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Peer Appreciation Program

October 27th, 2021

We present to you Peer Appreciation Program where you can observe and appreciate good qualities in a 7cups peer. The peer could be any fellow cupser- a fellow member, a fellow listener, anyone on cups basically or yourself, yes, you can appreciate yourself as well. Read more about it Here (clickable). ❤

If you take time to observe and talk about a good quality in another, then that quality starts becoming a part of your personality.

Is that not amazing?!!

Use this form to Appreciate a fellow cupser or yourself:

Peer Appreciation Form (clickable)

The appreciation submitted through the above form will be posted in this thread!


Want to join our team? Click here to apply.

Need tips for writing an appreciation message? Check out this wonderful post by @Hope

Got questions about the program? Read the FAQ here.

Have feedback for us? Write to us in this thread. We are all ears.

Appreciated someone or yourself, And/ Or you're a smile spreader who posted an appreciation? Please share your experience by clicking here. We'd like to encourage you more.

(Sunisshiningandsoareyou last updated this thread with additional information on 03/28/2023)

GloriaD November 28th, 2021


Thank you Sun 🌻💛🌻

SoulfullyAButterfly November 27th, 2021

@GloriaD thank you for this beautiful graphic! @GoldenNest2727 I really appreciate all your feedback and support - this shoutout has made my entire month if I may say! Thank you very much. ❤️

GloriaD November 28th, 2021


Glad to hear that Soul 😁💛🌻

November 27th, 2021

@vroomvroom says

@amoOna97 is

1.Supportive-They are kind and helpful.

2.Empathetic-They look to understand and share the feelings of another.

3.Humble-They humbly admit when they are wrong.

4.Determined-They steel their resolve and keep going forward even when they feel discouraged.

5.Optimistic-They focus on cultivating positivity, to bring out the best in everyone.



Graphic Credit- bright


Yay! @amoOna97 you just got a appreciation from @vroomvroom keep up the great work and always be amazing as always you both!❤



Want to appreciate your friend (could be a member or a listener) Here is the peer appreciation form for you ! - click here

Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you ! - click here

November 27th, 2021


@vroomvroom also says "@amoOna97 is Very Supportive, has always desire to help me. Very Empathetic to my concerns, always listening without being judgemental and Humble in this regards as well. A very smart and Optimistic person who shows hope and Determined to give it their best. A great friend for me."

November 27th, 2021

@brightWindow2311 correction-@vroomvrooom

amoOna97 November 27th, 2021

Appreciate this heaps @vroomvrooom 🥺🙏🏼🤍☺️

BeTheLight111 November 27th, 2021

❤️Hello Everyone!! I am @BeTheLight111 from the peer appreciation team , Here for the first time with an appreciation post for :

@SunlightSpirit <3

_1638023918.Colorful and Playful Groupwork Rules Poster (1).jpgSunlight is :

Supportive :  They are kind and helpful

Respectful : they try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood

Empathetic : they look to understand and share the feelings of others

Resilient : they bounce back when things fall apart

Humble : they humbly admit when they are wrong

Coachable : they have a desire to improve

Inquisitive : they look for and find new ways to improve and build a healthy future

Patient : They take the time to calm down before they act

Problem Solver : They avoid using emotional reactions to guide their decisions and collaborate with others to problem solve together

Innovative : They are open to new ideas and discussions

Motivated : They are internally motivated to achieve their goals

Determined : They steel their resolve and keep going forward even if they feel discouraged

Decisive : Despite uncertainty , they make decisions and move forward confidently

Accountable : They own up to commitments and promises that they have made

Having ability to delegate : They facilitate teamwork

Great communicator :They speak with everyone's best interest in mind , are genuine and are open to conversation

Optimistic : They focus on cultivating positivity , to bring out the best in everyone

Purposeful : They act with a purpose , a dream that the world can be a better place

Having growth mindset : Instead of being stuck with an existing set of skills , they believe growth is always possible

Agile : They change course as needed

Emotionally intelligent : They read emotional cues and respond appropriately

other remarks they had :

she is always there for me , and i mean absolutely always ! Extremely patient and understanding .Sticks with me through thick and thin. Great at what she does .speaks the truth in love ;Kind-always . Always lets me know i matter . The best type of friend anyone could ever hope to have ❤️(I could go and on)My list still feels incomplete ; still quite doesn't do her the justice she deserves 😊 Someone I admire 😊

Appreciated BY : @PlacidAvocado2692 (Thank you for being so generous with the appreciations for our wonderful listener )

@Sunlightspirit , it is awesome to have such capable and lovely people like you here !


