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8) Content Categories and Topics of Interest at 7 Cups

SoulfullyAButterfly February 26th, 2021

In this discussion, we will understand an overview of the current focus of content at 7 Cups through content categories as well as topics of interest for current and prospective content development.

Current Article Topics at 7 Cups can be found here

In addition, the content focus areas (alongside some ideas of sub-areas that can be focused on) include:

  1. Depression (signs and symptoms, postpartum depression, seasonal depression, other types, causes, treatment, supporting someone with depression).

  2. Anxiety (symptoms, social, separation or other types, causes, treatment, role of meditation, other coping skills)

  3. Phobias (definition, types, most common, rare, coping)

  4. PTSD (meaning, symptoms, types, therapies, causes, awareness, coping)

  5. Sleeping Disorders (symptoms, types, effects of deprivation, causes, coping, relationship of sleep and mental health)

  6. Eating Disorders (signs, types, causes, treatments, how to stop binge eating, statistics, recovery)

  7. OCD (meaning, symptoms, causes, types, thoughts, personality disorder)

  8. Schizophrenia (types of symptoms, causes, treatments, early signs, risk factors, prevalence statistics)

  9. Substance Abuse (definition, symptoms, effects, causes, risk factors, treatment)

  10. Physical Abuse (signs, effects, types)

  11. Emotional Abuse (signs, emotionally abusive relationships, parents, cycle, effects, role of gaslighting, types, healing)

  12. Sexual Abuse (signs, types, effects, survivor stories)

  13. Family (family therapy, family signs, family conflicts and resolutions)

  14. Couples (couples therapy, counseling, exercises)

  15. Sexual Disorders (sexual disorder information, therapies)

  16. Addictions (symptoms, types, treatment, how to break an addiction)

  17. Child and Adolescent (social media, substance abuse, anxiety, how to help teens)

  18. LGBT (counseling, support, coping with unsupportive people, coming out)

  19. COVID-19 (social distancing, loneliness, job loss, financial stress, coping)

  20. Maternal (postpartum depression, anxiety, maternal mental health)

  21. Coping Skills

  22. Stress (symptoms, management, coping)

  23. Relationships (symptoms of toxic or unsupportive relationships, leaving a relationship, coping with breakups)

  24. Parenting (single parents, foster parents, parenting stress)

  25. Grief and Loss (types, symptoms, stages, coping)

  26. ADHD (symptoms, causes, statistics)

  27. Autism (signs, causes, awareness, types, coping)

  28. Self-Esteem (signs, how to boost, affirmations, activities)

  29. CBT (definition, techniques, CBT for X (any) conditions)

  30. BIPOC (mental health, racism, stigma, coping)


After reading the content focus areas, mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why. Reflect and share feedback on at least one student’s shared reason too.


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plushMermaid2855 May 25th, 2022


I would like to learn about learning disabilities due to living with some

sshn07 June 4th, 2022


I’m interested in developing content for body image and self-esteem because I believe that a vast majority of us struggle with body image no matter what size we are in, and that significantly influences our self-esteem. I am keen to explore more about its stigma, factors/aspects, and ways to promote it. This is something, not just I, but many of the people around me have struggled/are struggling with, hence, I hope to make content to educate someone in this area.

Huriya June 9th, 2022

With social media promoting unrealistic ideas about body image, more content on this topic would surely help a lot of people. I remember being called fat when I was underweight for a short period of time and there were times when I would skip meals because I felt fat. While my experience wasn't anything serious, having people who were promoting the idea of healthy bodies or being body positive online in the right way helped me.

A really good topic choice!

Huriya June 9th, 2022

I would like to develop content regarding Emotional Abuse. I think emotional abuse is often brushed off as culture, tradition, and those sorts of things. There were, and still are, instances in my life where I fail to recognise emotional abuse or recognise it but feel helpless about what to do about it.

I have always felt knowing what is happening and understanding the whys and hows, helps me cope better. I believe this would be the same for others as well.

Anxiety is also another topic I would like to write on as it is something everybody experiences in everyday life.

June 10th, 2022


I would like to write on sexual abuse and the survivor's story. I feel that I am very well qualified to write on this subject from my own personal experiences.

June 15th, 2022


I think that @Phoenixtears has a great idea on what she wants to write content on and a much-deserved topic.

EmpathyShoulder1904 July 6th, 2022


This is also a very vital topic that should not be overlooked . There are people out there who are victims , that do not have anyone to reach out to as a result of so many factors.

