Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?
I feel a little down because some things are out of my control in my life and I can't accomplish things I want.
I feel terrible like I dug a hole and don't know if I can dig myself out of it. I've taken all the stuff I don't like about myself and taken it out on the ones who care about me and that I love
I still feel the same, but I think I'm developing a habit of getting out of bed at a reasonable time and going out for walks. Appetite has also improved these past few days.
I've been really worried lately about how this will affect my work and career, and despite not having started yet, I've been pessimistic that therapy will ever "fix" me. I'm now starting to think that even if I don't get better, I can learn to live with it and function as I'd been doing before the depressive episode.
Angry, and bitter and sad.
I felt alright this morning but then I got worse as the day went on. Then I got angry at myself because I had forgotten to take a med at a certain time. Now I just feel hopeless.
Without hope.
Alone. Extremely sad. I feel worthless. I can't describe it anymore than I have.
@Dkfmpark I've been there. I sometimes think any friends I make only feel pity for me and or dont actually like me.
@Dkfmpark Been there, done that. Word of advice; There is always something that could happen tomorrow that will change your life and solve all your problems. You won't be able to meet this thing if you don't get out of the bed and out of your room.
Feeling okayish. Dealing with depression of not wanting do anything
Exhausted. So exhausted. Exhausted, and I hate myself for it.
Me too