🌻 Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

🌻 Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

bubblingBreeze14 November 27th, 2021


Wonderful post Light ❤️ Your design is beautiful and unique too... Looking forward to seeing more amazing posts from you 😊

@SunlightSpirit : You are amazing.. Continue being you 😊

@PlacidAvocado2692: You yourself are very special and admirable for appreciating your peers. ❤️

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 27th, 2021

Welcome to the team @BeTheLight111 ❤ love the colors in your graphic, exudes quite a happy vibe 🤩

@SunlightSpirit and @placidavacado2692 y'all are fabulous ❤ thanks for spreading cheer around !

BeautifulSun298501 November 28th, 2021

Hello! I have another wonderful appreciation from @Silentopals for @Opalandonyx ! You are amazing for appreciating your amazing peer! Here it is:


BeautifulSun298501 November 28th, 2021


Also, if you are reading this and want to recognize an amazing peer, click this link:

If you want to join the team and help spread all these wonderful appreciations:

GloriaD November 29th, 2021

@BeautifulSun298501 - Lovely poster, I love the texture ✨

@Silentopals - Thank you for appreciating your peer ✨

@Opalandonyx - You have been noticed for your many qualities, keep it up ✨

BeautifulSun298501 November 29th, 2021

Thanks 🙏, Gloria!

BeTheLight111 November 28th, 2021

❤️Hello Everyone !!

❤️I am back once again with another appreciation post

❤️This time for @DonaldDraper who was appreciated by @FighterArpi

_1638117140.Purple Illustration International Children's Book DaySchool Poster.jpg
@FighterArpi you are an awesome person for acknowledging and appreciating your peer

Thank you @DonaldDraper for all that you do here on 7cups (:


❤️Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

❤️ Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

FighterArpi November 28th, 2021


Yaaayy ! Thank you light for posting my appreciation

for Don soooo beautifully ❤️❤️❤️

@DonaldDraper lots of love Don ! 👀 I hope you

Liked it ❤️❤️❤️ !

BeTheLight111 November 28th, 2021

@FighterArpi ❤️ so glad that you liked it <3 ^.^

GoldenRuleJG November 28th, 2021

@FighterArpi so well deserved for @DonaldDraper. They are a great asset to our site 😊👍 Your message to them is beautiful- well down Fighter 👍

FighterArpi November 29th, 2021


They are indeed (: and so are you. Thank you for all

What you do for cups 💕💕 stay blessed 💜

November 29th, 2021

@BeTheLight111 Thank you 🧡😃 This was such a pleasant surprise

@FighterArpi yes, I liked it a loooot. 😃 Thank you for always being soooo sweet and lovely 💕
Stay you and stay blessed 😇

@GoldenRuleJG You too 💕

FighterArpi November 29th, 2021


🎉 🥳 🎉 🥳 🎉 🎉 🎉 ❤️ !

GoldenRuleJG November 29th, 2021

@DonaldDraper peer appreciation will come up for you from me in the future Donald 👍👍👍

GoldenRuleJG November 28th, 2021
Peer appreciation for Sun :)

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou embodies all these qualities (Supportive, Great Communicator, Optimistic, Respectful, Empathetic) as they are just a joyful, happy listener who communicates with you with a great deal of warmth. I recall them being a person who consistently tells everyone how lovely their forums are and is always someone to give you that extra motivation boost. I’m grateful to know them and work with them. You are a star quite literally and metaphorically too Sun. Anyone who interacts them will tell you how bubbly and a delight them are to talk to. Everyone is lucky to have you on this site.✨✨✨✨✨
GoldenRuleJG November 28th, 2021


Want to appreciate your friend (could be a member or a listener) Here is the peer appreciation form for you ! - click here

Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you ! - click here

Sunisshiningandsoareyou November 30th, 2021


Awwww I appreciate this so so so much, Golden !! What you've said about me easily applies to you also, thankyouu for being such a lovely peer to be around with ~ it is an absolute privilege to know you here and work alongside ! I am super humbled ~ I'll always cherish this kindness and thoughtfulness of yours! Thankyouuuu❤ Big loveeeee! 🥰🤗 anddd I loved the image too hehe, you're fantabulous my friend!!

GoldenRuleJG December 2nd, 2021

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou You deserve this moment Sun. You have brought smiles on plenty of faces 😊😊

GoldenRuleJG November 28th, 2021

Peer appreciation for @robynlouise.


