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Loneliness on 7Cups

MeMyselfAndHer May 14th, 2017

Hello guys smiley

I have been on 7Cups for a little while and I have to say that, in some occasions, it has been some others, it has been actually very frustrating.

I got here, as I believe many of you, searching for support, friendship, or, most likely, just someone to talk to. I live a very lonely life, in a desperately isolated place (an island with few hundreds inhabitants), and, unfortunately, I have several psychologic problems (or psychiatric?...who knows...) that developed after a not easy life. The last 3 years, especially, have just been a daily torture, a sequence of bad events that corroded me little by little. As I just wrote, I live on a little island, here we only have 2 little food stores, nothing else. Until few months ago, we didn't even have a general doctor, so, no chance to find any kind of help from professionals in the psychiatric/psychologic field. Once reached the bottom of my sorrow and despair, and having nobody that could help me, I found 7Cups.

I talked to some listeners, wrote here and there...and figured out so many times it feels like talking to myself...I wasn't able to build any stable "talking friendship", which is what I actually need. I feel like a throw stones to the void...just write sentences that maybe noone will ever read, and for sure, that noone will answer to.

I am pretty sure I am not the only one feeling like this here... I don't want this to sound like a complaint, 7Cups is anyway good, but I wish I could find someone who wants to just keep talking to me, and that wants to be listened.

Is my hope in vain? heart

Offmytrack April 16th, 2018

@Brooke91 Thank you. You are appreciated.

KindBean2002 April 23rd, 2018

Loneliness is horrible. My teacher said that high school may be okay because if I choose subjects that I like

people alike me are going to be in my class! Hoping for the best

Silentwinds September 20th, 2018


Hello! Try to find people who will understand you, people who you can lean on during life fiery trials.

decisiveTortoise1201 April 25th, 2018

I always seem to feel more lonely when family assume they understand how I feel. They truely believe what they say is helpful "snap out of it" or "you just need to get on with it" I know it comes from a mixture of love and frustration but I just feel more isolated and broken.

Beginagain31 May 1st, 2018

@decisiveTortoise1201 I know what you mean. Sometimes I do it to myself. I say to myself that depression can't be real because it doesn't make sense but refusing how I feel just makes it worse

decisiveTortoise1201 May 2nd, 2018

@Beginagain31 exactly it can be hard when dealing with your own frustrations and wishing you didn't feel the way you do. But acceptance can be powerful step to recovery it becomes so much harder when my own thoughts reflect that of what my family feel like. To the point I loathe myself. But I take a little comfort and sometimes feel a little less lonely when there are forums like this.

Beginagain31 May 3rd, 2018

@decisiveTortoise1201 did you succeed in finding any kind of friendship on 7cups? I ve been reading this thread and it now seems that many struggle with that. Im new here and I m still unsure of how everything works

bgdave May 3rd, 2018

The sun comes up and the sun goes down and all the while I am alone hating my existence. Life has got to get better through my loneliness. Everything is supposed to be temporary however 3 years straight hardly seems temporary.

amarifey June 6th, 2018


from 13 to 45 I was locked up off and on in "looney" bins but know I am 50 and am on the right meds. It just takes what it takes. What I needed as a teen wasn't even invented yet. I just found ways to cope.

katherine0819 May 8th, 2018

How do I join this thread? Lol

Beginagain31 May 8th, 2018

@katherine0819 Hi, You joined by posting here. You will recieve notification now whenever someone posts in the thread

fuzzy2002 May 13th, 2018

I always feel lonely since I was 9 years old, I've always felt lonely and I keep asking questions to myself like "Am I not good enough to be someone?" or "Am I too ugly and too much of a failure to be with someone to love me?". I cry a little bit every day before I go to sleep and say "I'm not good enough for this world." and the days go by and still nothing has changed.

bgdave May 13th, 2018

Another lonely Mothers Day there are no women in my life to celebrate Mom and Grandmother have passed. The loneliness is amplified today if you will. I pray for intimacy but it still remains elusive and the sun comes up and then goes down. Life sucks.....

considerateTree2184 May 19th, 2018


Well, for me it'll be an empty father and grandfather day as it has been since they died when I was 11. But in fact when I realize all they passed down to me in that short amount of time, I can't honestly say I am alone. A part of them lives in me and I treasure it.

Sending courage and hope

OutdatedOatmeal May 29th, 2018

I always feel lonely and abandoned. Like there is nobody for me to reach out to. And also like everyone is judging me for the mistakes that I keep making. It's so hard to cope. I feel miserable.

Rebekahwriter13 June 5th, 2018

I feel lonely and many find it hard to understand me, and live in situation is nothing but rules on rules.

I like to believe eventually my family and I would be out of this situation and we will look back and say we are stronger for going through it.

I have a hard time making friends and I lost most of them after my ex died. I also dont think im over my ex.

amarifey June 6th, 2018


If you are upset over a dead ex then you sound pretty normal to me. Let go, go through that grieving process. Repressed grief is a bitch to deal with. I am dealing with all sorts of repressed grief right now--lousy.

Rebekahwriter13 June 6th, 2018


I don't know how to open my feelings or grieve.

amarifey June 6th, 2018


You know that stuff that seeps up that you automatically push down, that lump in your throat, those bees in your belly---DON'T.

