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What is the thing that depression effects the most in your life?

JK17 February 20th, 2016

Just wondering how depression effects other people.

JK17 OP March 3rd, 2016

@peachSailboat2974 - thinking of you and wishing you support. The one thing we need the most is what depression deprives us of. I don't know about your situation but i hope things turn around for you. Good luck

kappa170 March 3rd, 2016

I don't get enjoyment out of anything anymore. I don't read or listen to music anymore, which used to be my two favorite things :( I feel like everything in my life has lost its meaning :(

BridgetAileen March 3rd, 2016

@kappa170 I totally understand that. I have to work on that a lot myself. I just watched a video this week about why that happens. I really should have written down whether I saw it on TED or YouTube and what the name of it was. It took a deep look about what is physically happening in the brain to make us feel and think the way we do. It was fascinating.

kappa170 March 3rd, 2016

@BridgetAileen Thank you for your kind words

Mae1995 March 4th, 2016

Depression effects me being able to do the things i use to enjoy and showering i suck it up and shower lol @kappa170

sensibleVase9730 March 3rd, 2016

I don't have the energy to do anything. I just lay around. And then I stress out work because I don't think I am doing enough.

BridgetAileen March 3rd, 2016

@sensibleVase9730 Ugh! I just hate the lack of energy. It's exhausting to make yourself do anything. This week I've learned that body, mind, and actions are all intricately connected in depression. It's kind of like the fire triangle we used to learn about in school. In order for fire to exist you have to have air, heat, and fuel. As long as all three of those exist, you have fire. If you take one fire. So now I'm working on practicing mindfulness, tracking my moods and triggers, self-care, and reframing negative self-talk. Slowly but surely some of my energy is returning. I hope you're able to find that energy again because I know how terrible it feels to lack it.

sensibleVase9730 March 15th, 2016

@BridgetAileen Thanks for the encouragement!

Celaeno March 3rd, 2016

What a great thread! Thanks for creating it, @JK17 - reading all of post in here makes me realize once again how universal are feelings of depression.

This is that kind of disorder which affects lots of daily aspects, but I think the one which worries me the most is the way it strips me from my own personality. Suddenly I become something I hate, something which hides in the darkness, under the bed sheets and cannot face the reality. There is no energy left in me to battle the ocean of self-hate - only the pitiful creature who desperately holds onto last threads of hope to survive another day.

The feeling of being cornered in your own mind, inabilty to imagine something else than this hopelessness, not recognizing yourself anymore, is terrifying. And this absolute disappearance of one's self makes it excruciating difficult to reach out and seek help.

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of depression ^^;

BridgetAileen March 3rd, 2016

@Celaeno Everything you've said it spot on! It's so dibilitating, and often it's impossible to explain it to others who've never experienced it. That's one thing I keep telling my mom, sisters, and friends, "This isn't me. I'm not really like this. I used to be so different!"

I'm learning so much more about depression than I already knew. I had a good basic understanding, but I've been scouring YouTube and TED for videos about depression. I've been working to form new habits...the magical 21 days for a new that I don't automatically react from a depressed standpoint. Last Thursday, the clouds began to part. I don't expect the depression to be lifted or gone forever, but I do know that I will be better equipped to fight back in the future.

I'm always happy to share anything I've learned or done if it could help lighten the darkness of depression for anyone else. But I also don't want to appear like those who don't "get" depression and give "Pollyanna" advice. I had to come to some realizations about how I thought about, felt about, and used my depression before I began to feel better. But if you ever want to hear more about what I have done this time around, I'm always happy to share.

Lots of hugs to you, my sweet friend!

rosesandknives March 3rd, 2016

Depression definitely affected the relationships between me and my family the most. They just don't take the issue seriously and tell me to stop being over dramatic and be happy again. If it were that easy, I would have done it by now. I'm afraid I can't fix the relationships if my family doesn't understand the severity of the situation and therefore doesn't support me.

BridgetAileen March 3rd, 2016

@rosesandknives, Here's a video I watched this past week that explains depression very well. It also goes into the science of brain imaging to show what's physically happening in a depressed person's brain. Maybe that will help your family members understand better.

The Truth About Depression

BridgetAileen March 3rd, 2016

frown That link didn't work correctly. Let me try again

The Truth About Depression:

rosesandknives March 10th, 2016

@BridgetAileen Thank you very much for the video. It's very insightful and I hope it'll make a difference in my family's minds. I truly appreciate the help (:

Vecarna March 3rd, 2016

I just lost the fun from my activities, I don't play video games anymore, I don't sing anymore, I don't freak around to see others smile cause they laughed about it, I don't read, I don't play the guitar anymore, I just lay in my bed and I am stucked in my thoughts.

