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What is the thing that depression effects the most in your life?

JK17 February 20th, 2016

Just wondering how depression effects other people.

JordanPeraltaa February 23rd, 2016

@BridgetAileen Aww thanks, but we all have problems! <3

JordanPeraltaa February 23rd, 2016

@BridgetAileen Aww thanks, but we all have problems! <3

Sarav123 February 21st, 2016

Probably my school life and social life. Because of My depression I have to be homebound. Which means that I still go to my school but I can't be there because I'm a risk to myself.

BridgetAileen February 21st, 2016

@Sarav123, I'm sorry that your depression is taking such a toll on you. It must be difficult to be homebound for your schooling. I hope that you find support and friends here at 7 Cups that will help ease things for you.

benevolentWings22 February 22nd, 2016

It really affects my motivation and its a struggle everyday to find a reason to get through it.

BridgetAileen February 22nd, 2016

@benevolentWings22 You're right there! It takes a lot of hard work. Every. Single, Day.

georgiaaigroeg February 22nd, 2016

My ability to work. I'm unemployed at the moment. I think my inabilty to concentrate and lack of energy leads to stress when I'm working, and not being able to cope with the stress causes suicidal ideation and a whole bunch of other symptoms.

BridgetAileen February 22nd, 2016

@georgiaaigroeg Oh Georgia, that must be incredibly difficult. I'm fortunate in that I was able to continue working until I retired. I hope things improve for you.

Underpressurewilson March 3rd, 2016

@georgiaaigroeg relationship with my girlfriend and son

BridgetAileen March 3rd, 2016

@Underpressurewilson I'm sorry to hear that your closest relationships are affected. I hope the three of you find a way to work it all out.

Namaste799 March 17th, 2016

@georgiaaigroeg It's like I was saring me on the mirror with your status descriptio...I am desperate and I do not have a clue what can I do.

If someone read to usand could give a piece of advise...

It is really hard feel in this way

JK17 OP February 22nd, 2016

Hi everyone.

Thanks for sharing. I had a really bad afternoon. One of the things depression has effected was my relationship. My ex now hates me and send me hateful texts. I have to put up with this for the rest of my life because we have a daughter.

It makes it so hard to try and get better because when i get a text it makes me want to kill myself. I was at work when I got it and had to walk out of a meeting.

I hate my life.

BridgetAileen February 22nd, 2016

@JK17 It sounds like your ex has some issues to deal with. Sending hateful texts is definitely not a healthy and mature way to handle communication. And not just once or twice...that might be "having a bad day".

I'm sorry that those texts make it difficult for you to get better. I know I'd have trouble, too. May today be free of hateful texts.

Keirra February 22nd, 2016

I tend to overthink everything, so when my boyfriend says things in a joking way I take it to heart and overthink and freak out. I cry a lot too

BridgetAileen February 22nd, 2016

@Keirra I completly understand. Sometimes I have a really hard time personalizing things people say or do when they're really not personal at all. But some days, I just can't seem to help it. I'm sorry you are going through that. It's no fun at all.

DepressiveVeggie February 22nd, 2016


It's taken away my life- I can't get romantic relationships, work, live an independent life, be creative. I merely exist.

It's taken away the things that made me, 'me'. I don't think I'd be anything if the depression was taken away.

BridgetAileen February 22nd, 2016

@DepressiveVeggie (((Veggie))), I'm so sorry that depression has robbed you of so much. I truly hope that you'll be able to find "you" in there somewhere.

DepressiveVeggie February 22nd, 2016


Thanks, that's sweet of you

JK17 OP February 23rd, 2016

@DepressiveVeggie - Hey things cant make you 'you'. No matter what you do or who you do it with its still you and people know that. Fight back and do the things you enjoy.its worth it.

DepressiveVeggie February 23rd, 2016


I lost my 'fight' a long time ago. 'Me' is my mental illness. There's nothing else any more- aside fron despair and hopelessness.

JK17 OP February 23rd, 2016

@DepressiveVeggie sorry to hear that. If you like reading try 'Only forward; Michael Marshall Smith. Its a fun little escape

DepressiveVeggie February 23rd, 2016


What's it like? I don't really read self help stuff- it's often very accusatory.

