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Weekly Prompt #34: What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

ASilentObserver April 5th

Hello all, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

Last week we discussed: Have you ever stopped to ponder the complexities of your own mind? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts and questions for discussion. They were thought-provoking questions and thoughts. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you

This week's prompt: What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

Life throws curveballs, and sometimes we all get caught in the rain. What's one difficult situation you're currently navigating? This could be anything from feeling overwhelmed at work to dealing with a personal challenge or a big decision that looms on the horizon. So, I invite you to pause for a moment and share with us. Let us get started on this journey of self-discovery together, supporting and empowering each other along the way. 

Note: I invite all to help me with creating these weekly prompt discussions so that we all can come together and discuss something related to depression every week. If you any interested in helping me out, please share your interest through this form and  I will reach out to you to guide and support you in creating the next discussion. 


semisoupynoodle April 5th

i am struggling with my education and passing grades :((

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@semisoupynoodle awww good luck sweetie ❤❤

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@semisoupynoodle Thank you for opening up with us and being here, Noodle. I'm sorry to hear you're having a tough time with your education. It can be really discouraging when you're not doing as well as you'd like. How are you feeling about your challenges in school?

ImpudentIncognito April 5th

What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

Financial...I'm currently disabled, and it's been difficult getting assistance financially.

I also have an issue with staying focused. I took a break from 7cups for close to a month, but here I am...back again. I might leave again and focus in on some things that I need to do (ex. finish my real estate classes to get license since I'm lagging behind, focus more on my health & try to eat better, getting ready to move out of this city, etc). 

I just need to change some things in my life to make it better.

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@ImpudentIncognito your a very clever person , it's all gonna work out for you ❤ everything will be ok ❤❤ hugs you tightly ❤

OneErased April 5th


Sorry to hear about your financial problems, I've been through some of those in my life and it sucks big time. But it's awesome that you're aiming for the future with the classes and a career. It sounds like an interesting one, too. Wish you didn't have all the other problems to deal with on top of that, I'm disabled too and the focus issues can be extremely bad - not helpful with learning in the slightest. I do wish it all turns out better for you in the future. It sounds like you're on the right path at least, taking time for yourself and aiming for all that. 

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@ImpudentIncognito Thank you for sharing with us, impudent. I can understand and relate you're experiencing challenges with finances and focusing. These are tough situations to face, and I can imagine them taking a toll on you. What feelings come up for you as you think about these challenges?

icanremember April 8th

My husband thinks I cheated on him.

It started a year and a half ago. I believe that deep down he knows it isn't true. Or maybe I just want to believe that. Either way, he's convinced himself. And at this point he's done so much damage to our lives that facing the truth of what he's done would be more painful than continuing to believe I betrayed him.

I've moved into the spare bedroom and only see him briefly in the mornings and evenings. We only speak when it's necessary.

I miss him so deeply. I loved being loved by him more than I'd ever dreamed possible. I can remember exactly what it felt like. Sometimes I wish I couldn't.

PopPunkPrincess17 April 5th


Not being able to find a job. Feeling like I have failed in life.


@PopPunkPrincess17 You haven't failed in life. What is for you will come. Stay strong you will find the career that is for you!

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@PopPunkPrincess17 you haven't failed. Just don't give up ❤ remember it ain't over till the fat lady sings ❤

(That's a British expression)

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@PopPunkPrincess17 Thank you for sharing this with us. Princess. It takes courage to open up about challenging situations like this. Feeling like a failure can be incredibly tough. How are these feelings impacting you? Please know you have all of us here with you to listen to and support you. 

navyTalker73 May 30th

I struggle with unemployment. Especially stuck in those anxiety.

OneErased April 5th

What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

Had a stroke recently so that's causing a lot of changes in life. I'm not really good with change. Gotta aim for a healthier life and all that, so taken my disabilities it means rearranging, planning and making a new routine for about everything. Meds involved are causing whole different issues too. Plus had to stop smoking so those withdrawals aren't fun rn. 

So yeah, life seems to find ways to keep things interesting, mind my sarcasm. 

ImpudentIncognito April 5th

@OneErased Ooof, that bites that you're dealing with all of that. Can relate to quitting certain substances (ex. alcohol & smoking MJ) and dealing with the withdrawals. They were awful the first month, but gradually went away over time, I'm on month 3 now and feel a little bit better, still dealing with some slight side effects (ex. no appetite, nightmares, etc). I think it's good that you're aiming for a healthier life. It can be difficult at first, but gets a little bit easier overtime. I hope things get better for you by the way, it's definitely not easy dealing with medical issues and having a bunch of changes thrown at you at once while dealing with said medical issues. So kudos to you for striving to become healthier, you got this! ✨

OneErased April 5th


Can relate to quitting the serious stuff too, being a recovered addict and alcoholic. Been a long time since I quit the heavy stuff so already forgot how bad it can be. I'm glad to hear you've made it that far and that you're starting to get into a better place with that. You keep at that, that's an awesome achievement right there, and definitely not an easy feat. It all takes its time for sure.  

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@OneErased 😟 sorry sweetie, gives you a giant tiny hug ❤

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@OneErased Thank you for sharing One and good to see you. I appreciate your support to others as well in this thread and other discussions. I am sorry to hear about the stroke. That is quite overwhelming. It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now with all the changes happening. It's understandable that you would struggle with it. How are you feeling about all these changes?