BridgetAileen March 3rd, 2016

@Vecarna I understand that all too well. It's such a vicious cycle and isn't easy to break out of. And though it often doesn't feel like it, there is hope. Big hugs!

Rising265 March 3rd, 2016

I just don't want to do anything.. Anymore.. I practically sleep the day away. I don't want to watch the new episodes of my fave shows, I don't even want to leave the house. I barely want to text or be on the phone.. I don't even want to read and I'm a bookworm.. And to constantly hear that I'm doing nothing with my life from my family.. Like I don't already know this

BridgetAileen March 3rd, 2016

@Rising265 I'm so sorry that your familyisn't being supportive or helpful at a time you really need their support. Many people just don't understand how depression operates and can't even begin to imagine or understand what it's like. Perhaps if they could read or watch some videos about depression and how it effects depressives both mentally physically, your family could provide the support you need. Huge hugs.

Rising265 March 3rd, 2016

@BridgetAileen Thank u, and my family should understand especially when we have a history of mental illnesses, like bipolar disorder, depression, schizophrenia.. And others like paranoia and addiction..

BridgetAileen March 4th, 2016

@Rising265 Indeed they should!

Vitani114 March 5th, 2016

My relationships with people i push everyone away...i also dont have the drive to get my house stuff done...

dynamicWater7652 March 5th, 2016

My depression affects my relationships with everybody. It is hard to make them feel like I am worth it when I can't make them feel worth it.

LittleMak March 5th, 2016

Motivation. I don't want to do my work, I don't want to get out of bed or do chores but I NEED to. Then there's that little voice that just keeps saying "why?"

astuteScorpius March 5th, 2016


My moods are unstable and it affects my work life more than anything. It can make it difficult to want to work, to make it through the day. I work in a hospital so I have to be mentally present at all times and when my moods start to drop it can be nigh impossible to remain focused on what I need to stay focused on.

midnightfeelings1997 March 5th, 2016

It affects everyting on me, all the things I used doing before that makes me happy, I never did it again. It's just like I don't have any energy to do it. I've been socially awkward now, I don't even know how to deal w/ people or even start a simple and short conversation to anyone. It also affected my mood, I was so bipolar, I easily get angry to simple things. It takes over me, even my life.

hurtingalltheway March 5th, 2016

It mostly affects me, my will to do things and how I treat myself. Then it affects my close friends because they worry about me.

persistentWillow4292 March 5th, 2016

At first, it used to be my studies. Now my depression has been growing and it's beginning to affect my family and social life. I'm afraid it'll destroy my close relations with my good friends. I'm not vocal with my feelings and usually when my depressions worsens, that's when my friendships break.

laurynschneider March 6th, 2016

My ability to manage my time.

My ability to cope with everyday things.

My ability to complete school work normally.

My ability to be happy.

tallTalker7163 March 6th, 2016

my social life, I push people away and it kills me because I feel that I'm going to lose all of my closest friends, I stop talking with my family, not literally but I barely talk at home and I go straight to my room. it also made me star cutting, I started 2 months ago and now I cut myself nearly every day, I've lost hope

pluto1 March 6th, 2016

You want to die all the time. Everything effects you more than it actually should. You overthink. Make a big scenario of things that never mattered in the first place.

Mom2blackbear March 6th, 2016

My social interaction--I have none.

My mood, im always sad but put on a happy face at work and out of the house.

My exercise, i used to run and enter triathlons but now i work, come home and go to my room to try and sleep.

My sleep, im up and down all night, i cant sleep well.

Im at a loss as to why I live.

Mom2blackbear March 6th, 2016

Ilia March 12th, 2016

Mostly how I talk to my friends. I've been pulling further away from them for the past year or so and now even though I really care for them I feel like there's always a barrier getting between me and them and it makes me come off as being rude or aloof. I can't tell them all how I feel and I've reached the stage where I really only have my best friend left.

SammiBabayy March 12th, 2016

My relationship and family. Im always so BLANK and boring. Im pushing my Hey partner of tenbyears away and im agraid im making my children beleive I dont like them. Butbi do love them. More than words.

251 March 12th, 2016

My relationship

university work



mood swings

CarlJabana March 14th, 2016

@251 self doubt XD

JK17 OP March 13th, 2016

I urge everyone to seek help and support. The cycle of depression doesn't give us the energy alone to break it. COunselling and family or peer support is needed to retrain that negative thinking.

mystrugglinglife91 March 13th, 2016

My emotions

Dinocanid March 14th, 2016

My grades

tallTalker7163 March 14th, 2016

@Dinocanid same, my grades are falling apart because I can't concentrate