I go through periods when I can't even read- one of the few things I can still do. But the last time I went through a spell like that, the Harry Potter books helped. I'm a huge fan, so there's no pressure to take everything in, but there's also so many lovely bits that aren't covered in the films. It's spooky how much the dementors resonated after becoming long term mentally ill.

JK17 OP February 24th, 2016

@DepressiveVeggie - nah its not self help or preachy stuff. it's just a fun story. I dont like it when people recommend books its such a had things to do because people have different tastes. I hardly read because i cant still my mind but i really enjoyed this one.

inthemaking February 22nd, 2016

Its taken away from me my sense of self. I dont know what actions and thoughts are due to the depression and whats originally me or if theres a difference at all.

BridgetAileen February 22nd, 2016

@inthemaking Yeah, it can be really confusing at times. And then sometimes I wonder if I even need to know which is which. But I still keep questioning.

JK17 OP February 23rd, 2016

@inthemaking Hey thanks for sharing. I can totally relate to this at the moment. Im trying to put everything back together but I dont know who I am sometimes??

Bookwormellir February 23rd, 2016

It takes away my writing and my friends. I isolate myself from everything that makes me happy

BridgetAileen February 23rd, 2016

@Bookwormellir I understand. It's so difficult. When I stop to think about why I do that, I wonder why I don't do what I enjoy. But I still struggle. I hope you find some support here that will help you with that.

JK17 OP February 23rd, 2016

@Bookwormellir - Time alone can be ok and writing is a good outlet. Just when its balanced with the social stuff. Even small doses like just chatting to one friend.

Bookwormellir February 24th, 2016

@JK17 that's the thing. I can't even write. I just lay there doing nothing. I feel like I'm stripped of everything. I do understand what you mean about being social though. I try to let myself give into it for about 5 minutes and just lay there and adter that I force myself up and out in small increments. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes to get out of bed and another 30 or so to text/call/meet up with friends but I do eventually do it. Its gotten easier with this app and supportive friends :)

JK17 OP February 24th, 2016

@Bookwormellir - good to hear some things working for you and this app / website too

alifegiven February 23rd, 2016

I think that depression effects your mind and how you see the world. You see it in a mirror way of what it truly is.

JK17 OP February 23rd, 2016

@alifegiven wow thats hard to visualise. i definately thinkit effects the wayyou view things. Sometimes it feels like a storm in my head.

tranquilVision80 February 23rd, 2016

My interest in anything, or rather the lack of it. My ability to enjoy life, I'm sad even when something good happens. It affects my relationships because in the past I've often settled into abusive relationships due to low self esteem, probably stemming from depression. My ability to care is low. I don't care about my family, for instance if my mom died I would be more worried about the repercussions rather than the death. I constantly feel guilty about everything. I self harm and do other impulsive things like go to school drunk to get rid of all the negative feelings and thoughts. It affects my productivity, but I don't really care about that so I wouldn't consider that a negative thing. There's not anything it affects the most, it literally affects every aspect of my life to a great degree.

BridgetAileen February 24th, 2016

@tranquilVision80 I hear what you're saying. It can hurt so much to feel that we do what we can to avoid that pain. But even then there's still pain. So very difficult.

JK17 OP February 24th, 2016

@tranquilVision80 - thats true. it is hard to single out one thing the most sometimes. it can consume your life. I find it amazing so many people feel the same way but you never go outside and look at people and go yeah they got deression.

March 1st, 2016

My future.For me,depression is like being trapped in a maze.I lost so much time already,and I'm still not out.And outside the maze,life goes on without you.How do you explain the missing 7 years in your resume ? 'I was too busy trying to survive in my own head'?

JK17 OP March 1st, 2016

@helpfulCat5200 - Hey thinking of you and anyone else suffering. The people who don;t understand never will. You need to do what is best for you and dont let anyone judge you :)

March 2nd, 2016


Thank yousmileyHaha what I need is to spend some time on some beach somewhere with ten cats,swim,eat,draw,and sleep without care.Real Life and job hunting only fatten my depression.

It's really nice of you to encourage others.When I was at my most depressed,I wasn't able to reach out to people.

But,after I escaped it for a while,I thought,there are many things depression has taken from me,but if there's one think it's given me,it's a bit of empathy.I think without it I wouldn't understand art,or films,or sad music,or understand how people suffer.

Also,I have some family and friends with depression,and they are the kindest people I know.

March 3rd, 2016

I can't be around or just talk to people, that's how it affects me