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What is the thing that depression effects the most in your life?

JK17 February 20th, 2016

Just wondering how depression effects other people.

RecoveringFlower December 31st, 2017

Motivation probably. I have no motivation to do good in school or life anymore. Why bother? Depression runs me now so..

JK17 OP January 30th, 2018


Words are very powerful - saying depression runs you gives it strength. Say only positive things over and over then you will start to believe them. Even the smallest positive can get you started. WORDS ARE YOUR WEAPONS. Speak what you wish.

CantStepOut January 28th, 2018

It removes my sense of self. It takes away energy, emotions and empathy. I cannot see anything to live for and therefore have no interests in anything or any one. Together is leads to hopelessness.

JK17 OP January 30th, 2018


The feeling of hopelessness is one of the worst definately. Without joy and love we can feel empty and not motivated. But the truth is within us all we just need to massage it out. Be patient start small find the joy again. Even just eat breakfast each day with no joy then realise that even just doing something good like that makes you stronger and will help you believe in yourself.

CantStepOut February 7th, 2018

@JK17 Yes, when I'm not in a state of depression, little things I enjoy do mean a lot. I take the time to do them rather than look at things as chores. I know what work it is to wash the car inside and out, but I know that it will look good when I'm done.

If I'm deeply depressed I can't get out of bed to wash the car.

JK17 OP February 7th, 2018


I'm glad to hear not everything is a chore :)

Every one has ups and downs. Eventually there will be more ups for you to enjoy.

CantStepOut February 21st, 2018


Thanks Buddy

Heyanonhowwasyourday January 29th, 2018

It's comforting to see lots of people suffer with interest and motivation, we can all achieve a lot but it can be so hard to try and cultivate that motivation. Remembering Small successes are still successes often helps me!

JK17 OP January 30th, 2018


Well said :)

Even those without depression go through ups and downs. Celebrate the good things and put your energy into making more around you.

MarcusAJohnson January 29th, 2018

It affects my productivity at school. I feel no motivation to do anything anymore. Not even my hobbies. It affects me physically. My neck gets really stiff and sometimes my hands feel numb and weak and start to tremble.

JK17 OP January 30th, 2018


Take some time out to invest in yourself. Start even just doing 1 thing a week that makes you stronger. Then make it one thing a day. etc.

I believe in you!!

January 29th, 2018

I'm an introvert . But I used to have satisfaction in my own world . I used to collect stickers , read variety of books and enjoyed gardening . But depression made me feel empty . I feel so numb and lonely at times . And I used to be a bright student at school . But now my grades are very poor . I have worst mood swings . My concentration and memory power has become very poor . I am not at all interested in studies . Depression has ruined my life .

JK17 OP January 30th, 2018


Hi. Thanks for taking the time to write here. It certainly has a big impact on everyone and we all need to find a way to cope with it. I am sure we will all live with it forever and that's ok as long as we have protective factors in place. Choose love. Live with love and follow your heart. Take small steps. you my not feel the same joy as before but you can get back there. I am trying really hard because I want to be happy. It's taken me two years and finally some things are starting to change. I wish you good luck.

Heyanonhowwasyourday February 7th, 2018


Really sorry to hear that, it must be so frustrating for you to feel you currently are not able to learn and better yourself. It may be hard to believe but if you were motivated before you could become motivated again and don't put too much pressure on yourself for not getting back on track :)

Dachs February 3rd, 2018

I hate most that it lays around your brain like slime and does not let you think a single thought through properly. I cannot do the things that I love when it comes that far; I cannot read, I cannot learn, I cannot write. It's like hell and I hate it. The worst is that I know that I'll have to live with this my entire life, and I don't know when it strikes back and how strong. I have found some tricks too keep the light forms at bay for a while (witha high amount of energy needed), but whenthe heavy ones come I can only lay down and try not to choose the easiest solution.

But I hope that there is a strategy for this, too, and that I will learn just how to endure it until it gets better. It is a sickness after all, so I can declare it my enemy. Sometimes I think: depression, I will tear you to pieces, and I will survive you, although nobody sees how I fight. But I will endure, because I am strong - and I think all those who have survived that far are incredibly strong.