Robyn, you are someone who is really warm and tries to look at both sides of a situation. You are empathetic, a great communicator and respectful. I really do wish I could tick more boxes for you. To those who have interacted with Robyn , they have the right words to say and have a very nurturing personality. They take the entire room under their wing. It’s beautiful to see. 😊👍

GoldenRuleJG November 28th, 2021


Want to appreciate your friend (could be a member or a listener) Here is the peer appreciation form for you ! - click here

Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you ! - click here❤️❤️❤️

Robynni November 29th, 2021


Thank you, Gold. This is so lovely to read, you have certainly brightened my week. Your kind words have brought light to me this evening, and I kind of needed it. You are truly one of the most wonderful people I have had the pleasure of meeting. Thank you so much. ❤️

I also appreciate the suggestion and encouragement, however the roles I have and are going for right now take up a lot of my time. But I shall always try to show praise and appreciation for all of my peers, even unofficially, you are all absolutely fantastic. ❤️

GoldenRuleJG November 29th, 2021

@robynlouise You deserve this moment Louise 🌺🌺 It’s my great pleasure to know you. Thank you for all you do ❤️

GoldenRuleJG November 28th, 2021

Peer appreciation for Azalea 🌺

@Azalea98 is….

Great communicator, problem solver, respectful, supportive and patient because they are unbiased in their standpoint. I’ve seen them being able to adapt according to the sensitivities of a situation. They are of great help to everyone. Well done Azalea and keep up your hard work. You are a credit to the rooms ❤️

Want to appreciate your friend (could be a member or a listener) Here is the peer appreciation form for you ! - click here

Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you ! - click here A GIF for you :)

Azalea98 November 28th, 2021


Thank you so much everything you said about me is very true and applicable to yourself 🥰 You are amazing never forget it 🌺

GloriaD November 29th, 2021

Hello everyone 🥰

For today's post, we are appreciating -

🧡 @AiMeraki 💜

And this appreciation is by 💜 @Optimisticempath 💜

_1638197769. Optimisticempath  FOR  AiMeraki 780kb (GloriaD).png

Thank you Optimisticempath for noticing the special qualities in your friend and for your lovely message. And thank you for being a wonderful person AiMeraki - I hope this appreciation reflects how much you grow and flourish everyday !

Compassion hearts for the both of you 💟

🌻 Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (ANY member or listener) ? Here is the peer appreciation form ! - CLICK HERE

🌻 Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you ! - CLICK HERE

Kind regards,

Gloria from the Peer Appreciation Team 💛

Optimisticempath December 7th, 2021

@GloriaD I really appreciate you for making this and for your kind words . . The post is colorful and really nice . ❤

Hi @AiMeraki hope you are doing well . Hugs for u ❤

GloriaD December 7th, 2021

@Optimisticempath - Thank you so much 🌻 Hope you are doing well 😊

BeTheLight111 November 30th, 2021

🌸🍦❤️Hello lovely 7cupsers , Here I am with another appreciation post for someone really special 🍦

Any guesses? well, It is for our wonderful listener and my mentor : D @CheerFuliceCream , this time appreciated by @Xandia

@Xandia thinks that Ice is :

_1638280475.@Cheerful icecream is .jpgsupportive: They are kind and helpful, respectful : They try to make sure everyone feels respected and understood , Empathetic : They look to understand and share the feelings of another . Resilient : They bounce back when things fall apart . Patient : They take the time to calm down before they react ._1638280625.@Xandia picked these qualities because.jpg

@Xandia , Thank you for being so thoughtful and expressing your appreciation for your peer

@CheerfuliceCream , you are someone I personally adore and tbh when I had first heard of this appreciation program , you were the first person who had appeared in my mind <3 Be happy and be you , always <3


❤️ Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

❤️ Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

cheerfulIceCream November 30th, 2021
Thank you for putting this together and done and composing such a beautiful post and I really like the graphics! *hi5*💜

You really amaze me. 😮Many thanks for seeing me and for seeing the best in me. This really means a lot. T-T Please stay you because you're so incredibly beautiful. The World needs more of you.💜
BeautifulSun298501 December 1st, 2021


BeTheLight111 December 1st, 2021

❤️❤️Hello Everybody !! Here is an appreciation post for @AnotherFrenchToastClub

❤️❤️They were appreciated by @FruityHoliday63

_1638334959.Blue and Brown Food Menu.jpg❤️❤️

_1638335030.Coral Leaf Pattern Breakfast Menu.jpg

@Toast you are an amazing, helpful and motivated person, doing so much here on 7cups , you deserve this appreciation and more ^.^

@FruityHoliday63 , Thank you for being so kind and thoughtful and showing so much love for your peer <3


❤️🌸 Want to appreciate any fellow 7cupser (could be a member or a listener)? Here is the peer appreciation form for you! - click here

❤️🌸 Interested to join the Peer Appreciation Team? We would love to have you! - click here

Much love ,

December 1st, 2021

@BeTheLight111 I am in love with the graphics you post, they are pro level graphics!