PhoenixTears5972 June 14th, 2022


I am interested in the areas of Anxiety , PTSD , Relationships and couples , stress , grief and loss , helping teens and emotional abuse since these are something I have personal experience with and myself being a victim of these issues, I think I can understand these areas well enough to create content on them.

FrenchMarbles June 27th, 2022


I wish there was one for disability - is that not an option? :(

magicalOcean594 June 29th, 2022


yes that is a topic sweetie.

Good luck on your journey! And i hope the article goes great for you


magicalOcean594 June 29th, 2022


FrenchMarbles June 27th, 2022


I will go for 'Emotional Abuse' - as I'm a survivor of that. It'll be a challenge, but I did want 'Disability' - please can you make that a thing?

SoulfullyAButterfly OP July 9th, 2022

@FrenchMarbles Hi there, Disabilities is included in our categories to write specifically for!!

magicalOcean594 June 29th, 2022


i am interested in writing content for addiction because i have alot of knowledge from living the horrible experience/being on both sides of it, recovery and helping others. I feel writing this will help more people understand the disease of addiction and how to acheive recovery.

easyMaple3687 July 5th, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly I am interested in developing content for the BIPOC community, because I have many experiences that I know could help others.

SirenOfSerenity July 5th, 2022

That's an amazing topic, your direct experience and the fact that you can resonate will make the article even more authentic and helpful to the audience. This is also an extremely important topic that deserve proper attention and content 💙 I'm excited to see what you create, and I'm proud of you for pushing this far forward in the program!

SirenOfSerenity July 5th, 2022

The area I'm most interested in is Coping Skills, specifically with Loneliness. I have direct experience with Loneliness, as well as direct experience with the fact that is does get better 💙 I already know which sources I will use to help me with the article

FerineMusings July 9th, 2022


Sharing the knowledge learned through personal experience is one of the most courageous thing to do. I can already see that it'd help a lot. Thank you for contributing.
EmpathyShoulder1904 July 6th, 2022


Personally I think self-esteem is a crucial part of our various lives and a lot of people are battling with esteem issues and self-worth due to their society , family backgrounds , environments and even relationships which has now become a major part of their lives without them realising it because they assume that's how they should live which is not 👎.

I would love to develop my self on 7cups and also divulge into this topic to raise the confidence and importance of people with self-esteem issues.

WingedSoul July 12th, 2022


Sharing our lived experience with self-esteem and self-worth struggles in interpersonal relationships is so important. Thank you!

NotFound20 July 16th, 2022


I like the topic you have choose. It's something which affects every aspect of our life and people should be aware about it. I will be happy to see your content and hopefully, it will be helpful for me as well .

FerineMusings July 9th, 2022


I'm interested in writing about depression, anxiety, sleeping and eating disorders, since these are some of the issues I've experienced close to me.

I'd also like to write on LGBT+ issues as i think it is one of those areas that doesn't receive as much attention as it deserves. There are many such areas but if we are narrowing it down so I'd like to contribute in this one.

blissfulForest7074 July 16th, 2022


I like your reason for choosing the topics related to depression, anxiety, sleeping, eating disorders, and those related to lgbtq+. I can see your passion to know more about these topics.

YellowButton223 July 12th, 2022


These are the areas from the list that I am most interested in. Some of them I am interested in because I have personal experience and insight into those topics, and others interest me because I have completed significant research, training, and work on those topics and found them fascinating, for example ADHD and Autism.

  1. Depression (signs and symptoms, postpartum depression, seasonal depression, other types, causes, treatment, supporting someone with depression).

  2. Anxiety (symptoms, social, separation or other types, causes, treatment, role of meditation, other coping skills)

  3. Eating Disorders (signs, types, causes, treatments, how to stop binge eating, statistics, recovery)

  4. OCD (meaning, symptoms, causes, types, thoughts, personality disorder)

  5. Schizophrenia (types of symptoms, causes, treatments, early signs, risk factors, prevalence statistics)

  6. Substance Abuse (definition, symptoms, effects, causes, risk factors, treatment)

  7. Sexual Disorders (sexual disorder information, therapies)

  8. Addictions (symptoms, types, treatment, how to break an addiction)

  9. Child and Adolescent (social media, substance abuse, anxiety, how to help teens)

  10. ADHD (symptoms, causes, statistics)

  11. Autism (signs, causes, awareness, types, coping)

  12. CBT (definition, techniques, CBT for X (any) conditions)

WingedSoul July 12th, 2022


I am interested in developing content around sexual abuse, centered around survivor stories and how people are able to recover after their experiences. This topic is deeply personal to me, so being able to create content to help others who may be experiencing sexual abuse is an important topic.

