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themightyhealer April 12th, 2023

Hello Everyone!

Does anyone like to learn foreign languages?


damaged97 April 12th, 2023

I'd love too

themightyhealer OP April 13th, 2023

@damaged97 You don't?

damaged97 April 13th, 2023

@themifhtyhealer I'm not learning any at the moment I don't have time but I'd love too

themightyhealer OP April 14th, 2023

@damaged97 I understand. If you had the time, what language/s would you learn and why?

froggeychair April 12th, 2023

I adore learning languages.

Currently learning Latin which I'm fairly good at atp since I've been learning it for some years, Swedish which I'm probably around A2? and Norwegian, Arabic and Greek. For the last three I'm still at the basics cuz I don't have much time or energy to commit to them regularly

themightyhealer OP April 13th, 2023

@froggeychair That's great! Latin is an interesting language!

Norwegian and Swedish are amazing languages! I speak a little bit of both actually.

How long have you been learning foreign languages?

froggeychair April 13th, 2023

technically since about 9 years but only as I grew older I started to put more time and concentration into it so not sure if one would count the first few years

themightyhealer OP April 14th, 2023

@froggeychair That's long time! You must be good at them then

froggeychair April 14th, 2023

mhm not so sure about that but I'm satisfied with my skills atm.

what about you? how long have you been learning? have any favorite languages? how do you like to learn them?

SilentConfessions April 13th, 2023

@themightyhealer me i pove to learn foreign languages

themightyhealer OP April 14th, 2023

@Eternitythings What languages do you like and why?

NickyYayUwU April 13th, 2023

Ciao! That's how we greet people here in my country! :)

I'm italian, but I kind of know a little tiny bit of portuguese (because my mom is from Brazil) and a little tiny bit of french because I studied it in middle school.

Fun fact : I also know a little of Ancient Greek and Latin, since we study it in highschool. But we don't study the language as if it is actually a foreign language. We study the ancient greek culture, the roman culture, and we analyze the language and try to translate the texts. But the one I love the most is greek!! <33

For now I'd like to keep studying ancient greek, and maybe in the future I'll study japanese or korean, because I really love their culture!!

themightyhealer OP April 14th, 2023

@NickyYayUwU Ciao, come va?
It's awesome that you have knowledge in all those languages.
Since Italian, French and Portuguese are all romance languages they have similarity.

Ancient Greek and Latin are interesting languages!

Both languages and cultures are very important to understand many things that we are experiencing right now.

Korean and Japanese are both interesting languages as well as Chinese.

They require a lot of study but worth it!

NickyYayUwU April 14th, 2023

Haha! Bene grazie! :))

Anyway yeah, also my greek teacher (which is super friendly and funny <3) told us that studying languages such as ancient greek helps to open the mindset and culture, knowledge, also the origins of a simple word and etc.

And about japanese/korean, I actually tried studying it on my own but then I gave up because I had to study for school, but it was a nice experience haha. I hope I will be able to study it in the future :))

Bean007 April 13th, 2023

Looking forward to study french!!

themightyhealer OP April 14th, 2023

@Bean007 Me too!

pinkBlueberry1988 April 13th, 2023

I like to learn languages and I am also interested in knowing the culture. My goal is to first learn Japanese language 😍

themightyhealer OP April 14th, 2023

@pinkBlueberry1988 Learning a new language is also learning a new culture!

are you interested in anime/manga or something like that?

NickyYayUwU April 14th, 2023

Me too!!! I love Japanese culture, but I'm also looking forward to learn korean :)))))

Torean April 13th, 2023


Claro que si. I'm getting pretty far in Spanish. Looking to learn more languages after.

themightyhealer OP April 14th, 2023

@Torean Que bueno!

Cuál es tu nivel de español actualmente?

Torean April 14th, 2023


He terminado casi tres cuartas de lo que se ofrecen en Duolingo, y a veces hablo con mi companero de trabajo en Español. El es de Guatemala.

I hope that sounded correct. 😅

themightyhealer OP April 15th, 2023

@Torean Vas bien!

