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8) Content Categories and Topics of Interest at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

In this discussion, we will understand an overview of the current focus of content at 7 Cups through content categories as well as topics of interest for current and prospective content development.

Current Article Topics at 7 Cups can be found here

In addition, the content focus areas (alongside some ideas of sub-areas that can be focused on) include:

  1. Depression (signs and symptoms, postpartum depression, seasonal depression, other types, causes, treatment, supporting someone with depression).

  2. Anxiety (symptoms, social, separation or other types, causes, treatment, role of meditation, other coping skills)

  3. Phobias (definition, types, most common, rare, coping)

  4. PTSD (meaning, symptoms, types, therapies, causes, awareness, coping)

  5. Sleeping Disorders (symptoms, types, effects of deprivation, causes, coping, relationship of sleep and mental health)

  6. Eating Disorders (signs, types, causes, treatments, how to stop binge eating, statistics, recovery)

  7. OCD (meaning, symptoms, causes, types, thoughts, personality disorder)

  8. Schizophrenia (types of symptoms, causes, treatments, early signs, risk factors, prevalence statistics)

  9. Substance Abuse (definition, symptoms, effects, causes, risk factors, treatment)

  10. Physical Abuse (signs, effects, types)

  11. Emotional Abuse (signs, emotionally abusive relationships, parents, cycle, effects, role of gaslighting, types, healing)

  12. Sexual Abuse (signs, types, effects, survivor stories)

  13. Family (family therapy, family signs, family conflicts and resolutions)

  14. Couples (couples therapy, counseling, exercises)

  15. Sexual Disorders (sexual disorder information, therapies)

  16. Addictions (symptoms, types, treatment, how to break an addiction)

  17. Child and Adolescent (social media, substance abuse, anxiety, how to help teens)

  18. LGBT (counseling, support, coping with unsupportive people, coming out)

  19. COVID-19 (social distancing, loneliness, job loss, financial stress, coping)

  20. Maternal (postpartum depression, anxiety, maternal mental health)

  21. Coping Skills

  22. Stress (symptoms, management, coping)

  23. Relationships (symptoms of toxic or unsupportive relationships, leaving a relationship, coping with breakups)

  24. Parenting (single parents, foster parents, parenting stress)

  25. Grief and Loss (types, symptoms, stages, coping)

  26. ADHD (symptoms, causes, statistics)

  27. Autism (signs, causes, awareness, types, coping)

  28. Self-Esteem (signs, how to boost, affirmations, activities)

  29. CBT (definition, techniques, CBT for X (any) conditions)

  30. BIPOC (mental health, racism, stigma, coping)


After reading the content focus areas, mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why. Reflect and share feedback on at least one student’s shared reason too.


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CupcakeCaring February 13th


I am really interested in topics like depression, stress, relationship, family. Because these topics are more familiar to me. 

Countrygirl095 March 3rd

@SoulfullyAButterfly I'm interested in writing about all disabilities, particularly the ADHD, and if you guys could add a section for cerebral palsy, that would be great because I would be very interested in that but for now I'm very interested in the autism

MarwaneB March 5th

Nice ones @Countrygirl095 !

You know you can always talk about any subject you're interested in, although not stated above.

I do recommend you to focus on only one subject at a time. Although autsim and ADHD are both types of neurdiversity, focusing on only one particular subject is recommened, for a better quality and a more specific article, also to prevent burn-out and concentration issues.

Countrygirl095 March 5th


MarwaneB March 5th


ADHD is a content focus area that rhythms with my values and interests. As I have been suffering from attention deficit regularly in my life, and as I managed to find ways to get myself out of the distration and in the focus, I thought I would love to share what I learned so far; things I didn't find on top articles when you google ADHD treatment or coping with ADHD.

brightDayFairy March 10th

@MarwaneB I think it is beautiful that you want to contribute something based on your own experience and help others through it :)

MarwaneB March 11th

@brightDayFairy It definitely is beautiful, but it's also motivating to me and is a source of inspiration!

MarwaneB March 11th

@brightDayFairy thank you! :)


@SoulfullyAButterfly Thank you for supporting such a wide range of topics and I'm sure our members find these helpful as well. I'm open to writing articles on all of these topics to learn more and expand my knowledge base. The topics that interest me the most here are Depression, Agoraphobia, Anxiety, Loneliness, Emotional abuse, Family, Child and Adolescent, Maternal, Coping Skills, Stress, Relationships, and Self-Esteem. The topics I’ve chosen are all very important and relevant, especially in the context of mental health since and I chose a few of them after experiencing these situations through people around me. Each one presents an opportunity to delve into different aspects of human experience and provide valuable insights and support to readers. 

sky2Ocean20 March 19th


Looking forward to reading different perspectives about those topics. 💚


@sky2Ocean20 Thank you, I'll be looking forward to your works in future too 😊

brightDayFairy March 10th


My areas of interest include mindfulness, sleeping disorders, stress, relationships, grief and loss, and self-esteem. In the future, I could also imagine contributing to topics like CBT, depression, anxiety, phobias, and coping skills, thanks to the research I conducted during my degree.

lamimoon March 12th


I'm very interested in stress problems, because I think in todays society everyone is having some sort of stress, and if we don't know how to manage it, serious problems may arise. Also, CTB is very interesting to me, so I think writing about CTB techniques for stress management would be my favorite.