I am also interested in developing content around Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), though I did not see that particular topic listed here. It's another personal topic for me, because I live the experience on a daily basis, and being able to support others who are living with this as part of their life experience is important to me.

YellowButton223 July 14th, 2022

These sound like good reasons, I’m sure you’ll create some really inspiring content with it being personal to you.

blissfulForest7074 July 16th, 2022


I am interested in developing content related to the lgbt+.

Besides being part of the lgbtq+ community, I understand the importance of using creative content to de-stigmatise and reduce harrasement, by raising awareness about my community.

kindheartedLily September 1st, 2023


I love this so much. It is so important to raise awareness about the LGTQIA+ community and I really like how you recognize the importance of being creative with your content.

NotFound20 July 16th, 2022


I am interested in couple of contents – Depression, anxiety, Stress, and relationships.

Since these issues we all face in our lifetimes and I have faced it too. So I believe I can provide some useful insights which I learnt in my journey.

sweetOcean1415 July 18th, 2022



I am interested in the areas of coping, stress, anxiety and depression. I am a military spouse and in my life I often deal with these thoughts and it is important to up lift others who might be suffering because of the military lifestyle which includes frequent moves, PCS and deployments.

ThoughtsBubbleExpress August 1st, 2022

@SoulfullyAButterfly Still being a student, I don't have much lived experiences with many topics mentioned here though I would love to learn and educate myself more about them. The topics that interest me here are Depression, Anxiety, Phobias, Emotional Abuse, Child and Adolocent, LGBT, Coping Skills, Stress, and Self Esteem. Because I can relate to some of these I have mild anxiety, been through bullying and emotional abuse, was addicted to social media and gaming in some early teen years, faced mild stress and self esteem issues mostly being in conflict with my ideal self and true self. Phobia because I have acrophobia fear of heights, almost died a time when I tried ferris wheel for the first time, and about LGBT and Depression I've some friends with these experiences.

admirableRose261 August 17th, 2022


What a wide range of topics! That's so interesting. I know, it feels like you need lived experience - I think it helps with perspective taking (having lived experience). Writing for someone who lived through what you are writing about it powerful. I would imagine there would be a difference between someone who is skilled at assimilating research. But like all things, you only know for certain when you are open enough to try. I look forward to writing about schizophrenia and other topics I'm interested in.

ThoughtsBubbleExpress August 18th, 2022

Thank you @admirableRose261 I hope I can write about the other topics in future as well after I've lived a little more and gained some experiences 😅 I love the topics that you chose and I'm looking forward to your works as well :)

When I moved through the articles section in the original article site of 7cups, I noticed that there were 0 articles written about sexual health.

admirableRose261 August 17th, 2022

Content areas I'm interested in

I would like to write about CBT, Coping Skills, Emotional Abuse, and Schizophrenia. There is a need for these subjects to be written about from the perspective of a person with lived experience that is able to research and present the topic from a fresh angle. I notice that Schizophrenia isn't really written about. I'd be happy to work with the content team to develop topic ideas!

CosmicMiracle August 31st, 2022


It takes courage to share challenging experiences and I admire you for doing that. Your light translates to the content you write and I look forward to reading your work in the future! :)

CosmicMiracle August 19th, 2022

Depression, anxiety, emotional abuse, family, relationships, grief and loss, self-esteem, and CBT are topics I feel confident to create content about. I don’t see myself as an expert, but I’ve lived the experiences on these topics enough to know both sides. Also, I am confident in my writing skills enough to hope to be able to get through as many varied audiences as I can.

justFarheen August 21st, 2022


Wow, these are a lot of topics! It's awesome to see that you're interested and confident in creating content on a variety of topics. Go you!

justFarheen August 21st, 2022


I am interested in creating content related to topics like depression and anxiety (anxiety disorders and coping with them). This is because I am struggling with them too. I would be able to learn new things about them and help someone too.

Ginevra962 August 24th, 2022


Seems like good topics that you can find a lot on and those are for sure good motivations. I hope you find the answers you need!

Ginevra962 August 24th, 2022


mention which area you are interested in developing content for and why.

I would like to talk about social anxiety because it affected me a lot until not too long ago so I might have some tips to add or something personal to add.

Types of eating disorder because I strongly suffer from a not known type right now and the majority of ed suffering people suffer not from anorexia or bulimia but others that are not known

Autism spectrum but high functioning that is called Asperger and I think is not well known here on 7 cups but I got almost diagnosed and I believe autism is not understood enough even less Asperger