OneErased April 9th


I'm really not good with changes so my mood's been in a horrible place lately, which I hate as much as anyone. But time will tell and all that. 

Michelh1996 April 5th

So it was my birthday yesterday and I always find that a confronting day. In terms of time, achievements and contact with people. When people forget you it kinda hurts, but when they don't and give you attention for the first time since lets say my last birthday, it also kinda hurts. Lik people that never even ask you how you're doing, all of a sudden pretend to care, or so it feels.

On top of that one of these achievements over time involves finding a house, which everybody always keeps asking me about. And I am at an age most people will say I should already have one. But it is so difficult at the moment because for someone who is alone, there is basically no options as everything is so expensive. You either settle for a room or box where you might end up unhappy just so you can say that you have a place or get outbid like crazy and time just goes on...

chyni April 5th


firstly let me say, happy belated birthday 🎉 

i know just what you mean, i used to feel that way every year my birthday comes around. also, my birthday is next week saturday so, aries gang! ♈️

i’d be lying if i said that, i wasn’t feeling the same. worrying about the achievements i could’ve/should’ve achieved and all things negative. i think next time around we should try to focus on how far we’ve come and appreciate the small achievements we tend to overlook. 

also, not everyone had the same start in life, so i hope you’re not comparing yourself to other people your age and saying that you should’ve already have a house, let people talk if they want to, they will regardless anyway. focus on you and go at your own pace, move whenever you feel comfortable and not because you feel rushed. 💖 take care of yourself, and i’m wishing you the best life have to offer 

Michelh1996 April 5th

@chyni Thanks! April gang indeed :) 

I agree, it is difficult though because even if I don't do that, most others people will do that for me, like compare and stuff. I try to take some time to reflect from time to time, but it is easy to overlook these things for sure!

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@Michelh1996 happy birthday 🎂 you know what next birthday plan a weekend break so you don't have to deal with anyone, just relax and enjoy yourself ❤❤ you deserve nice things ❤❤

Michelh1996 April 5th

@Tinywhisper11 Thanks! Oh my, I was thinking the same thing last night, my birthday is on a friday I think so that can work out well :)

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@Michelh1996 Belated happy birthday Michel. Thhank you for being a valuable member and support to us in the community. I hope you have a meaningful and progressing year with more support and easy times. We are all here with you. 

It sounds like you have a lot of different emotions come up around this time of year. Can you share more about what it's like for you to feel let down by others? How does it show up for you? And what does it bring up for you?

Michelh1996 April 6th

@ASilentObserver Thanks!

I find it confronting sometimes as well when people don't seem to care as much or pay attention to me while I feel like when people contact me or have a bond with me I always genuinely try to care and help when needed. I have found myself making like 90% of the efforts in a relationship with someone (I mean family/friends). Always texting first, or making sure I take their opinion/time/schedule/preferences into account while they don't really do that for me. So days like your birthday put a litle bit of a magnifying glass on this. Lately I have been trying to match other peoples efforts a bit more from time to time and try to "care less", but then you find out who your real friends and connections are in a way, but that is also not very productive.

Zeraphim April 5th

What is one difficult life situation you are facing right now?

Finding the inner strength and energy to consistently face my fears.


@Zeraphim Me too!

Tinywhisper11 April 5th

@Zeraphim hugs you tightly ❤

ImpudentIncognito April 5th

@Zeraphim Can relate to that. I have been dealing with extreme agoraphobia after some trauma...I want to face my fears too someday. You're very brave.

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@Zeraphim thank you for opening up Zera. It seems like finding inner strength and energy to face your fears is challenging right now. You are feeling drained by the ongoing effort to confront your fears. Consistency can be challenging when we're dealing with difficult emotions. What feelings come up for you as you think about facing them?

Zeraphim April 6th

@ASilentObserver Helplessness, fear of punishment for trying, fear of worsening expectations I can't keep up with (for lack of better words).

purpleTree4652 April 5th


Hi, ASO,

I'm looking for a new apartment.  That means I'll have to buy boxes and pack them all by myself before the move out date.  Oh by the way, I'm a graduate student in college and I'm in finals, so I have a little more to do because of that.

purpleTree4652 April 5th


P.S. And that is an easy problem I face right now.

chyni April 5th


i can only imagine the frustration. when i had to move into a new apartment i was stressed with all the packing and cleaning up i had to do, not to mention i also had other things stressing me out. 

regardless, you got this, and you’re stronger than you know. in no time, you’ll pack everything up and move, venturing into a new chapter. i’m excited for you 💖 take it easy on yourself, and i’m wishing you the very best on your exams 

ASilentObserver OP April 6th

@purpleTree4652 It sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now with final exams and moving, Purple. How are you feeling about the challenges you face?

purpleTree4652 April 6th


I don't know.  In my life, I haven't done well and received any congratulations or well done or keep up the good work from anyone in my life.  Plus, I've been a drunk at different times of my life.  Now I'm mostly sober and am trying to navigate life without anyone.  It's hard.  I'm trying to feel confident but like I said, it's hard.


Proud of you being so independent and successful getting your life in order. It is no easy feat. Moving and exams are hectic alone let alone together. One day at a time. So glad you are moving too. 

purpleTree4652 June 2nd


Hi, Grateful,

I wish I moved.  The job that offered to me was cancelled before I started.  That means that I lost the new apartment that I thought I was moving into.  

So I'm back to looking for a job and living in my old roach infested apartment.

Thanks for the support anyway.

So sorry 🤗 there will be other offers …