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Weekly Prompt #2: What helps shift your mind from anxious thoughts?

ASilentObserver April 19th, 2023

Hello everyone, I hope you are all being easy on yourself this week.

Last week we discussed What worries tend to dominate your thoughts? Thank you to all who participated and shared their thoughts for discussion. I enjoyed them. I hope you all did too. If you didn't share yours, please share them here and I look forward to reading and discussing them with you.

This week's prompt: What helps shift your mind from anxious thoughts?

Anxiety can be awful and difficult to process but if there is anything that helps you shift your mind from anxious thoughts, what are they?

Let's get started and share your thoughts with us.

Also, you can join the Anxiety Group Support Chat every Monday and Tuesday.

BorahaeAndHappiness April 29th, 2023

Through a meditation, I've learned to admit that I'm feeling anxious and that it's a valid feeling, but in time when it's ready the anxiety will leave. It's a way of acknowledging it and recognizing that it will not last forever.

Other things that have helped are music, anime, and funny videos.

ASilentObserver OP May 6th, 2023

@BorahaeAndHappiness Though difficult emotions fill you now, you have found ways to stay connected to joy. Music, stories, and humor continue to inspire a light within you. There are always small moments of beauty to discover each day.

bubbleGrapefruit8113 April 30th, 2023

@ASilentObserver any sort of disraction : books, movies, music, concersations, videos or just reminding myself I am safe

bubbleGrapefruit8113 April 30th, 2023

@bubbleGrapefruit8113 I meant conversation)

ASilentObserver OP May 6th, 2023

@bubbleGrapefruit8113 These distractions and moments of comfort seem to help bring you peace when anxiety fills your mind. You have developed a compassion for yourself and know your own needs. There are always ways to ease suffering, even on difficult days. We are all here with you to listen to and support.

EzraYourLocalTrans May 6th, 2023


I listens to music and and I care for my plants and crytsals but if neither of those availible i just close my eyes for a bit and block out sound around me

ASilentObserver OP May 10th, 2023

@EzraYourLocalTrans I hear music, caring for your plants and crystals, and disconnecting from outside sounds help provide relief during challenging times.

neatBlueberry5213 May 9th, 2023


Sometimes I journal or draw. Other times I call up a family member or chat with a friend.

ASilentObserver OP May 10th, 2023

@neatBlueberry5213 It sounds like connecting with loved ones and engaging in creative activities can provide a sense of relief and comfort during challenging times.

amicableWater4529 May 13th, 2023

@ASilentObserver knowing the unknown 'let there be light'. If something's unknown it's easy to be scared - not knowing what is happening or what to do. When it becomes known, then it's less of a worry.

ASilentObserver OP May 21st, 2023

@amicableWater4529 That sounds difficult, being in a situation where so much is unknown. The worry makes sense. It sounds like knowing more helped bring some relief. What helped you keep going until you knew more?

ApurvaSingh123 May 17th, 2023

Just count 1 to 10 on your fingers or you can remember favourite scenes from movies. For me it's the speech of Ugandan student of 3 idi ots

ASilentObserver OP May 21st, 2023

@ApurvaSingh123 those sounds helpful ways Apurva.

TheSunParadox33 May 18th, 2023

Music is my number one outlet. Helps me to center myself as well as serves as a reminder that other people, to a degree, share my mental/emotional state at some point. Video games is my second thing. For some reason, being in an imaginary world that I literally control a character that is me really helps me shift my thoughts from bad to okay. I really find them peaceful and entertaining.

ASilentObserver OP May 21st, 2023

@TheSunParadox33 Music and video games seem to provide you with a sense of calm and escape from difficult thoughts. Having healthy outlets is helpful for managing emotions.

ListenerSam90 May 21st, 2023


I guess watching something funny is a good way to distract our mind from the anxiety.

ASilentObserver OP May 22nd, 2023

@ListenerSam90 that's great sam. I hear the distraction of watching something funny can provide some relief from anxiety.

AutiBoy August 31st, 2023

I have to set out regular times to stop and breathe often with meditation and grounding. Normally 5 or more times a day.

ASilentObserver OP September 4th, 2023

@AutiBoy It sounds like taking time for meditation and grounding helps you feel calmer throughout your day. What feelings come up for you when you take those moments to stop and breathe? You're aware of what you need, and that's admirable.

understandingLime3299 August 31st, 2023

I watch YouTube videos/shorts or look at funny memes.

ASilentObserver OP September 4th, 2023

@understandingLime3299 It sounds like finding humor helps provide some relief or escape. You're not alone in turning to entertainment for comfort.

reliableFriend8097 February 2nd


For me, and I hope this isn’t taken the wrong way but I have always been considered “attractive” well at least in my hometown according to their standards. Beauty is always different everywhere. But with that comes a lot of expectation that when you look a certain way, you’re expected to be perfect and not have any issues. It’s like in a way you’re not human, more like a robot and no one considers that you are human just like them and that life is not perfect.  So when I avoid eye contact or avoid people or don’t speak, it is automatically because I’m mean or stuck up or think I’m better than everyone when really inside I’m fighting inside of myself to sit here and be normal, sweating through my shirt. Trying not to make a mistake. And it is with these expectations that make me even more anxious. I wish people would just see me as human. Because that’s what I am, regardless of what I look like it’s the inside that matters but I’m so nervous that it’s hard for me to show up and be myself so most people don’t like me. Especially other girls. 

ASilentObserver OP February 4th

@reliableFriend8097 Thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds like carrying those expectations places a heavy burden on you and makes it difficult to feel free to be your full self. How does it feel to want to connect with others but struggle with anxiety getting in the way?