Cry in the shower.

watch movies that make you cry

My father died when I was 10 and not until I took my own 6-year-old to see the Lion King did that pain rise up in me and I wailed with so much pain, it had been so many years and I terrified little kids in the theatre but it was a catharsis that I could not stop.

Rebekahwriter13 June 7th, 2018

@amarifey thank you. How do I move on?

amarifey June 12th, 2018


Slowly, It's always there but you learn to live with it

AdmirableEyes367 June 6th, 2018

I'm different than everyone in my area, including my family. No one really knows how to comprehend the things I'm going through or the type of person I am so I don't talk to anyone about it (or anything else) and I isolate myself a lot. It's hard to go on with the constant thought of '...being the only one,,,'. I don't have any friends besides my online friend from California who supports me and helps me as I support and help her but I need her here. It makes me wish I was dead and I hate everything about it.

Beginagain31 June 8th, 2018

@AdmirableEyes367 There are lot of us who feel lonely here, you can always share your thoughts with us. I have few friends that I care about but I still feel alone. I just feel like I haven't met someone who would really be my true friend. I can't really deacribe how it feels

SafeCamp18 June 13th, 2018

I often feel extreme loneliness even though I

amarifey June 13th, 2018


Unfortunately, Safe, that is how I feel also, and my perception has been that it is pretty normal in the MH community. It gets mildly better each day though. That is how it has been for me, anyways.

SafeCamp18 June 13th, 2018

@amarifey thank you for the kind words!

sunnyKitten6915 August 26th, 2018

@SafeCamp18 I understand that feeling and it really hurts.

June 19th, 2018

Read all the post. Till now I only one suffering from aloneless..upset with myself. Not feeling worth from inside. It seem most of them at one phase goes through it. It not easy to overcome or come out of it. Sometime I wonder why we r dependent on other for our happiness. People nothing remain stable except out own self.wish we could be child you least except and think less.

considerateTree2184 June 19th, 2018


Not sure you think less. As a child I was often worried and couldn't sleep because there were so many things I felt but couldn't understand

June 20th, 2018


I over think now. But maybe I had peaceful happy child. Sorry to hear abt it.

exuberantOrange9728 June 27th, 2018

freesoulcure July 20th, 2018

I read what people said, people feel alone, lonely and I understand that this is how we all feel somehow, no matter what ou do, sometimes you can't help but feel in certain ways.

EspressoBean145 July 23rd, 2018

sometimes i feel like i am so alone in depression. I know that other people are depressed but it's like, do they feel as ineffectual as me? do they think about dying as much as i do, and then turn around and get scared that they thought that? i feel like there is hope for other people but not for me. I dont think i have what it takes to change, and im too unmotivated or scared or just physically not built for getting better. surely if i live long enough i'll either feel better or ill off myself. the second seems so likely sometimes that it scares me, and when it doesnt i wonder if im not just trying to convince myself to be okay with this slow torture and meanwhile letting people watch me waste my life. it hurts me that people believe in me because i know im just going to let them down. and i am letting me down too, i want so badly to feel better and do things and like them and enjoy my friends and family but then i dont feel that way and i feel like i didnt do the work and i am not feeling better because i dont deserve it or because i haven't tried enough things or im just too lazy. sometimes im too lazy to fight off these bad thoughts and i watch myself just waste away in bed. i haven't seen or heard of anybody be at this low state of functioning for this long and i've been in a lot of treatment settings with a lot of people and it has to be something in me. im alone in that i just wont get better

randomp3rson September 22nd, 2018


In a program one time, they taught me something to find motivation. Make a T chart that has one side of long term consequences of feeling depressed and thinking negatively. Then on the other, write the short term consequences.

Then, make another T chart that has a long term consequences of getting rid of depression, and on the other side, write of the short term consequences.

I think about death sometimes too, and it terrifies me because I am still underaged and I overthink things too much. Try to join a club or program and push yourself to get out in the world. Also, don't feel like you are not worthed anything and you're wasting your time because you're not. You're strong for at least going to 7 cups of tea and trying to write your feelings down. Yes, it's unpleasant to cry and you feel like your time is running out but that is your mind telling you something. There is someting that you have hold on to in your past and must solve. Maybe try to go out and get a therapist or go to a program or group circle. I hope you can get out and have some fun, you definetly deserve fun for all your struggles you've gone through. Bye!

Lolowise475 August 26th, 2018

I feel lonely because my best friend of 15 years passed away a month ago. Now no one calls or really talks to me because they know I'm depressed and said. I'm more isolated them ever. I'm trying to find a bereavement support group. I have responsibilities to my elderly parent so I feel stressed because I can't just grief and I'm also tired of feeling and being alone.

Silentwinds September 20th, 2018


Keeping looking for people who will understand you, don't lose hope for yourself. When we lose hope, that's when we really sink further down into loneliness and depression.

Lolowise475 September 23rd, 2018

Little by little. I keep trying but haven't made any good connections in the real world but still have a few people that are loyal to me.@Silentwinds

Silentwinds September 25th, 2018


I really understand this. I'm still searching too.

Lolowise475 September 26th, 2018

Hope you and I will be successful soon. Maybe of we wouldn't be vulnerable in. real life we could show people who we really are and then they'd have to love us right? 😀 @Silentwinds

Silentwinds September 26th, 2018


Thanks for you positive comments. People don't have to love us, but I hope that the right people will desire to.