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Depression Community - How do you actually feel today?

Laura December 2nd, 2014

Let us know in 1-3 sentences. Post every day!

JXCXLXN April 10th, 2015

I don't want to exist anymore I feel like I have no reason to be here now.

intuitiveNest3247 April 10th, 2015

I found out my ex is having issues with the guy she's talking to. He's taking her for granted and she's hurting over that. I want the best for her and I'm trying to comfort her. It hurts to know that I truly appreciate her and love her like no one else. Yet, she's losing sleep over an asshole while I'm here losing sleep over her.

orangeShade5138 April 10th, 2015

I feel trapped in my life. I don't have anyone to talk to that would understand or would care. The time I tried to talk about depression with my friends they laughed in my face and I'm too scared to try again.

blueLychee06 April 10th, 2015

Dude, if ever you need someone to talk to again and im online.. chat me.. i also experienced that, whenever they needed someone, im there.. but when i needed them, no one answers..

Localmanfixeseverything April 10th, 2015

I feel worried about my friend and about my life. I feel insignificant and tired.

blueLychee06 April 10th, 2015

Its not that its a bad thing to worry, its good because you know where you need tostart fixing things.. the only question is, are you ready for it to be fixed?

marsha11 April 10th, 2015

I feel unhappy all the time my boyfriend for five years has been cheating on me I feel unloved I hate myself I can't eat or sleep I keep blaming myself for thing that is not my fault I just feel like dying

Sunfeather72700 April 10th, 2015

I feel like crying and I don't know why. I feel sad and lethargic. What is wrong with me?

Eksophiehooray April 10th, 2015

I feel lost and worthless

blueLychee06 April 10th, 2015

The thing about being depressed is you feel like you're drowning while you see everyone else is breathing. Its from a quote but that is really what it feels like. When someone asks you "whats on your mind?" Your brain starts to shatter because it cant find an asnwer to the question.. its so messed up.. and its like no one is there to reach for your hand

UmmItsMegan April 11th, 2015

I feel alone and like noone wants me. I feel trapped inside my own mind. I feel like I'll never be able to be fixed again.

TheMusicalViolinist April 11th, 2015

I'm doing okay today. :)

Lostandalone23 April 11th, 2015

Not good low lost alone

maddie19 April 12th, 2015

Lost. Like I'm not there anymore. Likethe way I act when I'm around people is just some false production and then when I'm alone I go back to being empty inside.

LindsaySupport321 April 12th, 2015
. really helps people in 7cups. I recommend it to them and a lot of the people have told me how much it has helped.

aloverkiller April 15th, 2015

I'm fineand bad at the same time. I'm confused. Do not know what feeling

skyfly April 16th, 2015

Would have done the planit if there isn't a possibility of failure, if it isn't that painful to carry out and my loved ones won't be hurt.

Pressing on.

Roadie April 17th, 2015


You can do this, my friend. You can continue on!

Heruderu April 16th, 2015

I'd like to disappear. I need to study for an exam and a final project, but I just can't seem to find the strength to get up and do it.

Roadie April 17th, 2015


I can completely relate to what you're saying here, both from my study background but also with work at present. Knowing what you need to do and being able to get yourself into a zone to do it are two different things entirely.

LovePom April 17th, 2015

I've told my parents everything that's been going on and they told I toldthem not to do.I thought that the talk would be good afterwards and it was until I really started to think about what they both said. Theydidn't really accept anything.Everything's the same. I feeleven worse than before people found out. I thought I'd get help, but nothing has changed. I don't think things are getting better. Or even will get better. This feels endless

AmbientMorningWoodlands April 17th, 2015

The same thing happened to me, I was hospitalised for a suicide attempt and when I went to my parents afterwards, they brushed it under the covers in front of me and pretended it never happened, but told their friends every single detail. I learned that overcoming depression has to come from yourself because the people around you often just don't know how to deal with it. It's hard to take that first step but I think you've done that by coming here :)

AmbientMorningWoodlands April 17th, 2015

Feeling abused trying to help my bipolar sister and being run around in circles. Anxious about my financial situation. Even though I have future goals set out, I feel like I'll never reach them

April 17th, 2015

Blank. Not totally horrible. Failing to see the light.

Psyentist April 17th, 2015

I feel OK today.

April 18th, 2015

Today is ok. This is a nice change.

TheRoseByAnyOtherName April 21st, 2015

My anxiety has been so bad lately I feel like I'm going to throw up, and my depression seems to be getting worse every day. I already see a psychologist and I'm on a waiting list to see a psychiatrist as well. A lot of my close friends are going through the same type of thing, and whenever I'm with them I feel like we're a constant reminder to each other of the sadness we all feel. Maybe it's best if we take a break from each other...

tleigh17 April 21st, 2015

I feel as if I will never fit in, and that my family will never want me. I've never felt this low before...

ak4482 April 21st, 2015

I feel the sick sensation that I screwed up...again. That I cannot and will not and should not be loved and that I should just die & rid society of the disgrace that is me.

elliereese April 21st, 2015

I feel many different things. My anxiety is out of control. I want to be happy so bad and I'm trying hard to stay positive but it's hard sometimes.

DawnsAshes April 21st, 2015

Today I feel like I am done. Everyday I struggle to tell myself that I need to live for others. I want to be selfish though and end it. I hate being selfish but idk if I can handle living anymore. I love my family and I'm going to let them know. I can't anymore......

SilentGirl2438 April 21st, 2015

I feel like i'm alone and have no one, there could be many people around and I'd still feel alone. I feel like i'm a burden to those around me, i feel worthless, and like a failure

sensitiveWater9714 April 21st, 2015

I feel like crap, to be perfectly honest. I had an awful body image today so I hardly ate anything all day. I'm currently crying and wishing I could go to sleep and just not woke up for a few years, maybe forever. It's so hard not to relapse, but I'm trying so hard...

TheMusicalViolinist April 21st, 2015

Last week and this week I've been feeling happier. Maybe it's the exercise? The positivity? The meditation? Idk, but I'm liking it! Lol :) I'm not 100 percent happy yet, but at least I am making progress! :)

Sephilia April 21st, 2015

I feel like I don't fit in with anyone, friends or family. I don't belong anywhere. I don't want to go in and do my job and I don't want to go home. Invisible in my own home, I just want to disappear..

jewelsashes April 21st, 2015

I feel totally worthless, out of touch with everyone. A failure and wonder why anyone would love me.

PlotTwist April 21st, 2015

I just don't feel anything. It's kinda mind-numbing and nobody really understands..

Madelaine April 21st, 2015

I actually feel like self-harming myself to the point that I would be seriously injured. I do this thing when whenever I feel depressed or something similar to that I will ignore all those who are close to me and after that, rather than apologizing to the person I ignored and getting on with our lives, I will continue to ignore the person because I think it is better this way, because they are better off without me and I will not have another chance to hurt them. And today I met two of my great friends that I haven't talked since January and of course they wanted to know why I ignored them but I couldn't give them an answer because the meeting was so unexpected and I got really upset because I knew that I messed up really bad. So I just said that I didn't have a particular reason and of course they were hurt because of that. I wish I could somehow fix all of this but I feel that it's already too late. I'm sorry for just spilling everything here but I just needed to vent for a bit.

balletmaria26 April 22nd, 2015

I feel like I want to cut really bad. I want to talk to my friends about it but I'm scared they'll tell my parents. Also, I'm really hopeless and empty today, and I don't really look forward to the future.

DeadlyFlying April 22nd, 2015

I feel like self-harming. I'm ill, and depressed. I'm trying my hardest to seem even sicker to get out of school, because the kids there hurt me. I feel worthless.