AnissafromJapan April 14th, 2023


JaiMaa April 18th, 2023


I love to learn other languages! I have a growing wishlist since taking German classes in high school and college... I also want to learn Spanish and Hindi!

Heart4art April 20th, 2023

I love to learn different languages!

AbleToTalk3 April 20th, 2023

Omg yes! I love learning new languages, actually I'm learning some already lol

sooty41 April 22nd, 2023

Hola, me hablo un pequito de espanol, pero he perdito mucho. Ich spreche auch ein bisschen Deutsch .

I wish that i had the time to learn more. Pero asi es la vida.

ImpudentIncognito April 23rd, 2023

Yes indeed!

Was learning a couple, but had to take a step back based on life(went through some traumatic experiences and stopped).

My family/heritage languages are Spanish, English, Portuguese(still working on learning this language, but it's pretty easy since I know Spanish & English), & French (though my French sucks, but I need to learn it to communicate to family who don't speak Spanish or English).

My favourite type of languages to learn are either from the Austronesian branch or Asiatic...pretty much (most) Asian languages and Pacific Islander languages.

I've studied Mandarin(Chinese), Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Malay, Indonesian, Palau, Pohnpei, Hawaiian, Samoan, Danish, Czech, Arabic, and a few more just interchange sometimes depending on what I'm interested in at the moment...

I want to focus on Mandarin & Japanese tbh.

My son has pacific islander roots from his father(whom I separated from due to physical & verbal abuse), so some on that list is so I can learn the language to pass down to son, his dad doesn't know the languages that his parents know...and his dad is no longer in the picture.

I use many different apps & websites to learn as well:

Language Exchange: HelloTalk, Tandem, iTalki, Speakly, & Bilinguë

Grammar & Spelling Corrections (along with Culture Questions): HiNative & Lang8(idk if this still exists, I moved to HiNative)

Mostly Grammar Help(and moving up language level proficiency): Busuu

Mostly Vocab: Drops, Babble, Hello Chinese, Duolingo, Mémorisé, & Lingo Deer.

I use multiple different dictionaries as well, depending on what language I'm targeting for the moment.

I'm testing out some new apps here soon.

April 23rd, 2023
I love learning languages!!! I speak 7 fluently, yet there's always room for more! <3
themightyhealer OP January 30th

Awesome! what languages are those?

charlie8mar May 5th, 2023


Hi! I’m new here, but I really love language and I’m attempting to learn Spanish. I’ve been going through a crazy time so it’s been difficult to find passion in it enough to peruse it. Besides that depressing stuff, my goal is to learn at least three languages in my life time: Spanish, Portuguese, and maybe Japanese.

Chill3dcoffee May 9th, 2023

Yup, currently learning Japanese.

I am planning to learn Spanish and French after a few years (After i atleast become intermediate level with Japanese)

dapperWalker3968 May 9th, 2023
  • @themightyhealer

I love to learn foreign language.

Already learned some basic of french, german, spanish ,turkish, tagalog, japanese, portuguese, italy, mandarin chinese, urdu.

But since i seldom to practice them, they already gone out of the window.

neatBlueberry5213 May 9th, 2023


I've been learning German for 2 years and really enjoying it...although it is challenging.

UberRuminator May 9th, 2023


I enjoy learning. Period.

I particularly like languages though.

I’m somewhat passable in a few and know bits and pieces of others.

GermanZebraCupcake May 16th, 2023


I do! Learning a new language is a joyous (but sometimes lowkey stressful lol) activity that ultimately helps me connect with others. (And that's why it brings me joy)

secretCranberry7670 June 6th, 2023

I just started to learn Japanese!

miraculousParadise2759 June 6th, 2023

@themightyhealer How about yourself? I'd really like to get the basis of linguistics, as of to find the patterns in all languages and cultures. If I had to choose a language to learn it would probably be Italian or even dead language like Latin.

bubblegumHeart3645 June 6th, 2023

I@themightyhealer yessssss