So true. Everyone goes through stress in this day and age and the knowledge of how to deal with it is very crucial. Smart choice:)

Bunnylovesyou March 13th


hiii! A lot of these topics really interest me, specifically adhd, and abuse, specifically in adolescence? Im a teen so my article will focus on that. Would it be okay to maybe instead of focusing on a specific kind of abuse, focus on all abuse for a specific group of people? 

walkalot March 17th

@Bunnylovesyou yes but make sure to include tips about how to respond and how to cope with the after effects 

Bunnylovesyou March 17th


of course! ❤️


I'd love to explore so many topics from these but on top would be anxiety and relationships because I myself went through them and I'd love to guide others in the right direction

CocoaCassie March 18th

I think Chronic Pain is a topic I feel I would write about, and how to cope with it. But there are so many topics and it would be nice to write about each one.

sky2Ocean20 March 19th


mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why

-relationship with sleep and mental health

- emotional abuse


-Child and Adolescents

- Coping Skills



-self esteem



Above mentioned major topics are my areas of interest and I would like to work toward developing content around them. The sole reason is - that those are the areas I have been closely experienced and studied and I think I would be able to contribute some of the experience of coping skills and writing towards those topics. 

walkalot March 20th


That's a lot. Don't get overwhelmed. Just choose one or two to start out with

InsightfulPhoenix March 25th

@sky2Ocean20, You did a great job with the selection Sky, those are some really good choices and they should be discussed more. I feel that you would do awesome talking about those subjects, I can not wait to see how you do in those departments. 🤗

sky2Ocean20 March 26th



InsightfulPhoenix March 25th


The 3 biggest categories that stuck out to me the most were PTSD, Sexual Abuse, and Relationships, these stuck out to me because I have PTSD myself, and I am a survivor of sexual assault as well as a survivor of abusive relationships not just with romantic partners but with family and even friends. I feel that these would be great categories to cover just from dealing with it firsthand. There are more but the main 3 that stuck out were the ones listed. 🥰

FeureVox March 28th


Your focus on PTSD, sexual abuse, and relationships, drawn from your personal experiences, is brave and impactful. Sharing your journey can offer unique insights and comfort to those facing similar issues, creating a space for understanding and healing.

Remember, while sharing your story, prioritizing your well-being and setting boundaries is crucial to maintaining your health and resilience. Your contributions could be a beacon of hope and strength for many.

Bunnylovesyou March 31st


these topics are incredibly smart and brave of you to choose. You not only relate, but you can teach yourself. Passion can only go so far sometimes. 

Dont do what i do and trigger myself with my knowledge 🤭🤭🤭 im kidding, im sure you will be amazing and i look forward to seeing your content! 

FeureVox March 28th


I will focus on developing content about coping skills as it is an area that can benefit a broad audience. Coping skills are universally applicable and provide foundational support for mental well-being, regardless of the specific challenge. This topic intersects with various other content categories listed, making it appealing to diverse interests and needs.

Content focused on coping skills can encourage engagement, as readers seek immediate, actionable advice. By offering a mix of general tips and specific techniques, I can cater to varied preferences and encourage interaction through comments, questions, and shared experiences.

Providing content on coping skills aligns with 7 Cups' mission of supporting individuals through emotional challenges and fosters community and shared growth.



That all seems great. I can tell you’re very motivated and committed on doing well at writing about coping skills. Good luck with your CDM, way to go!



I am interested in developing content for schizoaffective disorder, since that is my diagnosis.



That's an awesome topic with less awareness, I hope you can spread awesome information!



After reading the content focus areas, mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why. Reflect and share feedback on at least one student’s shared reason too.

I would love creating topics for anxiety, stress and PTSD, as I have my own share of experience with and also have the most knowledge about. 


it always good to choose a topic that u are familial with.

unassumingEyes June 18th

@daydreammemories these are good choices, having personal experience and knowledge about these will be sure to aid you help others through your content! 

BismaKanwal May 17th

@SoulfullyAButterfly Self esteem, because a good/bad relation with ourselves is the root of most of our problems and their solution.


Student life


self care

benefits of having pets

coolvibes June 10th

@Heartsandrosesandpaws those are all topics that would be really beneficial to the community of students here at cups. I would be very interested myself to see how the combination of these topics plays out.

 The topics I choose were all  topics I was interested in exploring .

coolvibes June 10th

@SoulfullyAButterfly I think my area of interest are PTSD, Anxiety, and CBT. I have a pretty good understanding of PTSD and anxiety issues. I have some personal experience with both, and am interested in  offering options available to manage them, like CBT and other strategies. i find supporting people with trauma related issues really rewarding.



My way of going about  this is to  go with topics  I am familiar with.

 I am glad to see that u went with topics that u are  familiar with.

keep up the good work.


Topic I went though with topics are 


Student life


self care

benefits of having pets