve their goals.

❤️Great Communicator. They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

❤️Optimistic. They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone.

Having Growth Mindset. Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills, they believe growth is always possible.

“Oooh this is another one long due, I don't know where to begin, Frenchie. But here we go, hang in tight xD I'm a forum wanderer, as you may know already 😛 soooo exploring forums is one of most favorite thing to do in cups, as a plus and also one of the reasons why I enjoy forums is that, the chats that may have happened in chatrooms poofs but the impact one creates in forums stays a whole lots longer, and through these wonderful forums, I get to meet super awesome people like yourself, who have been a part of 7 cups for as long as this site exists and have contributed in. shaping the community and platform to what it is today in many different ways. Every effort counts, yes and everyone who's been a part of cups has left their mark here, forums allow me to get a glimpse of some of this impact and to know of these wonder beings a little bit. Now now imagine when you are inspired by someone and you have no idea if you'll ever meet them or if they'll ever come to know of your existence too, but then they somehow just swoop in and it's one of those "the universe works in mysterious ways" thingy. Frenchie, rest assured, your impact in the site has always been pleasantly felt and greatly appreciated. I may not have come across a lot of you in the past, but I like when you share those tidbits of nostalgia in the rooms and forums, and I (everyone else around too) gets to experience some of those moments also, truly impactful in every way, I should say.

Also something about a "fossil" (as you refer to yourself haha) returning to 7 cups is exceptionally comforting, it's comforting in many ways, the striking one being the fact and assurance that 7 cups is here to stay, the community is here to stay (and will only continue to grow), we can always take a step back for our off cups life and responsibilities and then return here when things feel right. It's also inspiring that you not only returned to the community as a listener, but also have been partaking in many activities around and enrolling in some great roles, all to support this space more and bring more value to our community. I haven't done it in cups specifically but I just know restarting anywhere or with anything is not cakewalk, it is tough indeed, to get involved again, to grieve over the loss of many moments that passed, the many friends and peers who may have left 7 cups (who knows someday they might return too hehe
), to simply find that stance again and get re accustomed to the community, the many changes, the new people, basically *everything* Haha!
Here's the thing though, oldies (old as in being at cups for a long time, and not age-wise *-*) like you inspire this very thing too, that it might be difficult but it is possible, to come back and plug in again, perhaps with even greater vigour and vibe.
Andddd I want to say, I see you, Frenchie, I see you as someone who's extremely passionate about what they do here and leaves no stone unturned to ensure in creating that space for yourself (again). You've been a phenomenal part of the community and your time and efforts are greatly appreciated and valued. Thankyou for being so friendly, kind, compassionate, fun to be around, helpful, cheerful, engaging, capable, thoughtful, supportive, radiant and simply fantabulous.

I admire how you don't hesitate to speak your mind, and are so honest and "in tune" with your own values and that of 7 cups. It's also so heart warming to see you appreciate people around, I've seen you being appreciative towards your peers so often and it just makes my heart sing that you do it so generously and in your own super fun way hehe. Keep being your amazing self, Frenchie. You are appreciated way way way more than you think.
I hope you continue to bless the community with your lovely presence for many more years to come.

Well done French!!!!!


FrenchMarbles June 11th, 2022


brb crying on the toilet.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 11th, 2022

@FrenchMarbles Aw lol *passes tissues* ❤ take your time but know that you deserve all of this and more. 😊

FrenchMarbles June 11th, 2022


True but being an icon without the tears doesn't bring good karma.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 11th, 2022

@FrenchMarbles lol xD now that makes sense :P

GoldenRuleJG June 11th, 2022

@FrenchMarbles well done on the wonderful work you do French ☺️❤️

GoldenRuleJG June 11th, 2022


@BlueRiver5968 appreciates @artsysoul22 because they have these qualities:

Having Ability to Delegate. They facilitate teamwork.

Great Communicator. They speak with everyone’s best interest in mind, are genuine, and are open to conversation.

Optimistic. They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone.

Purposeful. They act with a purpose, a dream that the world can be a better place.

Emotionally Intelligent. They read emotional cues and respond appropriately

“Hi artsy🥺..yeah it's me river.
I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart..for taking good care of me. You were a person who actually reached out to me for peer support and made sure i was feeling okay, you comforted me when i was about to cry and you never left me. I know things have changed now...but hope to see you here. Also wanted to check on how you are doing🥺

Regards BlueRiver

Thank you for the awesome work you do Art!!


artsysoul22 June 11th, 2022


That's really sweet, I am overwhelmed 💜

GoldenRuleJG June 11th, 2022

@artsysoul22 all thanks goes to Blue for their incredible words for you 😊❤️Well done on the fab work you do art!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou June 11th, 2022

Thankyouu for posting all these amazing appreciations, @GoldenRuleJG, you are fantastic. ❤❤❤

Way to go people! ❤❤❤

@wonderfulRainbow817 @Goldennest2727 @blueriver5968 @artsysoul22 @frenchmarbles

GoldenRuleJG June 17th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou You encouragement and wonderful work sun - it’s a pleasure to share space with you ❤️❤️❤️