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Are you an early bird or a night owl?

sadcat13 April 8th

Are you an early bird, a night owl, a permanently exhausted pigeon or any other creative bird equivalent of your energy and activity levels? Let us know in the comments 😊

@tinywhisper11 @CommunityModLou @schrodingerscattt @flatenedbylife @Heathermarie95 @Kristynsmama @LoveMyMoonflowers @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @WeEarth @Mya000 @Georginahowe @kylersartpace

Innovarefy May 18th


Im full pure breed night owl 


sadcat13 OP May 19th

@Innovarefy aww that´s a cute gif 😊

slowdecline48 May 19th

@Innovarefy "I'm not flying until they raise my wage & provide a PTO account!"

slowdecline48 May 19th

The fact that I returned to this thread should tell you everything. 😵‍💫🥱🧟‍♂️

sadcat13 OP May 19th

@slowdecline48 well, welcome back 😁 happy to see you again 😊

IdekAnymore1727 May 20th


I'm not sure what I am, but probably a hawk. However, I stay up late and wake up early. And I'm pretty energetic. Also, I can make a loon noise, which everyone seems to think is cool, so I'm not sure what bird exactly...

sadcat13 OP May 22nd

@IdekAnymore1727 i think a hawk is a very cool choice 😊

David57 May 20th

3, maximum 4 hours sleep each 24 hours.

I have been blessed this way for nearly all my working life!

My best time was just out of school and working the night shift in a bakery.

Party until 1 am, work until 9 and the daytime free for mischief😄

sadcat13 OP May 22nd

@David57 wow you have so much energy 😊 I wonder what bird would match it 😊

David57 May 22nd

I have yet to meet her but still looking. I love exploring wherever I am at 2am. Everyone is eager to talk if just to break their boredom

David57 May 22nd

1 am now and wide awake.

sadcat13 OP May 22nd

@David57 i feel that, 2am here and going strong 🌙

Jewelmoon17 May 21st


I'm an early bird cause I had a habit of waking up early even on my rest days.  Cause I think there's so much to do in the day.  But I am a night owl too sometimes.  I like hanging out with a good drinks with friends sometime.

sadcat13 OP May 22nd

@Jewelmoon17 getting stuff done before noon hits different 😊 But it is nice you get to have the best of both worlds 😊

PoisonedCherry May 22nd

@sadcat13 I'm a confused bat! I prefer nights. Yet I'm up during the days and I'm never sure why

sadcat13 OP May 22nd

@PoisonedCherry this made me laugh so hard 😂

Drinty May 22nd

Exhausted pidgeon 😞

sadcat13 OP May 22nd

@Drinty hope you can get some rest soon 😊



sadcat13 OP May 28th

@jesusredeemedme2425 *offers some bread 🍞

@sadcat13 I started out as a night owl. I've been struggling with depression for so long and I've always read about the benefits of sleep.  

About two years ago I finally started to put myself to bed when my daughter went to bed.

I don't feel like it cured my depression but there's something to be said about waking up naturally with no alarm. I don't mind waking up and I enjoy my mornings, especially in the weekends when my daughter sleeps in. 

It's no cure, but it definitely helps.

sadcat13 OP June 9th

@selfdisciplinedPenny281 awww, in happy sleep helped you feel better 😊🌻