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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!


@SadSoul07809 i feel that way too

miriam12345 June 16th, 2021

Do you have a job, or hobbies. That could help.. I m so sorry you feel that way :(

Toad01 August 10th, 2019

No energy.Cant have any fun or enjoyment.Feel as if crying is an inch a way.Sad

aquaCamp446 August 10th, 2019

I feel like im in survival mode like i'm not feeling able to cope anymore but im just here.

Occipitalpanic August 11th, 2019

I feel numb, and I feel like a burden to others most of the day. I cry for no reason at all and I wish there was a reason to my sadness, only then would I stop crying and "get over it". Along with all this sadness comes dysphoria telling me I'm not enough, and that I'll never be enough. That I'll never be a strong handsome man like I want to be. And that triggers more depression.

Vin53 August 11th, 2019

I feel abandonment. Hurt. Anger. Hatred. Hopelessness. Defeated.

duo124 August 11th, 2019

im having more panic attacks that are getting harder to control by myself , school is about to start back and im stressing

purpleTree4652 July 7th, 2020

I feel sick to my stomach from so much stress.

lyricalAngel70 July 7th, 2020

I am feeling amazing today just a Lil bit exhausted due to work schedule.

I have been working on myself by developing healthy habits every day.

I have just returned home from the hospital & it is workout time for me. 💓

silentmockingjay July 7th, 2020


Heyy Angel! heart I relate so much because im so packed with work...

but i hope you have more good days :D

lyricalAngel70 July 7th, 2020


Thanks a lot, :D trying my best to have good days :P

With COVID19 and everything around, it is difficult.

How are you coping up with everything?

bubbleCircle3689 July 7th, 2020

I am feeling good after a long walk. Was depressed before.

silentmockingjay July 7th, 2020


Hey Bubble! long walks help me too... hope you have more good days laugh

bubbleCircle3689 July 8th, 2020


Oh, that is great 😃

DinaElwy July 7th, 2020

I am tired of always being worried about my job and my studies. I just want to feel that everything is ok and will rest ok.

purpleTree4652 July 7th, 2020

@DinaElwy, I can relate to that. Sometimes I sleep and my mind tosses and turns the current threats to it all night. Whether it's finances or something else, i want to go to sleep thinking that everything is fine.

Gagaintheroom July 8th, 2020

@DinaElwy I feel the same. I really want to relax but I'm always getting worried about everything and that makes feels really bad

tluper6491 July 8th, 2020

I wish I was a rotting corpse being torn apart by vultures.

faefaerie93 July 8th, 2020

Overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, like screaming and crying and hiding.

JusticeSummers July 9th, 2020


intuitiveLake3576 July 9th, 2020

im not sure if i have depression. but today i woke up at 11 and didnt want to do anything. i wanted to go back to sleep

Msydney July 9th, 2020

Tired, numb, sad, lonely .

MeowingCacti July 9th, 2020

I feel tired of hiding the fact that I've felt numb for over two years. I just want to feel something, anything.

Jaeteuk July 11th, 2020

Getting home after work on Friday, I got into a bad mood. Started during dinner, which made me lose my appetite. By the time I finished washing the dishes, it was a quarter to 9pm. I just went to brush my teeth, went to my bedroom, closed the door, and sat on the floor listening to music through earphones from my phone.

I've been feeling teary since then, it's 3:40am now. I still feel really depressed and can't fall asleep. I'm still listening to music. It usually helps with music, but it's having no effect yet this time around. I've also been sighing a lot during this time.

Not being able to say anything or be heard is very hard. I should be used to suffering alone by now, but I can't ever get used to it. As I've always hoped for more understanding, and feeling comfortable to share my thoughts without being judged/criticized. When I know that will not happen with my family, I end up choosing not to say anything at all. As I know if I said anything, how my family members will respond, it will just make me feel even worse. Always in this alone..

miriam12345 July 11th, 2020

@Jaeteuk keep strong ! I feel the same way often, you are not alone. Hope you feel better today, we can talk about it if you want.

Jaeteuk July 11th, 2020

It's the kind of weekend where I want to stay in bed all day.. finally got 4 hrs of sleep, before woken up by noise in the house. Still not up to it. Trying to think of what I should eat for breakfast..


miriam12345 June 16th, 2021

Hey. Hope you are better now..

purpleTree4652 July 12th, 2020

I feel like i'm close to a mental break down.

ajw99 July 12th, 2020

Feeling a 6/10, which is pretty ok

BearMerchant July 16th, 2020

I can't grasp time, focus, or finish anything. My mind is lost in a fog it never seems to get out of. It's hard to type even this much.

yzzil September 10th, 2021

I feel emotionally needy.

bluehouse2020 July 21st, 2020

I'll be fine

tluper6491 July 29th, 2020

I want to fucking die. Somebody please kill me.

mytwistedsoul July 29th, 2020

@tluper6491 I wish there was something I could say to you to change your mind. I understand what you mean though and there have been times when I wanted nothing more then the end. I'm here if you'd like to talk or maybe I can just sit with you for alittle while if you'd like

powerfulMaple1852 August 19th, 2020

I still feel lost, want to cry but I cant anymore.

I'm numb and to a point where nothing matters.

lusedandconfused August 28th, 2020

I feel shit! Once again I trusted someone who hurt me... the real problem is that i know he makes me feel bad about myself, always cheating on me, making me feel crazy, lonely and used, but anyway i still love him... i still miss him arround me all the time, it breaks me apart... why do I keep loving people who only want to use me and then spit me away.. i feel sad, hopless, and i am really sorry about myself, i feel ashamed... :(

imlistening01 June 17th, 2021

tired, overwhelmed, distracted, but trying - always trying. -S x

imlistening01 June 21st, 2021

pretty overwhelmed with everything going on right now. i often feel like i’m a bad person, that i’m not doing enough, that i’m not good enough. i’m trying though :) -S x

purpleTree4652 June 23rd, 2021

My brain is fuzzy, foggy, like being in thick pea soup with chunks of ham. I have thoughts floating over other thoughts. I'm wondering if it is my depression meds again. I used to feel this way after being on depression meds for years. I just accepted it as the new normal. But then I switched to the generic of Lexapro and my muddy thoughts went away for a couple years. They're back. I have so much on my mind at one time I can't think clearly.

helpfulCucumber2751 June 26th, 2021

Heartbroken. Hurt. Numb