Also, dogs help! :))

will0thewisp February 19th, 2018


I couldn't have said it better myself. The "brain slime" is too real... I feel like I can't get out of the slime and the slime won't let anything in. x_x We're absolutely survivors here. And yes... dogs help!!!

RhapsodyonSilence February 19th, 2018

Motivation more than anything - the idea that nothing has a point to it anymore

existentialkat February 19th, 2018

@RhapsodyonSilence I agree

existentialkat February 19th, 2018

I push people that care away to make room for those who dont. I neglect self-care to the point where washing my hair is a foreign act and leaving my bed feels like i have a ball and chain. The ability to feel joy from things that make me happy is completely gone. I become numb.

LadyInSilence February 19th, 2018

Your physical and emotional stability

February 19th, 2018

I hate how depression effects my ability to think rationally about anything. I never know how I

determinedstar91 February 19th, 2018

I hate how my depression distances myself from others

Hope7879 February 19th, 2018

i hate how depression affects the way i feel and think and how i feel about myself

Thadessa February 22nd, 2018

My relationships. The most immediate negative effecting relationship is the one with my boyfriend bc hes one of the only people that know in detail what Im going through. Other than that, friendships are up and down. Depends on the person, and family relationship is mostly made up of lies bc I cant tell my family. And my school relationship is actually not so bad. Im doing really well but because I dont want my professors to see me and struggling but it takes a huge toll on my body to be faking it all the time, and taking 19 credits is a lot but Ive just got to finish school.

Nairhair95 February 22nd, 2018

College. I'm only in 3 days and I've already missed two of them. Wtf is wrong with me?

existentialkat February 23rd, 2018

My ability to socialise. I just become this complete introverted mess even though i used to party every day with a tonne of friends and my ex. People change and friendships change and that has taken such a big toll on me that i can't seem to get out of this hole. Everyone seems so happy without me in their life however i am the complete opposite. I get emotionally attached and i can't function.

Brooke91 February 24th, 2018


Me too!!

RecoveringFlower February 23rd, 2018

I would say my social life. It cripples my social life and then comes social anxiety. But my depression pushed me away from the only 2 friends that I have and is distancing me very far from them now. We used to talk everyday 2 years ago and now we maybe talk 1-2 times per month. I feel I can

BiKite32 February 23rd, 2018


I'm doing so bad in school right now, I can't focus and I always doubt myself

JK17 OP February 24th, 2018


Doing bad in school compared to who? Don't set yourself unrealistic expecctations. Don't compare yourself to others. Some of the most successful people in the world didn't do 'good' in school and that didn't matter.

Nobody else can measure you. Start working on your self esteem and be proud of who you are first. Start each day with that thought and you can conquer most things. Happiness really does come from within and words are powerful so be careful when using negative ones.

Start by saying small positives, such as I will each a healthy breakfast, coffee makes me happy, I really do enjoy listening to music and these positives will start to flow to the rest of your life.

Don't compare, dont use energy worrying for the future or stressing about the past. Stand up straight take a deep breath whenever you need it and be proud.

fineisjustalie February 24th, 2018

I hate how depression takes over my brain and makes me unstable at the worst times, I have to separate myself from others because of that.

SocialButterfly87 February 24th, 2018

My children. My life. My husband doesn't know how to nurture me when needed and instead does the total opposite!

gardeniascout27 February 25th, 2018

It affects quite a bit, but I would say my ability to be social and open up to new people and push myself forward to do important things.

imaginativeClementine6645 February 25th, 2018

I don

MadCatter March 1st, 2018

@JK17 It effects my family most

JK17 OP March 2nd, 2018


It probably doesn't you know. It's one of the things about depression that we feel like a burden to others. But they love us and make their own choice. Think about ways you can do positive things for your family no matter how small to let them know you love them.

MadCatter March 13th, 2018


I know it affects my family because I don't have sad depression. I can't easily hide my feelings behind a smile. I have angry depression and I lash out at things. My mom is my best friend and she can instantly tell these things. And I'm almost always screaming at my brother.

coolcat24 March 3rd, 2018

Not having much motivation to do anything but sit around and cry.

Bris1752 March 3rd, 2018

It makes me push people away, and I get frustrated and agry. My work at school is also not that good, so that makes me feel even worse.

lovingPenguin11 March 4th, 2018

My ability to enjoy my youth with the mindlessness that it should imply